blob: db0c3878640f36d08fe137879ca8d8f91017a5d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package rootcanal.configuration;
option optimize_for = CODE_SIZE;
enum ControllerPreset {
// Version 5.3, all features enabled, all quirks disabled.
// Official PTS dongle, Laird BL654.
LAIRD_BL654 = 1;
// Official PTS dongle, CSR rck.
message ControllerFeatures {
optional bool le_extended_advertising = 1;
optional bool le_periodic_advertising = 2;
optional bool ll_privacy = 3;
optional bool le_2m_phy = 4;
optional bool le_coded_phy = 5;
// Enable the support for both LL Connected Isochronous Stream Central
// and LL Connected Isochronous Stream Peripheral.
optional bool le_connected_isochronous_stream = 6;
message ControllerQuirks {
// Randomly send ACL payloads before the Connection Complete event
// is sent to the Host stack.
optional bool send_acl_data_before_connection_complete = 1;
// Configure a default value for the LE random address.
optional bool has_default_random_address = 2;
// Send an Hardware Error event if any command is called before HCI Reset.
optional bool hardware_error_before_reset = 3;
message VendorFeatures {
// Enable the support for the CSR vendor command.
optional bool csr = 1;
message Controller {
// Configure the controller preset. Presets come with a pre-selection
// of features and quirks, but these can be overridden with the next fields.
optional ControllerPreset preset = 1;
// Configure support for controller features.
optional ControllerFeatures features = 2;
// Enable controller quirks.
// Quirks are behaviors observed in real controllers that are not valid
// according to the specification.
optional ControllerQuirks quirks = 3;
// Enable strict mode (defaults to enabled).
// Activate assertion checks in RootCanal for missing RootCanal features
// or Host stack misbehavior.
optional bool strict = 4;
// Configure support for vendor features.
optional VendorFeatures vendor = 5;
message TcpServer {
// Configure the TCP port on which the controller with this defined
// configuration will be served.
required int32 tcp_port = 1;
// Controller configuration for this port.
optional Controller configuration = 2;
message Configuration {
repeated TcpServer tcp_server = 1;