blob: cef651642b18765a0dff1f059846a24e4c2b74ee [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <chrono>
#include <cstdint>
#include <optional>
#include <ratio>
#include <vector>
#include "hci/address.h"
#include "hci/address_with_type.h"
#include "packets/hci_packets.h"
namespace rootcanal {
// Duration type for slots (increments of 625us).
using slots =
std::chrono::duration<unsigned long long, std::ratio<625, 1000000>>;
// User defined literal for slots, e.g. `0x800_slots`
slots operator"" _slots(unsigned long long count);
using namespace bluetooth::hci;
// Advertising interface common to legacy and extended advertisers.
class Advertiser {
Advertiser() = default;
~Advertiser() = default;
bool IsEnabled() const { return advertising_enable; }
void Disable() { advertising_enable = false; }
AddressWithType GetAdvertisingAddress() const { return advertising_address; }
AddressWithType GetTargetAddress() const { return target_address; }
// HCI properties.
bool advertising_enable{false};
AddressWithType advertising_address{Address::kEmpty,
AddressWithType target_address{Address::kEmpty,
// Time keeping.
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point next_event{};
std::optional<std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point> timeout{};
// Implement the unique legacy advertising instance.
// For extended advertising check the ExtendedAdvertiser class.
class LegacyAdvertiser : public Advertiser {
LegacyAdvertiser() = default;
~LegacyAdvertiser() = default;
bool IsScannable() const {
return advertising_type != AdvertisingType::ADV_NONCONN_IND &&
advertising_type != AdvertisingType::ADV_DIRECT_IND_HIGH &&
advertising_type != AdvertisingType::ADV_DIRECT_IND_LOW;
bool IsConnectable() const {
return advertising_type != AdvertisingType::ADV_NONCONN_IND &&
advertising_type != AdvertisingType::ADV_SCAN_IND;
bool IsDirected() const {
return advertising_type == AdvertisingType::ADV_DIRECT_IND_HIGH ||
advertising_type == AdvertisingType::ADV_DIRECT_IND_LOW;
// Host configuration parameters. Gather the configuration from the
// legacy advertising HCI commands. The initial configuration
// matches the default values of the parameters of the HCI command
// LE Set Advertising Parameters.
slots advertising_interval{0x0800};
AdvertisingType advertising_type{AdvertisingType::ADV_IND};
OwnAddressType own_address_type{OwnAddressType::PUBLIC_DEVICE_ADDRESS};
PeerAddressType peer_address_type{
Address peer_address{};
uint8_t advertising_channel_map{0x07};
AdvertisingFilterPolicy advertising_filter_policy{
std::vector<uint8_t> advertising_data{};
std::vector<uint8_t> scan_response_data{};
// Implement a single extended advertising set.
// The configuration is set by the extended advertising commands;
// for the legacy advertiser check the LegacyAdvertiser class.
class ExtendedAdvertiser : public Advertiser {
ExtendedAdvertiser(uint8_t advertising_handle = 0)
: advertising_handle(advertising_handle) {}
~ExtendedAdvertiser() = default;
void Enable() {
advertising_enable = true;
periodic_advertising_enable_latch = periodic_advertising_enable;
next_event = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
void EnablePeriodic() {
periodic_advertising_enable = true;
periodic_advertising_enable_latch = advertising_enable;
next_periodic_event = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
void DisablePeriodic() {
periodic_advertising_enable = false;
periodic_advertising_enable_latch = false;
bool IsPeriodicEnabled() const { return periodic_advertising_enable_latch; }
bool IsScannable() const { return advertising_event_properties.scannable_; }
bool IsConnectable() const {
return advertising_event_properties.connectable_;
bool IsDirected() const { return advertising_event_properties.directed_; }
// Host configuration parameters. Gather the configuration from the
// extended advertising HCI commands.
uint8_t advertising_handle;
AdvertisingEventProperties advertising_event_properties{};
slots primary_advertising_interval{};
uint8_t primary_advertising_channel_map{};
OwnAddressType own_address_type{};
PeerAddressType peer_address_type{};
Address peer_address{};
std::optional<Address> random_address{};
AdvertisingFilterPolicy advertising_filter_policy{};
uint8_t advertising_tx_power{};
PrimaryPhyType primary_advertising_phy{};
uint8_t secondary_max_skip{};
SecondaryPhyType secondary_advertising_phy{};
uint8_t advertising_sid{};
bool scan_request_notification_enable{};
std::vector<uint8_t> advertising_data{};
std::vector<uint8_t> scan_response_data{};
bool partial_advertising_data{false};
bool partial_scan_response_data{false};
// Periodic advertising configuration.
// Note: the enable flag has a latch because of the semantic describe in the
// specification:
// If the advertising set is not currently enabled, the periodic advertising
// is not started until the advertising set is enabled. Once the advertising
// set has been enabled, the Controller shall continue periodic advertising
// until the Host issues an HCI_LE_Set_Periodic_Advertising_Enable command
// with bit 0 of Enable set to 0 (periodic advertising is disabled).
// Disabling the advertising set has no effect on the periodic advertising
// once the advertising set has been enabled.
// Thus the enable latch is set when the advertising set is enabled and
// periodic advertising is enabled, and cleared when periodic advertising
// gets disabled.
bool periodic_advertising_enable{false};
bool periodic_advertising_enable_latch{false};
slots periodic_advertising_interval{};
std::vector<uint8_t> periodic_advertising_data{};
bool partial_periodic_advertising_data{false};
// Time keeping for periodic advertising.
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point next_periodic_event{};
// Enabled state.
uint8_t max_extended_advertising_events{0};
uint8_t num_completed_extended_advertising_events{0};
// Not implemented at the moment.
bool constant_tone_extensions{false};
// Compute the maximum advertising data payload size for the selected
// advertising event properties. The advertising data is not present if
// 0 is returned.
static uint16_t GetMaxAdvertisingDataLength(
const AdvertisingEventProperties& properties);
// Compute the maximum scan response data payload size for the selected
// advertising event properties. The scan response data is not present if
// 0 is returned.
static uint16_t GetMaxScanResponseDataLength(
const AdvertisingEventProperties& properties);
// Reconstitute the raw Advertising_Event_Properties bitmask.
static uint16_t GetRawAdvertisingEventProperties(
const AdvertisingEventProperties& properties);
// Compute the maximum periodic advertising data payload size for the
// selected periodic advertising interval.
static uint16_t GetMaxPeriodicAdvertisingDataLength(
slots periodic_advertising_interval);
} // namespace rootcanal