pdl: Refactor analyzer

Modify the analyzer to process the input AST to:
  - annotate fields and types with the size in bits
  - inline group fields

Test: cargo test analyzer::test
Change-Id: I0e9165c32aa0220faa2ca6bd29dec7d4096ebc51
diff --git a/tools/pdl/src/analyzer.rs b/tools/pdl/src/analyzer.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..698e0cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pdl/src/analyzer.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,1972 @@
+use codespan_reporting::diagnostic::Diagnostic;
+use codespan_reporting::files;
+use codespan_reporting::term;
+use codespan_reporting::term::termcolor;
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use crate::ast::*;
+use crate::parser::ast as parser_ast;
+pub mod ast {
+    use serde::Serialize;
+    /// Field and declaration size information.
+    #[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
+    #[allow(unused)]
+    pub enum Size {
+        /// Constant size in bits.
+        Static(usize),
+        /// Size indicated at packet parsing by a size or count field.
+        /// The parameter is the static part of the size.
+        Dynamic,
+        /// The size cannot be determined statically or at runtime.
+        /// The packet assumes the largest possible size.
+        #[default]
+        Unknown,
+    }
+    #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Default)]
+    pub struct Annotation;
+    #[derive(Default, Debug, Clone)]
+    pub struct FieldAnnotation {
+        // Size of field.
+        pub size: Size,
+    }
+    #[derive(Default, Debug, Clone)]
+    pub struct DeclAnnotation {
+        // Size computed excluding the payload.
+        pub size: Size,
+        // Payload size, or Static(0) if the declaration does not
+        // have a payload.
+        pub payload_size: Size,
+    }
+    impl std::ops::Add for Size {
+        type Output = Size;
+        fn add(self, rhs: Size) -> Self::Output {
+            match (self, rhs) {
+                (Size::Unknown, _) | (_, Size::Unknown) => Size::Unknown,
+                (Size::Dynamic, _) | (_, Size::Dynamic) => Size::Dynamic,
+                (Size::Static(lhs), Size::Static(rhs)) => Size::Static(lhs + rhs),
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    impl std::ops::Mul for Size {
+        type Output = Size;
+        fn mul(self, rhs: Size) -> Self::Output {
+            match (self, rhs) {
+                (Size::Unknown, _) | (_, Size::Unknown) => Size::Unknown,
+                (Size::Dynamic, _) | (_, Size::Dynamic) => Size::Dynamic,
+                (Size::Static(lhs), Size::Static(rhs)) => Size::Static(lhs * rhs),
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    impl std::ops::Mul<usize> for Size {
+        type Output = Size;
+        fn mul(self, rhs: usize) -> Self::Output {
+            match self {
+                Size::Unknown => Size::Unknown,
+                Size::Dynamic => Size::Dynamic,
+                Size::Static(lhs) => Size::Static(lhs * rhs),
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    impl crate::ast::Annotation for Annotation {
+        type FieldAnnotation = FieldAnnotation;
+        type DeclAnnotation = DeclAnnotation;
+    }
+    #[allow(unused)]
+    pub type Field = crate::ast::Field<Annotation>;
+    #[allow(unused)]
+    pub type Decl = crate::ast::Decl<Annotation>;
+    #[allow(unused)]
+    pub type File = crate::ast::File<Annotation>;
+/// List of unique errors reported as analyzer diagnostics.
+pub enum ErrorCode {
+    DuplicateDeclIdentifier = 1,
+    RecursiveDecl = 2,
+    UndeclaredGroupIdentifier = 3,
+    InvalidGroupIdentifier = 4,
+    UndeclaredTypeIdentifier = 5,
+    InvalidTypeIdentifier = 6,
+    UndeclaredParentIdentifier = 7,
+    InvalidParentIdentifier = 8,
+    UndeclaredTestIdentifier = 9,
+    InvalidTestIdentifier = 10,
+    DuplicateFieldIdentifier = 11,
+    DuplicateTagIdentifier = 12,
+    DuplicateTagValue = 13,
+    InvalidTagValue = 14,
+    UndeclaredConstraintIdentifier = 15,
+    InvalidConstraintIdentifier = 16,
+    E17 = 17,
+    ConstraintValueOutOfRange = 18,
+    E19 = 19,
+    E20 = 20,
+    E21 = 21,
+    DuplicateConstraintIdentifier = 22,
+    DuplicateSizeField = 23,
+    UndeclaredSizeIdentifier = 24,
+    InvalidSizeIdentifier = 25,
+    DuplicateCountField = 26,
+    UndeclaredCountIdentifier = 27,
+    InvalidCountIdentifier = 28,
+    DuplicateElementSizeField = 29,
+    UndeclaredElementSizeIdentifier = 30,
+    InvalidElementSizeIdentifier = 31,
+    FixedValueOutOfRange = 32,
+    E33 = 33,
+    E34 = 34,
+    E35 = 35,
+    DuplicatePayloadField = 36,
+    MissingPayloadField = 37,
+    RedundantArraySize = 38,
+impl From<ErrorCode> for String {
+    fn from(code: ErrorCode) -> Self {
+        format!("E{}", code as u16)
+    }
+/// Aggregate analyzer diagnostics.
+#[derive(Debug, Default)]
+pub struct Diagnostics {
+    pub diagnostics: Vec<Diagnostic<FileId>>,
+/// Gather information about the full AST.
+#[derive(Debug, Default)]
+pub struct Scope<'d, A: Annotation> {
+    /// Collection of Group, Packet, Enum, Struct, Checksum, and CustomField
+    /// declarations.
+    pub typedef: HashMap<String, &'d crate::ast::Decl<A>>,
+impl Diagnostics {
+    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
+        self.diagnostics.is_empty()
+    }
+    fn push(&mut self, diagnostic: Diagnostic<FileId>) {
+        self.diagnostics.push(diagnostic)
+    }
+    fn err_or<T>(self, value: T) -> Result<T, Diagnostics> {
+        if self.is_empty() {
+            Ok(value)
+        } else {
+            Err(self)
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn emit(
+        &self,
+        sources: &SourceDatabase,
+        writer: &mut dyn termcolor::WriteColor,
+    ) -> Result<(), files::Error> {
+        let config = term::Config::default();
+        for d in self.diagnostics.iter() {
+            term::emit(writer, &config, sources, d)?;
+        }
+        Ok(())
+    }
+impl<'d, A: Annotation + Default> Scope<'d, A> {
+    pub fn new(file: &'d crate::ast::File<A>) -> Result<Scope<'d, A>, Diagnostics> {
+        // Gather top-level declarations.
+        let mut scope: Scope<A> = Default::default();
+        let mut diagnostics: Diagnostics = Default::default();
+        for decl in &file.declarations {
+            if let Some(id) = decl.id() {
+                if let Some(prev) = scope.typedef.insert(id.to_string(), decl) {
+                    diagnostics.push(
+                        Diagnostic::error()
+                            .with_code(ErrorCode::DuplicateDeclIdentifier)
+                            .with_message(format!(
+                                "redeclaration of {} identifier `{}`",
+                                decl.kind(),
+                                id
+                            ))
+                            .with_labels(vec![
+                                decl.loc.primary(),
+                                prev.loc
+                                    .secondary()
+                                    .with_message(format!("`{}` is first declared here", id)),
+                            ]),
+                    )
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // Return failure if any diagnostic is raised.
+        if diagnostics.is_empty() {
+            Ok(scope)
+        } else {
+            Err(diagnostics)
+        }
+    }
+    /// Return the parent declaration of the selected declaration,
+    /// if it has one.
+    pub fn get_parent(&self, decl: &crate::ast::Decl<A>) -> Option<&'d crate::ast::Decl<A>> {
+        decl.parent_id().and_then(|parent_id| self.typedef.get(parent_id).cloned())
+    }
+    /// Iterate over the parent declarations of the selected declaration.
+    pub fn iter_parents<'s>(
+        &'s self,
+        decl: &'d crate::ast::Decl<A>,
+    ) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'d Decl<A>> + 's {
+        std::iter::successors(self.get_parent(decl), |decl| self.get_parent(decl))
+    }
+    /// Iterate over the declaration and its parent's fields.
