blob: 374a387782e914b66a10ef572e6849a6d1b2c259 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef BTIF_BQR_H_
#define BTIF_BQR_H_
#include "btm_api_types.h"
#include "common/leaky_bonded_queue.h"
#include "include/hardware/bt_bqr.h"
#include "osi/include/osi.h"
#include "raw_address.h"
namespace bluetooth {
namespace bqr {
// Bluetooth Quality Report (BQR)
// It is a feature to start the mechanism in the Bluetooth controller to report
// Bluetooth Quality event to the host and the following options can be enabled:
// [Quality Monitoring Mode]
// The controller shall periodically send Bluetooth Quality Report sub-event
// to the host.
// [Approaching LSTO]
// Once no packets are received from the connected Bluetooth device for a
// duration longer than the half of LSTO (Link Supervision TimeOut) value,
// the controller shall report Approaching LSTO event to the host.
// [A2DP Audio Choppy]
// When the controller detects the factors which will cause audio choppy,
// the controller shall report A2DP Audio Choppy event to the host.
// [(e)SCO Voice Choppy]
// When the controller detects the factors which will cause voice choppy,
// the controller shall report (e)SCO Voice Choppy event to the host.
// [Root Inflammation]
// When the controller encounters an error it shall report Root Inflammation
// event indicating the error code to the host.
// [Vendor Specific Quality]
// Used for the controller vendor to define the vendor proprietary quality
// event(s).
// [LMP/LL message trace]
// The controller sends the LMP/LL message handshaking with the remote
// device to the host.
// [Bluetooth Multi-profile/Coex scheduling trace]
// The controller sends its scheduling information on handling the Bluetooth
// multiple profiles and wireless coexistence in the 2.4 Ghz band to the
// host.
// [Enable the Controller Debug Information mechanism]
// After enabling the Controller Debug Information mechanism, the controller
// just can autonomously report debug logging information via the Controller
// Debug Info sub-event to the host.
// [Connect Fail]
// When the controller fails to create connection with remote side,
// and remote responds for at least one time, the controller shall report
// connection fail event to the host. However, if remote doesn't respond
// at all(most likely remote is powered off or out of range), controller
// will not report this event.
// Bit masks for the selected quality event reporting.
static constexpr uint32_t kQualityEventMaskAllOff = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t kQualityEventMaskMonitorMode = 0x1 << 0;
static constexpr uint32_t kQualityEventMaskApproachLsto = 0x1 << 1;
static constexpr uint32_t kQualityEventMaskA2dpAudioChoppy = 0x1 << 2;
static constexpr uint32_t kQualityEventMaskScoVoiceChoppy = 0x1 << 3;
static constexpr uint32_t kQualityEventMaskRootInflammation = 0x1 << 4;
static constexpr uint32_t kQualityEventMaskEnergyMonitoring = 0x1 << 5;
static constexpr uint32_t kQualityEventMaskLeAudioChoppy = 0x1 << 6;
static constexpr uint32_t kQualityEventMaskConnectFail = 0x1 << 7;
static constexpr uint32_t kQualityEventMaskVendorSpecificQuality = 0x1 << 15;
static constexpr uint32_t kQualityEventMaskLmpMessageTrace = 0x1 << 16;
static constexpr uint32_t kQualityEventMaskBtSchedulingTrace = 0x1 << 17;
static constexpr uint32_t kQualityEventMaskControllerDbgInfo = 0x1 << 18;
static constexpr uint32_t kQualityEventMaskVendorSpecificTrace = 0x1 << 31;
static constexpr uint32_t kQualityEventMaskAll =
kQualityEventMaskMonitorMode | kQualityEventMaskApproachLsto |
kQualityEventMaskA2dpAudioChoppy | kQualityEventMaskScoVoiceChoppy |
kQualityEventMaskRootInflammation | kQualityEventMaskEnergyMonitoring |
kQualityEventMaskLeAudioChoppy | kQualityEventMaskConnectFail |
kQualityEventMaskVendorSpecificQuality | kQualityEventMaskLmpMessageTrace |
kQualityEventMaskBtSchedulingTrace | kQualityEventMaskControllerDbgInfo |
// Define the minimum time interval (in ms) of quality event reporting for the
// selected quality event(s). Controller Firmware should not report the next
// event within the defined time interval.
