blob: 268bc3337244d1120b275f7876ae07cdf92b625e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Rust compiler backend.
use crate::{ast, lint};
use quote::{format_ident, quote};
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::path::Path;
use syn::LitInt;
use crate::analyzer::ast as analyzer_ast;
mod parser;
mod preamble;
mod serializer;
mod types;
use parser::FieldParser;
use serializer::FieldSerializer;
pub use heck::ToUpperCamelCase;
pub trait ToUpperCamelCase {
fn to_upper_camel_case(&self) -> String;
impl ToUpperCamelCase for str {
fn to_upper_camel_case(&self) -> String {
use heck::CamelCase;
let camel_case = self.to_camel_case();
if camel_case.is_empty() {
} else {
// PDL identifiers are a-zA-z0-9, so we're dealing with
// simple ASCII text.
format!("{}{}", &camel_case[..1].to_ascii_uppercase(), &camel_case[1..])
/// Generate a block of code.
/// Like `quote!`, but the code block will be followed by an empty
/// line of code. This makes the generated code more readable.
macro_rules! quote_block {
($($tt:tt)*) => {
format!("{}\n\n", ::quote::quote!($($tt)*))
/// Generate a bit-mask which masks out `n` least significant bits.
/// Literal integers in Rust default to the `i32` type. For this
/// reason, if `n` is larger than 31, a suffix is added to the
/// `LitInt` returned. This should either be `u64` or `usize`
/// depending on where the result is used.
pub fn mask_bits(n: usize, suffix: &str) -> syn::LitInt {
let suffix = if n > 31 { format!("_{suffix}") } else { String::new() };
// Format the hex digits as 0x1111_2222_3333_usize.
let hex_digits = format!("{:x}", (1u64 << n) - 1)
.map(|chunk| std::str::from_utf8(chunk).unwrap())
fn generate_packet_size_getter<'a>(
scope: &lint::Scope<'a>,
fields: impl Iterator<Item = &'a analyzer_ast::Field>,
is_packet: bool,
) -> (usize, proc_macro2::TokenStream) {
let mut constant_width = 0;
let mut dynamic_widths = Vec::new();
for field in fields {
if let Some(width) = scope.get_field_width(field, false) {
constant_width += width;
let decl = scope.get_field_declaration(field);
dynamic_widths.push(match &field.desc {
ast::FieldDesc::Payload { .. } | ast::FieldDesc::Body { .. } => {
if is_packet {
quote! {
} else {
quote! {
ast::FieldDesc::Typedef { id, .. } => {
let id = format_ident!("{id}");
ast::FieldDesc::Array { id, width, .. } => {
let id = format_ident!("{id}");
match &decl {
Some(analyzer_ast::Decl {
desc: ast::DeclDesc::Struct { .. } | ast::DeclDesc::CustomField { .. },
}) => {
quote! {
self.#id.iter().map(|elem| elem.get_size()).sum::<usize>()
Some(analyzer_ast::Decl { desc: ast::DeclDesc::Enum { .. }, .. }) => {
let width = syn::Index::from(
scope.get_decl_width(decl.unwrap(), false).unwrap() / 8,
let mul_width = (width.index > 1).then(|| quote!(* #width));
quote! {
self.#id.len() #mul_width
_ => {
let width = syn::Index::from(width.unwrap() / 8);
let mul_width = (width.index > 1).then(|| quote!(* #width));
quote! {
self.#id.len() #mul_width
_ => panic!("Unsupported field type: {field:?}"),
if constant_width > 0 {
let width = syn::Index::from(constant_width / 8);
dynamic_widths.insert(0, quote!(#width));
if dynamic_widths.is_empty() {
quote! {
fn top_level_packet<'a>(scope: &lint::Scope<'a>, packet_name: &'a str) -> &'a analyzer_ast::Decl {
let mut decl = scope.typedef[packet_name];
while let ast::DeclDesc::Packet { parent_id: Some(parent_id), .. }
| ast::DeclDesc::Struct { parent_id: Some(parent_id), .. } = &decl.desc
decl = scope.typedef[parent_id];
/// Find all constrained fields in children of `id`.
fn find_constrained_fields<'a>(
scope: &'a lint::Scope<'a>,
id: &'a str,
) -> Vec<&'a analyzer_ast::Field> {
let mut fields = Vec::new();
let mut field_names = BTreeSet::new();
let mut children = scope.iter_children(id).collect::<Vec<_>>();
while let Some(child) = children.pop() {
if let ast::DeclDesc::Packet { id, constraints, .. }
| ast::DeclDesc::Struct { id, constraints, .. } = &child.desc
let packet_scope = &scope.scopes[&scope.typedef[id]];
for constraint in constraints {
if field_names.insert(& {
/// Find parent fields which are constrained in child packets.