+    pub fn iter_fields<'s>(
+        &'s self,
+        decl: &'d crate::ast::Decl<A>,
+    ) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'d Field<A>> + 's {
+        std::iter::successors(Some(decl), |decl| self.get_parent(decl)).flat_map(Decl::fields)
+    }
+    /// Return the type declaration for the selected field, if applicable.
+    #[allow(dead_code)]
+    pub fn get_declaration(
+        &self,
+        field: &'d crate::ast::Field<A>,
+    ) -> Option<&'d crate::ast::Decl<A>> {
+        match &field.desc {
+            FieldDesc::Checksum { .. }
+            | FieldDesc::Padding { .. }
+            | FieldDesc::Size { .. }
+            | FieldDesc::Count { .. }
+            | FieldDesc::ElementSize { .. }
+            | FieldDesc::Body
+            | FieldDesc::Payload { .. }
+            | FieldDesc::FixedScalar { .. }
+            | FieldDesc::Reserved { .. }
+            | FieldDesc::Group { .. }
+            | FieldDesc::Scalar { .. }
+            | FieldDesc::Array { type_id: None, .. } => None,
+            FieldDesc::FixedEnum { enum_id: type_id, .. }
+            | FieldDesc::Array { type_id: Some(type_id), .. }
+            | FieldDesc::Typedef { type_id, .. } => self.typedef.get(type_id).cloned(),
+        }
+    }
+/// Return the bit-width of a scalar value.
+fn bit_width(value: usize) -> usize {
+    usize::BITS as usize - value.leading_zeros() as usize
+/// Check declaration identifiers.
+/// Raises error diagnostics for the following cases:
+///      - undeclared parent identifier
+///      - invalid parent identifier
+///      - undeclared group identifier
+///      - invalid group identifier
+///      - undeclared typedef identifier
+///      - invalid typedef identifier
+///      - undeclared test identifier
+///      - invalid test identifier
+///      - recursive declaration
+fn check_decl_identifiers(
+    file: &parser_ast::File,
+    scope: &Scope<parser_ast::Annotation>,
+) -> Result<(), Diagnostics> {
+    enum Mark {
+        Temporary,
+        Permanent,
+    }
+    #[derive(Default)]
+    struct Context<'d> {
+        visited: HashMap<&'d str, Mark>,
+    }
+    fn bfs<'d>(
+        decl: &'d parser_ast::Decl,
+        context: &mut Context<'d>,
+        scope: &Scope<'d, parser_ast::Annotation>,
+        diagnostics: &mut Diagnostics,
+    ) {
+        let decl_id = decl.id().unwrap();
+        match context.visited.get(decl_id) {
+            Some(Mark::Permanent) => return,
+            Some(Mark::Temporary) => {
+                diagnostics.push(
+                    Diagnostic::error()
+                        .with_code(ErrorCode::RecursiveDecl)
+                        .with_message(format!(
+                            "recursive declaration of {} `{}`",
+                            decl.kind(),
+                            decl_id
+                        ))
+                        .with_labels(vec![decl.loc.primary()]),
+                );
+                return;
+            }
+            _ => (),
+        }
+        // Start visiting current declaration.
+        context.visited.insert(decl_id, Mark::Temporary);
+        // Iterate over Struct and Group fields.
+        for field in decl.fields() {
+            match &field.desc {
+                // Validate that the group field has a valid identifier.
+                // If the type is a group recurse the group definition.
+                FieldDesc::Group { group_id, .. } => match scope.typedef.get(group_id) {
+                    None => diagnostics.push(
+                        Diagnostic::error()
+                            .with_code(ErrorCode::UndeclaredGroupIdentifier)
+                            .with_message(format!("undeclared group identifier `{}`", group_id))
+                            .with_labels(vec![field.loc.primary()])
+                            .with_notes(vec!["hint: expected group identifier".to_owned()]),
+                    ),
+                    Some(group_decl @ Decl { desc: DeclDesc::Group { .. }, .. }) => {
+                        bfs(group_decl, context, scope, diagnostics)
+                    }
+                    Some(_) => diagnostics.push(
+                        Diagnostic::error()
+                            .with_code(ErrorCode::InvalidGroupIdentifier)
+                            .with_message(format!("invalid group identifier `{}`", group_id))
+                            .with_labels(vec![field.loc.primary()])
+                            .with_notes(vec!["hint: expected group identifier".to_owned()]),
+                    ),
+                },
+                // Validate that the typedef field has a valid identifier.
+                // If the type is a struct recurse the struct definition.
+                // Append the field to the packet re-definition.
+                FieldDesc::Typedef { type_id, .. }
+                | FieldDesc::Array { type_id: Some(type_id), .. } => {
+                    match scope.typedef.get(type_id) {
+                        None => diagnostics.push(
+                            Diagnostic::error().with_code(ErrorCode::UndeclaredTypeIdentifier)
+                                .with_message(format!(
+                                    "undeclared {} identifier `{}`",
+                                    field.kind(),
+                                    type_id
+                                ))
+                                .with_labels(vec![field.loc.primary()])
+                                .with_notes(vec!["hint: expected enum, struct, custom_field, or checksum identifier".to_owned()]),
+                        ),
+                        Some(Decl { desc: DeclDesc::Packet { .. }, .. }) => diagnostics.push(
+                            Diagnostic::error().with_code(ErrorCode::InvalidTypeIdentifier)
+                                .with_message(format!(
+                                    "invalid {} identifier `{}`",
+                                    field.kind(),
+                                    type_id
+                                ))
+                                .with_labels(vec![field.loc.primary()])
+                                .with_notes(vec!["hint: expected enum, struct, custom_field, or checksum identifier".to_owned()]),
+                        ),
+                        Some(typedef_decl) =>
+                            // Not recursing on array type since it is allowed to
+                            // have recursive structures, e.g. nested TLV types.
+                            if matches!(&field.desc, FieldDesc::Typedef { .. }) ||
+                               matches!(&field.desc, FieldDesc::Array { size: Some(_), .. }) {
+                                bfs(typedef_decl, context, scope, diagnostics)
+                            }
+                    }
+                }
+                // Ignore other fields.
+                _ => (),
+            }
+        }
+        // Iterate over parent declaration.
+        if let Some(parent_id) = decl.parent_id() {
+            let parent_decl = scope.typedef.get(parent_id);
+            match (&decl.desc, parent_decl) {
+                (DeclDesc::Packet { .. }, None) | (DeclDesc::Struct { .. }, None) => diagnostics
+                    .push(
+                        Diagnostic::error()
+                            .with_code(ErrorCode::UndeclaredParentIdentifier)
+                            .with_message(format!("undeclared parent identifier `{}`", parent_id))
+                            .with_labels(vec![decl.loc.primary()])
+                            .with_notes(vec![format!("hint: expected {} identifier", decl.kind())]),
+                    ),
+                (
+                    DeclDesc::Packet { .. },
+                    Some(parent_decl @ Decl { desc: DeclDesc::Packet { .. }, .. }),
+                )
+                | (
+                    DeclDesc::Struct { .. },
+                    Some(parent_decl @ Decl { desc: DeclDesc::Struct { .. }, .. }),
+                ) => bfs(parent_decl, context, scope, diagnostics),
+                (_, Some(_)) => diagnostics.push(
+                    Diagnostic::error()
+                        .with_code(ErrorCode::InvalidParentIdentifier)
+                        .with_message(format!("invalid parent identifier `{}`", parent_id))
+                        .with_labels(vec![decl.loc.primary()])
+                        .with_notes(vec![format!("hint: expected {} identifier", decl.kind())]),
+                ),
+                _ => unreachable!(),
+            }
+        }
+        // Done visiting current declaration.
+        context.visited.insert(decl_id, Mark::Permanent);
+    }
+    // Start bfs.
