blob: 793355eb556de75eeda25f13512fc148c08f9dcc [file] [log] [blame]
Building with GN+ninja
packages/modules/Bluetooth/system is buildable using the GN and and ninja buildtools from the Chromium
project. After setting up these tools, several third_party packages need to be
set up to build the stack. It's a simple matter of copying (or sym-linking) some
packages out of AOSP into "packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/third_party":
From AOSP:
1. "platform/external/libevent" => third_party/libevent. The relevant
headers here are "event.h" and "event-config.h". event-config.h from
external/libevent is only compatible on Android; this means that you will need
to generate a new one based on the current platform. Please follow the
instructions in external/libevent/ for instructions on how to
generate this file.
2. "platform/external/libchrome" => third_party/libchrome. After that, remove
the file that's in libchrome/base. This is a legacy file that only
works inside the Chromium project and we're using our own from secondary build
3. "platform/external/modp_b64" => third_party/modp_b64
4. "platform/external/tinyxml2" => third_party/tinyxml2
From Chromium:
1. "src/testing/gtest" => third_party/gtest
You will also need a fresh checkout of platform/hardware/libhardware and
platform/system/core for some include dependencies. files for all of these packages have already been set up under
"packages/modules/Bluetooth/system/build/secondary/third_party" (note: we don't have a file for
modp_b64 since it comes with its own; as the package was imported into AOSP from
Chromium). To build, run:
1. 'gn args out/Default': This will prompt you to fill the contents of your
"" file. Set the two following variables:
a. libhw_include_path=<path to your "platform/hardware/libhardware/include">
b. core_include_path=<path to your "platform/system/core/include">
Once done, this will create the *.ninja files for the entire project.
2. 'ninja -C out/Default all': This will build all targets (the shared library,
executables, tests, etc) and put them in out/Default (or whatever you named the
output directory. To build an individual target, replace "all" with the target
of your choice, e.g. 'ninja -C out/Default net_test_osi'.