/// These fields are the fields which need to be passed in when
/// parsing a `id` packet since their values are needed for one or
/// more child packets.
fn find_constrained_parent_fields<'a>(
scope: &'a lint::Scope<'a>,
id: &'a str,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a analyzer_ast::Field> {
let packet_scope = &scope.scopes[&scope.typedef[id]];
find_constrained_fields(scope, id).into_iter().filter(|field| {
let id =;
packet_scope.all_fields.contains_key(id) && packet_scope.get_packet_field(id).is_none()
/// Generate the declaration and implementation for a data struct.
/// This struct will hold the data for a packet or a struct. It knows
/// how to parse and serialize its own fields.
fn generate_data_struct(
scope: &lint::Scope<'_>,
endianness: ast::EndiannessValue,
id: &str,
) -> (proc_macro2::TokenStream, proc_macro2::TokenStream) {
let decl = scope.typedef[id];
let packet_scope = &scope.scopes[&decl];
let is_packet = matches!(&decl.desc, ast::DeclDesc::Packet { .. });
let span = format_ident!("bytes");
let serializer_span = format_ident!("buffer");
let mut field_parser = FieldParser::new(scope, endianness, id, &span);
let mut field_serializer = FieldSerializer::new(scope, endianness, id, &serializer_span);
for field in packet_scope.iter_fields() {
let (parse_arg_names, parse_arg_types) = if is_packet {
let fields = find_constrained_parent_fields(scope, id).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let names = fields.iter().map(|f| format_ident!("{}",<Vec<_>>();
let types = fields.iter().map(|f| types::rust_type(f)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
(names, types)
} else {
(Vec::new(), Vec::new()) // No extra arguments to parse in structs.
let (constant_width, packet_size) =
generate_packet_size_getter(scope, packet_scope.iter_fields(), is_packet);
let conforms = if constant_width == 0 {
quote! { true }
} else {
let constant_width = syn::Index::from(constant_width / 8);
quote! { #span.len() >= #constant_width }
let visibility = if is_packet { quote!() } else { quote!(pub) };
let has_payload = packet_scope.get_payload_field().is_some();
let has_children = scope.iter_children(id).next().is_some();
let struct_name = if is_packet { format_ident!("{id}Data") } else { format_ident!("{id}") };
let fields_with_ids =
let mut field_names =
fields_with_ids.iter().map(|f| format_ident!("{}",<Vec<_>>();
let mut field_types = fields_with_ids.iter().map(|f| types::rust_type(f)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
if has_children || has_payload {
if is_packet {
let field_type = format_ident!("{id}DataChild");
} else {
let data_struct_decl = quote! {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
pub struct #struct_name {
#(#visibility #field_names: #field_types,)*
let data_struct_impl = quote! {
impl #struct_name {
fn conforms(#span: &[u8]) -> bool {
#visibility fn parse(
#span: &[u8] #(, #parse_arg_names: #parse_arg_types)*
) -> Result<Self> {
let mut cell = Cell::new(#span);
let packet = Self::parse_inner(&mut cell #(, #parse_arg_names)*)?;
// TODO(mgeisler): communicate back to user if !cell.get().is_empty()?
fn parse_inner(
mut #span: &mut Cell<&[u8]> #(, #parse_arg_names: #parse_arg_types)*
) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {
fn write_to(&self, buffer: &mut BytesMut) {
fn get_total_size(&self) -> usize {
fn get_size(&self) -> usize {
(data_struct_decl, data_struct_impl)
/// Find all parents from `id`.