+    let mut diagnostics = Default::default();
+    let mut context = Default::default();
+    for decl in &file.declarations {
+        match &decl.desc {
+            DeclDesc::Checksum { .. } | DeclDesc::CustomField { .. } | DeclDesc::Enum { .. } => (),
+            DeclDesc::Packet { .. } | DeclDesc::Struct { .. } | DeclDesc::Group { .. } => {
+                bfs(decl, &mut context, scope, &mut diagnostics)
+            }
+            DeclDesc::Test { type_id, .. } => match scope.typedef.get(type_id) {
+                None => diagnostics.push(
+                    Diagnostic::error()
+                        .with_code(ErrorCode::UndeclaredTestIdentifier)
+                        .with_message(format!("undeclared test identifier `{}`", type_id))
+                        .with_labels(vec![decl.loc.primary()])
+                        .with_notes(vec!["hint: expected packet identifier".to_owned()]),
+                ),
+                Some(Decl { desc: DeclDesc::Packet { .. }, .. }) => (),
+                Some(_) => diagnostics.push(
+                    Diagnostic::error()
+                        .with_code(ErrorCode::InvalidTestIdentifier)
+                        .with_message(format!("invalid test identifier `{}`", type_id))
+                        .with_labels(vec![decl.loc.primary()])
+                        .with_notes(vec!["hint: expected packet identifier".to_owned()]),
+                ),
+            },
+        }
+    }
+    diagnostics.err_or(())
+/// Check field identifiers.
+/// Raises error diagnostics for the following cases:
+///      - duplicate field identifier
+fn check_field_identifiers(file: &parser_ast::File) -> Result<(), Diagnostics> {
+    let mut diagnostics: Diagnostics = Default::default();
+    for decl in &file.declarations {
+        let mut local_scope = HashMap::new();
+        for field in decl.fields() {
+            if let Some(id) = field.id() {
+                if let Some(prev) = local_scope.insert(id.to_string(), field) {
+                    diagnostics.push(
+                        Diagnostic::error()
+                            .with_code(ErrorCode::DuplicateFieldIdentifier)
+                            .with_message(format!(
+                                "redeclaration of {} field identifier `{}`",
+                                field.kind(),
+                                id
+                            ))
+                            .with_labels(vec![
+                                field.loc.primary(),
+                                prev.loc
+                                    .secondary()
+                                    .with_message(format!("`{}` is first declared here", id)),
+                            ]),
+                    )
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    diagnostics.err_or(())
+/// Check enum declarations.
+/// Raises error diagnostics for the following cases:
+///      - duplicate tag identifier
+///      - duplicate tag value
+fn check_enum_declarations(file: &parser_ast::File) -> Result<(), Diagnostics> {
+    let mut diagnostics: Diagnostics = Default::default();
+    for decl in &file.declarations {
+        if let DeclDesc::Enum { tags, width, .. } = &decl.desc {
+            let mut tags_by_id = HashMap::new();
+            let mut tags_by_value = HashMap::new();
+            for tag in tags {
+                if let Some(prev) = tags_by_id.insert(&tag.id, tag) {
+                    diagnostics.push(
+                        Diagnostic::error()
+                            .with_code(ErrorCode::DuplicateTagIdentifier)
+                            .with_message(format!("duplicate tag identifier `{}`", tag.id))
+                            .with_labels(vec![
+                                tag.loc.primary(),
+                                prev.loc
+                                    .secondary()
+                                    .with_message(format!("`{}` is first declared here", tag.id)),
+                            ]),
+                    )
+                }
+                if let Some(prev) = tags_by_value.insert(&tag.value, tag) {
+                    diagnostics.push(
+                        Diagnostic::error()
+                            .with_code(ErrorCode::DuplicateTagValue)
+                            .with_message(format!("duplicate tag value `{}`", tag.value))
+                            .with_labels(vec![
+                                tag.loc.primary(),
+                                prev.loc.secondary().with_message(format!(
+                                    "`{}` is first declared here",
+                                    tag.value
+                                )),
+                            ]),
+                    )
+                }
+                if bit_width(tag.value) > *width {
+                    diagnostics.push(
+                        Diagnostic::error()
+                            .with_code(ErrorCode::InvalidTagValue)
+                            .with_message(format!(
+                                "tag value `{}` is larger than the maximum value",
+                                tag.value
+                            ))
+                            .with_labels(vec![tag.loc.primary()]),
+                    )
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    diagnostics.err_or(())
+/// Check constraints.
+/// Raises error diagnostics for the following cases:
+///      - undeclared constraint identifier
+///      - invalid constraint identifier
+///      - invalid constraint scalar value (bad type)
+///      - invalid constraint scalar value (overflow)
+///      - invalid constraint enum value (bad type)
+///      - invalid constraint enum value (undeclared tag)
+///      - duplicate constraint
+fn check_constraints(
+    file: &parser_ast::File,
+    scope: &Scope<parser_ast::Annotation>,
+) -> Result<(), Diagnostics> {
+    fn check_constraint(
+        constraint: &Constraint,
+        decl: &parser_ast::Decl,
+        scope: &Scope<parser_ast::Annotation>,
+        diagnostics: &mut Diagnostics,
+    ) {
+        match scope.iter_fields(decl).find(|field| field.id() == Some(&constraint.id)) {
+            None => diagnostics.push(
+                Diagnostic::error()
+                    .with_code(ErrorCode::UndeclaredConstraintIdentifier)
+                    .with_message(format!("undeclared constraint identifier `{}`", constraint.id))
+                    .with_labels(vec![constraint.loc.primary()])
+                    .with_notes(vec!["hint: expected scalar or typedef identifier".to_owned()]),
+            ),
+            Some(field @ Field { desc: FieldDesc::Array { .. }, .. }) => diagnostics.push(
+                Diagnostic::error()
+                    .with_code(ErrorCode::InvalidConstraintIdentifier)
+                    .with_message(format!("invalid constraint identifier `{}`", constraint.id))
+                    .with_labels(vec![
+                        constraint.loc.primary(),
+                        field.loc.secondary().with_message(format!(
+                            "`{}` is declared here as array field",
+                            constraint.id
+                        )),
+                    ])
+                    .with_notes(vec!["hint: expected scalar or typedef identifier".to_owned()]),
+            ),
+            Some(field @ Field { desc: FieldDesc::Scalar { width, .. }, .. }) => {
+                match constraint.value {
+                    None => diagnostics.push(
+                        Diagnostic::error()
+                            .with_code(ErrorCode::E17)
+                            .with_message(format!(
+                                "invalid constraint value `{}`",
+                                constraint.tag_id.as_ref().unwrap()
+                            ))
+                            .with_labels(vec![
+                                constraint.loc.primary(),
+                                field.loc.secondary().with_message(format!(
+                                    "`{}` is declared here as scalar field",
+                                    constraint.id
+                                )),
+                            ])
+                            .with_notes(vec!["hint: expected scalar value".to_owned()]),
+                    ),
+                    Some(value) if bit_width(value) > *width => diagnostics.push(
+                        Diagnostic::error()
+                            .with_code(ErrorCode::ConstraintValueOutOfRange)
+                            .with_message(format!(
+                                "constraint value `{}` is larger than maximum value",
+                                value
+                            ))
+                            .with_labels(vec![constraint.loc.primary(), field.loc.secondary()]),
+                    ),
+                    _ => (),
+                }
+            }
+            Some(field @ Field { desc: FieldDesc::Typedef { type_id, .. }, .. }) => {
+                match scope.typedef.get(type_id) {
+                    None => (),
+                    Some(Decl { desc: DeclDesc::Enum { tags, .. }, .. }) => {
+                        match &constraint.tag_id {
+                            None => diagnostics.push(
+                                Diagnostic::error()
+                                    .with_code(ErrorCode::E19)
+                                    .with_message(format!(
+                                        "invalid constraint value `{}`",
+                                        constraint.value.unwrap()
+                                    ))
+                                    .with_labels(vec![
+                                        constraint.loc.primary(),
+                                        field.loc.secondary().with_message(format!(
+                                            "`{}` is declared here as typedef field",
+                                            constraint.id
+                                        )),
+                                    ])
+                                    .with_notes(vec!["hint: expected enum value".to_owned()]),
+                            ),
+                            Some(tag_id) => {
+                                if !tags.iter().any(|tag| &tag.id == tag_id) {
+                                    diagnostics.push(
+                                        Diagnostic::error()
+                                            .with_code(ErrorCode::E20)
+                                            .with_message(format!(
+                                                "undeclared enum tag `{}`",
+                                                tag_id
+                                            ))
+                                            .with_labels(vec![
+                                                constraint.loc.primary(),
+                                                field.loc.secondary().with_message(format!(
+                                                    "`{}` is declared here",
+                                                    constraint.id
+                                                )),
+                                            ]),
+                                    )
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    Some(decl) => diagnostics.push(
+                        Diagnostic::error()
+                            .with_code(ErrorCode::E21)
+                            .with_message(format!(
+                                "invalid constraint identifier `{}`",
+                                constraint.value.unwrap()
+                            ))
+                            .with_labels(vec![
+                                constraint.loc.primary(),
+                                field.loc.secondary().with_message(format!(
+                                    "`{}` is declared here as {} typedef field",
+                                    constraint.id,
+                                    decl.kind()
+                                )),
+                            ])
+                            .with_notes(vec!["hint: expected enum value".to_owned()]),
+                    ),
+                }
+            }
+            Some(_) => unreachable!(),
+        }
+    }
+    fn check_constraints<'d>(
+        constraints: &'d [Constraint],
+        parent_decl: &parser_ast::Decl,
+        scope: &Scope<parser_ast::Annotation>,
+        mut constraints_by_id: HashMap<String, &'d Constraint>,
+        diagnostics: &mut Diagnostics,
+    ) {
+        for constraint in constraints {
+            check_constraint(constraint, parent_decl, scope, diagnostics);
+            if let Some(prev) = constraints_by_id.insert(constraint.id.to_string(), constraint) {
+                // Constraint appears twice in current set.
