[Invisalign2] use btm_find_or_alloc_dev in btm_ble_connected

Bug: 301661850
Test: m com.android.btservices

Change-Id: I2741b5cbac9af0ff5aa4bb1c6b7f62c4388d325e
diff --git a/system/stack/btm/btm_ble_sec.cc b/system/stack/btm/btm_ble_sec.cc
index cf20cbe..20b45a4 100644
--- a/system/stack/btm/btm_ble_sec.cc
+++ b/system/stack/btm/btm_ble_sec.cc
@@ -1496,19 +1496,11 @@
                        uint8_t role, tBLE_ADDR_TYPE addr_type,
                        bool addr_matched,
                        bool can_read_discoverable_characteristics) {
-  tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC* p_dev_rec = btm_find_dev(bda);
-  if (!p_dev_rec) {
-    LOG_INFO("Creating new device record for new ble connection");
-    p_dev_rec = btm_sec_alloc_dev(bda);
-    if (p_dev_rec == nullptr) {
-      LOG_WARN("Unable to create device record for new ble connection");
-      return;
-    }
-  } else {
-    LOG_INFO("Updating device record timestamp for existing ble connection");
-    // TODO() Why is timestamp a counter ?
-    p_dev_rec->timestamp = btm_sec_cb.dev_rec_count++;
-  }
+  tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC* p_dev_rec = btm_find_or_alloc_dev(bda);
+  LOG_INFO("Updating device record timestamp for the ble connection");
+  // TODO() Why is timestamp a counter ?
+  p_dev_rec->timestamp = btm_sec_cb.dev_rec_count++;
   if (is_ble_addr_type_known(addr_type))