blob: 58df03ae9068af6ebd52303cb890c18ebd9346fa [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* GATT Profile Native Interface to/from JNI.
public class GattNativeInterface {
private static final String TAG = GattNativeInterface.class.getSimpleName();
static {
private static GattNativeInterface sInterface;
private static final Object INSTANCE_LOCK = new Object();
private GattService mGattService;
private GattNativeInterface() {}
GattService getGattService() {
return mGattService;
* This class is a singleton because native library should only be loaded once
* @return default instance
public static GattNativeInterface getInstance() {
synchronized (INSTANCE_LOCK) {
if (sInterface == null) {
sInterface = new GattNativeInterface();
return sInterface;
/* Callbacks */
void onScanResult(int eventType, int addressType, String address, int primaryPhy,
int secondaryPhy, int advertisingSid, int txPower, int rssi, int periodicAdvInt,
byte[] advData, String originalAddress) {
getGattService().onScanResult(eventType, addressType, address, primaryPhy, secondaryPhy,
advertisingSid, txPower, rssi, periodicAdvInt, advData, originalAddress);
void onScannerRegistered(int status, int scannerId, long uuidLsb, long uuidMsb)
throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onScannerRegistered(status, scannerId, uuidLsb, uuidMsb);
void onClientRegistered(int status, int clientIf, long uuidLsb, long uuidMsb)
throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onClientRegistered(status, clientIf, uuidLsb, uuidMsb);
void onConnected(int clientIf, int connId, int status, String address) throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onConnected(clientIf, connId, status, address);
void onDisconnected(int clientIf, int connId, int status, String address)
throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onDisconnected(clientIf, connId, status, address);
void onClientPhyUpdate(int connId, int txPhy, int rxPhy, int status) throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onClientPhyUpdate(connId, txPhy, rxPhy, status);
void onClientPhyRead(int clientIf, String address, int txPhy, int rxPhy, int status)
throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onClientPhyRead(clientIf, address, txPhy, rxPhy, status);
void onClientConnUpdate(int connId, int interval, int latency, int timeout, int status)
throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onClientConnUpdate(connId, interval, latency, timeout, status);
void onServiceChanged(int connId) throws RemoteException {
void onClientSubrateChange(int connId, int subrateFactor, int latency, int contNum, int timeout,
int status) throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onClientSubrateChange(connId, subrateFactor, latency, contNum, timeout,
void onServerPhyUpdate(int connId, int txPhy, int rxPhy, int status) throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onServerPhyUpdate(connId, txPhy, rxPhy, status);
void onServerPhyRead(int serverIf, String address, int txPhy, int rxPhy, int status)
throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onServerPhyRead(serverIf, address, txPhy, rxPhy, status);
void onServerConnUpdate(int connId, int interval, int latency, int timeout, int status)
throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onServerConnUpdate(connId, interval, latency, timeout, status);
void onServerSubrateChange(int connId, int subrateFactor, int latency, int contNum, int timeout,
int status)
throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onServerSubrateChange(connId, subrateFactor, latency, contNum, timeout,
void onSearchCompleted(int connId, int status) throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onSearchCompleted(connId, status);
GattDbElement getSampleGattDbElement() {
return getGattService().getSampleGattDbElement();
void onGetGattDb(int connId, ArrayList<GattDbElement> db) throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onGetGattDb(connId, db);
void onRegisterForNotifications(int connId, int status, int registered, int handle) {
getGattService().onRegisterForNotifications(connId, status, registered, handle);
void onNotify(int connId, String address, int handle, boolean isNotify, byte[] data)
throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onNotify(connId, address, handle, isNotify, data);
void onReadCharacteristic(int connId, int status, int handle, byte[] data)
throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onReadCharacteristic(connId, status, handle, data);
void onWriteCharacteristic(int connId, int status, int handle, byte[] data)
throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onWriteCharacteristic(connId, status, handle, data);
void onExecuteCompleted(int connId, int status) throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onExecuteCompleted(connId, status);