+                diagnostics.push(
+                    Diagnostic::error()
+                        .with_code(ErrorCode::DuplicateConstraintIdentifier)
+                        .with_message(format!(
+                            "duplicate constraint identifier `{}`",
+                            constraint.id
+                        ))
+                        .with_labels(vec![
+                            constraint.loc.primary(),
+                            prev.loc
+                                .secondary()
+                                .with_message(format!("`{}` is first constrained here", prev.id)),
+                        ]),
+                )
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    let mut diagnostics: Diagnostics = Default::default();
+    for decl in &file.declarations {
+        // Check constraints for packet inheritance.
+        match &decl.desc {
+            DeclDesc::Packet { constraints, parent_id: Some(parent_id), .. }
+            | DeclDesc::Struct { constraints, parent_id: Some(parent_id), .. } => {
+                let parent_decl = scope.typedef.get(parent_id).unwrap();
+                check_constraints(
+                    constraints,
+                    parent_decl,
+                    scope,
+                    // Include constraints declared in parent declarations
+                    // for duplicate check.
+                    scope.iter_parents(decl).fold(HashMap::new(), |acc, decl| {
+                        decl.constraints().fold(acc, |mut acc, constraint| {
+                            let _ = acc.insert(constraint.id.to_string(), constraint);
+                            acc
+                        })
+                    }),
+                    &mut diagnostics,
+                )
+            }
+            _ => (),
+        }
+        // Check constraints for group inlining.
+        for field in decl.fields() {
+            if let FieldDesc::Group { group_id, constraints } = &field.desc {
+                let group_decl = scope.typedef.get(group_id).unwrap();
+                check_constraints(constraints, group_decl, scope, HashMap::new(), &mut diagnostics)
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    diagnostics.err_or(())
+/// Check size fields.
+/// Raises error diagnostics for the following cases:
+///      - undeclared size identifier
+///      - invalid size identifier
+///      - duplicate size field
+///      - undeclared count identifier
+///      - invalid count identifier
+///      - duplicate count field
+///      - undeclared elementsize identifier
+///      - invalid elementsize identifier
+///      - duplicate elementsize field
+fn check_size_fields(file: &parser_ast::File) -> Result<(), Diagnostics> {
+    let mut diagnostics: Diagnostics = Default::default();
+    for decl in &file.declarations {
+        let mut size_for_id = HashMap::new();
+        let mut element_size_for_id = HashMap::new();
+        for field in decl.fields() {
+            // Check for duplicate size, count, or element size fields.
+            if let Some((reverse_map, field_id, err)) = match &field.desc {
+                FieldDesc::Size { field_id, .. } => {
+                    Some((&mut size_for_id, field_id, ErrorCode::DuplicateSizeField))
+                }
+                FieldDesc::Count { field_id, .. } => {
+                    Some((&mut size_for_id, field_id, ErrorCode::DuplicateCountField))
+                }
+                FieldDesc::ElementSize { field_id, .. } => {
+                    Some((&mut element_size_for_id, field_id, ErrorCode::DuplicateElementSizeField))
+                }
+                _ => None,
+            } {
+                if let Some(prev) = reverse_map.insert(field_id, field) {
+                    diagnostics.push(
+                        Diagnostic::error()
+                            .with_code(err)
+                            .with_message(format!("duplicate {} field", field.kind()))
+                            .with_labels(vec![
+                                field.loc.primary(),
+                                prev.loc.secondary().with_message(format!(
+                                    "{} is first declared here",
+                                    prev.kind()
+                                )),
+                            ]),
+                    )
+                }
+            }
+            // Check for invalid size, count, or element size field identifiers.
+            match &field.desc {
+                FieldDesc::Size { field_id, .. } => {
+                    match decl.fields().find(|field| match &field.desc {
+                        FieldDesc::Payload { .. } => field_id == "_payload_",
+                        FieldDesc::Body { .. } => field_id == "_body_",
+                        _ => field.id() == Some(field_id),
+                    }) {
+                        None => diagnostics.push(
+                            Diagnostic::error()
+                                .with_code(ErrorCode::UndeclaredSizeIdentifier)
+                                .with_message(format!(
+                                    "undeclared {} identifier `{}`",
+                                    field.kind(),
+                                    field_id
+                                ))
+                                .with_labels(vec![field.loc.primary()])
+                                .with_notes(vec![
+                                    "hint: expected payload, body, or array identifier".to_owned(),
+                                ]),
+                        ),
+                        Some(Field { desc: FieldDesc::Body { .. }, .. })
+                        | Some(Field { desc: FieldDesc::Payload { .. }, .. })
+                        | Some(Field { desc: FieldDesc::Array { .. }, .. }) => (),
+                        Some(Field { loc, .. }) => diagnostics.push(
+                            Diagnostic::error()
+                                .with_code(ErrorCode::InvalidSizeIdentifier)
+                                .with_message(format!(
+                                    "invalid {} identifier `{}`",
+                                    field.kind(),
+                                    field_id
+                                ))
+                                .with_labels(vec![field.loc.primary(), loc.secondary()])
+                                .with_notes(vec![
+                                    "hint: expected payload, body, or array identifier".to_owned(),
+                                ]),
+                        ),
+                    }
+                }
+                FieldDesc::Count { field_id, .. } | FieldDesc::ElementSize { field_id, .. } => {
+                    let (undeclared_err, invalid_err) =
+                        if matches!(&field.desc, FieldDesc::Count { .. }) {
+                            (
+                                ErrorCode::UndeclaredCountIdentifier,
+                                ErrorCode::InvalidCountIdentifier,
+                            )
+                        } else {
+                            (
+                                ErrorCode::UndeclaredElementSizeIdentifier,
+                                ErrorCode::InvalidElementSizeIdentifier,
+                            )
+                        };
+                    match decl.fields().find(|field| field.id() == Some(field_id)) {
+                        None => diagnostics.push(
+                            Diagnostic::error()
+                                .with_code(undeclared_err)
+                                .with_message(format!(
+                                    "undeclared {} identifier `{}`",
+                                    field.kind(),
+                                    field_id
+                                ))
+                                .with_labels(vec![field.loc.primary()])
+                                .with_notes(vec!["hint: expected array identifier".to_owned()]),
+                        ),
+                        Some(Field { desc: FieldDesc::Array { .. }, .. }) => (),
+                        Some(Field { loc, .. }) => diagnostics.push(
+                            Diagnostic::error()
+                                .with_code(invalid_err)
+                                .with_message(format!(
+                                    "invalid {} identifier `{}`",
+                                    field.kind(),
+                                    field_id
+                                ))
+                                .with_labels(vec![field.loc.primary(), loc.secondary()])
+                                .with_notes(vec!["hint: expected array identifier".to_owned()]),
+                        ),
+                    }
+                }
+                _ => (),
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    diagnostics.err_or(())
+/// Check fixed fields.
