blob: 251be7aa152c04d8dd3d566e963c34d37b7237f2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.util.Log;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
* A suggestion session lives from when the user starts typing into the search dialog until
* he/she is done (either clicked on a result, or dismissed the dialog). It caches results
* for the duration of a session, and aggregates stats about the session once it the session is
* closed.
* During the session, no {@link SuggestionSource} will be queried more than once for a given query.
* If a given source returns zero results for a query, that source will be ignored for supersets of
* that query for the rest of the session. Sources can opt out by setting their
* <code>queryAfterZeroResults</code> property to <code>true</code> in searchable.xml
* If there are no shortcuts or cached entries for a given query, we prefill with the results from
* the previous query for up to {@link #PREFILL_MILLIS} millis until the first result comes back.
* This results in a smoother experience with less flickering of zero results.
* This class is thread safe, guarded by "this", to protect against the fact that {@link #query}
* and the callbacks via {@link} may be
* called by different threads (the filter thread of the ACTV, and the main thread respectively).
* Because {@link #query} is always called from the same thread, this synchronization does not
* impose any noticeable burden (and it is not necessary to attempt finer grained synchronization
* within the method).
public class SuggestionSession {
private static final boolean DBG = false;
private static final boolean SPEW = false;
private static final String TAG = "GlobalSearch";
private final SourceLookup mSourceLookup;
private final ArrayList<SuggestionSource> mPromotableSources;
private final ArrayList<SuggestionSource> mUnpromotableSources;
private ShortcutRepository mShortcutRepo;
private final PerTagExecutor mQueryExecutor;
private final Executor mRefreshExecutor;
private final DelayedExecutor mDelayedExecutor;
private final SuggestionFactory mSuggestionFactory;
private SessionCallback mListener;
private int mNumPromotedSources = NUM_PROMOTED_SOURCES;
// guarded by "this"
private final SessionCache mSessionCache;
// the cursor from the last character typed, if any
private SuggestionCursor mPreviousCursor = null;
// used to detect the closing of the session
private final AtomicInteger mOutstandingQueryCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
// we only allow shortcuts from sources in this set
private HashSet<ComponentName> mAllowShortcutsFrom;
* The number of sources that have a chance to show results above the "more results" entry
* in one of {@link #MAX_RESULTS_TO_DISPLAY} slots.
static final int NUM_PROMOTED_SOURCES = 4;
* Whether we cache the results for each query / source. This avoids querying a source twice
* for the same query, but uses more memory.
static final boolean CACHE_SUGGESTION_RESULTS = false;
* Maximum number of results to display in the list, not including any
* built-in suggestions or corpus selection suggestions.
private static final int MAX_RESULTS_TO_DISPLAY = 7;
* Maximum number of results to get from each source.
private static final int MAX_RESULTS_PER_SOURCE = 51 + MAX_RESULTS_TO_DISPLAY;
* How long the promoted source have to respond before the "search the web" and "more results"
* entries are added to the end of the list, in millis.
private static final long PROMOTED_SOURCE_DEADLINE = 6000L;
* How long an individual source has to respond before they will be cancelled.
static final long SOURCE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 10000L;
static final long PREFILL_MILLIS = 400L;
* Interface for receiving notifications from session.
interface SessionCallback {
* Called when the session is over.
void closeSession();
* @param sourceLookup The sources to query for results
* @param promotableSources The promotable sources, in the order that they should be queried. If the
* web source is enabled, it will always be first.
* @param unpromotableSources The unpromotable sources, in the order that they should be queried.
* @param queryExecutor Used to execute the asynchronous queries
* @param refreshExecutor Used to execute refresh tasks.
* @param delayedExecutor Used to post messages.
* @param suggestionFactory Used to create particular suggestions.
* @param cacheSuggestionResults Whether to cache the results of sources in hopes we can avoid
public SuggestionSession(SourceLookup sourceLookup,
ArrayList<SuggestionSource> promotableSources,
ArrayList<SuggestionSource> unpromotableSources,
PerTagExecutor queryExecutor,
Executor refreshExecutor,
DelayedExecutor delayedExecutor,
SuggestionFactory suggestionFactory,
boolean cacheSuggestionResults) {
mSourceLookup = sourceLookup;
mPromotableSources = promotableSources;
mUnpromotableSources = unpromotableSources;
mQueryExecutor = queryExecutor;
mRefreshExecutor = refreshExecutor;
mDelayedExecutor = delayedExecutor;
mSuggestionFactory = suggestionFactory;
mSessionCache = new SessionCache(cacheSuggestionResults);
final int numPromotable = promotableSources.size();
final int numUnpromotable = unpromotableSources.size();
mAllowShortcutsFrom = new HashSet<ComponentName>(numPromotable + numUnpromotable);
for (int i = 0; i < numPromotable; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < numUnpromotable; i++) {
if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "starting session");
* Sets a listener that will be notified of session events.
public synchronized void setListener(SessionCallback listener) {
mListener = listener;
public synchronized void setShortcutRepo(ShortcutRepository shortcutRepo) {
mShortcutRepo = shortcutRepo;
* @param numPromotedSources The number of sources to query first for the promoted list.
public synchronized void setNumPromotedSources(int numPromotedSources) {
mNumPromotedSources = numPromotedSources;
* Queries the current session for a resulting cursor. The cursor will be backed by shortcut
* and cached data from this session and then be notified of change as other results come in.
* @param query The query.
