blob: 3a2512c3c24b846e61676d54b7a99354e7dc5d70 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.content.Context;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Pair;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
/** A class to manage Epoch computation. */
public class EpochManager {
// We use this origin to compute epoch timestamp.
// In other words, the first epoch started at
// Saturday, January 1, 2022 12:00:00 AM
// TODO(b/221463765): get the timestamp when first access to the origin.
// Save in SharedPreferences or slqlite db.
private static final long ORIGIN_EPOCH_TIMESTAMP = 1640995200;
// TODO(b/223915674): make this configurable.
// The Top Topics will have 6 topics.
// The first 5 topics are the Top Topics derived by ML, and the 6th is a random topic from
// taxonomy.
// The index starts from 0.
private static final int RANDOM_TOPIC_INDEX = 5;
// TODO(b/223916172): make this configurable.
// The number of top Topics not including the random one.
private static final int NUM_TOP_TOPICS_NOT_INCLUDING_RANDOM_ONE = 5;
private static EpochManager sSingleton;
private final TopicsDao mTopicsDao;
private final DbHelper mDbHelper;
private final Random mRandom;
private final Classifier mClassifier;
private final Flags mFlags;
EpochManager(@NonNull TopicsDao topicsDao, @NonNull DbHelper dbHelper,
@NonNull Random random, @NonNull Classifier classifier, Flags flags) {
mTopicsDao = topicsDao;
mDbHelper = dbHelper;
mRandom = random;
mClassifier = classifier;
mFlags = flags;
/** Returns an instance of the EpochManager given a context. */
public static EpochManager getInstance(@NonNull Context context) {
synchronized (EpochManager.class) {
if (sSingleton == null) {
sSingleton = new EpochManager(TopicsDao.getInstance(context),
DbHelper.getInstance(context), new Random(),
Classifier.getInstance(context), FlagsFactory.getFlags());
return sSingleton;
* Returns an instance of the EpochManager given a context. Not using Singleton so that we can
* return different instances of EpochManager used for test
public static EpochManager getInstanceForTest(@NonNull Context context,
@NonNull Random random, @NonNull Classifier classifier) {
return new EpochManager(TopicsDao.getInstanceForTest(context),
DbHelper.getInstanceForTest(context), random, classifier,
* Offline Epoch Processing.
* For more details, see go/rb-topics-epoch-computation
public void processEpoch() {
SQLiteDatabase db = mDbHelper.safeGetWritableDatabase();
if (db == null) {
// This cross db and java boundaries multiple times so we need to have a db transaction.
long epochId = getCurrentEpochId();
LogUtil.v("Current epochId is %d", epochId);
try {
// Step 1: Compute the UsageMap from the UsageHistory table.
// appSdksUsageMap = Map<App, List<SDK>> has the app and its SDKs that called Topics API
// in the current Epoch.
Map<String, List<String>> appSdksUsageMap = mTopicsDao.retrieveAppSdksUsageMap(epochId);
LogUtil.v("appSdksUsageMap size is %d", appSdksUsageMap.size());
// Step 2: Compute the Map from App to its classification topics.
// Only produce for apps that called the Topics API in the current Epoch.
// appClassificationTopicsMap = Map<App, List<Topics>>
Map<String, List<String>> appClassificationTopicsMap =
LogUtil.v("appClassificationTopicsMap size is %d", appClassificationTopicsMap.size());
// Then save app-topics Map into DB
mTopicsDao.persistAppClassificationTopics(epochId, /* taxonomyVersion = */ 1L,
/* modelVersion = */ 1L, appClassificationTopicsMap);
// Step 3: Compute the Callers can learn map for this epoch.
// This is similar to the Callers Can Learn table in the explainer.
Map<String, Set<String>> callersCanLearnThisEpochMap =
computeCallersCanLearnMap(appSdksUsageMap, appClassificationTopicsMap);
LogUtil.v("callersCanLearnThisEpochMap size is %d",
// And then save this CallersCanLearnMap to DB.
mTopicsDao.persistCallerCanLearnTopics(epochId, callersCanLearnThisEpochMap);
// Step 4: For each topic, retrieve the callers (App or SDK) that can learn about that
// topic. We look at last 3 epochs.
// Return callersCanLearnMap = Map<Topic, Set<Caller>> where Caller = App or Sdk.
Map<String, Set<String>> callersCanLearnMap =
LogUtil.v("callersCanLearnMap size is %d", callersCanLearnMap.size());
// Step 5: Retrieve the Top Topics. This will return a list of 5 top topics and
// the 6th topic which is selected randomly. We can refer this 6th topic as the
// random-topic.
List<String> topTopics = computeTopTopics(appClassificationTopicsMap);
LogUtil.v("topTopics are %s", topTopics.toString());
// Then save Top Topics into DB
mTopicsDao.persistTopTopics(epochId, topTopics);
// Step 6: Assign topics to apps and SDK from the global top topics.
// Currently hard-code the taxonomyVersion and the modelVersion.
// Return returnedAppSdkTopics = Map<Pair<App, Sdk>, Topic>
Map<Pair<String, String>, String> returnedAppSdkTopics =
computeReturnedAppSdkTopics(callersCanLearnMap, appSdksUsageMap, topTopics);
LogUtil.v("returnedAppSdkTopics size is %d", returnedAppSdkTopics.size());
// And persist the map to DB so that we can reuse later.
mTopicsDao.persistReturnedAppTopicsMap(epochId, /* taxonomyVersion = */ 1L,
/* modelVersion = */ 1L, returnedAppSdkTopics);
// Mark the transaction successful.
