blob: f35b69a4177760d2a70078754caa1bb2f0875097 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import androidx.annotation.AnyThread;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.UiThread;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import androidx.lifecycle.Lifecycle;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
* A {@link LifecycleCallbackAdapter} which support carrying a result from any threads back to UI
* thread through {@link #postResult(T)}.
* A {@link Consumer<T>} would be invoked from UI thread for further processing on the result.
* Note: Result not in STARTED or RESUMED stage will be discarded silently.
* This is to align with the criteria set within
* {@link LifecycleCallbackAdapter#onStateChanged()}.
public class LifecycleCallbackConverter<T> extends LifecycleCallbackAdapter {
private static final String TAG = "LifecycleCallbackConverter";
private final Thread mUiThread;
private final Consumer<T> mResultCallback;
* A record of number of active status change.
* Even numbers (0, 2, 4, 6 ...) are inactive status.
* Odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7 ...) are active status.
private final AtomicLong mNumberOfActiveStatusChange = new AtomicLong();
* Constructor
* @param lifecycle {@link Lifecycle} to monitor
* @param resultCallback for further processing the result
public LifecycleCallbackConverter(
@NonNull Lifecycle lifecycle, @NonNull Consumer<T> resultCallback) {
mUiThread = Thread.currentThread();
mResultCallback = resultCallback;
* Post a result (from any thread) back to UI thread.
* @param result the object ready to be passed back to {@link Consumer<T>}.
public void postResult(T result) {
* Since mNumberOfActiveStatusChange only increase, it is a concept of sequence number.
* Carry it when sending data in between different threads allow to verify if the data
* has arrived on time. And drop the data when expired.
long currentNumberOfChange = mNumberOfActiveStatusChange.get();
if (Thread.currentThread() == mUiThread) {
dispatchExtResult(currentNumberOfChange, result); // Dispatch directly
} else {
postResultToUiThread(currentNumberOfChange, result);
protected void postResultToUiThread(long numberOfStatusChange, T result) {
ThreadUtils.postOnMainThread(() -> dispatchExtResult(numberOfStatusChange, result));
protected void dispatchExtResult(long numberOfStatusChange, T result) {
* For a postResult() sending in between different threads, not only create a latency
* but also enqueued into main UI thread for dispatch.
* To align behavior within {@link LifecycleCallbackAdapter#onStateChanged()},
* some checking on both numberOfStatusChange and {@link Lifecycle} status are required.
if (isActiveStatus(numberOfStatusChange)
&& (numberOfStatusChange == mNumberOfActiveStatusChange.get())
&& getLifecycle().getCurrentState().isAtLeast(Lifecycle.State.STARTED)) {
private static final boolean isActiveStatus(long numberOfStatusChange) {
return ((numberOfStatusChange & 1L) != 0L);
/* Implementation of LifecycleCallbackAdapter */
public boolean isCallbackActive() {
return isActiveStatus(mNumberOfActiveStatusChange.get());
/* Implementation of LifecycleCallbackAdapter */
public void setCallbackActive(boolean updatedActiveStatus) {
* Make sure only increase when active status got changed.
* This is to implement the definition of mNumberOfActiveStatusChange.
if (isCallbackActive() != updatedActiveStatus) {