static constexpr uint16_t kMinReportIntervalNoLimit = 0;
static constexpr uint16_t kMinReportIntervalMaxMs = 0xFFFF;
// The maximum count of Log Dump related event can be written in the log file.
static constexpr uint16_t kLogDumpEventPerFile = 0x00FF;
// Total length of all parameters of the link Quality related event except
// Vendor Specific Parameters.
static constexpr uint8_t kLinkQualityParamTotalLen = 48;
// 7.8.116 LE Read ISO Link Quality command
static constexpr uint8_t kISOLinkQualityParamTotalLen = 24;
// Total length of all parameters of the ROOT_INFLAMMATION event except Vendor
// Specific Parameters.
static constexpr uint8_t kRootInflammationParamTotalLen = 3;
// Total length of all parameters of the Log Dump related event except Vendor
// Specific Parameters.
static constexpr uint8_t kLogDumpParamTotalLen = 3;
// Remote address and calibration failure count parameters len
// Added in BQR V5.0
static constexpr uint8_t kVersion5_0ParamsTotalLen = 7;
// Warning criteria of the RSSI value.
static constexpr int8_t kCriWarnRssi = -80;
// Warning criteria of the unused AFH channel count.
static constexpr uint8_t kCriWarnUnusedCh = 55;
// The queue size of recording the BQR events.
static constexpr uint8_t kBqrEventQueueSize = 25;
// The Property of BQR event mask configuration.
static constexpr const char* kpPropertyEventMask =
// The Property of BQR Vendor Quality configuration.
static constexpr const char* kpPropertyVndQualityMask =
// The Property of BQR Vendor Trace configuration.
static constexpr const char* kpPropertyVndTraceMask =
// The Property of BQR minimum report interval configuration.
static constexpr const char* kpPropertyMinReportIntervalMs =
// Path of the LMP/LL message trace log file.
static constexpr const char* kpLmpLlMessageTraceLogPath =
// Path of the last LMP/LL message trace log file.
static constexpr const char* kpLmpLlMessageTraceLastLogPath =
// Path of the Bluetooth Multi-profile/Coex scheduling trace log file.
static constexpr const char* kpBtSchedulingTraceLogPath =
// Path of the last Bluetooth Multi-profile/Coex scheduling trace log file.
static constexpr const char* kpBtSchedulingTraceLastLogPath =
// The Property of BQR a2dp choppy report and sco choppy report thresholds.
// A2dp choppy will be reported only when a2dp choppy times is >=
// a2dp_choppy_threshold. The default value in firmware side is 1. It is same
// for sco choppy. Value format is a2dp_choppy_threshold,sco_choppy_threshold
static constexpr const char* kpPropertyChoppyThreshold =
// File Descriptor of LMP/LL message trace log
static int LmpLlMessageTraceLogFd = INVALID_FD;
// File Descriptor of Bluetooth Multi-profile/Coex scheduling trace log
static int BtSchedulingTraceLogFd = INVALID_FD;
// Counter of LMP/LL message trace
static uint16_t LmpLlMessageTraceCounter = 0;
// Counter of Bluetooth Multi-profile/Coex scheduling trace
static uint16_t BtSchedulingTraceCounter = 0;
// The version supports ISO packets start from v1.01(257)
static constexpr uint16_t kBqrIsoVersion = 0x101;
// The version supports vendor quality and trace log starting v1.02(258)
static constexpr uint16_t kBqrVndLogVersion = 0x102;
// The version supports remote address info and calibration failure count
// start from v1.03(259)
static constexpr uint16_t kBqrVersion5_0 = 0x103;
// Action definition
// Action to Add, Delete or Clear the reporting of quality event(s).
