Update shift state only when input field is restarted

Bug: 7482766
Change-Id: Ifdfa110c44b95acfbcd3e0aa34f675c70b7d7285
diff --git a/java/src/com/android/inputmethod/latin/LatinIME.java b/java/src/com/android/inputmethod/latin/LatinIME.java
index f578cc8..1436a10 100644
--- a/java/src/com/android/inputmethod/latin/LatinIME.java
+++ b/java/src/com/android/inputmethod/latin/LatinIME.java
@@ -683,8 +683,6 @@
             accessUtils.onStartInputViewInternal(mainKeyboardView, editorInfo, restarting);
-        final boolean selectionChanged = mLastSelectionStart != editorInfo.initialSelStart
-                || mLastSelectionEnd != editorInfo.initialSelEnd;
         final boolean inputTypeChanged = !mCurrentSettings.isSameInputType(editorInfo);
         final boolean isDifferentTextField = !restarting || inputTypeChanged;
         if (isDifferentTextField) {
@@ -732,20 +730,17 @@
             // TODO: Come up with a more comprehensive way to reset the keyboard layout when
             // a keyboard layout set doesn't get reloaded in this method.
+            // In apps like Talk, we come here when the text is sent and the field gets emptied and
+            // we need to re-evaluate the shift state, but not the whole layout which would be
+            // disruptive.
+            // Space state must be updated before calling updateShiftState
+            switcher.updateShiftState();
                 isSuggestionsStripVisible(), /* needsInputViewShown */ false);
         mLastSelectionStart = editorInfo.initialSelStart;
         mLastSelectionEnd = editorInfo.initialSelEnd;
-        // If we come here something in the text state is very likely to have changed.
-        // We should update the shift state regardless of whether we are restarting or not, because
-        // this is not perceived as a layout change that may be disruptive like we may have with
-        // switcher.loadKeyboard; in apps like Talk, we come here when the text is sent and the
-        // field gets emptied and we need to re-evaluate the shift state, but not the whole layout
-        // which would be disruptive.
-        // Space state must be updated before calling updateShiftState
-        mKeyboardSwitcher.updateShiftState();