/// This includes the `Decl` for `id` itself.
fn find_parents<'a>(scope: &lint::Scope<'a>, id: &str) -> Vec<&'a analyzer_ast::Decl> {
let mut decl = scope.typedef[id];
let mut parents = vec![decl];
while let ast::DeclDesc::Packet { parent_id: Some(parent_id), .. }
| ast::DeclDesc::Struct { parent_id: Some(parent_id), .. } = &decl.desc
decl = scope.typedef[parent_id];
/// Turn the constraint into a value (such as `10` or
/// `SomeEnum::Foo`).
pub fn constraint_to_value(
packet_scope: &lint::PacketScope<'_>,
constraint: &ast::Constraint,
) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
match constraint {
ast::Constraint { value: Some(value), .. } => {
let value = proc_macro2::Literal::usize_unsuffixed(*value);
// TODO(mgeisler): include type_id in `ast::Constraint` and
// drop the packet_scope argument.
ast::Constraint { tag_id: Some(tag_id), .. } => {
let type_id = match &packet_scope.all_fields[&].desc {
ast::FieldDesc::Typedef { type_id, .. } => format_ident!("{type_id}"),
_ => unreachable!("Invalid constraint: {constraint:?}"),
let tag_id = format_ident!("{}", tag_id.to_upper_camel_case());
_ => unreachable!("Invalid constraint: {constraint:?}"),
/// Generate code for a `ast::Decl::Packet`.
fn generate_packet_decl(
scope: &lint::Scope<'_>,
endianness: ast::EndiannessValue,
id: &str,
) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let packet_scope = &scope.scopes[&scope.typedef[id]];
let top_level = top_level_packet(scope, id);
let top_level_id =;
let top_level_packet = format_ident!("{top_level_id}");
let top_level_data = format_ident!("{top_level_id}Data");
let top_level_id_lower = format_ident!("{}", top_level_id.to_lowercase());
// TODO(mgeisler): use the convert_case crate to convert between
// `FooBar` and `foo_bar` in the code below.
let span = format_ident!("bytes");
let id_lower = format_ident!("{}", id.to_lowercase());
let id_packet = format_ident!("{id}");
let id_child = format_ident!("{id}Child");
let id_data_child = format_ident!("{id}DataChild");
let id_builder = format_ident!("{id}Builder");
let parents = find_parents(scope, id);
let parent_ids = parents.iter().map(|p|<Vec<_>>();
let parent_shifted_ids = parent_ids.iter().skip(1).map(|id| format_ident!("{id}"));
let parent_lower_ids =
parent_ids.iter().map(|id| format_ident!("{}", id.to_lowercase())).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let parent_shifted_lower_ids = parent_lower_ids.iter().skip(1).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let parent_packet = parent_ids.iter().map(|id| format_ident!("{id}"));
let parent_data = parent_ids.iter().map(|id| format_ident!("{id}Data"));
let parent_data_child = parent_ids.iter().map(|id| format_ident!("{id}DataChild"));
let all_fields = {
let mut fields = packet_scope.all_fields.values().collect::<Vec<_>>();
let all_field_names =
all_fields.iter().map(|f| format_ident!("{}",<Vec<_>>();
let all_field_types = all_fields.iter().map(|f| types::rust_type(f)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let all_field_borrows =
all_fields.iter().map(|f| types::rust_borrow(f, scope)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let all_field_getter_names = all_field_names.iter().map(|id| format_ident!("get_{id}"));
let all_field_self_field = all_fields.iter().map(|f| {
for (parent, parent_id) in parents.iter().zip(parent_lower_ids.iter()) {
if scope.scopes[parent].iter_fields().any(|ff| == {
return quote!(self.#parent_id);
unreachable!("Could not find {f:?} in parent chain");
let unconstrained_fields = all_fields
.filter(|f| !packet_scope.all_constraints.contains_key(
let unconstrained_field_names = unconstrained_fields
.map(|f| format_ident!("{}",
let unconstrained_field_types = unconstrained_fields.iter().map(|f| types::rust_type(f));
let rev_parents = parents.iter().rev().collect::<Vec<_>>();
let builder_assignments = rev_parents.iter().enumerate().map(|(idx, parent)| {
let parent_id =;
let parent_id_lower = format_ident!("{}", parent_id.to_lowercase());
let parent_data = format_ident!("{parent_id}Data");
let parent_data_child = format_ident!("{parent_id}DataChild");
let parent_packet_scope = &scope.scopes[&scope.typedef[parent_id]];
let named_fields = {
let mut names =
let mut field = named_fields.iter().map(|id| format_ident!("{id}")).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let mut value = named_fields
.map(|&id| match packet_scope.all_constraints.get(id) {
Some(constraint) => constraint_to_value(packet_scope, constraint),
None => {
let id = format_ident!("{id}");
if parent_packet_scope.get_payload_field().is_some() {
if idx == 0 {
// Top-most parent, the child is simply created from
// our payload.