// Delete will clear specific quality event(s) reporting. Clear will clear all
// quality events reporting.
enum BqrReportAction : uint8_t {
// Report ID definition
enum BqrQualityReportId : uint8_t {
// Packet Type definition
enum BqrPacketType : uint8_t {
// Configuration Parameters
typedef struct {
BqrReportAction report_action;
uint32_t quality_event_mask;
uint16_t minimum_report_interval_ms;
uint32_t vnd_quality_mask;
uint32_t vnd_trace_mask;
} BqrConfiguration;
// Link quality related BQR event
typedef struct {
// Quality report ID.
uint8_t quality_report_id;
// Packet type of the connection.
uint8_t packet_types;
// Connection handle of the connection.
uint16_t connection_handle;
// Performing Role for the connection.
uint8_t connection_role;
// Current Transmit Power Level for the connection. This value is the same as
// the controller's response to the HCI_Read_Transmit_Power_Level HCI command.
int8_t tx_power_level;
// Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) value for the connection. This
// value is an absolute receiver signal strength value.
int8_t rssi;
// Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) value for the connection. It is the average
// SNR of all the channels used by the link currently.
uint8_t snr;
// Indicates the number of unused channels in AFH_channel_map.
uint8_t unused_afh_channel_count;
// Indicates the number of the channels which are interfered and quality is
// bad but are still selected for AFH.
uint8_t afh_select_unideal_channel_count;
// Current Link Supervision Timeout Setting.
// Unit: N * 0.3125 ms (1 Bluetooth Clock)
uint16_t lsto;
// Piconet Clock for the specified Connection_Handle. This value is the same
// as the controller's response to HCI_Read_Clock HCI command with the
// parameter "Which_Clock" of 0x01 (Piconet Clock).
// Unit: N * 0.3125 ms (1 Bluetooth Clock)
uint32_t connection_piconet_clock;
// The count of retransmission.
uint32_t retransmission_count;
// The count of no RX.
uint32_t no_rx_count;
// The count of NAK (Negative Acknowledge).
uint32_t nak_count;
// Timestamp of last TX ACK.
// Unit: N * 0.3125 ms (1 Bluetooth Clock)
uint32_t last_tx_ack_timestamp;
// The count of Flow-off (STOP).
uint32_t flow_off_count;
// Timestamp of last Flow-on (GO).
// Unit: N * 0.3125 ms (1 Bluetooth Clock)
uint32_t last_flow_on_timestamp;
// Buffer overflow count (how many bytes of TX data are dropped) since the
// last event.
uint32_t buffer_overflow_bytes;
// Buffer underflow count (in byte).
uint32_t buffer_underflow_bytes;
// Remote device address
RawAddress bdaddr;
// The count of calibration failed items
uint8_t cal_failed_item_count;
// The number of packets that are sent out.
uint32_t tx_total_packets;
// The number of packets that don't receive an acknowledgment.
uint32_t tx_unacked_packets;
// The number of packets that are not sent out by its flush point.
uint32_t tx_flushed_packets;
// The number of packets that Link Layer transmits a CIS Data PDU in the last
// subevent of a CIS event.
uint32_t tx_last_subevent_packets;
// The number of received packages with CRC error since the last event.
uint32_t crc_error_packets;
// The number of duplicate(retransmission) packages that are received since
// the last event.
uint32_t rx_duplicate_packets;
// For the controller vendor to obtain more vendor specific parameters.
const uint8_t* vendor_specific_parameter;
} BqrLinkQualityEvent;
// Log dump related BQR event
typedef struct {
// Quality report ID.
uint8_t quality_report_id;
// Connection handle of the connection.
uint16_t connection_handle;
// For the controller vendor to obtain more vendor specific parameters.
const uint8_t* vendor_specific_parameter;
} BqrLogDumpEvent;
// BQR sub-event of Vendor Specific Event
class BqrVseSubEvt {
// Parse the Link Quality related BQR event.
// @param length Total length of all parameters contained in the sub-event.
// @param p_param_buf A pointer to the parameters contained in the sub-event.
void ParseBqrLinkQualityEvt(uint8_t length, const uint8_t* p_param_buf);
// Write the LMP/LL message trace to the log file.
// @param fd The File Descriptor of the log file.
// @param length Total length of all parameters contained in the sub-event.
// @param p_param_buf A pointer to the parameters contained in the sub-event.
void WriteLmpLlTraceLogFile(int fd, uint8_t length,
const uint8_t* p_param_buf);
// Write the Bluetooth Multi-profile/Coex scheduling trace to the log file.
// @param fd The File Descriptor of the log file.
// @param length Total length of all parameters contained in the sub-event.
// @param p_param_buf A pointer to the parameters contained in the sub-event.
void WriteBtSchedulingTraceLogFile(int fd, uint8_t length,
const uint8_t* p_param_buf);
// Get a string representation of the Bluetooth Quality event.