} finally {
// Query the Classifier to get the top Topics for this epoch.
// appClassificationTopicsMap = Map<App, List<Topics>>
private List<String> computeTopTopics(Map<String, List<String>> appClassificationTopicsMap) {
return mClassifier.getTopTopics(
// Compute the Map from App to its classification topics.
// Only produce for apps that called the Topics API in the current Epoch.
// input:
// appSdksUsageMap = Map<App, List<SDK>> has the app and its SDKs that called Topics API
// Return appClassificationTopicsMap = Map<App, List<Topic>>
Map<String, List<String>> computeAppClassificationTopics(
Map<String, List<String>> appSdksUsageMap) {
return mClassifier.classify(appSdksUsageMap.keySet());
* Record the call from App and Sdk to usage history.
* This UsageHistory will be used to determine if a caller (app or sdk) has observed a topic
* before.
* @param app the app
* @param sdk the sdk of the app. In case the app calls the Topics API directly, the sdk
* == empty string.
public void recordUsageHistory(String app, String sdk) {
long epochID = getCurrentEpochId();
LogUtil.v("Current epochId is %d", epochID);
mTopicsDao.recordUsageHistory(epochID, app, sdk);
mTopicsDao.recordAppUsageHistory(epochID, app);
// Return a Map from Topic to set of App or Sdk that can learn about that topic.
// This is similar to the table Can Learn Topic in the explainer.
// Return Map<Topic, Set<Caller>> where Caller = App or Sdk.
static Map<String, Set<String>> computeCallersCanLearnMap(
@NonNull Map<String, List<String>> appSdksUsageMap,
@NonNull Map<String, List<String>> appClassificationTopicsMap) {
// Map from Topic to set of App or Sdk that can learn about that topic.
// This is similar to the table Can Learn Topic in the explainer.
// Map<Topic, Set<Caller>> where Caller = App or Sdk.
Map<String, Set<String>> callersCanLearnMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : appClassificationTopicsMap.entrySet()) {
String app = entry.getKey();
List<String> appTopics = entry.getValue();
if (appTopics == null) {
LogUtil.e("Can't find the Classification Topics for app = " + app);
for (String topic : appTopics) {
if (!callersCanLearnMap.containsKey(topic)) {
callersCanLearnMap.put(topic, new HashSet<>());
// All SDKs in the app can learn this topic too.
for (String sdk : appSdksUsageMap.get(app)) {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(sdk)) {
// Empty sdk means the app called the Topics API directly.
// Caller = app
// Then the app can learn its topic.
} else {
// Caller = sdk
return callersCanLearnMap;
// Inputs:
// callersCanLearnMap = Map<Topic, Set<Caller>> map from topic to set of callers that can learn
// about the topic. Caller = App or Sdk.
// appSdksUsageMap = Map<App, List<SDK>> has the app and its SDKs that called Topics API
// in the current Epoch.
// topTopics = List<Topic> list of top 5 topics and 1 random topic.
// Return returnedAppSdkTopics = Map<Pair<App, Sdk>, Topic>
Map<Pair<String, String>, String> computeReturnedAppSdkTopics(
@NonNull Map<String, Set<String>> callersCanLearnMap,
@NonNull Map<String, List<String>> appSdksUsageMap,
@NonNull List<String> topTopics) {
Map<Pair<String, String>, String> returnedAppSdkTopics = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> app : appSdksUsageMap.entrySet()) {
String returnedTopic = selectRandomTopic(topTopics);
Set<String> callersCanLearnThisTopic = callersCanLearnMap.get(returnedTopic);
if (callersCanLearnThisTopic == null) {
// Check if the app can learn this topic.
if (callersCanLearnThisTopic.contains(app.getKey())) {
// The app calls Topics API directly. In this case, we set the sdk == empty string.
Pair.create(app.getKey(), /* empty Sdk */ ""), returnedTopic);
// Then check all SDKs of the app.
for (String sdk : app.getValue()) {
if (callersCanLearnThisTopic.contains(sdk)) {
Pair.create(app.getKey(), sdk), returnedTopic);
return returnedAppSdkTopics;
// Return a random topics from the Top Topics.
// The Top Topics include the Top 5 Topics and one random topic from the Taxonomy.
String selectRandomTopic(List<String> topTopics) {
== mFlags.getTopicsNumberOfTopTopics()
+ mFlags.getTopicsNumberOfRandomTopics());
int random = mRandom.nextInt(100);
// For 5%, get the random topic.
if (random < mFlags.getTopicsPercentageForRandomTopic()) {
// The random topic is the last one on the list.
return topTopics.get(RANDOM_TOPIC_INDEX);
// For 95%, pick randomly one out of 5 top topics.
return topTopics.get(random % NUM_TOP_TOPICS_NOT_INCLUDING_RANDOM_ONE);
// Return the current epochId.
// Each Epoch will have an Id. The first epoch has Id = 0.
// For Alpha 1, we assume a fixed origin epoch starting from
// Saturday, January 1, 2022 12:00:00 AM.
// Later, we will use per device starting origin.
public long getCurrentEpochId() {
// TODO(b/221463765): Don't use a fix epoch origin like this. This is for Alpha 1 only.
LogUtil.v("Epoch length is %d", mFlags.getTopicsEpochJobPeriodMs());
return (long) Math.floor((System.currentTimeMillis() - ORIGIN_EPOCH_TIMESTAMP)
/ mFlags.getTopicsEpochJobPeriodMs());