value.push(quote! {
match self.payload {
None => #parent_data_child::None,
Some(bytes) => #parent_data_child::Payload(bytes),
} else {
// Child is created from the previous parent.
let prev_parent_id = rev_parents[idx - 1].id().unwrap();
let prev_parent_id_lower = format_ident!("{}", prev_parent_id.to_lowercase());
let prev_parent_id = format_ident!("{prev_parent_id}");
value.push(quote! {
quote! {
let #parent_id_lower = Arc::new(#parent_data {
#(#field: #value,)*
let children = scope.iter_children(id).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let has_payload = packet_scope.get_payload_field().is_some();
let has_children_or_payload = !children.is_empty() || has_payload;
let child =
children.iter().map(|child| format_ident!("{}",<Vec<_>>();
let child_data = child.iter().map(|child| format_ident!("{child}Data")).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let get_payload = (children.is_empty() && has_payload).then(|| {
quote! {
pub fn get_payload(&self) -> &[u8] {
match &self.#id_lower.child {
#id_data_child::Payload(bytes) => &bytes,
#id_data_child::None => &[],
let child_declaration = has_children_or_payload.then(|| {
quote! {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
pub enum #id_data_child {
impl #id_data_child {
fn get_total_size(&self) -> usize {
match self {
#(#id_data_child::#child(value) => value.get_total_size(),)*
#id_data_child::Payload(bytes) => bytes.len(),
#id_data_child::None => 0,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
pub enum #id_child {
let specialize = has_children_or_payload.then(|| {
quote! {
pub fn specialize(&self) -> #id_child {
match &self.#id_lower.child {
#id_data_child::#child(_) =>
#id_data_child::Payload(payload) => #id_child::Payload(payload.clone()),
#id_data_child::None => #id_child::None,
let builder_payload_field = has_children_or_payload.then(|| {
quote! {
pub payload: Option<Bytes>
let ancestor_packets =
parent_ids[..parent_ids.len() - 1].iter().map(|id| format_ident!("{id}"));
let impl_from_and_try_from = (top_level_id != id).then(|| {
quote! {
impl From<#id_packet> for #ancestor_packets {
fn from(packet: #id_packet) -> #ancestor_packets {
impl TryFrom<#top_level_packet> for #id_packet {
type Error = TryFromError;
fn try_from(packet: #top_level_packet) -> std::result::Result<#id_packet, TryFromError> {
let (data_struct_decl, data_struct_impl) = generate_data_struct(scope, endianness, id);
quote! {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
pub struct #id_packet {
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(flatten))]
#parent_lower_ids: Arc<#parent_data>,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
pub struct #id_builder {
#(pub #unconstrained_field_names: #unconstrained_field_types,)*
impl Packet for #id_packet {
fn to_bytes(self) -> Bytes {
let mut buffer = BytesMut::with_capacity(self.#top_level_id_lower.get_size());
self.#top_level_id_lower.write_to(&mut buffer);
fn to_vec(self) -> Vec<u8> {
impl From<#id_packet> for Bytes {
fn from(packet: #id_packet) -> Self {
impl From<#id_packet> for Vec<u8> {
fn from(packet: #id_packet) -> Self {
impl #id_packet {
pub fn parse(#span: &[u8]) -> Result<Self> {
let mut cell = Cell::new(#span);
let packet = Self::parse_inner(&mut cell)?;
// TODO(mgeisler): communicate back to user if !cell.get().is_empty()?