// @return a string representation of the Bluetooth Quality event.
std::string ToString() const;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const BqrVseSubEvt& a) {
return os << a.ToString();
virtual ~BqrVseSubEvt() = default;
// Link Quality related BQR event
BqrLinkQualityEvent bqr_link_quality_event_ = {};
// Log Dump related BQR event
BqrLogDumpEvent bqr_log_dump_event_ = {};
// Local wall clock timestamp of receiving BQR VSE sub-event
std::tm tm_timestamp_ = {};
BluetoothQualityReportInterface* getBluetoothQualityReportInterface();
// Get a string representation of the Quality Report ID.
// @param quality_report_id The quality report ID to convert.
// @return a string representation of the Quality Report ID.
std::string QualityReportIdToString(uint8_t quality_report_id);
// Get a string representation of the Packet Type.
// @param packet_type The packet type to convert.
// @return a string representation of the Packet Type.
std::string PacketTypeToString(uint8_t packet_type);
// Enable/Disable Bluetooth Quality Report mechanism.
// Which Quality event will be enabled is according to the setting of the
// property "persist.bluetooth.bqr.event_mask".
// And the minimum time interval of quality event reporting depends on the
// setting of property "persist.bluetooth.bqr.min_interval_ms".
// @param is_enable True/False to enable/disable Bluetooth Quality Report
// mechanism in the Bluetooth controller.
void EnableBtQualityReport(bool is_enable);
// Configure Bluetooth Quality Report setting to the Bluetooth controller.
// @param bqr_config The struct of configuration parameters.
void ConfigureBqr(const BqrConfiguration& bqr_config);
// Callback invoked on completion of vendor specific Bluetooth Quality Report
// command.
// @param p_vsc_cmpl_params A pointer to the parameters contained in the vendor
// specific command complete event.
void BqrVscCompleteCallback(tBTM_VSC_CMPL* p_vsc_cmpl_params);
// Invoked on completion of Bluetooth Quality Report configuration. Then it will
// Register/Unregister for receiving VSE - Bluetooth Quality Report sub-event.
// @param current_evt_mask Indicates current quality event bit mask setting in
// the Bluetooth controller.
void ConfigureBqrCmpl(uint32_t current_evt_mask);
// Categorize the incoming Bluetooth Quality Report.
// @param length Lengths of the quality report sent from the Bluetooth
// controller.
// @param p_bqr_event A pointer to the BQR VSE sub-event which is sent from the
// Bluetooth controller.
void CategorizeBqrEvent(uint8_t length, const uint8_t* p_bqr_event);
// Record a new incoming Link Quality related BQR event in quality event queue.
// @param length Lengths of the Link Quality related BQR event.
// @param p_link_quality_event A pointer to the Link Quality related BQR event.
void AddLinkQualityEventToQueue(uint8_t length,
const uint8_t* p_link_quality_event);
// Dump the LMP/LL message handshaking with the remote device to a log file.
// @param length Lengths of the LMP/LL message trace event.
// @param p_lmp_ll_message_event A pointer to the LMP/LL message trace event.
void DumpLmpLlMessage(uint8_t length, const uint8_t* p_lmp_ll_message_event);
// Open the LMP/LL message trace log file.
// @return a file descriptor of the LMP/LL message trace log file.
int OpenLmpLlTraceLogFile();
// Dump the Bluetooth Multi-profile/Coex scheduling information to a log file.
// @param length Lengths of the Bluetooth Multi-profile/Coex scheduling trace
// event.
// @param p_bt_scheduling_event A pointer to the Bluetooth Multi-profile/Coex
// scheduling trace event.
void DumpBtScheduling(uint8_t length, const uint8_t* p_bt_scheduling_event);
// Open the Bluetooth Multi-profile/Coex scheduling trace log file.
// @return a file descriptor of the Bluetooth Multi-profile/Coex scheduling
// trace log file.
int OpenBtSchedulingTraceLogFile();
// Dump Bluetooth Quality Report information.
// @param fd The file descriptor to use for dumping information.
void DebugDump(int fd);
} // namespace bqr
} // namespace bluetooth
#endif // BTIF_BQR_H_