Don't allow file attachment from /data through GET_CONTENT.

A custom picker can be used to attach files to Compose activity. With
this change, we are disallowing files belonging to file:///data/... to
be attached from custom pickers, in order not to expose internal
application data.

If the Intent Uri is a "file" and the file is in
`Environment.getDataDirectory()`, then throw a
which is caught immediately and shows a toast to the user.

Details b/31494146#comment13
Fix b/32615212

Change-Id: I037888b01fef1cdf5053602cdf9194286d5648df
(cherry picked from commit eace8b43e8d1512a205554715ca840324bfbe35f)
diff --git a/src/com/android/mail/compose/ b/src/com/android/mail/compose/
index 2dfac99..5f125ab 100644
--- a/src/com/android/mail/compose/
+++ b/src/com/android/mail/compose/
@@ -2018,19 +2018,15 @@
         if (contentUri == null) {
-        try {
-            if (handleSpecialAttachmentUri(contentUri)) {
-                return;
-            }
+        if (handleSpecialAttachmentUri(contentUri)) {
+            return;
+        }
-            addAttachmentAndUpdateView(mAttachmentsView.generateLocalAttachment(contentUri));
-        } catch (AttachmentFailureException e) {
-            LogUtils.e(LOG_TAG, e, "Error adding attachment");
-            showErrorToast(getResources().getString(
-                    e.getErrorRes(),
-                    AttachmentUtils.convertToHumanReadableSize(
-                            getApplicationContext(), mAccount.settings.getMaxAttachmentSize())));
+        final long size = handleAttachmentUrisFromIntent(Arrays.asList(contentUri));
+        if (size > 0) {
+            mAttachmentsChanged = true;
+            updateSaveUi();