blob: a2c3ea1018e7498366916372bc73787194cab2a8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <future>
#include <map>
#include "common/bind.h"
#include "hci/address.h"
#include "hci/hci_layer.h"
#include "packet/raw_builder.h"
namespace bluetooth {
namespace hci {
packet::PacketView<packet::kLittleEndian> GetPacketView(
std::unique_ptr<packet::BasePacketBuilder> packet);
std::unique_ptr<BasePacketBuilder> NextPayload(uint16_t handle);
class TestHciLayer : public HciLayer {
void EnqueueCommand(
std::unique_ptr<CommandBuilder> command,
common::ContextualOnceCallback<void(CommandStatusView)> on_status) override;
void EnqueueCommand(
std::unique_ptr<CommandBuilder> command,
common::ContextualOnceCallback<void(CommandCompleteView)> on_complete) override;
CommandView GetCommand();
void RegisterEventHandler(EventCode event_code, common::ContextualCallback<void(EventView)> event_handler) override;
void UnregisterEventHandler(EventCode event_code) override;
void RegisterLeEventHandler(
SubeventCode subevent_code, common::ContextualCallback<void(LeMetaEventView)> event_handler) override;
void UnregisterLeEventHandler(SubeventCode subevent_code) override;
void IncomingEvent(std::unique_ptr<EventBuilder> event_builder);
void IncomingLeMetaEvent(std::unique_ptr<LeMetaEventBuilder> event_builder);
void CommandCompleteCallback(EventView event);
void CommandStatusCallback(EventView event);
void IncomingAclData(uint16_t handle);
void AssertNoOutgoingAclData();
packet::PacketView<packet::kLittleEndian> OutgoingAclData();
common::BidiQueueEnd<AclBuilder, AclView>* GetAclQueueEnd() override;
void Disconnect(uint16_t handle, ErrorCode reason) override;
void ListDependencies(ModuleList* list) const override;
void Start() override;
void Stop() override;
void InitEmptyCommand();
void do_disconnect(uint16_t handle, ErrorCode reason);
// Handler-only state. Mutexes are not needed when accessing these fields.
std::list<common::ContextualOnceCallback<void(CommandCompleteView)>> command_complete_callbacks;
std::list<common::ContextualOnceCallback<void(CommandStatusView)>> command_status_callbacks;
std::map<EventCode, common::ContextualCallback<void(EventView)>> registered_events_;
std::map<SubeventCode, common::ContextualCallback<void(LeMetaEventView)>> registered_le_events_;
// thread-safe
common::BidiQueue<AclView, AclBuilder> acl_queue_{3 /* TODO: Set queue depth */};
// Most operations must acquire this mutex before manipulating shared state. The ONLY exception
// is blocking on a promise, IF your thread is the only one mutating it. Note that SETTING a
// promise REQUIRES a lock, since another thread may replace the promise while you are doing so.
mutable std::mutex mutex_{};
// Shared state between the test and stack threads
std::queue<std::unique_ptr<CommandBuilder>> command_queue_;
// We start with Consumed=Set, Command=Unset.
// When a command is enqueued, we set Command=set
// When a command is popped, we block until Command=Set, then (if the queue is now empty) we
// reset Command=Unset and set Consumed=Set. This way we emulate a blocking queue.
std::promise<void> command_promise_{}; // Set when at least one command is in the queue
std::future<void> command_future_ =
command_promise_.get_future(); // GetCommand() blocks until this is fulfilled
CommandView empty_command_view_ = CommandView::Create(
} // namespace hci
} // namespace bluetooth