blob: 65fe08399cf93f9084d323284d47fba7d967dddf [file] [log] [blame]
//! Rust compiler backend.
// The `format-push-string` lint was briefly enabled present in Rust
// 1.62. It is now moved the disabled "restriction" category instead.
// See for the
// problems with this lint.
// Remove this when we use Rust 1.63 or later.
use crate::{ast, lint};
use quote::{format_ident, quote};
use std::path::Path;
use syn::parse_quote;
mod chunk;
mod field;
mod preamble;
mod types;
use chunk::Chunk;
use field::Field;
/// Generate a block of code.
/// Like `quote!`, but the code block will be followed by an empty
/// line of code. This makes the generated code more readable.
macro_rules! quote_block {
($($tt:tt)*) => {
format!("{}\n\n", ::quote::quote!($($tt)*))
/// Find byte indices covering `offset..offset+width` bits.
pub fn get_field_range(offset: usize, width: usize) -> std::ops::Range<usize> {
let start = offset / 8;
let mut end = (offset + width) / 8;
if (offset + width) % 8 != 0 {
end += 1;
/// Generate a bit-mask which masks out `n` least significant bits.
pub fn mask_bits(n: usize) -> syn::LitInt {
syn::parse_str::<syn::LitInt>(&format!("{:#x}", (1u64 << n) - 1)).unwrap()
/// Generate code for an `ast::Decl::Packet` enum value.
fn generate_packet_decl(
scope: &lint::Scope<'_>,
file: &ast::File,
id: &str,
fields: &[Field],
parent_id: &Option<String>,
) -> String {
// TODO(mgeisler): use the convert_case crate to convert between
// `FooBar` and `foo_bar` in the code below.
let mut code = String::new();
let child_ids = scope
.filter_map(|p| match p {
ast::Decl::Packet { id, parent_id, .. } if parent_id.as_deref() == Some(id) => Some(id),
_ => None,
let has_children = !child_ids.is_empty();
let child_idents = child_ids.iter().map(|id| format_ident!("{id}")).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let ident = format_ident!("{}", id.to_lowercase());
let data_child_ident = format_ident!("{id}DataChild");
let child_decl_packet_name =
child_idents.iter().map(|ident| format_ident!("{ident}Packet")).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let child_name = format_ident!("{id}Child");
if has_children {
let child_data_idents = child_idents.iter().map(|ident| format_ident!("{ident}Data"));
code.push_str(&quote_block! {
enum #data_child_ident {
impl #data_child_ident {
fn get_total_size(&self) -> usize {
// TODO(mgeisler): use Self instad of #data_child_ident.
match self {
#(#data_child_ident::#child_idents(value) => value.get_total_size(),)*
#data_child_ident::None => 0,
pub enum #child_name {
let data_name = format_ident!("{id}Data");
let child_field = has_children.then(|| {
quote! {
child: #data_child_ident,
let plain_fields = fields.iter().map(|field| field.generate_decl(parse_quote!()));
code.push_str(&quote_block! {
struct #data_name {
let parent = parent_id.as_ref().map(|parent_id| match scope.typedef.get(parent_id.as_str()) {
Some(ast::Decl::Packet { id, .. }) => {
let parent_ident = format_ident!("{}", id.to_lowercase());
let parent_data = format_ident!("{id}Data");
quote! {
#parent_ident: Arc<#parent_data>,
_ => panic!("Could not find {parent_id}"),
let packet_name = format_ident!("{id}Packet");
code.push_str(&quote_block! {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct #packet_name {
#ident: Arc<#data_name>,
let builder_name = format_ident!("{id}Builder");
let pub_fields = fields.iter().map(|field| field.generate_decl(parse_quote!(pub)));
code.push_str(&quote_block! {
pub struct #builder_name {
let mut chunk_width = 0;
let chunks = fields.split_inclusive(|field| {
chunk_width += field.get_width();
chunk_width % 8 == 0
let mut field_parsers = Vec::new();
let mut field_writers = Vec::new();
let mut offset = 0;
for fields in chunks {
let chunk = Chunk::new(fields);
field_parsers.push(chunk.generate_read(id, file.endianness.value, offset));
field_writers.push(chunk.generate_write(file.endianness.value, offset));
offset += chunk.get_width();
let field_names = fields.iter().map(Field::get_ident).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let packet_size_bits = Chunk::new(fields).get_width();
if packet_size_bits % 8 != 0 {
panic!("packet {id} does not end on a byte boundary, size: {packet_size_bits} bits",);
let packet_size_bytes = syn::Index::from(packet_size_bits / 8);
let conforms = if packet_size_bytes.index == 0 {
quote! { true }
} else {
quote! { bytes.len() >= #packet_size_bytes }
code.push_str(&quote_block! {
impl #data_name {
fn conforms(bytes: &[u8]) -> bool {
fn parse(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(Self { #(#field_names),* })
fn write_to(&self, buffer: &mut BytesMut) {
fn get_total_size(&self) -> usize {
fn get_size(&self) -> usize {
code.push_str(&quote_block! {
impl Packet for #packet_name {
fn to_bytes(self) -> Bytes {
let mut buffer = BytesMut::new();
buffer.resize(self.#ident.get_total_size(), 0);
self.#ident.write_to(&mut buffer);
fn to_vec(self) -> Vec<u8> {
impl From<#packet_name> for Bytes {
fn from(packet: #packet_name) -> Self {
impl From<#packet_name> for Vec<u8> {
fn from(packet: #packet_name) -> Self {
let specialize = has_children.then(|| {
quote! {
pub fn specialize(&self) -> #child_name {
match &self.#ident.child {
#(#data_child_ident::#child_idents(_) =>
#data_child_ident::None => #child_name::None,
let field_getters = fields.iter().map(|field| field.generate_getter(&ident));
code.push_str(&quote_block! {
impl #packet_name {
pub fn parse(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<Self> {
fn new(root: Arc<#data_name>) -> std::result::Result<Self, &'static str> {
let #ident = root;
Ok(Self { #ident })
let child = has_children.then(|| {
quote! {
child: #data_child_ident::None,
code.push_str(&quote_block! {
impl #builder_name {
pub fn build(self) -> #packet_name {
let #ident = Arc::new(#data_name {
#(#field_names: self.#field_names,)*
fn generate_decl(scope: &lint::Scope<'_>, file: &ast::File, decl: &ast::Decl) -> String {
match decl {
ast::Decl::Packet { id, fields, parent_id, .. } => {
let fields = fields.iter().map(Field::from).collect::<Vec<_>>();
generate_packet_decl(scope, file, id, &fields, parent_id)
_ => todo!("unsupported Decl::{:?}", decl),
/// Generate Rust code from an AST.