+/// Raises error diagnostics for the following cases:
+///      - invalid scalar value
+///      - undeclared enum identifier
+///      - invalid enum identifier
+///      - undeclared tag identifier
+fn check_fixed_fields(
+    file: &parser_ast::File,
+    scope: &Scope<parser_ast::Annotation>,
+) -> Result<(), Diagnostics> {
+    let mut diagnostics: Diagnostics = Default::default();
+    for decl in &file.declarations {
+        for field in decl.fields() {
+            match &field.desc {
+                FieldDesc::FixedScalar { value, width } if bit_width(*value) > *width => {
+                    diagnostics.push(
+                        Diagnostic::error()
+                            .with_code(ErrorCode::FixedValueOutOfRange)
+                            .with_message(format!(
+                                "fixed value `{}` is larger than maximum value",
+                                value
+                            ))
+                            .with_labels(vec![field.loc.primary()]),
+                    )
+                }
+                FieldDesc::FixedEnum { tag_id, enum_id } => match scope.typedef.get(enum_id) {
+                    None => diagnostics.push(
+                        Diagnostic::error()
+                            .with_code(ErrorCode::E33)
+                            .with_message(format!("undeclared type identifier `{}`", enum_id))
+                            .with_labels(vec![field.loc.primary()])
+                            .with_notes(vec!["hint: expected enum identifier".to_owned()]),
+                    ),
+                    Some(enum_decl @ Decl { desc: DeclDesc::Enum { tags, .. }, .. }) => {
+                        if !tags.iter().any(|tag| &tag.id == tag_id) {
+                            diagnostics.push(
+                                Diagnostic::error()
+                                    .with_code(ErrorCode::E34)
+                                    .with_message(format!("undeclared tag identifier `{}`", tag_id))
+                                    .with_labels(vec![
+                                        field.loc.primary(),
+                                        enum_decl.loc.secondary(),
+                                    ]),
+                            )
+                        }
+                    }
+                    Some(decl) => diagnostics.push(
+                        Diagnostic::error()
+                            .with_code(ErrorCode::E35)
+                            .with_message(format!("invalid type identifier `{}`", enum_id))
+                            .with_labels(vec![
+                                field.loc.primary(),
+                                decl.loc
+                                    .secondary()
+                                    .with_message(format!("`{}` is declared here", enum_id)),
+                            ])
+                            .with_notes(vec!["hint: expected enum identifier".to_owned()]),
+                    ),
+                },
+                _ => (),
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    diagnostics.err_or(())
+/// Check payload fields.
+/// Raises error diagnostics for the following cases:
+///      - duplicate payload field
+///      - duplicate payload field size
+///      - duplicate body field
+///      - duplicate body field size
+///      - missing payload field
+fn check_payload_fields(file: &parser_ast::File) -> Result<(), Diagnostics> {
+    // Check whether the declaration requires a payload field.
+    // The payload is required if any child packets declares fields.
+    fn requires_payload(file: &parser_ast::File, decl: &parser_ast::Decl) -> bool {
+        file.iter_children(decl).any(|child| child.fields().next().is_some())
+    }
+    let mut diagnostics: Diagnostics = Default::default();
+    for decl in &file.declarations {
+        let mut payload: Option<&parser_ast::Field> = None;
+        for field in decl.fields() {
+            match &field.desc {
+                FieldDesc::Payload { .. } | FieldDesc::Body { .. } => {
+                    if let Some(prev) = payload {
+                        diagnostics.push(
+                            Diagnostic::error()
+                                .with_code(ErrorCode::DuplicatePayloadField)
+                                .with_message(format!("duplicate {} field", field.kind()))
+                                .with_labels(vec![
+                                    field.loc.primary(),
+                                    prev.loc.secondary().with_message(format!(
+                                        "{} is first declared here",
+                                        prev.kind()
+                                    )),
+                                ]),
+                        )
+                    } else {
+                        payload = Some(field);
+                    }
+                }
+                _ => (),
+            }
+        }
+        if payload.is_none() && requires_payload(file, decl) {
+            diagnostics.push(
+                Diagnostic::error()
+                    .with_code(ErrorCode::MissingPayloadField)
+                    .with_message("missing payload field".to_owned())
+                    .with_labels(vec![decl.loc.primary()])
+                    .with_notes(vec![format!(
+                        "hint: one child packet is extending `{}`",
+                        decl.id().unwrap()
+                    )]),
+            )
+        }
+    }
+    diagnostics.err_or(())
+/// Check array fields.
+/// Raises error diagnostics for the following cases:
+///      - redundant array field size
+fn check_array_fields(file: &parser_ast::File) -> Result<(), Diagnostics> {
+    let mut diagnostics: Diagnostics = Default::default();
+    for decl in &file.declarations {
+        for field in decl.fields() {
+            if let FieldDesc::Array { id, size: Some(size), .. } = &field.desc {
+                if let Some(size_field) = decl.fields().find(|field| match &field.desc {
+                    FieldDesc::Size { field_id, .. } | FieldDesc::Count { field_id, .. } => {
+                        field_id == id
+                    }
+                    _ => false,
+                }) {
+                    diagnostics.push(
+                        Diagnostic::error()
+                            .with_code(ErrorCode::RedundantArraySize)
+                            .with_message(format!("redundant array {} field", size_field.kind()))
+                            .with_labels(vec![
+                                size_field.loc.primary(),
+                                field
+                                    .loc
+                                    .secondary()
+                                    .with_message(format!("`{}` has constant size {}", id, size)),
+                            ]),
+                    )
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    diagnostics.err_or(())
+/// Check correct definition of packet sizes.
+/// Annotate fields and declarations with the size in bits.
+fn compute_field_sizes(file: &parser_ast::File) -> ast::File {
+    fn annotate_decl(
+        decl: &parser_ast::Decl,
+        scope: &HashMap<String, ast::DeclAnnotation>,
+    ) -> ast::Decl {
+        // Annotate the declaration fields.
+        let mut decl = decl.annotate(Default::default(), |fields| {
+            fields.iter().map(|field| annotate_field(decl, field, scope)).collect()
+        });
+        // Compute the declaration annotation.
+        decl.annot = match &decl.desc {
+            DeclDesc::Packet { fields, .. }
+            | DeclDesc::Struct { fields, .. }
+            | DeclDesc::Group { fields, .. } => {
+                let mut size = decl
+                    .parent_id()
+                    .and_then(|parent_id| scope.get(parent_id))
+                    .map(|annot| annot.size)
+                    .unwrap_or(ast::Size::Static(0));
+                let mut payload_size = ast::Size::Static(0);
+                for field in fields {
+                    match &field.desc {
+                        FieldDesc::Payload { .. } | FieldDesc::Body { .. } => {
+                            payload_size = field.annot.size
+                        }
+                        _ => size = size + field.annot.size,
+                    }
+                }
+                ast::DeclAnnotation { size, payload_size }
+            }
+            DeclDesc::Enum { width, .. }
+            | DeclDesc::Checksum { width, .. }
+            | DeclDesc::CustomField { width: Some(width), .. } => {
+                ast::DeclAnnotation { size: ast::Size::Static(*width), ..decl.annot }
+            }
+            DeclDesc::CustomField { width: None, .. } => {
+                ast::DeclAnnotation { size: ast::Size::Dynamic, ..decl.annot }
+            }
+            DeclDesc::Test { .. } => {
+                ast::DeclAnnotation { size: ast::Size::Static(0), ..decl.annot }
+            }
+        };
+        decl
+    }
+    fn annotate_field(
+        decl: &parser_ast::Decl,
+        field: &parser_ast::Field,
+        scope: &HashMap<String, ast::DeclAnnotation>,
+    ) -> ast::Field {
+        field.annotate(match &field.desc {
+            FieldDesc::Checksum { .. } | FieldDesc::Padding { .. } => {
+                ast::FieldAnnotation { size: ast::Size::Static(0) }
+            }
+            FieldDesc::Size { width, .. }
+            | FieldDesc::Count { width, .. }
+            | FieldDesc::ElementSize { width, .. }
+            | FieldDesc::FixedScalar { width, .. }
+            | FieldDesc::Reserved { width }
+            | FieldDesc::Scalar { width, .. } => {
+                ast::FieldAnnotation { size: ast::Size::Static(*width) }
+            }
+            FieldDesc::Body | FieldDesc::Payload { .. } => {
+                let has_payload_size = decl.fields().any(|field| match &field.desc {
+                    FieldDesc::Size { field_id, .. } => {
+                        field_id == "_body_" || field_id == "_payload_"
+                    }
+                    _ => false,
+                });
+                ast::FieldAnnotation {
+                    size: if has_payload_size { ast::Size::Dynamic } else { ast::Size::Unknown },
+                }
+            }
+            FieldDesc::Typedef { type_id, .. }
+            | FieldDesc::FixedEnum { enum_id: type_id, .. }
+            | FieldDesc::Group { group_id: type_id, .. } => {
+                let type_annot = scope.get(type_id).unwrap();
+                ast::FieldAnnotation { size: type_annot.size + type_annot.payload_size }
+            }
+            FieldDesc::Array { width: Some(width), size: Some(size), .. } => {
+                ast::FieldAnnotation { size: ast::Size::Static(*size * *width) }
+            }
+            FieldDesc::Array { width: None, size: Some(size), type_id: Some(type_id), .. } => {
+                let type_annot = scope.get(type_id).unwrap();
+                ast::FieldAnnotation { size: (type_annot.size + type_annot.payload_size) * *size }
+            }
+            FieldDesc::Array { id, size: None, .. } => {
+                // The element does not matter when the size of the array is
+                // not static. The array size depends on there being a count
+                // or size field or not.