void onReadDescriptor(int connId, int status, int handle, byte[] data) throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onReadDescriptor(connId, status, handle, data);
void onWriteDescriptor(int connId, int status, int handle, byte[] data) throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onWriteDescriptor(connId, status, handle, data);
void onReadRemoteRssi(int clientIf, String address, int rssi, int status)
throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onReadRemoteRssi(clientIf, address, rssi, status);
void onScanFilterEnableDisabled(int action, int status, int clientIf) {
getGattService().onScanFilterEnableDisabled(action, status, clientIf);
void onScanFilterParamsConfigured(int action, int status, int clientIf, int availableSpace) {
getGattService().onScanFilterParamsConfigured(action, status, clientIf, availableSpace);
void onScanFilterConfig(int action, int status, int clientIf, int filterType,
int availableSpace) {
getGattService().onScanFilterConfig(action, status, clientIf, filterType, availableSpace);
void onBatchScanStorageConfigured(int status, int clientIf) {
getGattService().onBatchScanStorageConfigured(status, clientIf);
void onBatchScanStartStopped(int startStopAction, int status, int clientIf) {
getGattService().onBatchScanStartStopped(startStopAction, status, clientIf);
void onBatchScanReports(int status, int scannerId, int reportType, int numRecords,
byte[] recordData) throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onBatchScanReports(status, scannerId, reportType, numRecords, recordData);
void onBatchScanThresholdCrossed(int clientIf) {
AdvtFilterOnFoundOnLostInfo createOnTrackAdvFoundLostObject(int clientIf, int advPktLen,
byte[] advPkt, int scanRspLen, byte[] scanRsp, int filtIndex, int advState,
int advInfoPresent, String address, int addrType, int txPower, int rssiValue,
int timeStamp) {
return getGattService().createOnTrackAdvFoundLostObject(clientIf, advPktLen, advPkt,
scanRspLen, scanRsp, filtIndex, advState, advInfoPresent, address, addrType,
txPower, rssiValue, timeStamp);
void onTrackAdvFoundLost(AdvtFilterOnFoundOnLostInfo trackingInfo) throws RemoteException {
void onScanParamSetupCompleted(int status, int scannerId) throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onScanParamSetupCompleted(status, scannerId);
void onConfigureMTU(int connId, int status, int mtu) throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onConfigureMTU(connId, status, mtu);
void onClientCongestion(int connId, boolean congested) throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onClientCongestion(connId, congested);
/* Server callbacks */
void onServerRegistered(int status, int serverIf, long uuidLsb, long uuidMsb)
throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onServerRegistered(status, serverIf, uuidLsb, uuidMsb);
void onServiceAdded(int status, int serverIf, List<GattDbElement> service)
throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onServiceAdded(status, serverIf, service);
void onServiceStopped(int status, int serverIf, int srvcHandle) throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onServiceStopped(status, serverIf, srvcHandle);
void onServiceDeleted(int status, int serverIf, int srvcHandle) {
getGattService().onServiceDeleted(status, serverIf, srvcHandle);
void onClientConnected(String address, boolean connected, int connId, int serverIf)
throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onClientConnected(address, connected, connId, serverIf);
void onServerReadCharacteristic(String address, int connId, int transId, int handle, int offset,
boolean isLong) throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onServerReadCharacteristic(address, connId, transId, handle, offset,
void onServerReadDescriptor(String address, int connId, int transId, int handle, int offset,
boolean isLong) throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onServerReadDescriptor(address, connId, transId, handle, offset, isLong);
void onServerWriteCharacteristic(String address, int connId, int transId, int handle,
int offset, int length, boolean needRsp, boolean isPrep, byte[] data)
throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onServerWriteCharacteristic(address, connId, transId, handle, offset,
length, needRsp, isPrep, data);
void onServerWriteDescriptor(String address, int connId, int transId, int handle, int offset,
int length, boolean needRsp, boolean isPrep, byte[] data) throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onServerWriteDescriptor(address, connId, transId, handle, offset, length,
needRsp, isPrep, data);
void onExecuteWrite(String address, int connId, int transId, int execWrite)
throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onExecuteWrite(address, connId, transId, execWrite);
void onResponseSendCompleted(int status, int attrHandle) {
