blob: b82c80097c6eb7a05d20f8a38d02eced940a4c52 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.database.ContentObserver;
import android.nfc.cardemulation.ApduServiceInfo;
import android.nfc.cardemulation.CardEmulation;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.UserHandle;
import android.provider.Settings;
import android.provider.Settings.SettingNotFoundException;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.proto.ProtoOutputStream;
* This class keeps track of what HCE/SE-based services are
* preferred by the user. It currently has 3 inputs:
* 1) The default set in tap&pay menu for payment category
* 2) An app in the foreground asking for a specific
* service for a specific category
* 3) If we had to disambiguate a previous tap (because no
* preferred service was there), we need to temporarily
* store the user's choice for the next tap.
* This class keeps track of all 3 inputs, and computes a new
* preferred services as needed. It then passes this service
* (if it changed) through a callback, which allows other components
* to adapt as necessary (ie the AID cache can update its AID
* mappings and the routing table).
public class PreferredServices implements {
static final String TAG = "PreferredCardEmulationServices";
static final boolean DBG = false;
static final Uri paymentDefaultUri = Settings.Secure.getUriFor(
static final Uri paymentForegroundUri = Settings.Secure.getUriFor(
final SettingsObserver mSettingsObserver;
final Context mContext;
final RegisteredServicesCache mServiceCache;
final RegisteredAidCache mAidCache;
final Callback mCallback;
final ForegroundUtils mForegroundUtils = ForegroundUtils.getInstance();
final Handler mHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());
final class PaymentDefaults {
boolean preferForeground; // The current selection mode for this category
ComponentName settingsDefault; // The component preferred in settings (eg Tap&Pay)
ComponentName currentPreferred; // The computed preferred component
final Object mLock = new Object();
// Variables below synchronized on mLock
PaymentDefaults mPaymentDefaults = new PaymentDefaults();
ComponentName mForegroundRequested; // The component preferred by fg app
int mForegroundUid; // The UID of the fg app, or -1 if fg app didn't request
ComponentName mNextTapDefault; // The component preferred by active disambig dialog
boolean mClearNextTapDefault = false; // Set when the next tap default must be cleared
ComponentName mForegroundCurrent; // The currently computed foreground component
public interface Callback {
void onPreferredPaymentServiceChanged(ComponentName service);
void onPreferredForegroundServiceChanged(ComponentName service);
public PreferredServices(Context context, RegisteredServicesCache serviceCache,
RegisteredAidCache aidCache, Callback callback) {
mContext = context;
mServiceCache = serviceCache;
mAidCache = aidCache;
mCallback = callback;
mSettingsObserver = new SettingsObserver(mHandler);
true, mSettingsObserver, UserHandle.USER_ALL);
true, mSettingsObserver, UserHandle.USER_ALL);
// Load current settings defaults for payments
private final class SettingsObserver extends ContentObserver {
public SettingsObserver(Handler handler) {
public void onChange(boolean selfChange, Uri uri) {
super.onChange(selfChange, uri);
// Do it just for the current user. If it was in fact
// a change made for another user, we'll sync it down
// on user switch.