+                let has_array_size = decl.fields().any(|field| match &field.desc {
+                    FieldDesc::Size { field_id, .. } | FieldDesc::Count { field_id, .. } => {
+                        field_id == id
+                    }
+                    _ => false,
+                });
+                ast::FieldAnnotation {
+                    size: if has_array_size { ast::Size::Dynamic } else { ast::Size::Unknown },
+                }
+            }
+            FieldDesc::Array { .. } => unreachable!(),
+        })
+    }
+    // Construct a scope mapping typedef identifiers to decl annotations.
+    let mut scope = HashMap::new();
+    // Annotate declarations.
+    let mut declarations = Vec::new();
+    for decl in file.declarations.iter() {
+        let decl = annotate_decl(decl, &scope);
+        if let Some(id) = decl.id() {
+            scope.insert(id.to_string(), decl.annot.clone());
+        }
+        declarations.push(decl);
+    }
+    File {
+        version: file.version.clone(),
+        file: file.file,
+        comments: file.comments.clone(),
+        endianness: file.endianness,
+        declarations,
+    }
+/// Inline group fields and remove group declarations.
+fn inline_groups(_file: &mut ast::File) -> Result<(), Diagnostics> {
+    // TODO
+    Ok(())
+/// Analyzer entry point, produces a new AST with annotations resulting
+/// from the analysis.
+pub fn analyze(file: &parser_ast::File) -> Result<ast::File, Diagnostics> {
+    let scope = Scope::new(file)?;
+    check_decl_identifiers(file, &scope)?;
+    check_field_identifiers(file)?;
+    check_enum_declarations(file)?;
+    check_constraints(file, &scope)?;
+    check_size_fields(file)?;
+    check_fixed_fields(file, &scope)?;
+    check_payload_fields(file)?;
+    check_array_fields(file)?;
+    // TODO check_checksum_fields(file, &scope)?;
+    // TODO check_padding_fields(file, &scope)?;
+    let mut file = compute_field_sizes(file);
+    inline_groups(&mut file)?;
+    Ok(file)
+mod test {
+    use crate::analyzer;
+    use crate::ast::*;
+    use crate::parser::parse_inline;
+    use codespan_reporting::term::termcolor;
+    macro_rules! raises {
+        ($code:ident, $text:literal) => {{
+            let mut db = SourceDatabase::new();
+            let file = parse_inline(&mut db, "stdin".to_owned(), $text.to_owned())
+                .expect("parsing failure");
+            let result = analyzer::analyze(&file);
+            assert!(matches!(result, Err(_)));
+            let diagnostics = result.err().unwrap();
+            let mut buffer = termcolor::Buffer::no_color();
+            let _ = diagnostics.emit(&db, &mut buffer);
+            println!("{}", std::str::from_utf8(buffer.as_slice()).unwrap());
+            assert_eq!(diagnostics.diagnostics.len(), 1);
+            assert_eq!(diagnostics.diagnostics[0].code, Some(analyzer::ErrorCode::$code.into()));
+        }};
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e1() {
+        raises!(
+            DuplicateDeclIdentifier,
+            r#"
+            little_endian_packets
+            struct A { }
+            packet A { }
+            "#
+        );
+        raises!(
+            DuplicateDeclIdentifier,
+            r#"
+            little_endian_packets
+            struct A { }
+            enum A : 8 { X = 0, Y = 1 }
+            "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e2() {
+        raises!(
+            RecursiveDecl,
+            r#"
+            little_endian_packets
+            packet A : A { }
+            "#
+        );
+        raises!(
+            RecursiveDecl,
+            r#"
+            little_endian_packets
+            packet A : B { }
+            packet B : A { }
+            "#
+        );
+        raises!(
+            RecursiveDecl,
+            r#"
+            little_endian_packets
+            struct B { x : B }
+            "#
+        );
+        raises!(
+            RecursiveDecl,
+            r#"
+            little_endian_packets
+            struct B { x : B[8] }
+            "#
+        );
+        raises!(
+            RecursiveDecl,
+            r#"
+            little_endian_packets
+            group C { C { x = 1 } }
+            "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e3() {
+        raises!(
+            UndeclaredGroupIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        packet A { C { x = 1 } }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e4() {
+        raises!(
+            InvalidGroupIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        struct C { x : 8 }
+        packet A { C { x = 1 } }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e5() {
+        raises!(
+            UndeclaredTypeIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        packet A { x : B }
+        "#
+        );
+        raises!(
+            UndeclaredTypeIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        packet A { x : B[] }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e6() {
+        raises!(
+            InvalidTypeIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        packet A { x : 8 }
+        packet B { x : A }
+        "#
+        );
+        raises!(
+            InvalidTypeIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        packet A { x : 8 }
+        packet B { x : A[] }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e7() {
+        raises!(
+            UndeclaredParentIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        packet A : B { }
+        "#
+        );
+        raises!(
+            UndeclaredParentIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        struct A : B { }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e8() {
+        raises!(
+            InvalidParentIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        struct A { }
+        packet B : A { }
+        "#
+        );
+        raises!(
+            InvalidParentIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        packet A { }
+        struct B : A { }
+        "#
+        );
+        raises!(
+            InvalidParentIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        group A { x : 1 }
+        struct B : A { }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[ignore]
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e9() {
+        raises!(
+            UndeclaredTestIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        test A { "aaa" }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[ignore]
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e10() {
+        raises!(
+            InvalidTestIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        struct A { }
+        test A { "aaa" }
+        "#
+        );
+        raises!(
+            InvalidTestIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        group A { x : 8 }
+        test A { "aaa" }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e11() {
+        raises!(
+            DuplicateFieldIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        enum A : 8 { X = 0 }
+        struct B {
+            x : 8,
+            x : A
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+        raises!(
+            DuplicateFieldIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        enum A : 8 { X = 0 }
+        packet B {
+            x : 8,
+            x : A[]
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e12() {
+        raises!(
+            DuplicateTagIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        enum A : 8 {
+            X = 0,
+            X = 1,
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e13() {
+        raises!(
+            DuplicateTagValue,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        enum A : 8 {
+            X = 0,
+            Y = 0,
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e14() {
+        raises!(
+            InvalidTagValue,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        enum A : 8 {
+            X = 256,
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e15() {
+        raises!(
+            UndeclaredConstraintIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        packet A { }
+        packet B : A (x = 1) { }
+        "#
+        );
+        raises!(
+            UndeclaredConstraintIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        group A { x : 8 }
+        packet B {
+            A { y = 1 }
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e16() {
+        raises!(
+            InvalidConstraintIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        packet A { x : 8[] }
+        packet B : A (x = 1) { }
+        "#
+        );
+        raises!(
+            InvalidConstraintIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        group A { x : 8[] }
+        packet B {
+            A { x = 1 }
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e17() {
+        raises!(
+            E17,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        packet A { x : 8 }
+        packet B : A (x = X) { }
+        "#
+        );
+        raises!(
+            E17,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        group A { x : 8 }
+        packet B {
+            A { x = X }
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e18() {
+        raises!(
+            ConstraintValueOutOfRange,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        packet A { x : 8 }
+        packet B : A (x = 256) { }
+        "#
+        );
+        raises!(
+            ConstraintValueOutOfRange,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        group A { x : 8 }
+        packet B {
+            A { x = 256 }
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e19() {
+        raises!(
+            E19,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        enum C : 8 { X = 0 }
+        packet A { x : C }
+        packet B : A (x = 0) { }
+        "#
+        );
+        raises!(
+            E19,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        enum C : 8 { X = 0 }
+        group A { x : C }
+        packet B {
+            A { x = 0 }
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e20() {
+        raises!(
+            E20,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        enum C : 8 { X = 0 }
+        packet A { x : C }
+        packet B : A (x = Y) { }
+        "#
+        );
+        raises!(
