blob: 31f46ca961364abbbaea7a16fb28c331b3b8f0d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use crate::analyzer::ast as analyzer_ast;
use crate::backends::rust::{
constraint_to_value, find_constrained_parent_fields, mask_bits, types, ToUpperCamelCase,
use crate::{ast, lint};
use quote::{format_ident, quote};
use std::collections::{BTreeSet, HashMap};
fn size_field_ident(id: &str) -> proc_macro2::Ident {
format_ident!("{}_size", id.trim_matches('_'))
/// A single bit-field.
struct BitField<'a> {
shift: usize, // The shift to apply to this field.
field: &'a analyzer_ast::Field,
pub struct FieldParser<'a> {
scope: &'a lint::Scope<'a>,
endianness: ast::EndiannessValue,
packet_name: &'a str,
span: &'a proc_macro2::Ident,
chunk: Vec<BitField<'a>>,
code: Vec<proc_macro2::TokenStream>,
shift: usize,
offset: usize,
impl<'a> FieldParser<'a> {
pub fn new(
scope: &'a lint::Scope<'a>,
endianness: ast::EndiannessValue,
packet_name: &'a str,
span: &'a proc_macro2::Ident,
) -> FieldParser<'a> {
FieldParser {
chunk: Vec::new(),
code: Vec::new(),
shift: 0,
offset: 0,
pub fn add(&mut self, field: &'a analyzer_ast::Field) {
match &field.desc {
_ if self.scope.is_bitfield(field) => self.add_bit_field(field),
ast::FieldDesc::Padding { .. } => todo!("Padding fields are not supported"),
ast::FieldDesc::Array { id, width, type_id, size, .. } => self.add_array_field(
ast::FieldDesc::Typedef { id, type_id } => self.add_typedef_field(id, type_id),
ast::FieldDesc::Payload { size_modifier, .. } => {
ast::FieldDesc::Body { .. } => self.add_payload_field(None),
_ => todo!("{field:?}"),
fn add_bit_field(&mut self, field: &'a analyzer_ast::Field) {
self.chunk.push(BitField { shift: self.shift, field });
self.shift += self.scope.get_field_width(field, false).unwrap();
if self.shift % 8 != 0 {
let size = self.shift / 8;
let end_offset = self.offset + size;
let wanted = proc_macro2::Literal::usize_unsuffixed(size);
let chunk_type = types::Integer::new(self.shift);
// TODO(mgeisler): generate Rust variable names which cannot
// conflict with PDL field names. An option would be to start
// Rust variable names with `_`, but that has a special
// semantic in Rust.
let chunk_name = format_ident!("chunk");
let get = types::get_uint(self.endianness, self.shift, self.span);
if self.chunk.len() > 1 {
// Multiple values: we read into a local variable.
self.code.push(quote! {
let #chunk_name = #get;
let single_value = self.chunk.len() == 1; // && self.chunk[0].offset == 0;
for BitField { shift, field } in self.chunk.drain(..) {
let mut v = if single_value {
// Single value: read directly.
quote! { #get }
} else {
// Multiple values: read from `chunk_name`.
quote! { #chunk_name }
if shift > 0 {
let shift = proc_macro2::Literal::usize_unsuffixed(shift);
v = quote! { (#v >> #shift) }
let width = self.scope.get_field_width(field, false).unwrap();
let value_type = types::Integer::new(width);
if !single_value && width < value_type.width {
// Mask value if we grabbed more than `width` and if
// `as #value_type` doesn't already do the masking.
let mask = mask_bits(width, "u64");
v = quote! { (#v & #mask) };
if value_type.width < chunk_type.width {
v = quote! { #v as #value_type };
self.code.push(match &field.desc {
ast::FieldDesc::Scalar { id, .. } => {
let id = format_ident!("{id}");
quote! {
let #id = #v;
ast::FieldDesc::FixedEnum { enum_id, tag_id, .. } => {
let enum_id = format_ident!("{enum_id}");
let tag_id = format_ident!("{}", tag_id.to_upper_camel_case());
quote! {
if #v != #enum_id::#tag_id.into() {
return Err(Error::InvalidFixedValue {
expected: #value_type::from(#enum_id::#tag_id) as u64,
actual: #v as u64,
ast::FieldDesc::FixedScalar { value, .. } => {
let value = proc_macro2::Literal::usize_unsuffixed(*value);
quote! {
if #v != #value {
return Err(Error::InvalidFixedValue {
expected: #value,
actual: #v as u64,
ast::FieldDesc::Typedef { id, type_id } => {
// TODO(mgeisler): Remove the `unwrap` from the
// generated code and return the error to the
// caller.