fn parse_inner(mut bytes: &mut Cell<&[u8]>) -> Result<Self> {
let data = #top_level_data::parse_inner(&mut bytes)?;
fn new(#top_level_id_lower: Arc<#top_level_data>)
-> std::result::Result<Self, &'static str> {
let #parent_shifted_lower_ids = match &#parent_lower_ids.child {
#parent_data_child::#parent_shifted_ids(value) => value.clone(),
_ => return Err("Could not parse data, wrong child type"),
Ok(Self { #(#parent_lower_ids),* })
#(pub fn #all_field_getter_names(&self) -> #all_field_borrows #all_field_types {
#all_field_borrows #all_field_self_field.as_ref().#all_field_names
fn write_to(&self, buffer: &mut BytesMut) {
pub fn get_size(&self) -> usize {
impl #id_builder {
pub fn build(self) -> #id_packet {
impl From<#id_builder> for #parent_packet {
fn from(builder: #id_builder) -> #parent_packet {
/// Generate code for a `ast::Decl::Struct`.
fn generate_struct_decl(
scope: &lint::Scope<'_>,
endianness: ast::EndiannessValue,
id: &str,
) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let (struct_decl, struct_impl) = generate_data_struct(scope, endianness, id);
quote! {
/// Generate an enum declaration.
/// # Arguments
/// * `id` - Enum identifier.
/// * `tags` - List of enum tags.
/// * `width` - Width of the backing type of the enum, in bits.
/// * `open` - Whether to generate an open or closed enum. Open enums have
/// an additional Unknown case for unmatched valued. Complete
/// enums (where the full range of values is covered) are
/// automatically closed.
fn generate_enum_decl(
id: &str,
tags: &[ast::Tag],
width: usize,
open: bool,
) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
// Determine if the enum is complete, i.e. all values in the backing
// integer range have a matching tag in the original declaration.
fn enum_is_complete(tags: &[ast::Tag], max: usize) -> bool {
let mut ranges = tags
.map(|tag| match tag {
ast::Tag::Value(tag) => (tag.value, tag.value),
ast::Tag::Range(tag) => tag.range.clone().into_inner(),
ranges.first().unwrap().0 == 0
&& ranges.last().unwrap().1 == max
&&|window| {
if let [left, right] = window {
left.1 == right.0 - 1
} else {
// Determine if the enum is primitive, i.e. does not contain any
// tag range.
fn enum_is_primitive(tags: &[ast::Tag]) -> bool {
tags.iter().all(|tag| matches!(tag, ast::Tag::Value(_)))
// Return the maximum value for the scalar type.
fn scalar_max(width: usize) -> usize {
if width >= usize::BITS as usize {
} else {
(1 << width) - 1
// Format an enum tag identifier to rust upper caml case.
fn format_tag_ident(id: &str) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let id = format_ident!("{}", id.to_upper_camel_case());
quote! { #id }
// Format a constant value as hexadecimal constant.
fn format_value(value: usize) -> LitInt {
syn::parse_str::<syn::LitInt>(&format!("{:#x}", value)).unwrap()
// Backing type for the enum.
let backing_type = types::Integer::new(width);
let backing_type_str = proc_macro2::Literal::string(&format!("u{}", backing_type.width));
let range_max = scalar_max(width);
let is_complete = enum_is_complete(tags, scalar_max(width));
let is_primitive = enum_is_primitive(tags);
let name = format_ident!("{id}");
// Generate the variant cases for the enum declaration.
// Tags declared in ranges are flattened in the same declaration.
let use_variant_values = is_primitive && (is_complete || !open);
let mut variants = vec![];
for tag in tags.iter() {
match tag {
ast::Tag::Value(tag) if use_variant_values => {
let id = format_tag_ident(&;
let value = format_value(tag.value);
variants.push(quote! { #id = #value })
ast::Tag::Value(tag) => variants.push(format_tag_ident(&,
ast::Tag::Range(tag) => {
variants.extend(tag.tags.iter().map(|tag| format_tag_ident(&;
let id = format_tag_ident(&;
variants.push(quote! { #id(Private<#backing_type>) })
// Generate the cases for parsing the enum value from an integer.
