blob: 6f0c453698be5d2263b8a769bf89cdd7799bea18 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentSender;
import android.os.UserManager;
public final class ChooseLockSettingsHelper {
static final String EXTRA_KEY_TYPE = "type";
static final String EXTRA_KEY_PASSWORD = "password";
public static final String EXTRA_KEY_RETURN_CREDENTIALS = "return_credentials";
public static final String EXTRA_KEY_HAS_CHALLENGE = "has_challenge";
public static final String EXTRA_KEY_CHALLENGE = "challenge";
public static final String EXTRA_KEY_CHALLENGE_TOKEN = "hw_auth_token";
public static final String EXTRA_KEY_FOR_FINGERPRINT = "for_fingerprint";
public static final String EXTRA_KEY_FOR_CHANGE_CRED_REQUIRED_FOR_BOOT = "for_cred_req_boot";
@VisibleForTesting LockPatternUtils mLockPatternUtils;
private Activity mActivity;
private Fragment mFragment;
public ChooseLockSettingsHelper(Activity activity) {
mActivity = activity;
mLockPatternUtils = new LockPatternUtils(activity);
public ChooseLockSettingsHelper(Activity activity, Fragment fragment) {
mFragment = fragment;
public LockPatternUtils utils() {
return mLockPatternUtils;
* If a pattern, password or PIN exists, prompt the user before allowing them to change it.
* @param title title of the confirmation screen; shown in the action bar
* @return true if one exists and we launched an activity to confirm it
* @see Activity#onActivityResult(int, int, android.content.Intent)
public boolean launchConfirmationActivity(int request, CharSequence title) {
return launchConfirmationActivity(request, title, null, null, false, false);
* If a pattern, password or PIN exists, prompt the user before allowing them to change it.
* @param title title of the confirmation screen; shown in the action bar
* @param returnCredentials if true, put credentials into intent. Note that if this is true,
* this can only be called internally.
* @return true if one exists and we launched an activity to confirm it
* @see Activity#onActivityResult(int, int, android.content.Intent)
boolean launchConfirmationActivity(int request, CharSequence title, boolean returnCredentials) {
return launchConfirmationActivity(request, title, null, null, returnCredentials, false);
* If a pattern, password or PIN exists, prompt the user before allowing them to change it.
* @param title title of the confirmation screen; shown in the action bar
* @param returnCredentials if true, put credentials into intent. Note that if this is true,
* this can only be called internally.
* @param userId The userId for whom the lock should be confirmed.
* @return true if one exists and we launched an activity to confirm it
* @see Activity#onActivityResult(int, int, android.content.Intent)
public boolean launchConfirmationActivity(int request, CharSequence title,
boolean returnCredentials, int userId) {
return launchConfirmationActivity(request, title, null, null,
returnCredentials, false, false, 0, Utils.enforceSameOwner(mActivity, userId));
* If a pattern, password or PIN exists, prompt the user before allowing them to change it.
* @param title title of the confirmation screen; shown in the action bar
* @param header header of the confirmation screen; shown as large text
* @param description description of the confirmation screen
* @param returnCredentials if true, put credentials into intent. Note that if this is true,
* this can only be called internally.
* @param external specifies whether this activity is launched externally, meaning that it will
* get a dark theme, allow fingerprint authentication and it will forward
* activity result.
* @return true if one exists and we launched an activity to confirm it
* @see Activity#onActivityResult(int, int, android.content.Intent)
boolean launchConfirmationActivity(int request, @Nullable CharSequence title,
@Nullable CharSequence header, @Nullable CharSequence description,
boolean returnCredentials, boolean external) {
return launchConfirmationActivity(request, title, header, description,
returnCredentials, external, false, 0, Utils.getCredentialOwnerUserId(mActivity));
* If a pattern, password or PIN exists, prompt the user before allowing them to change it.
* @param title title of the confirmation screen; shown in the action bar
* @param header header of the confirmation screen; shown as large text
* @param description description of the confirmation screen
* @param returnCredentials if true, put credentials into intent. Note that if this is true,
* this can only be called internally.
* @param external specifies whether this activity is launched externally, meaning that it will
* get a dark theme, allow fingerprint authentication and it will forward
* activity result.
* @param userId The userId for whom the lock should be confirmed.
* @return true if one exists and we launched an activity to confirm it
* @see Activity#onActivityResult(int, int, android.content.Intent)
boolean launchConfirmationActivity(int request, @Nullable CharSequence title,
@Nullable CharSequence header, @Nullable CharSequence description,
boolean returnCredentials, boolean external, int userId) {
return launchConfirmationActivity(request, title, header, description,
returnCredentials, external, false, 0, Utils.enforceSameOwner(mActivity, userId));
* If a pattern, password or PIN exists, prompt the user before allowing them to change it.
* @param title title of the confirmation screen; shown in the action bar
* @param header header of the confirmation screen; shown as large text
* @param description description of the confirmation screen
* @param challenge a challenge to be verified against the device credential.
* @return true if one exists and we launched an activity to confirm it
* @see Activity#onActivityResult(int, int, android.content.Intent)
public boolean launchConfirmationActivity(int request, @Nullable CharSequence title,
@Nullable CharSequence header, @Nullable CharSequence description,
long challenge) {
return launchConfirmationActivity(request, title, header, description,
true, false, true, challenge, Utils.getCredentialOwnerUserId(mActivity));
* If a pattern, password or PIN exists, prompt the user before allowing them to change it.
