PBAP: Handle '-' in TEL field properly when custom TAG is used.

DUT has some contacts stored along with phonenumber(s) stored
with custom tag option.

1) Connect with carkit supporting PBAP
2) Send download phonebook from carkit

Carkit is able to show all phonebook contacts and numbers stored on DUT

Carkit is unable to show some phonenumbers stored with custom tag option.

For Contacts with custom Tel field, "-" is deleted from tag syntax.
Proper Format: X-TAG:<TEL_Number>
Received Format : XTAG:<TEL_Number>

For Contacts with custom Tel field, "-" is deleted from tag syntax.
Proper Format: X-TAG:<TEL_Number>

Root Cause:
"-" is getting deleted from TEL number and "X-TAG" as well when
custom tag is used for contact.

remove "-" only from TEL number without removing it from "X-TAG".

Test: Tested that carkit is able to show all contacts/numbers properly
stored even with custom fields.

Bug: 37712333
Change-Id: Id4cafa5de44e90a215c18053c872e9b40792eba3
diff --git a/android/app/src/com/android/bluetooth/pbap/BluetoothPbapVcardManager.java b/android/app/src/com/android/bluetooth/pbap/BluetoothPbapVcardManager.java
index 17ceb9f..5aed5f1 100644
--- a/android/app/src/com/android/bluetooth/pbap/BluetoothPbapVcardManager.java
+++ b/android/app/src/com/android/bluetooth/pbap/BluetoothPbapVcardManager.java
@@ -970,10 +970,20 @@
         String stripedVCard = "";
         for (int i = 0; i < attr.length; i++) {
             if (attr[i].startsWith("TEL")) {
-                attr[i] = attr[i].replace("(", "");
-                attr[i] = attr[i].replace(")", "");
-                attr[i] = attr[i].replace("-", "");
-                attr[i] = attr[i].replace(" ", "");
+                String[] vTagAndTel = attr[i].split(":", 2);
+                int telLenBefore = vTagAndTel[1].length();
+                // Remove '-', '(', ')' or ' ' from TEL number
+                vTagAndTel[1] = vTagAndTel[1].replace("-", "")
+                                             .replace("(", "")
+                                             .replace(")", "")
+                                             .replace(" ", "");
+                if (vTagAndTel[1].length() < telLenBefore) {
+                    if (V) {
+                        Log.v(TAG, "Fixing vCard TEL to " + vTagAndTel[1]);
+                    }
+                    attr[i] = new StringBuilder().append(vTagAndTel[0]).append(":")
+                                                 .append(vTagAndTel[1]).toString();
+                }