let mut from_cases = vec![];
for tag in tags.iter() {
match tag {
ast::Tag::Value(tag) => {
let id = format_tag_ident(&;
let value = format_value(tag.value);
from_cases.push(quote! { #value => Ok(#name::#id) })
ast::Tag::Range(tag) => {
from_cases.extend(tag.tags.iter().map(|tag| {
let id = format_tag_ident(&;
let value = format_value(tag.value);
quote! { #value => Ok(#name::#id) }
let id = format_tag_ident(&;
let start = format_value(*tag.range.start());
let end = format_value(*tag.range.end());
from_cases.push(quote! { #start ..= #end => Ok(#name::#id(Private(value))) })
// Generate the cases for serializing the enum value to an integer.
let mut into_cases = vec![];
for tag in tags.iter() {
match tag {
ast::Tag::Value(tag) => {
let id = format_tag_ident(&;
let value = format_value(tag.value);
into_cases.push(quote! { #name::#id => #value })
ast::Tag::Range(tag) => {
into_cases.extend(tag.tags.iter().map(|tag| {
let id = format_tag_ident(&;
let value = format_value(tag.value);
quote! { #name::#id => #value }
let id = format_tag_ident(&;
into_cases.push(quote! { #name::#id(Private(value)) => *value })
// Generate a default case if the enum is open and incomplete.
if !is_complete && open {
variants.push(quote! { Unknown(Private<#backing_type>) });
from_cases.push(quote! { 0..#range_max => Ok(#name::Unknown(Private(value))) });
into_cases.push(quote! { #name::Unknown(Private(value)) => *value });
// Generate an error case if the enum size is lower than the backing
// type size, or if the enum is closed or incomplete.
if backing_type.width != width || (!is_complete && !open) {
from_cases.push(quote! { _ => Err(value) });
// Derive other Into<uN> and Into<iN> implementations from the explicit
// implementation, where the type is larger than the backing type.
let derived_signed_into_types = [8, 16, 32, 64]
.filter(|w| *w > width)
.map(|w| syn::parse_str::<syn::Type>(&format!("i{}", w)).unwrap());
let derived_unsigned_into_types = [8, 16, 32, 64]
.filter(|w| *w >= width && *w != backing_type.width)
.map(|w| syn::parse_str::<syn::Type>(&format!("u{}", w)).unwrap());
let derived_into_types = derived_signed_into_types.chain(derived_unsigned_into_types);
quote! {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(try_from = #backing_type_str, into = #backing_type_str))]
pub enum #name {
impl TryFrom<#backing_type> for #name {
type Error = #backing_type;
fn try_from(value: #backing_type) -> std::result::Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match value {
impl From<&#name> for #backing_type {
fn from(value: &#name) -> Self {
match value {
impl From<#name> for #backing_type {
fn from(value: #name) -> Self {
#(impl From<#name> for #derived_into_types {
fn from(value: #name) -> Self {
#backing_type::from(value) as Self
fn generate_decl(
scope: &lint::Scope<'_>,
file: &analyzer_ast::File,
decl: &analyzer_ast::Decl,
) -> String {
match &decl.desc {
ast::DeclDesc::Packet { id, .. } => {
generate_packet_decl(scope, file.endianness.value, id).to_string()
ast::DeclDesc::Struct { id, parent_id: None, .. } => {
// TODO(mgeisler): handle structs with parents. We could
// generate code for them, but the code is not useful
// since it would require the caller to unpack everything
// manually. We either need to change the API, or
// implement the recursive (de)serialization.
generate_struct_decl(scope, file.endianness.value, id).to_string()
ast::DeclDesc::Enum { id, tags, width } => {
generate_enum_decl(id, tags, *width, false).to_string()
_ => todo!("unsupported Decl::{:?}", decl),
/// Generate Rust code from an AST.
/// The code is not formatted, pipe it through `rustfmt` to get
/// readable source code.
pub fn generate(sources: &ast::SourceDatabase, file: &analyzer_ast::File) -> String {
let mut code = String::new();
let source = sources.get(file.file).expect("could not read source");
let scope = lint::Scope::new(file);
for decl in &file.declarations {
code.push_str(&generate_decl(&scope, file, decl));
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::analyzer;
use crate::ast;
use crate::parser::parse_inline;
use crate::test_utils::{assert_snapshot_eq, rustfmt};
use paste::paste;
/// Parse a string fragment as a PDL file.