int currentUser = ActivityManager.getCurrentUser();
void loadDefaultsFromSettings(int userId) {
boolean paymentDefaultChanged = false;
boolean paymentPreferForegroundChanged = false;
// Load current payment default from settings
String name = Settings.Secure.getStringForUser(
mContext.getContentResolver(), Settings.Secure.NFC_PAYMENT_DEFAULT_COMPONENT,
ComponentName newDefault = name != null ? ComponentName.unflattenFromString(name) : null;
boolean preferForeground = false;
try {
preferForeground = Settings.Secure.getIntForUser(mContext.getContentResolver(),
Settings.Secure.NFC_PAYMENT_FOREGROUND, userId) != 0;
} catch (SettingNotFoundException e) {
synchronized (mLock) {
paymentPreferForegroundChanged = (preferForeground != mPaymentDefaults.preferForeground);
mPaymentDefaults.preferForeground = preferForeground;
mPaymentDefaults.settingsDefault = newDefault;
if (newDefault != null && !newDefault.equals(mPaymentDefaults.currentPreferred)) {
paymentDefaultChanged = true;
mPaymentDefaults.currentPreferred = newDefault;
} else if (newDefault == null && mPaymentDefaults.currentPreferred != null) {
paymentDefaultChanged = true;
mPaymentDefaults.currentPreferred = newDefault;
} else {
// Same default as before
// Notify if anything changed
if (paymentDefaultChanged) {
if (paymentPreferForegroundChanged) {
void computePreferredForegroundService() {
ComponentName preferredService = null;
boolean changed = false;
synchronized (mLock) {
// Prio 1: next tap default
preferredService = mNextTapDefault;
if (preferredService == null) {
// Prio 2: foreground requested by app
preferredService = mForegroundRequested;
if (preferredService != null && !preferredService.equals(mForegroundCurrent)) {
mForegroundCurrent = preferredService;
changed = true;
} else if (preferredService == null && mForegroundCurrent != null){
mForegroundCurrent = preferredService;
changed = true;
// Notify if anything changed
if (changed) {
public boolean setDefaultForNextTap(ComponentName service) {
// This is a trusted API, so update without checking
synchronized (mLock) {
mNextTapDefault = service;
return true;
public void onServicesUpdated() {
// If this service is the current foreground service, verify
// there are no conflicts
boolean changed = false;
synchronized (mLock) {
// Check if the current foreground service is still allowed to override;
// it could have registered new AIDs that make it conflict with user
// preferences.
if (mForegroundCurrent != null) {
if (!isForegroundAllowedLocked(mForegroundCurrent)) {
Log.d(TAG, "Removing foreground preferred service.");
mForegroundRequested = null;
mForegroundUid = -1;
changed = true;
} else {
// Don't care about this service
if (changed) {
// Verifies whether a service is allowed to register as preferred
boolean isForegroundAllowedLocked(ComponentName service) {
if (service.equals(mPaymentDefaults.currentPreferred)) {
// If the requester is already the payment default, allow it to request foreground
// override as well (it could use this to make sure it handles AIDs of category OTHER)
return true;
ApduServiceInfo serviceInfo = mServiceCache.getService(ActivityManager.getCurrentUser(),
if (serviceInfo == null) {
Log.d(TAG, "Requested foreground service unexpectedly removed");
return false;
// Do some quick checking
if (!mPaymentDefaults.preferForeground) {
// Foreground apps are not allowed to override payment default
// Check if this app registers payment AIDs, in which case we'll fail anyway
if (serviceInfo.hasCategory(CardEmulation.CATEGORY_PAYMENT)) {
Log.d(TAG, "User doesn't allow payment services to be overridden.");
return false;
// If no payment AIDs, get AIDs of category other, and see if there's any
// conflict with payment AIDs of current default payment app. That means
// the current default payment app said this was a payment AID, and the
// foreground app says it was not. In this case we'll still prefer the payment
// app, since that is the one that the user has explicitly selected (and said
// it's not allowed to be overridden).
final List<String> otherAids = serviceInfo.getAids();
ApduServiceInfo paymentServiceInfo = mServiceCache.getService(
ActivityManager.getCurrentUser(), mPaymentDefaults.currentPreferred);
if (paymentServiceInfo != null && otherAids != null && otherAids.size() > 0) {
for (String aid : otherAids) {
RegisteredAidCache.AidResolveInfo resolveInfo = mAidCache.resolveAid(aid);
if (CardEmulation.CATEGORY_PAYMENT.equals(resolveInfo.category) &&
paymentServiceInfo.equals(resolveInfo.defaultService)) {
if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "AID " + aid + " is handled by the default payment app,"
+ " and the user has not allowed payments to be overridden.");
return false;
return true;
} else {
// Could not find payment service or fg app doesn't register other AIDs;
// okay to proceed.
return true;
} else {
// Payment allows override, so allow anything.