let id = format_ident!("{id}");
let type_id = format_ident!("{type_id}");
quote! { let #id = #type_id::try_from(#v).unwrap(); }
ast::FieldDesc::Reserved { .. } => {
if single_value {
let span = self.span;
let size = proc_macro2::Literal::usize_unsuffixed(size);
quote! {
} else {
// Otherwise we don't need anything: we will
// have advanced past the reserved field when
// reading the chunk above.
quote! {}
ast::FieldDesc::Size { field_id, .. } => {
let id = size_field_ident(field_id);
quote! {
let #id = #v as usize;
ast::FieldDesc::Count { field_id, .. } => {
let id = format_ident!("{field_id}_count");
quote! {
let #id = #v as usize;
_ => todo!(),
self.offset = end_offset;
self.shift = 0;
fn packet_scope(&self) -> Option<&lint::PacketScope> {
fn find_count_field(&self, id: &str) -> Option<proc_macro2::Ident> {
match self.packet_scope()?.get_array_size_field(id)?.desc {
ast::FieldDesc::Count { .. } => Some(format_ident!("{id}_count")),
_ => None,
fn find_size_field(&self, id: &str) -> Option<proc_macro2::Ident> {
match self.packet_scope()?.get_array_size_field(id)?.desc {
ast::FieldDesc::Size { .. } => Some(size_field_ident(id)),
_ => None,
fn payload_field_offset_from_end(&self) -> Option<usize> {
let packet_scope = self.packet_scope().unwrap();
let mut fields = packet_scope.iter_fields();
fields.find(|f| {
matches!(f.desc, ast::FieldDesc::Body { .. } | ast::FieldDesc::Payload { .. })
let mut offset = 0;
for field in fields {
if let Some(width) = self.scope.get_field_width(field, false) {
offset += width;
} else {
return None;
fn check_size(&mut self, wanted: &proc_macro2::TokenStream) {
let packet_name = &self.packet_name;
let span = self.span;
self.code.push(quote! {
if #span.get().remaining() < #wanted {
return Err(Error::InvalidLengthError {
obj: #packet_name.to_string(),
wanted: #wanted,
got: #span.get().remaining(),
fn add_array_field(
&mut self,
id: &str,
// `width`: the width in bits of the array elements (if Some).
width: Option<usize>,
// `type_id`: the enum type of the array elements (if Some).
// Mutually exclusive with `width`.
type_id: Option<&str>,
// `size`: the size of the array in number of elements (if
// known). If None, the array is a Vec with a dynamic size.
size: Option<usize>,
decl: Option<&analyzer_ast::Decl>,
) {
enum ElementWidth {
Static(usize), // Static size in bytes.
let element_width = match width.or_else(|| self.scope.get_decl_width(decl?, false)) {
Some(w) => {
assert_eq!(w % 8, 0, "Array element size ({w}) is not a multiple of 8");
ElementWidth::Static(w / 8)
None => ElementWidth::Unknown,
// The "shape" of the array, i.e., the number of elements
// given via a static count, a count field, a size field, or
// unknown.
enum ArrayShape {
Static(usize), // Static count
CountField(proc_macro2::Ident), // Count based on count field
SizeField(proc_macro2::Ident), // Count based on size and field
Unknown, // Variable count based on remaining bytes
let array_shape = if let Some(count) = size {
} else if let Some(count_field) = self.find_count_field(id) {
} else if let Some(size_field) = self.find_size_field(id) {
} else {
// TODO size modifier
// TODO padded_size
let id = format_ident!("{id}");
let span = self.span;
let parse_element = self.parse_array_element(self.span, width, type_id, decl);
match (element_width, &array_shape) {
(ElementWidth::Unknown, ArrayShape::SizeField(size_field)) => {
// The element width is not known, but the array full
// octet size is known by size field. Parse elements
// item by item as a vector.
let parse_element =
self.parse_array_element(&format_ident!("head"), width, type_id, decl);
self.code.push(quote! {
let (head, tail) = #span.get().split_at(#size_field);
let mut head = &mut Cell::new(head);
let mut #id = Vec::new();
while !head.get().is_empty() {
(ElementWidth::Unknown, ArrayShape::Static(count)) => {
// The element width is not known, but the array
// element count is known statically. Parse elements
// item by item as an array.
let count = syn::Index::from(*count);
self.code.push(quote! {
// TODO(mgeisler): use
// when stabilized.
let #id = [0; #count].map(|_| #parse_element.unwrap());
(ElementWidth::Unknown, ArrayShape::CountField(count_field)) => {
// The element width is not known, but the array
// element count is known by the count field. Parse
// elements item by item as a vector.
self.code.push(quote! {
let #id = (0..#count_field)
.map(|_| #parse_element)
(ElementWidth::Unknown, ArrayShape::Unknown) => {
// Neither the count not size is known, parse elements
// until the end of the span.
