blob: 58d3733783edb26586890f840b0c7f8a0455d374 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package mmc;
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
// union of Lc3 config and codec parameters
message Lc3Param {
// encoder/decoder config
int32 dt_us = 1;
int32 sr_hz = 2;
int32 sr_pcm_hz = 3;
// encode/decode parameter
enum PcmFmt {
kLc3PcmFormatS16 = 0;
kLc3PcmFormatS24 = 1;
PcmFmt fmt = 4;
int32 stride = 5;
// corresponding to SBC_ENC_PARAMS
message SbcEncoderParam {
enum SamplingFreq {
kSbcSf16000 = 0;
kSbcSf32000 = 1;
kSbcSf44100 = 2;
kSbcSf48000 = 3;
enum ChannelMode {
kSbcMono = 0;
kSbcDual = 1;
kSbcStereo = 2;
kSbcJointStereo = 3;
enum AllocationMethod {
kSbcLoudNess = 0;
kSbcSnr = 1;
// Default to be kSbcFormatGeneral for SBC if not assigned.
// Assigning to kSbcFormatMsbc for MSBC.
enum Format {
kSbcFormatGeneral = 0;
kSbcFormatMsbc = 1;
// encoder config
int32 num_of_subbands = 1;
int32 num_of_channels = 2;
int32 num_of_blocks = 3;
int32 bit_pool = 4;
int32 bit_rate = 5;
SamplingFreq sampling_freq = 6;
ChannelMode channel_mode = 7;
AllocationMethod allocation_method = 8;
Format format = 9;
message SbcDecoderParam {
// decoder config
int32 max_channels = 1;
int32 stride = 2;
bool enhanced = 3;
// union of different codec parameters
message ConfigParam {
// This determines the codec type and whether it is an encoder or a decoder.
oneof codec_param {
// HFP LC3 encoder and decoder have same parameter type.
Lc3Param hfp_lc3_encoder_param = 1;
Lc3Param hfp_lc3_decoder_param = 2;
// HFP MSBC use SBC parameters
SbcEncoderParam hfp_msbc_encoder_param = 3;
SbcDecoderParam hfp_msbc_decoder_param = 4;