blob: b331f5de0fe80b3f4dcea421bf052692f1c39b43 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "fields/vector_field.h"
#include "util.h"
const std::string VectorField::kFieldType = "VectorField";
VectorField::VectorField(std::string name, int element_size, std::string size_modifier, ParseLocation loc)
: PacketField(name, loc), element_size_(element_size), size_modifier_(size_modifier) {
if (element_size_ > 64 || element_size_ < 0)
ERROR(this) << __func__ << ": Not implemented for element size = " << element_size_;
// Make sure the element_size is a multiple of 8.
if (element_size % 8 != 0) {
ERROR(this) << "Can only have arrays with elements that are byte aligned (" << element_size << ")";
VectorField::VectorField(std::string name, TypeDef* type_def, std::string size_modifier, ParseLocation loc)
: PacketField(name, loc), element_size_(type_def->size_), type_def_(type_def), size_modifier_(size_modifier) {
// If the element type is not variable sized, make sure that it is byte aligned.
if (type_def_->size_ != -1 && type_def_->size_ % 8 != 0) {
ERROR(this) << "Can only have arrays with elements that are byte aligned (" << type_def_->size_ << ")";
const std::string& VectorField::GetFieldType() const {
return VectorField::kFieldType;
Size VectorField::GetSize() const {
// If there is no size field, then it is of unknown size.
if (size_field_ == nullptr) {
return Size();
// size_field_ is of type SIZE
if (size_field_->GetFieldType() == SizeField::kFieldType) {
std::string ret = "(Get" + util::UnderscoreToCamelCase(size_field_->GetName()) + "() * 8)";
if (!size_modifier_.empty()) ret += size_modifier_;
return ret;
// size_field_ is of type COUNT and it is a scalar array
if (type_def_ == nullptr) {
return "(Get" + util::UnderscoreToCamelCase(size_field_->GetName()) + "() * " + std::to_string(element_size_) + ")";
if (IsCustomFieldArray() || IsStructArray()) {
if (type_def_->size_ != -1) {
return "(Get" + util::UnderscoreToCamelCase(size_field_->GetName()) + "() * " + std::to_string(type_def_->size_) +
} else {
return Size();
// size_field_ is of type COUNT and it is an enum array
return "(Get" + util::UnderscoreToCamelCase(size_field_->GetName()) + "() * " + std::to_string(type_def_->size_) +
Size VectorField::GetBuilderSize() const {
if (element_size_ != -1) {
std::string ret = "(" + GetName() + "_.size() * " + std::to_string(element_size_) + ")";
return ret;
} else {
std::string ret = "[this](){ size_t length = 0; for (const auto& elem : " + GetName() +
"_) { length += elem.size() * 8; } return length; }()";
return ret;
std::string VectorField::GetDataType() const {
if (type_def_ != nullptr) {
return "std::vector<" + type_def_->name_ + ">";
return "std::vector<" + util::GetTypeForSize(element_size_) + ">";
void VectorField::GenExtractor(std::ostream& s, Size start_offset, Size end_offset) const {
GenBounds(s, start_offset, end_offset, GetSize());
s << " auto subview = GetLittleEndianSubview(field_begin, field_end); ";
s << "auto it = subview.begin();";
// Add the element size so that we will extract as many elements as we can.
s << GetDataType() << " ret;";
if (element_size_ != -1) {
std::string type = (type_def_ != nullptr) ? type_def_->name_ : util::GetTypeForSize(element_size_);
s << "while (it + sizeof(" << type << ") <= subview.end()) {";
s << "ret.push_back(it.extract<" << type << ">());";
s << "}";
} else {
s << "while (it < subview.end()) {";
s << "it = " << type_def_->name_ << "::Parse(ret, it);";
s << "}";
void VectorField::GenGetter(std::ostream& s, Size start_offset, Size end_offset) const {
s << GetDataType();
s << " Get" << util::UnderscoreToCamelCase(GetName()) << "() {";
GenExtractor(s, start_offset, end_offset);
s << "return ret;";
s << "}\n";
bool VectorField::GenBuilderParameter(std::ostream& s) const {
if (type_def_ != nullptr) {
s << "const std::vector<" << type_def_->GetTypeName() << ">& " << GetName();
} else {
s << "const std::vector<" << util::GetTypeForSize(element_size_) << ">& " << GetName();
return true;
bool VectorField::HasParameterValidator() const {
// Does not have parameter validator yet.
// TODO: See comment in GenParameterValidator
return false;
void VectorField::GenParameterValidator(std::ostream&) const {
// No Parameter validator if its dynamically size.
// TODO: Maybe add a validator to ensure that the size isn't larger than what the size field can hold.
void VectorField::GenInserter(std::ostream& s) const {
s << "for (const auto& val : " << GetName() << "_) {";
if (IsEnumArray()) {
s << "insert(static_cast<" << util::GetTypeForSize(type_def_->size_) << ">(val), i, " << type_def_->size_ << ");";
} else if (IsCustomFieldArray()) {
if (type_def_->size_ == -1) {
s << "val.Serialize(i);";
} else {
s << "insert(val, i);";
} else if (IsStructArray()) {
s << "val.Serialize(i);";
} else {
s << "insert(val, i, " << element_size_ << ");";
s << "}\n";
void VectorField::GenValidator(std::ostream&) const {
// NOTE: We could check if the element size divides cleanly into the array size, but we decided to forgo that
// in favor of just returning as many elements as possible in a best effort style.
// Other than that there is nothing that arrays need to be validated on other than length so nothing needs to
// be done here.
bool VectorField::IsEnumArray() const {
return type_def_ != nullptr && type_def_->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::ENUM;
bool VectorField::IsCustomFieldArray() const {
return type_def_ != nullptr && type_def_->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::CUSTOM;
bool VectorField::IsStructArray() const {
return type_def_ != nullptr && type_def_->GetDefinitionType() == TypeDef::Type::STRUCT;
void VectorField::SetSizeField(const SizeField* size_field) {
if (size_field->GetFieldType() == CountField::kFieldType && !size_modifier_.empty()) {
ERROR(this, size_field) << "Can not use count field to describe array with a size modifier."
<< " Use size instead";
size_field_ = size_field;
const std::string& VectorField::GetSizeModifier() const {
return size_modifier_;