/// # Panics
/// Panics on parse errors.
pub fn parse_str(text: &str) -> analyzer_ast::File {
let mut db = ast::SourceDatabase::new();
let file =
parse_inline(&mut db, String::from("stdin"), String::from(text)).expect("parse error");
analyzer::analyze(&file).expect("analyzer error")
fn assert_iter_eq<T: std::cmp::PartialEq + std::fmt::Debug>(
left: impl IntoIterator<Item = T>,
right: impl IntoIterator<Item = T>,
) {
assert_eq!(left.into_iter().collect::<Vec<T>>(), right.into_iter().collect::<Vec<T>>());
fn test_find_constrained_parent_fields() {
let code = "
packet Parent {
a: 8,
b: 8,
c: 8,
packet Child: Parent(a = 10) {
x: 8,
packet GrandChild: Child(b = 20) {
y: 8,
packet GrandGrandChild: GrandChild(c = 30) {
z: 8,
let file = parse_str(code);
let scope = lint::Scope::new(&file);
let find_fields =
|id| find_constrained_parent_fields(&scope, id).map(|field|;
assert_iter_eq(find_fields("Parent"), vec![]);
assert_iter_eq(find_fields("Child"), vec!["b", "c"]);
assert_iter_eq(find_fields("GrandChild"), vec!["c"]);
assert_iter_eq(find_fields("GrandGrandChild"), vec![]);
/// Create a unit test for the given PDL `code`.
/// The unit test will compare the generated Rust code for all
/// declarations with previously saved snapshots. The snapshots
/// are read from `"tests/generated/{name}_{endianness}_{id}.rs"`
/// where `is` taken from the declaration.
/// When adding new tests or modifying existing ones, use
/// `UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS=1 cargo test` to automatically populate the
/// snapshots with the expected output.
/// The `code` cannot have an endianness declaration, instead you
/// must supply either `little_endian` or `big_endian` as
/// `endianness`.
macro_rules! make_pdl_test {
($name:ident, $code:expr, $endianness:ident) => {
paste! {
fn [< test_ $name _ $endianness >]() {
let name = stringify!($name);
let endianness = stringify!($endianness);
let code = format!("{endianness}_packets\n{}", $code);
let mut db = ast::SourceDatabase::new();
let file = parse_inline(&mut db, String::from("test"), code).unwrap();
let file = analyzer::analyze(&file).unwrap();
let actual_code = generate(&db, &file);
/// Create little- and bit-endian tests for the given PDL `code`.
/// The `code` cannot have an endianness declaration: we will
/// automatically generate unit tests for both
/// "little_endian_packets" and "big_endian_packets".
macro_rules! test_pdl {
($name:ident, $code:expr $(,)?) => {
make_pdl_test!($name, $code, little_endian);
make_pdl_test!($name, $code, big_endian);
test_pdl!(packet_decl_empty, "packet Foo {}");
test_pdl!(packet_decl_8bit_scalar, " packet Foo { x: 8 }");
test_pdl!(packet_decl_24bit_scalar, "packet Foo { x: 24 }");
test_pdl!(packet_decl_64bit_scalar, "packet Foo { x: 64 }");
// Should generate unknown case.
enum IncompleteTruncated : 3 {
A = 0,
B = 1,
// Should generate unknown case.
enum IncompleteTruncatedWithRange : 3 {
A = 0,
B = 1..6 {
X = 1,
Y = 2,
// Should generate unreachable case.
enum CompleteTruncated : 3 {
A = 0,
B = 1,
C = 2,
D = 3,
E = 4,
F = 5,
G = 6,
H = 7,
// Should generate unreachable case.
enum CompleteTruncatedWithRange : 3 {
A = 0,
B = 1..7 {
X = 1,
Y = 2,
// Should generate no unknown or unreachable case.