+            E20,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        enum C : 8 { X = 0 }
+        group A { x : C }
+        packet B {
+            A { x = Y }
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e21() {
+        raises!(
+            E21,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        struct C { }
+        packet A { x : C }
+        packet B : A (x = 0) { }
+        "#
+        );
+        raises!(
+            E21,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        struct C { }
+        group A { x : C }
+        packet B {
+            A { x = 0 }
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e22() {
+        raises!(
+            DuplicateConstraintIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        packet A { x: 8 }
+        packet B : A (x = 0, x = 1) { }
+        "#
+        );
+        raises!(
+            DuplicateConstraintIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        packet A { x: 8 }
+        packet B : A (x = 0) { }
+        packet C : B (x = 1) { }
+        "#
+        );
+        raises!(
+            DuplicateConstraintIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        group A { x : 8 }
+        packet B {
+            A { x = 0, x = 1 }
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e23() {
+        raises!(
+            DuplicateSizeField,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        struct A {
+            _size_ (_payload_) : 8,
+            _size_ (_payload_) : 8,
+            _payload_,
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+        raises!(
+            DuplicateSizeField,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        struct A {
+            _count_ (x) : 8,
+            _size_ (x) : 8,
+            x: 8[],
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e24() {
+        raises!(
+            UndeclaredSizeIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        struct A {
+            _size_ (x) : 8,
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+        raises!(
+            UndeclaredSizeIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        struct A {
+            _size_ (_payload_) : 8,
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e25() {
+        raises!(
+            InvalidSizeIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        enum B : 8 { X = 0 }
+        struct A {
+            _size_ (x) : 8,
+            x : B,
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e26() {
+        raises!(
+            DuplicateCountField,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        struct A {
+            _size_ (x) : 8,
+            _count_ (x) : 8,
+            x: 8[],
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e27() {
+        raises!(
+            UndeclaredCountIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        struct A {
+            _count_ (x) : 8,
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e28() {
+        raises!(
+            InvalidCountIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        enum B : 8 { X = 0 }
+        struct A {
+            _count_ (x) : 8,
+            x : B,
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e29() {
+        raises!(
+            DuplicateElementSizeField,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        struct A {
+            _elementsize_ (x) : 8,
+            _elementsize_ (x) : 8,
+            x: 8[],
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e30() {
+        raises!(
+            UndeclaredElementSizeIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        struct A {
+            _elementsize_ (x) : 8,
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e31() {
+        raises!(
+            InvalidElementSizeIdentifier,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        enum B : 8 { X = 0 }
+        struct A {
+            _elementsize_ (x) : 8,
+            x : B,
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e32() {
+        raises!(
+            FixedValueOutOfRange,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        struct A {
+            _fixed_ = 256 : 8,
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e33() {
+        raises!(
+            E33,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        struct A {
+            _fixed_ = X : B,
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e34() {
+        raises!(
+            E34,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        enum B : 8 { X = 0 }
+        struct A {
+            _fixed_ = Y : B,
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e35() {
+        raises!(
+            E35,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        struct B { }
+        struct A {
+            _fixed_ = X : B,
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e36() {
+        raises!(
+            DuplicatePayloadField,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        packet A {
+            _payload_,
+            _body_,
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+        raises!(
+            DuplicatePayloadField,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        packet A {
+            _body_,
+            _payload_,
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e37() {
+        raises!(
+            MissingPayloadField,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        packet A { x : 8 }
+        packet B : A { y : 8 }
+        "#
+        );
+        raises!(
+            MissingPayloadField,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        packet A { x : 8 }
+        packet B : A (x = 0) { }
+        packet C : B { y : 8 }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn test_e38() {
+        raises!(
+            RedundantArraySize,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        packet A {
+            _size_ (x) : 8,
+            x : 8[8]
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+        raises!(
+            RedundantArraySize,
+            r#"
+        little_endian_packets
+        packet A {
+            _count_ (x) : 8,
+            x : 8[8]
+        }
+        "#
+        );
+    }
diff --git a/tools/pdl/src/ast.rs b/tools/pdl/src/ast.rs
index 28fd098..c094da4 100644
--- a/tools/pdl/src/ast.rs
+++ b/tools/pdl/src/ast.rs
@@ -31,11 +31,11 @@
 pub trait Annotation: fmt::Debug + Serialize {
-    type FieldAnnotation: Default + fmt::Debug;
+    type FieldAnnotation: Default + fmt::Debug + Clone;
     type DeclAnnotation: Default + fmt::Debug;
-#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
+#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Clone)]
 #[serde(tag = "kind", rename = "comment")]
 pub struct Comment {
     pub loc: SourceRange,
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
     pub value: EndiannessValue,
-#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
+#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Clone)]
 #[serde(tag = "kind", rename = "tag")]
 pub struct Tag {
     pub id: String,
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
     pub desc: FieldDesc,
-#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
+#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Clone)]
 #[serde(tag = "kind", rename = "test_case")]
 pub struct TestCase {
     pub loc: SourceRange,
@@ -250,9 +250,61 @@
+    /// Iterate over the children of the selected declaration.
+    /// /!\ This method is unsafe to use if the file contains cyclic
+    /// declarations, use with caution.
+    pub fn iter_children<'d>(&'d self, decl: &'d Decl<A>) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'d Decl<A>> {
+        self.declarations.iter().filter(|other_decl| other_decl.parent_id() == decl.id())
+    }
 impl<A: Annotation> Decl<A> {
+    pub fn new(loc: SourceRange, desc: DeclDesc<A>) -> Decl<A> {
+        Decl { loc, annot: Default::default(), desc }
+    }
+    pub fn annotate<F, B: Annotation>(
+        &self,
+        annot: B::DeclAnnotation,
+        annotate_fields: F,
+    ) -> Decl<B>
+    where
+        F: FnOnce(&[Field<A>]) -> Vec<Field<B>>,
+    {
+        let desc = match &self.desc {
+            DeclDesc::Checksum { id, function, width } => {
+                DeclDesc::Checksum { id: id.clone(), function: function.clone(), width: *width }
+            }
+            DeclDesc::CustomField { id, width, function } => {
+                DeclDesc::CustomField { id: id.clone(), width: *width, function: function.clone() }
+            }
+            DeclDesc::Enum { id, tags, width } => {
+                DeclDesc::Enum { id: id.clone(), tags: tags.clone(), width: *width }
+            }
+            DeclDesc::Test { type_id, test_cases } => {
+                DeclDesc::Test { type_id: type_id.clone(), test_cases: test_cases.clone() }
+            }
+            DeclDesc::Packet { id, constraints, parent_id, fields } => DeclDesc::Packet {
+                id: id.clone(),
+                constraints: constraints.clone(),
+                parent_id: parent_id.clone(),
+                fields: annotate_fields(fields),
+            },
+            DeclDesc::Struct { id, constraints, parent_id, fields } => DeclDesc::Struct {
+                id: id.clone(),
+                constraints: constraints.clone(),
+                parent_id: parent_id.clone(),
+                fields: annotate_fields(fields),
+            },
+            DeclDesc::Group { id, fields } => {
+                DeclDesc::Group { id: id.clone(), fields: annotate_fields(fields) }
+            }
+        };
+        Decl { loc: self.loc, desc, annot }
+    }
     pub fn id(&self) -> Option<&str> {
         match &self.desc {
             DeclDesc::Test { .. } => None,
@@ -265,6 +317,24 @@
+    pub fn parent_id(&self) -> Option<&str> {
+        match &self.desc {
+            DeclDesc::Packet { parent_id, .. } | DeclDesc::Struct { parent_id, .. } => {
+                parent_id.as_deref()
+            }
+            _ => None,
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn constraints(&self) -> std::slice::Iter<'_, Constraint> {
+        match &self.desc {
+            DeclDesc::Packet { constraints, .. } | DeclDesc::Struct { constraints, .. } => {
+                constraints.iter()
+            }
+            _ => [].iter(),
+        }
+    }
     /// Determine the size of a declaration type in bits, if possible.