* @param title title of the confirmation screen; shown in the action bar
* @param header header of the confirmation screen; shown as large text
* @param description description of the confirmation screen
* @param challenge a challenge to be verified against the device credential.
* @param userId The userId for whom the lock should be confirmed.
* @return true if one exists and we launched an activity to confirm it
* @see Activity#onActivityResult(int, int, android.content.Intent)
public boolean launchConfirmationActivity(int request, @Nullable CharSequence title,
@Nullable CharSequence header, @Nullable CharSequence description,
long challenge, int userId) {
return launchConfirmationActivity(request, title, header, description,
true, false, true, challenge, Utils.enforceSameOwner(mActivity, userId));
* If a pattern, password or PIN exists, prompt the user before allowing them to change it.
* @param title title of the confirmation screen; shown in the action bar
* @param header header of the confirmation screen; shown as large text
* @param description description of the confirmation screen
* @param external specifies whether this activity is launched externally, meaning that it will
* get a dark theme, allow fingerprint authentication and it will forward
* activity result.
* @param challenge a challenge to be verified against the device credential.
* @param userId The userId for whom the lock should be confirmed.
* @return true if one exists and we launched an activity to confirm it
* @see Activity#onActivityResult(int, int, android.content.Intent)
public boolean launchConfirmationActivityWithExternalAndChallenge(int request,
@Nullable CharSequence title, @Nullable CharSequence header,
@Nullable CharSequence description, boolean external, long challenge, int userId) {
return launchConfirmationActivity(request, title, header, description, false,
external, true, challenge, Utils.enforceSameOwner(mActivity, userId));
private boolean launchConfirmationActivity(int request, @Nullable CharSequence title,
@Nullable CharSequence header, @Nullable CharSequence description,
boolean returnCredentials, boolean external, boolean hasChallenge,
long challenge, int userId) {
final int effectiveUserId = UserManager.get(mActivity).getCredentialOwnerProfile(userId);
boolean launched = false;
switch (mLockPatternUtils.getKeyguardStoredPasswordQuality(effectiveUserId)) {
launched = launchConfirmationActivity(request, title, header, description,
returnCredentials || hasChallenge
? ConfirmLockPattern.InternalActivity.class
: ConfirmLockPattern.class, returnCredentials, external,
hasChallenge, challenge, userId);
case DevicePolicyManager.PASSWORD_QUALITY_NUMERIC:
case DevicePolicyManager.PASSWORD_QUALITY_COMPLEX:
case DevicePolicyManager.PASSWORD_QUALITY_MANAGED:
launched = launchConfirmationActivity(request, title, header, description,
returnCredentials || hasChallenge
? ConfirmLockPassword.InternalActivity.class
: ConfirmLockPassword.class, returnCredentials, external,
hasChallenge, challenge, userId);
return launched;
private boolean launchConfirmationActivity(int request, CharSequence title, CharSequence header,
CharSequence message, Class<?> activityClass, boolean returnCredentials,
boolean external, boolean hasChallenge, long challenge,
int userId) {
final Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.putExtra(ConfirmDeviceCredentialBaseFragment.TITLE_TEXT, title);
intent.putExtra(ConfirmDeviceCredentialBaseFragment.HEADER_TEXT, header);
intent.putExtra(ConfirmDeviceCredentialBaseFragment.DETAILS_TEXT, message);
intent.putExtra(ConfirmDeviceCredentialBaseFragment.ALLOW_FP_AUTHENTICATION, external);
intent.putExtra(ConfirmDeviceCredentialBaseFragment.DARK_THEME, external);
intent.putExtra(ConfirmDeviceCredentialBaseFragment.SHOW_CANCEL_BUTTON, external);
intent.putExtra(ConfirmDeviceCredentialBaseFragment.SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED, external);
intent.putExtra(ChooseLockSettingsHelper.EXTRA_KEY_RETURN_CREDENTIALS, returnCredentials);
intent.putExtra(ChooseLockSettingsHelper.EXTRA_KEY_HAS_CHALLENGE, hasChallenge);
intent.putExtra(ChooseLockSettingsHelper.EXTRA_KEY_CHALLENGE, challenge);
// we should never have a drawer when confirming device credentials.
intent.putExtra(SettingsActivity.EXTRA_HIDE_DRAWER, true);
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_USER_ID, userId);
intent.setClassName(ConfirmDeviceCredentialBaseFragment.PACKAGE, activityClass.getName());
if (external) {
if (mFragment != null) {
copyOptionalExtras(mFragment.getActivity().getIntent(), intent);
} else {
copyOptionalExtras(mActivity.getIntent(), intent);
} else {
if (mFragment != null) {
mFragment.startActivityForResult(intent, request);
} else {
mActivity.startActivityForResult(intent, request);
return true;
private void copyOptionalExtras(Intent inIntent, Intent outIntent) {
IntentSender intentSender = inIntent.getParcelableExtra(Intent.EXTRA_INTENT);
if (intentSender != null) {
outIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_INTENT, intentSender);
int taskId = inIntent.getIntExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TASK_ID, -1);
if (taskId != -1) {
outIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TASK_ID, taskId);
// If we will launch another activity once credentials are confirmed, exclude from recents.
// This is a workaround to a framework bug where affinity is incorrect for activities
// that are started from a no display activity, as is ConfirmDeviceCredentialActivity.
// TODO: Remove once that bug is fixed.
if (intentSender != null || taskId != -1) {