blob: 54a36bd00906456f950db50773b916f9b2f21218 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Suspend/Resume API.
use crate::bluetooth::{Bluetooth, BtifBluetoothCallbacks};
use crate::callbacks::Callbacks;
use crate::{bluetooth_gatt::IBluetoothGatt, BluetoothGatt, Message, RPCProxy};
use bt_topshim::btif::BluetoothInterface;
use log::warn;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender;
/// Defines the Suspend/Resume API.
/// This API is exposed by `btadapterd` and independent of the suspend/resume detection mechanism
/// which depends on the actual operating system the daemon runs on. Possible clients of this API
/// include `btmanagerd` with Chrome OS `powerd` integration, `btmanagerd` with systemd Inhibitor
/// interface, or any script hooked to suspend/resume events.
pub trait ISuspend {
/// Adds an observer to suspend events.
/// Returns true if the callback can be registered.
fn register_callback(&mut self, callback: Box<dyn ISuspendCallback + Send>) -> bool;
/// Removes an observer to suspend events.
/// Returns true if the callback can be removed, false if `callback_id` is not recognized.
fn unregister_callback(&mut self, callback_id: u32) -> bool;
/// Prepares the stack for suspend, identified by `suspend_id`.
/// Returns a positive number identifying the suspend if it can be started. If there is already
/// a suspend, that active suspend id is returned.
fn suspend(&mut self, suspend_type: SuspendType, suspend_id: i32);
/// Undoes previous suspend preparation identified by `suspend_id`.
/// Returns true if suspend can be resumed, and false if there is no suspend to resume.
fn resume(&mut self) -> bool;
/// Suspend events.
pub trait ISuspendCallback: RPCProxy {
/// Triggered when a callback is registered and given an identifier `callback_id`.
fn on_callback_registered(&self, callback_id: u32);
/// Triggered when the stack is ready for suspend and tell the observer the id of the suspend.
fn on_suspend_ready(&self, suspend_id: i32);
/// Triggered when the stack has resumed the previous suspend.
fn on_resumed(&self, suspend_id: i32);
/// Events that are disabled when we go into suspend. This prevents spurious wakes from
/// events we know can happen but are not useful.
/// Bit 4 = Disconnect Complete.
/// Bit 19 = Mode Change.
const MASKED_EVENTS_FOR_SUSPEND: u64 = (1u64 << 4) | (1u64 << 19);
#[derive(FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive)]
pub enum SuspendType {
struct SuspendState {
le_rand_expected: bool,
suspend_expected: bool,
resume_expected: bool,
suspend_id: Option<i32>,
impl SuspendState {
pub fn new() -> SuspendState {
Self {
le_rand_expected: false,
suspend_expected: false,
resume_expected: false,
suspend_id: None,
/// Implementation of the suspend API.
pub struct Suspend {
bt: Arc<Mutex<Box<Bluetooth>>>,
intf: Arc<Mutex<BluetoothInterface>>,
gatt: Arc<Mutex<Box<BluetoothGatt>>>,
tx: Sender<Message>,
callbacks: Callbacks<dyn ISuspendCallback + Send>,
is_connected_suspend: bool,
was_a2dp_connected: bool,
suspend_timeout_joinhandle: Option<tokio::task::JoinHandle<()>>,
suspend_state: Arc<Mutex<SuspendState>>,
impl Suspend {
pub fn new(
bt: Arc<Mutex<Box<Bluetooth>>>,
intf: Arc<Mutex<BluetoothInterface>>,
gatt: Arc<Mutex<Box<BluetoothGatt>>>,
tx: Sender<Message>,
) -> Suspend {
Self {
tx: tx.clone(),
callbacks: Callbacks::new(tx.clone(), Message::SuspendCallbackDisconnected),
is_connected_suspend: false,
was_a2dp_connected: false,
suspend_timeout_joinhandle: None,
suspend_state: Arc::new(Mutex::new(SuspendState::new())),
pub(crate) fn callback_registered(&mut self, id: u32) {
match self.callbacks.get_by_id(id) {
Some(callback) => callback.on_callback_registered(id),
None => warn!("Suspend callback {} does not exist", id),
pub(crate) fn remove_callback(&mut self, id: u32) -> bool {
pub(crate) fn suspend_ready(&self, suspend_id: i32) {
self.callbacks.for_all_callbacks(|callback| {
pub(crate) fn resume_ready(&self, suspend_id: i32) {
self.callbacks.for_all_callbacks(|callback| {
impl ISuspend for Suspend {
fn register_callback(&mut self, callback: Box<dyn ISuspendCallback + Send>) -> bool {
let id = self.callbacks.add_callback(callback);
let tx = self.tx.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move {
let _result = tx.send(Message::SuspendCallbackRegistered(id)).await;
fn unregister_callback(&mut self, callback_id: u32) -> bool {
fn suspend(&mut self, suspend_type: SuspendType, suspend_id: i32) {
// Set suspend event mask
self.intf.lock().unwrap().set_default_event_mask_except(MASKED_EVENTS_FOR_SUSPEND, 0u64);
// TODO(224602924): How do we get the advertising ids?