enum CompleteWithRange : 8 {
A = 0,
B = 1,
C = 2..255,
packet Foo {
x: 8,
y: 16,
z: 24,
packet Foo {
a: 3,
b: 8,
c: 5,
d: 24,
e: 12,
f: 4,
// Test that we correctly mask a byte-sized value in the middle of
// a chunk.
packet Foo {
a: 2,
b: 24,
c: 6,
struct Foo {
a: 3,
b: 8,
c: 5,
d: 24,
e: 12,
f: 4,
test_pdl!(packet_decl_8bit_enum, " enum Foo : 8 { A = 1, B = 2 } packet Bar { x: Foo }");
test_pdl!(packet_decl_24bit_enum, "enum Foo : 24 { A = 1, B = 2 } packet Bar { x: Foo }");
test_pdl!(packet_decl_64bit_enum, "enum Foo : 64 { A = 1, B = 2 } packet Bar { x: Foo }");
enum Enum7 : 7 {
A = 1,
B = 2,
enum Enum9 : 9 {
A = 1,
B = 2,
packet Foo {
x: Enum7,
y: 5,
z: Enum9,
w: 3,
test_pdl!(packet_decl_8bit_scalar_array, " packet Foo { x: 8[3] }");
test_pdl!(packet_decl_24bit_scalar_array, "packet Foo { x: 24[5] }");
test_pdl!(packet_decl_64bit_scalar_array, "packet Foo { x: 64[7] }");
"enum Foo : 8 { FOO_BAR = 1, BAZ = 2 } packet Bar { x: Foo[3] }"
"enum Foo : 24 { FOO_BAR = 1, BAZ = 2 } packet Bar { x: Foo[5] }"
"enum Foo : 64 { FOO_BAR = 1, BAZ = 2 } packet Bar { x: Foo[7] }"
packet Foo {
_count_(x): 5,
padding: 3,
x: 24[]
packet Foo {
_size_(x): 5,
padding: 3,
x: 24[]
struct Foo {
_count_(a): 40,
a: 16[],
packet Bar {
_size_(x): 40,
x: Foo[],
struct Foo {
_count_(a): 40,
a: 16[],
packet Bar {
_count_(x): 40,
x: Foo[],
packet Foo {
_reserved_: 40,
packet Foo {
_fixed_ = 7 : 7,
b: 57,
enum Enum7 : 7 {
A = 1,
B = 2,
packet Foo {
_fixed_ = A : Enum7,
b: 57,
packet Foo {
a: 8,
_size_(_payload_): 8,
b: 16,
packet Foo {
a: 24,
packet Foo {
a: 24,
enum Enum16 : 16 {
A = 1,
B = 2,
packet Foo {
a: 8,
b: Enum16,
_size_(_payload_): 8,
packet Bar : Foo (a = 100) {
x: 8,
packet Baz : Foo (b = B) {
y: 16,
enum Enum16 : 16 {
A = 1,
B = 2,
packet Parent {
foo: Enum16,
bar: Enum16,
baz: Enum16,
_size_(_payload_): 8,
packet Child : Parent (foo = A) {
quux: Enum16,
packet GrandChild : Child (bar = A, quux = A) {
packet GrandGrandChild : GrandChild (baz = A) {
// TODO(mgeisler): enable this test when we have an approach to
// struct fields with parents.
// test_pdl!(
// struct_decl_child_structs,
// "
// enum Enum16 : 16 {
// A = 1,
// B = 2,
// }
// struct Foo {
// a: 8,
// b: Enum16,
// _size_(_payload_): 8,
// _payload_
// }
// struct Bar : Foo (a = 100) {
// x: 8,
// }
// struct Baz : Foo (b = B) {
// y: 16,
// }
// "
// );
// test_pdl!(
// struct_decl_grand_children,
// "
// enum Enum16 : 16 {
// A = 1,
// B = 2,
// }
// struct Parent {
// foo: Enum16,
// bar: Enum16,
// baz: Enum16,
// _size_(_payload_): 8,
// _payload_
// }
// struct Child : Parent (foo = A) {
// quux: Enum16,
// _payload_,
// }
// struct GrandChild : Child (bar = A, quux = A) {
// _body_,
// }
// struct GrandGrandChild : GrandChild (baz = A) {
// _body_,
// }
// "
// );