     /// If the type is dynamically sized (e.g. contains an array or
@@ -290,12 +360,33 @@
-    pub fn new(loc: SourceRange, desc: DeclDesc<A>) -> Decl<A> {
-        Decl { loc, annot: Default::default(), desc }
+    pub fn fields(&self) -> std::slice::Iter<'_, Field<A>> {
+        match &self.desc {
+            DeclDesc::Packet { fields, .. }
+            | DeclDesc::Struct { fields, .. }
+            | DeclDesc::Group { fields, .. } => fields.iter(),
+            _ => [].iter(),
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn kind(&self) -> &str {
+        match &self.desc {
+            DeclDesc::Checksum { .. } => "checksum",
+            DeclDesc::CustomField { .. } => "custom field",
+            DeclDesc::Enum { .. } => "enum",
+            DeclDesc::Packet { .. } => "packet",
+            DeclDesc::Struct { .. } => "struct",
+            DeclDesc::Group { .. } => "group",
+            DeclDesc::Test { .. } => "test",
+        }
 impl<A: Annotation> Field<A> {
+    pub fn annotate<B: Annotation>(&self, annot: B::FieldAnnotation) -> Field<B> {
+        Field { loc: self.loc, annot, desc: self.desc.clone() }
+    }
     pub fn id(&self) -> Option<&str> {
         match &self.desc {
             FieldDesc::Checksum { .. }
@@ -370,6 +461,24 @@
             _ => None,
+    pub fn kind(&self) -> &str {
+        match &self.desc {
+            FieldDesc::Checksum { .. } => "payload",
+            FieldDesc::Padding { .. } => "padding",
+            FieldDesc::Size { .. } => "size",
+            FieldDesc::Count { .. } => "count",
+            FieldDesc::ElementSize { .. } => "elementsize",
+            FieldDesc::Body { .. } => "body",
+            FieldDesc::Payload { .. } => "payload",
+            FieldDesc::FixedScalar { .. } | FieldDesc::FixedEnum { .. } => "fixed",
+            FieldDesc::Reserved { .. } => "reserved",
+            FieldDesc::Group { .. } => "group",
+            FieldDesc::Array { .. } => "array",
+            FieldDesc::Scalar { .. } => "scalar",
+            FieldDesc::Typedef { .. } => "typedef",
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/tools/pdl/src/lint.rs b/tools/pdl/src/lint.rs
index 53e66ae..3466993 100644
--- a/tools/pdl/src/lint.rs
+++ b/tools/pdl/src/lint.rs
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
     use serde::Serialize;
     // Field and declaration size information.
-    #[derive(Default, Debug)]
+    #[derive(Default, Debug, Clone)]
     pub enum Size {
         // Constant size in bits.
@@ -682,26 +682,6 @@
-impl parser::ast::Field {
-    fn kind(&self) -> &str {
-        match &self.desc {
-            FieldDesc::Checksum { .. } => "payload",
-            FieldDesc::Padding { .. } => "padding",
-            FieldDesc::Size { .. } => "size",
-            FieldDesc::Count { .. } => "count",
-            FieldDesc::ElementSize { .. } => "elementsize",
-            FieldDesc::Body { .. } => "body",
-            FieldDesc::Payload { .. } => "payload",
-            FieldDesc::FixedScalar { .. } | FieldDesc::FixedEnum { .. } => "fixed",
-            FieldDesc::Reserved { .. } => "reserved",
-            FieldDesc::Group { .. } => "group",
-            FieldDesc::Array { .. } => "array",
-            FieldDesc::Scalar { .. } => "scalar",
-            FieldDesc::Typedef { .. } => "typedef",
-        }
-    }
 // Helper for linting an enum declaration.
 fn lint_enum(tags: &[Tag], width: usize, result: &mut LintDiagnostics) {
     let mut local_scope = HashMap::new();
@@ -1211,17 +1191,6 @@
 impl parser::ast::Decl {
-    fn constraints(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Constraint> {
-        match &self.desc {
-            DeclDesc::Packet { constraints, .. } | DeclDesc::Struct { constraints, .. } => {
-                Some(constraints.iter())
-            }
-            _ => None,
-        }
-        .into_iter()
-        .flatten()
-    }
     fn scope<'d>(&'d self, result: &mut LintDiagnostics) -> Option<PacketScope<'d>> {
         match &self.desc {
             DeclDesc::Packet { fields, .. }
@@ -1264,18 +1233,6 @@
             DeclDesc::Test { .. } => (),
-    fn kind(&self) -> &str {
-        match &self.desc {
-            DeclDesc::Checksum { .. } => "checksum",
-            DeclDesc::CustomField { .. } => "custom field",
-            DeclDesc::Enum { .. } => "enum",
-            DeclDesc::Packet { .. } => "packet",
-            DeclDesc::Struct { .. } => "struct",
-            DeclDesc::Group { .. } => "group",
-            DeclDesc::Test { .. } => "test",
-        }
-    }
 impl parser::ast::File {
diff --git a/tools/pdl/src/main.rs b/tools/pdl/src/main.rs
index b6fc62c..428a4f5 100644
--- a/tools/pdl/src/main.rs
+++ b/tools/pdl/src/main.rs
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-//! PDL parser and linter.
+//! PDL parser and analyzer.
 use clap::Parser;
 use codespan_reporting::term::{self, termcolor};
+mod analyzer;
 mod ast;
 mod backends;
 mod lint;
@@ -10,8 +11,6 @@
 mod test_utils;
-use crate::lint::Lintable;
 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
 enum OutputFormat {
@@ -62,12 +61,19 @@
     let mut sources = ast::SourceDatabase::new();
     match parser::parse_file(&mut sources, opt.input_file) {
         Ok(file) => {
-            let lint = file.lint();
-            if !lint.diagnostics.is_empty() {
-                lint.print(&sources, termcolor::ColorChoice::Always)
-                    .expect("Could not print lint diagnostics");
-                return std::process::ExitCode::FAILURE;
-            }
+            let _analyzed_file = match analyzer::analyze(&file) {
+                Ok(file) => file,
+                Err(diagnostics) => {
+                    diagnostics
+                        .emit(
+                            &sources,
+                            &mut termcolor::StandardStream::stderr(termcolor::ColorChoice::Always)
+                                .lock(),
+                        )
+                        .expect("Could not print analyzer diagnostics");
+                    return std::process::ExitCode::FAILURE;
+                }
+            };
             match opt.output_format {
                 OutputFormat::JSON => {
@@ -89,6 +95,7 @@
         Err(err) => {
             let writer = termcolor::StandardStream::stderr(termcolor::ColorChoice::Always);
             let config = term::Config::default();
diff --git a/tools/pdl/src/parser.rs b/tools/pdl/src/parser.rs
index 4b00912..4a68a65 100644
--- a/tools/pdl/src/parser.rs
+++ b/tools/pdl/src/parser.rs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 pub mod ast {
     use serde::Serialize;
-    #[derive(Debug, Serialize, PartialEq, Eq)]
+    #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
     pub struct Annotation;
     impl crate::ast::Annotation for Annotation {