self.code.push(quote! {
let mut #id = Vec::new();
while !#span.get().is_empty() {
(ElementWidth::Static(element_width), ArrayShape::Static(count)) => {
// The element width is known, and the array element
// count is known statically.
let count = syn::Index::from(*count);
// This creates a nicely formatted size.
let array_size = if element_width == 1 {
} else {
let element_width = syn::Index::from(element_width);
quote!(#count * #element_width)
self.code.push(quote! {
// TODO(mgeisler): use
// when stabilized.
let #id = [0; #count].map(|_| #parse_element.unwrap());
(ElementWidth::Static(_), ArrayShape::CountField(count_field)) => {
// The element width is known, and the array element
// count is known dynamically by the count field.
self.code.push(quote! {
let #id = (0..#count_field)
.map(|_| #parse_element)
(ElementWidth::Static(element_width), ArrayShape::SizeField(_))
| (ElementWidth::Static(element_width), ArrayShape::Unknown) => {
// The element width is known, and the array full size
// is known by size field, or unknown (in which case
// it is the remaining span length).
let array_size = if let ArrayShape::SizeField(size_field) = &array_shape {
} else {
let count_field = format_ident!("{id}_count");
let array_count = if element_width != 1 {
let element_width = syn::Index::from(element_width);
self.code.push(quote! {
if #array_size % #element_width != 0 {
return Err(Error::InvalidArraySize {
array: #array_size,
element: #element_width,
let #count_field = #array_size / #element_width;
} else {
self.code.push(quote! {
let mut #id = Vec::with_capacity(#array_count);
for _ in 0..#array_count {
/// Parse typedef fields.
/// This is only for non-enum fields: enums are parsed via
/// add_bit_field.
fn add_typedef_field(&mut self, id: &str, type_id: &str) {
assert_eq!(self.shift, 0, "Typedef field does not start on an octet boundary");
let decl = self.scope.typedef[type_id];
if let ast::DeclDesc::Struct { parent_id: Some(_), .. } = &decl.desc {
panic!("Derived struct used in typedef field");
let span = self.span;
let id = format_ident!("{id}");
let type_id = format_ident!("{type_id}");
match self.scope.get_decl_width(decl, true) {
None => self.code.push(quote! {
let #id = #type_id::parse_inner(&mut #span)?;
Some(width) => {
assert_eq!(width % 8, 0, "Typedef field type size is not a multiple of 8");
let width = syn::Index::from(width / 8);
self.code.push(if let ast::DeclDesc::Checksum { .. } = &decl.desc {
// TODO: handle checksum fields.
quote! {
} else {
quote! {
let (head, tail) = #span.get().split_at(#width);
let #id = #type_id::parse(head)?;
/// Parse body and payload fields.
fn add_payload_field(&mut self, size_modifier: Option<&str>) {
let span = self.span;
let packet_scope = self.packet_scope().unwrap();
let payload_size_field = packet_scope.get_payload_size_field();
let offset_from_end = self.payload_field_offset_from_end();
if size_modifier.is_some() {
"Unsupported size modifier for {packet}: {size_modifier:?}",
packet = self.packet_name
if self.shift != 0 {
if payload_size_field.is_some() {
panic!("Unexpected payload size for non byte aligned payload");
//let rounded_size = self.shift / 8 + if self.shift % 8 == 0 { 0 } else { 1 };
//let padding_bits = 8 * rounded_size - self.shift;
//let reserved_field =
// ast::Field::Reserved { loc: ast::SourceRange::default(), width: padding_bits };
//TODO: self.add_bit_field(&reserved_field); --
// reserved_field does not live long enough.
// TODO: consume span of rounded size
} else {
// TODO: consume span
if let Some(ast::FieldDesc::Size { field_id, .. }) = &|f| &f.desc) {
// The payload or body has a known size. Consume the
// payload and update the span in case fields are placed
// after the payload.
let size_field = size_field_ident(field_id);
self.check_size(&quote!(#size_field ));
self.code.push(quote! {
let payload = &#span.get()[..#size_field];
} else if offset_from_end == Some(0) {
// The payload or body is the last field of a packet,
// consume the remaining span.
self.code.push(quote! {
let payload = #span.get();
} else if let Some(offset_from_end) = offset_from_end {
// The payload or body is followed by fields of static
// size. Consume the span that is not reserved for the
// following fields.
offset_from_end % 8,
"Payload field offset from end of packet is not a multiple of 8"
let offset_from_end = syn::Index::from(offset_from_end / 8);
self.code.push(quote! {
let payload = &#span.get()[..#span.get().len() - #offset_from_end];
let decl = self.scope.typedef[self.packet_name];
if let ast::DeclDesc::Struct { .. } = &decl.desc {
self.code.push(quote! {
let payload = Vec::from(payload);
/// Parse a single array field element from `span`.
