Add disconnect messages for data disconnect causes.

Bug: 30702393
Change-Id: I370655b191648083c72f841f5b4613933735abed
diff --git a/res/values/strings.xml b/res/values/strings.xml
index 60e3aac..ba7e83c 100644
--- a/res/values/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -127,4 +127,8 @@
     <string name="ringtone_unknown">Unknown ringtone</string>
     <!-- In-call screen: call ended because the user has reached the maximum number of calls on their current devices and other devices. -->
     <string name="callFailed_maximum_reached">All available lines are in use.  To make a call, disconnect one of the calls on this device, or on one of your other devices.</string>
+    <!-- In-call screen: call ended because the user disabled data on their device -->
+    <string name="callFailed_data_disabled">Call ended because cellular data was disabled.</string>
+    <!-- In-call screen: call ended because the cellular data limit has been reached -->
+    <string name="callFailed_data_limit_reached">Call ended because the cellular data limit has been reached.</string>