// TODO(224602924): How do we get the scanning ids?
// Handle wakeful cases (Connected/Other)
// Treat Other the same as Connected
match suspend_type {
SuspendType::AllowWakeFromHid | SuspendType::Other => {
// self.was_a2dp_connected = TODO(230604670): check if A2DP is connected
// TODO(230604670): check if A2DP is connected
_ => {}
self.suspend_state.lock().unwrap().le_rand_expected = true;
self.suspend_state.lock().unwrap().suspend_expected = true;
self.suspend_state.lock().unwrap().suspend_id = Some(suspend_id);;
if let Some(join_handle) = &self.suspend_timeout_joinhandle {
self.suspend_timeout_joinhandle = None;
let tx = self.tx.clone();
let suspend_state = self.suspend_state.clone();
self.suspend_timeout_joinhandle = Some(tokio::spawn(async move {
log::error!("Suspend did not complete in 2 seconds, continuing anyway.");
suspend_state.lock().unwrap().le_rand_expected = false;
suspend_state.lock().unwrap().suspend_expected = false;
suspend_state.lock().unwrap().suspend_id = None;
tokio::spawn(async move {
let _result = tx.send(Message::SuspendReady(suspend_id)).await;
fn resume(&mut self) -> bool {
self.intf.lock().unwrap().set_default_event_mask_except(0u64, 0u64);
if self.is_connected_suspend {
if self.was_a2dp_connected {
// TODO(230604670): reconnect to a2dp device
// TODO(224603198): start all advertising again
self.suspend_state.lock().unwrap().le_rand_expected = true;
self.suspend_state.lock().unwrap().resume_expected = true;;
let tx = self.tx.clone();
let suspend_state = self.suspend_state.clone();
let suspend_id = self.suspend_state.lock().unwrap().suspend_id.unwrap();
self.suspend_timeout_joinhandle = Some(tokio::spawn(async move {
log::error!("Resume did not complete in 2 seconds, continuing anyway.");
suspend_state.lock().unwrap().le_rand_expected = false;
suspend_state.lock().unwrap().resume_expected = false;
tokio::spawn(async move {
let _result = tx.send(Message::ResumeReady(suspend_id)).await;
impl BtifBluetoothCallbacks for Suspend {
fn le_rand_cb(&mut self, _random: u64) {
// TODO(b/232547719): Suspend readiness may not depend only on LeRand, make a generic state
// machine to support waiting for other conditions.
if !self.suspend_state.lock().unwrap().le_rand_expected {
log::warn!("Unexpected LE Rand callback, ignoring.");
self.suspend_state.lock().unwrap().le_rand_expected = false;
if let Some(join_handle) = &self.suspend_timeout_joinhandle {
self.suspend_timeout_joinhandle = None;
let suspend_id = self.suspend_state.lock().unwrap().suspend_id.unwrap();
if self.suspend_state.lock().unwrap().suspend_expected {
self.suspend_state.lock().unwrap().suspend_expected = false;
let tx = self.tx.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move {
let _result = tx.send(Message::SuspendReady(suspend_id)).await;
self.suspend_state.lock().unwrap().suspend_id = Some(suspend_id);
if self.suspend_state.lock().unwrap().resume_expected {
self.suspend_state.lock().unwrap().resume_expected = false;
let tx = self.tx.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move {
let _result = tx.send(Message::ResumeReady(suspend_id)).await;