getGattService().onResponseSendCompleted(status, attrHandle);
void onNotificationSent(int connId, int status) throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onNotificationSent(connId, status);
void onServerCongestion(int connId, boolean congested) throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onServerCongestion(connId, congested);
void onMtuChanged(int connId, int mtu) throws RemoteException {
getGattService().onMtuChanged(connId, mtu);
/* Native methods */
private static native void classInitNative();
private native void initializeNative();
private native void cleanupNative();
private native int gattClientGetDeviceTypeNative(String address);
private native void gattClientRegisterAppNative(long appUuidLsb, long appUuidMsb,
boolean eattSupport);
private native void gattClientUnregisterAppNative(int clientIf);
private native void gattClientConnectNative(int clientIf, String address, int addressType,
boolean isDirect, int transport, boolean opportunistic, int initiatingPhys);
private native void gattClientDisconnectNative(int clientIf, String address, int connId);
private native void gattClientSetPreferredPhyNative(int clientIf, String address, int txPhy,
int rxPhy, int phyOptions);
private native void gattClientReadPhyNative(int clientIf, String address);
private native void gattClientRefreshNative(int clientIf, String address);
private native void gattClientSearchServiceNative(int connId, boolean searchAll,
long serviceUuidLsb, long serviceUuidMsb);
private native void gattClientDiscoverServiceByUuidNative(int connId, long serviceUuidLsb,
long serviceUuidMsb);
private native void gattClientGetGattDbNative(int connId);
private native void gattClientReadCharacteristicNative(int connId, int handle, int authReq);
private native void gattClientReadUsingCharacteristicUuidNative(int connId, long uuidMsb,
long uuidLsb, int sHandle, int eHandle, int authReq);
private native void gattClientReadDescriptorNative(int connId, int handle, int authReq);
private native void gattClientWriteCharacteristicNative(int connId, int handle, int writeType,
int authReq, byte[] value);
private native void gattClientWriteDescriptorNative(int connId, int handle, int authReq,
byte[] value);
private native void gattClientExecuteWriteNative(int connId, boolean execute);
private native void gattClientRegisterForNotificationsNative(int clientIf, String address,
int handle, boolean enable);
private native void gattClientReadRemoteRssiNative(int clientIf, String address);
private native void gattClientConfigureMTUNative(int connId, int mtu);
private native void gattConnectionParameterUpdateNative(int clientIf, String address,
int minInterval, int maxInterval, int latency, int timeout, int minConnectionEventLen,
int maxConnectionEventLen);
private native void gattServerRegisterAppNative(long appUuidLsb, long appUuidMsb,
boolean eattSupport);
private native void gattServerUnregisterAppNative(int serverIf);
private native void gattServerConnectNative(int serverIf, String address, boolean isDirect,
int transport);
private native void gattServerDisconnectNative(int serverIf, String address, int connId);
private native void gattServerSetPreferredPhyNative(int clientIf, String address, int txPhy,
int rxPhy, int phyOptions);
private native void gattServerReadPhyNative(int clientIf, String address);
private native void gattServerAddServiceNative(int serverIf, List<GattDbElement> service);
private native void gattServerStopServiceNative(int serverIf, int svcHandle);
private native void gattServerDeleteServiceNative(int serverIf, int svcHandle);
private native void gattServerSendIndicationNative(int serverIf, int attrHandle, int connId,
byte[] val);
private native void gattServerSendNotificationNative(int serverIf, int attrHandle, int connId,
byte[] val);
private native void gattServerSendResponseNative(int serverIf, int connId, int transId,
int status, int handle, int offset, byte[] val, int authReq);
private native void gattSubrateRequestNative(int clientIf, String address, int subrateMin,
int subrateMax, int maxLatency, int contNumber, int supervisionTimeout);
private native void gattTestNative(int command, long uuid1Lsb, long uuid1Msb, String bda1,
int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4, int p5);
* Initialize the native interface and native components
public void init(GattService gattService) {
mGattService = gattService;
* Clean up the native interface and native components
public void cleanup() {
mGattService = null;
* Get the type of Bluetooth device
* @param address address of the Bluetooth device
* @return type of Bluetooth device 0 for BR/EDR, 1 for BLE, 2 for DUAL mode (To be confirmed)
public int gattClientGetDeviceType(String address) {
return gattClientGetDeviceTypeNative(address);
* Register the given client
* It will invoke {@link #onClientRegistered(int, int, long, long)}.