return true;
public boolean registerPreferredForegroundService(ComponentName service, int callingUid) {
boolean success = false;
synchronized (mLock) {
if (isForegroundAllowedLocked(service)) {
if (mForegroundUtils.registerUidToBackgroundCallback(this, callingUid)) {
mForegroundRequested = service;
mForegroundUid = callingUid;
success = true;
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "Calling UID is not in the foreground, ignorning!");
success = false;
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "Requested foreground service conflicts or was removed.");
if (success) {
return success;
boolean unregisterForegroundService(int uid) {
boolean success = false;
synchronized (mLock) {
if (mForegroundUid == uid) {
mForegroundRequested = null;
mForegroundUid = -1;
success = true;
} // else, other UID in foreground
if (success) {
return success;
public boolean unregisteredPreferredForegroundService(int callingUid) {
// Verify the calling UID is in the foreground
if (mForegroundUtils.isInForeground(callingUid)) {
return unregisterForegroundService(callingUid);
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "Calling UID is not in the foreground, ignorning!");
return false;
public void onUidToBackground(int uid) {
public void onHostEmulationActivated() {
synchronized (mLock) {
mClearNextTapDefault = (mNextTapDefault != null);
public void onHostEmulationDeactivated() {
// If we had any next tap defaults set, clear them out
boolean changed = false;
synchronized (mLock) {
if (mClearNextTapDefault) {
// The reason we need to check this boolean is because the next tap
// default may have been set while the user held the phone
// on the reader; when the user then removes his phone from
// the reader (causing the "onHostEmulationDeactivated" event),
// the next tap default would immediately be cleared
// again. Instead, clear out defaults only if a next tap default
// had already been set at time of activation, which is captured
// by mClearNextTapDefault.
if (mNextTapDefault != null) {
mNextTapDefault = null;
changed = true;
mClearNextTapDefault = false;
if (changed) {
public void onUserSwitched(int userId) {
public boolean packageHasPreferredService(String packageName) {
if (packageName == null) return false;
if (mPaymentDefaults.currentPreferred != null &&
packageName.equals(mPaymentDefaults.currentPreferred.getPackageName())) {
return true;
} else if (mForegroundCurrent != null &&
packageName.equals(mForegroundCurrent.getPackageName())) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) {
pw.println("Preferred services (in order of importance): ");
pw.println(" *** Current preferred foreground service: " + mForegroundCurrent);
pw.println(" *** Current preferred payment service: " + mPaymentDefaults.currentPreferred);
pw.println(" Next tap default: " + mNextTapDefault);
pw.println(" Default for foreground app (UID: " + mForegroundUid +
"): " + mForegroundRequested);
pw.println(" Default in payment settings: " + mPaymentDefaults.settingsDefault);
pw.println(" Payment settings allows override: " + mPaymentDefaults.preferForeground);
* Dump debugging information as a PreferredServicesProto
* Note:
* See proto definition in frameworks/base/core/proto/android/nfc/card_emulation.proto
* When writing a nested message, must call {@link ProtoOutputStream#start(long)} before and
* {@link ProtoOutputStream#end(long)} after.
* Never reuse a proto field number. When removing a field, mark it as reserved.
void dumpDebug(ProtoOutputStream proto) {
if (mForegroundCurrent != null) {
mForegroundCurrent.dumpDebug(proto, PreferredServicesProto.FOREGROUND_CURRENT);
if (mPaymentDefaults.currentPreferred != null) {
if (mNextTapDefault != null) {
mNextTapDefault.dumpDebug(proto, PreferredServicesProto.NEXT_TAP_DEFAULT);
proto.write(PreferredServicesProto.FOREGROUND_UID, mForegroundUid);
if (mForegroundRequested != null) {
mForegroundRequested.dumpDebug(proto, PreferredServicesProto.FOREGROUND_REQUESTED);
if (mPaymentDefaults.settingsDefault != null) {
proto.write(PreferredServicesProto.PREFER_FOREGROUND, mPaymentDefaults.preferForeground);