fn parse_array_element(
span: &proc_macro2::Ident,
width: Option<usize>,
type_id: Option<&str>,
decl: Option<&analyzer_ast::Decl>,
) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
if let Some(width) = width {
let get_uint = types::get_uint(self.endianness, width, span);
return quote! {
Ok::<_, Error>(#get_uint)
if let Some(ast::DeclDesc::Enum { id, width, .. }) =|decl| &decl.desc) {
let get_uint = types::get_uint(self.endianness, *width, span);
let type_id = format_ident!("{id}");
let packet_name = &self.packet_name;
return quote! {
#type_id::try_from(#get_uint).map_err(|_| Error::InvalidEnumValueError {
obj: #packet_name.to_string(),
field: String::new(), // TODO(mgeisler): fill out or remove
value: 0,
type_: #id.to_string(),
let type_id = format_ident!("{}", type_id.unwrap());
quote! {
pub fn done(&mut self) {
let decl = self.scope.typedef[self.packet_name];
if let ast::DeclDesc::Struct { .. } = &decl.desc {
return; // Structs don't parse the child structs recursively.
let packet_scope = &self.scope.scopes[&decl];
let children = self.scope.iter_children(self.packet_name).collect::<Vec<_>>();
if children.is_empty() && packet_scope.get_payload_field().is_none() {
let child_ids = children
.map(|child| format_ident!("{}",
let child_ids_data = child_ids.iter().map(|ident| format_ident!("{ident}Data"));
// Set of field names (sorted by name).
let mut constrained_fields = BTreeSet::new();
// Maps (child name, field name) -> value.
let mut constraint_values = HashMap::new();
for child in children.iter() {
match &child.desc {
ast::DeclDesc::Packet { id, constraints, .. }
| ast::DeclDesc::Struct { id, constraints, .. } => {
for constraint in constraints.iter() {
(id.as_str(), &,
constraint_to_value(packet_scope, constraint),
_ => unreachable!("Invalid child: {child:?}"),
let wildcard = quote!(_);
let match_values = children.iter().map(|child| {
let child_id =;
let values = constrained_fields.iter().map(|field_name| {
constraint_values.get(&(child_id, field_name)).unwrap_or(&wildcard)
quote! {
let constrained_field_idents =
constrained_fields.iter().map(|field| format_ident!("{field}"));
let child_parse_args = children.iter().map(|child| {
let fields = find_constrained_parent_fields(self.scope,
.map(|field| format_ident!("{}",;
quote!(#(, #fields)*)
let packet_data_child = format_ident!("{}DataChild", self.packet_name);
self.code.push(quote! {
let child = match (#(#constrained_field_idents),*) {
#(#match_values if #child_ids_data::conforms(&payload) => {
let mut cell = Cell::new(payload);
let child_data = #child_ids_data::parse_inner(&mut cell #child_parse_args)?;
// TODO(mgeisler): communicate back to user if !cell.get().is_empty()?
_ if !payload.is_empty() => {
_ => #packet_data_child::None,
impl quote::ToTokens for FieldParser<'_> {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut proc_macro2::TokenStream) {
let code = &self.code;
tokens.extend(quote! {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::analyzer;
use crate::ast;
use crate::parser::parse_inline;
/// Parse a string fragment as a PDL file.
/// # Panics
/// Panics on parse errors.
pub fn parse_str(text: &str) -> analyzer_ast::File {
let mut db = ast::SourceDatabase::new();
let file =
parse_inline(&mut db, String::from("stdin"), String::from(text)).expect("parse error");
analyzer::analyze(&file).expect("analyzer error")
fn test_find_fields_static() {
let code = "
packet P {
a: 24[3],
let file = parse_str(code);
let scope = lint::Scope::new(&file);
let span = format_ident!("bytes");
let parser = FieldParser::new(&scope, file.endianness.value, "P", &span);
assert_eq!(parser.find_size_field("a"), None);
assert_eq!(parser.find_count_field("a"), None);
fn test_find_fields_dynamic_count() {
let code = "
packet P {
_count_(b): 24,
b: 16[],
let file = parse_str(code);
let scope = lint::Scope::new(&file);
let span = format_ident!("bytes");
let parser = FieldParser::new(&scope, file.endianness.value, "P", &span);
assert_eq!(parser.find_size_field("b"), None);
assert_eq!(parser.find_count_field("b"), Some(format_ident!("b_count")));
fn test_find_fields_dynamic_size() {
let code = "
packet P {
_size_(c): 8,
c: 24[],
let file = parse_str(code);
let scope = lint::Scope::new(&file);
let span = format_ident!("bytes");
let parser = FieldParser::new(&scope, file.endianness.value, "P", &span);
assert_eq!(parser.find_size_field("c"), Some(format_ident!("c_size")));
assert_eq!(parser.find_count_field("c"), None);