public void gattClientRegisterApp(long appUuidLsb, long appUuidMsb, boolean eattSupport) {
gattClientRegisterAppNative(appUuidLsb, appUuidMsb, eattSupport);
* Unregister the client
public void gattClientUnregisterApp(int clientIf) {
* Connect to the remote Gatt server
* @see {@link BluetoothDevice#connectGatt} for parameters.
public void gattClientConnect(int clientIf, String address, int addressType,
boolean isDirect, int transport, boolean opportunistic, int initiatingPhys) {
gattClientConnectNative(clientIf, address, addressType, isDirect, transport,
opportunistic, initiatingPhys);
* Disconnect from the remote Gatt server
public void gattClientDisconnect(int clientIf, String address, int connId) {
gattClientDisconnectNative(clientIf, address, connId);
* Set the preferred connection PHY for the client
public void gattClientSetPreferredPhy(int clientIf, String address, int txPhy,
int rxPhy, int phyOptions) {
gattClientSetPreferredPhyNative(clientIf, address, txPhy, rxPhy, phyOptions);
* Read the current transmitter PHY and receiver PHY of the client
public void gattClientReadPhy(int clientIf, String address) {
gattClientReadPhyNative(clientIf, address);
* Clear the internal cache and force a refresh of the services from the remote device
public void gattClientRefresh(int clientIf, String address) {
gattClientRefreshNative(clientIf, address);
* Discover GATT services
public void gattClientSearchService(int connId, boolean searchAll, long serviceUuidLsb,
long serviceUuidMsb) {
gattClientSearchServiceNative(connId, searchAll, serviceUuidLsb, serviceUuidMsb);
* Discover the GATT service by the given UUID
public void gattClientDiscoverServiceByUuid(int connId, long serviceUuidLsb,
long serviceUuidMsb) {
gattClientDiscoverServiceByUuidNative(connId, serviceUuidLsb, serviceUuidMsb);
* Get GATT DB of the remote device
public void gattClientGetGattDb(int connId) {
* Read a characteristic by the given handle
public void gattClientReadCharacteristic(int connId, int handle, int authReq) {
gattClientReadCharacteristicNative(connId, handle, authReq);
* Read a characteristic by the given UUID
public void gattClientReadUsingCharacteristicUuid(int connId, long uuidMsb,
long uuidLsb, int sHandle, int eHandle, int authReq) {
gattClientReadUsingCharacteristicUuidNative(connId, uuidMsb, uuidLsb, sHandle, eHandle,
* Read a descriptor by the given handle
public void gattClientReadDescriptor(int connId, int handle, int authReq) {
gattClientReadDescriptorNative(connId, handle, authReq);
* Write a characteristic by the given handle
public void gattClientWriteCharacteristic(int connId, int handle, int writeType,
int authReq, byte[] value) {
gattClientWriteCharacteristicNative(connId, handle, writeType, authReq, value);
* Write a descriptor by the given handle
public void gattClientWriteDescriptor(int connId, int handle, int authReq,
byte[] value) {
gattClientWriteDescriptorNative(connId, handle, authReq, value);
* Execute a reliable write transaction
* @param connId
* @param execute
public void gattClientExecuteWrite(int connId, boolean execute) {
gattClientExecuteWriteNative(connId, execute);
* Register notification for the characteristic
public void gattClientRegisterForNotifications(int clientIf, String address,
int handle, boolean enable) {
gattClientRegisterForNotificationsNative(clientIf, address, handle, enable);
* Read the RSSI for a connected remote device
* @param clientIf
* @param address
public void gattClientReadRemoteRssi(int clientIf, String address) {
gattClientReadRemoteRssiNative(clientIf, address);
* Configure MTU size used for the connection
public void gattClientConfigureMTU(int connId, int mtu) {
gattClientConfigureMTUNative(connId, mtu);
* Update connection parameter.