/// The code is not formatted, pipe it through `rustfmt` to get
/// readable source code.
pub fn generate(sources: &ast::SourceDatabase, file: &ast::File) -> String {
let mut code = String::new();
let source = sources.get(file.file).expect("could not read source");
let scope = lint::Scope::new(file).unwrap();
for decl in &file.declarations {
code.push_str(&generate_decl(&scope, file, decl));
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::ast;
use crate::parser::parse_inline;
use crate::test_utils::{assert_snapshot_eq, rustfmt};
/// Parse a string fragment as a PDL file.
/// # Panics
/// Panics on parse errors.
pub fn parse_str(text: &str) -> ast::File {
let mut db = ast::SourceDatabase::new();
parse_inline(&mut db, String::from("stdin"), String::from(text)).expect("parse error")
fn test_generate_packet_decl_empty() {
let file = parse_str(
packet Foo {}
let scope = lint::Scope::new(&file).unwrap();
let decl = &file.declarations[0];
let actual_code = generate_decl(&scope, &file, decl);
assert_snapshot_eq("tests/generated/", &rustfmt(&actual_code));
fn test_generate_packet_decl_simple_little_endian() {
let file = parse_str(
packet Foo {
x: 8,
y: 16,
z: 24,
let scope = lint::Scope::new(&file).unwrap();
let decl = &file.declarations[0];
let actual_code = generate_decl(&scope, &file, decl);
fn test_generate_packet_decl_simple_big_endian() {
let file = parse_str(
packet Foo {
x: 8,
y: 16,
z: 24,
let scope = lint::Scope::new(&file).unwrap();
let decl = &file.declarations[0];
let actual_code = generate_decl(&scope, &file, decl);
fn test_generate_packet_decl_complex_little_endian() {
let file = parse_str(
packet Foo {
a: 3,
b: 8,
c: 5,
d: 24,
e: 12,
f: 4,
let scope = lint::Scope::new(&file).unwrap();
let decl = &file.declarations[0];
let actual_code = generate_decl(&scope, &file, decl);
fn test_generate_packet_decl_complex_big_endian() {
let file = parse_str(
packet Foo {
a: 3,
b: 8,
c: 5,
d: 24,
e: 12,
f: 4,
let scope = lint::Scope::new(&file).unwrap();
let decl = &file.declarations[0];
let actual_code = generate_decl(&scope, &file, decl);
fn test_get_field_range() {
// Zero widths will give you an empty slice iff the offset is
// byte aligned. In both cases, the slice covers the empty
// width. In practice, PDL doesn't allow zero-width fields.
assert_eq!(get_field_range(/*offset=*/ 0, /*width=*/ 0), (0..0));
assert_eq!(get_field_range(/*offset=*/ 5, /*width=*/ 0), (0..1));
assert_eq!(get_field_range(/*offset=*/ 8, /*width=*/ 0), (1..1));
assert_eq!(get_field_range(/*offset=*/ 9, /*width=*/ 0), (1..2));
// Non-zero widths work as expected.
assert_eq!(get_field_range(/*offset=*/ 0, /*width=*/ 1), (0..1));
assert_eq!(get_field_range(/*offset=*/ 0, /*width=*/ 5), (0..1));
assert_eq!(get_field_range(/*offset=*/ 0, /*width=*/ 8), (0..1));
assert_eq!(get_field_range(/*offset=*/ 0, /*width=*/ 20), (0..3));
assert_eq!(get_field_range(/*offset=*/ 5, /*width=*/ 1), (0..1));
assert_eq!(get_field_range(/*offset=*/ 5, /*width=*/ 3), (0..1));
assert_eq!(get_field_range(/*offset=*/ 5, /*width=*/ 4), (0..2));
assert_eq!(get_field_range(/*offset=*/ 5, /*width=*/ 20), (0..4));