public void gattConnectionParameterUpdate(int clientIf, String address,
int minInterval, int maxInterval, int latency, int timeout, int minConnectionEventLen,
int maxConnectionEventLen) {
gattConnectionParameterUpdateNative(clientIf, address, minInterval, maxInterval, latency,
timeout, minConnectionEventLen, maxConnectionEventLen);
* Update connection parameter.
public void gattSubrateRequest(int clientIf, String address, int subrateMin, int subrateMax,
int maxLatency, int contNumber, int supervisionTimeout) {
gattSubrateRequestNative(clientIf, address, subrateMin, subrateMax, maxLatency, contNumber,
* Register GATT server
public void gattServerRegisterApp(long appUuidLsb, long appUuidMsb, boolean eattSupport) {
gattServerRegisterAppNative(appUuidLsb, appUuidMsb, eattSupport);
* Unregister GATT server
public void gattServerUnregisterApp(int serverIf) {
* Connect to a remote device as a GATT server role
public void gattServerConnect(int serverIf, String address, boolean isDirect,
int transport) {
gattServerConnectNative(serverIf, address, isDirect, transport);
* Disconnects from a remote device as a GATT server role
public void gattServerDisconnect(int serverIf, String address, int connId) {
gattServerDisconnectNative(serverIf, address, connId);
* Set the preferred connection PHY as a GATT server role
public void gattServerSetPreferredPhy(int clientIf, String address, int txPhy,
int rxPhy, int phyOptions) {
gattServerSetPreferredPhyNative(clientIf, address, txPhy, rxPhy, phyOptions);
* Read the current transmitter PHY and receiver PHY of the connection
public void gattServerReadPhy(int clientIf, String address) {
gattServerReadPhyNative(clientIf, address);
* Add a service to the list of services to be hosted.
public void gattServerAddService(int serverIf, List<GattDbElement> service) {
gattServerAddServiceNative(serverIf, service);
* Stop a service
public void gattServerStopService(int serverIf, int svcHandle) {
gattServerStopServiceNative(serverIf, svcHandle);
* Removes a service from the list of services to be provided
public void gattServerDeleteService(int serverIf, int svcHandle) {
gattServerDeleteServiceNative(serverIf, svcHandle);
* Send an indication of the characteristic
public void gattServerSendIndication(int serverIf, int attrHandle, int connId,
byte[] val) {
gattServerSendIndicationNative(serverIf, attrHandle, connId, val);
* Send a notification of the characteristic
public void gattServerSendNotification(int serverIf, int attrHandle, int connId,
byte[] val) {
gattServerSendNotificationNative(serverIf, attrHandle, connId, val);
* Send a response as a GATT server role
public void gattServerSendResponse(int serverIf, int connId, int transId,
int status, int handle, int offset, byte[] val, int authReq) {
gattServerSendResponseNative(serverIf, connId, transId, status, handle, offset, val,
* Send a test command
public void gattTest(int command, long uuid1Lsb, long uuid1Msb, String bda1,
int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4, int p5) {
gattTestNative(command, uuid1Lsb, uuid1Msb, bda1, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5);