* @return A cursor.
public synchronized Cursor query(final String query) {
final SuggestionCursor cursor = new SuggestionCursor(mDelayedExecutor, query);
fireStuffOff(cursor, query);
// if the cursor we are about to return is empty (no cache, no shortcuts),
// prefill it with the previous results until we hear back from a source
if (mPreviousCursor != null
&& query.length() > 1 // don't prefil when going from empty to first char
&& cursor.getCount() == 0
&& mPreviousCursor.getCount() > 0) {
// limit the amount of time we show prefilled results
mDelayedExecutor.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
mPreviousCursor = cursor;
return cursor;
* Finishes the work necessary to report complete results back to the cursor. This includes
* getting the shortcuts, refreshing them, determining which source should be queried, sending
* off the query to each of them, and setting up the callback from the cursor.
* @param cursor The cursor the results will be reported to.
* @param query The query.
private void fireStuffOff(final SuggestionCursor cursor, final String query) {
// get shortcuts
final ArrayList<SuggestionData> shortcuts = getShortcuts(query);
// filter out sources that aren't relevant to this query
final ArrayList<SuggestionSource> promotableSourcesToQuery =
filterSourcesForQuery(query, mPromotableSources);
final ArrayList<SuggestionSource> unpromotableSourcesToQuery =
filterSourcesForQuery(query, mUnpromotableSources);
final ArrayList<SuggestionSource> sourcesToQuery
= new ArrayList<SuggestionSource>(
promotableSourcesToQuery.size() + unpromotableSourcesToQuery.size());
if (DBG) {
Log.d(TAG, promotableSourcesToQuery.size() + " promotable sources and "
+ promotableSourcesToQuery.size() + " unpromotable sources will be queried.");
// get the shortcuts to refresh
final ArrayList<SuggestionData> shortcutsToRefresh = new ArrayList<SuggestionData>();
final int numShortcuts = shortcuts.size();
for (int i = 0; i < numShortcuts; i++) {
SuggestionData shortcut = shortcuts.get(i);
final String shortcutId = shortcut.getShortcutId();
if (shortcutId == null) continue;
if (mSessionCache.hasShortcutBeenRefreshed(shortcut.getSource(), shortcutId)) {
// if we've already refreshed the shortcut, don't do it again. if it shows a
// spinner while refreshing, it will come out of the repo with a spinner for icon2.
// we need to remove this or replace it with what was refreshed as applicable.
if (shortcut.isSpinnerWhileRefreshing()) {
shortcut.getSource(), shortcutId)).build());
// make the suggestion backer
final HashSet<ComponentName> promoted = pickPromotedSources(promotableSourcesToQuery);
// cached source results
final QueryCacheResults queryCacheResults = mSessionCache.getSourceResults(query);
final SuggestionSource webSearchSource = mSourceLookup.getSelectedWebSearchSource();
final SourceSuggestionBacker backer = new SourceSuggestionBacker(
if (DBG) {
Log.d(TAG, "starting off with " + queryCacheResults.getResults().size() + " cached "
+ "sources");
Log.d(TAG, "identified " + promoted.size() + " promoted sources to query");
Log.d(TAG, "identified " + shortcutsToRefresh.size()
+ " shortcuts out of " + numShortcuts + " total shortcuts to refresh");
// fire off queries / refreshers
final AsyncMux asyncMux = new AsyncMux(
removeCached(sourcesToQuery, queryCacheResults),
cursor.setListener(new SessionCursorListener(asyncMux));
// refresh the backer after the deadline to force showing of "more results"
// even if all of the promoted sources haven't responded yet.
mDelayedExecutor.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
private HashSet<ComponentName> pickPromotedSources(ArrayList<SuggestionSource> sources) {
HashSet<ComponentName> promoted = new HashSet<ComponentName>(sources.size());
for (int i = 0; i < mNumPromotedSources && i < sources.size(); i++) {
return promoted;
private class SessionCursorListener implements SuggestionCursor.CursorListener {
private AsyncMux mAsyncMux;
public SessionCursorListener(AsyncMux asyncMux) {
mAsyncMux = asyncMux;
public void onClose() {
if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "onClose(\"" + mAsyncMux.getQuery() + "\")");
// when the cursor closes and there aren't any outstanding requests, it means
// the user has moved on (either clicked on something, dismissed the dialog, or
// pivoted into app specific search)
int refCount = mOutstandingQueryCount.decrementAndGet();
if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "Session reference count: " + refCount);
if (refCount == 0) {
public void onItemClicked(SuggestionData clicked,
List<SuggestionData> viewedSuggestions) {
if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "onItemClicked()");
// find click to report
SuggestionData clickedSuggestion = null;
// Only record clicks on suggestions from external sources
if (isSourceSuggestion(clicked)) {
clickedSuggestion = clicked;
// find impressions to report
final int numViewed = viewedSuggestions.size();
HashSet<ComponentName> sourceImpressions = new HashSet<ComponentName>();
for (int i = 0; i < numViewed; i++) {
final SuggestionData viewed = viewedSuggestions.get(i);
// only add it if it is from a source we know of (e.g, not a built in one
// used for special suggestions like "more results").
if (isSourceSuggestion(viewed)) {
} else if (isCorpusSelector(viewed)) {
// a corpus result under "more results"; unpack the component
final ComponentName corpusName =
if (corpusName != null && mAsyncMux.hasSourceStarted(corpusName)) {
// we only count an impression if the source has at least begun
// retrieving its results.
reportStats(new SessionStats(mAsyncMux.getQuery(),
clickedSuggestion, sourceImpressions));
* Checks whether a suggestion comes from a source we know of (e.g, not a built in one
* used for special suggestions like "more results").
private boolean isSourceSuggestion(SuggestionData suggestion) {
return mSourceLookup.getSourceByComponentName(suggestion.getSource()) != null;
private boolean isCorpusSelector(SuggestionData suggestion) {
public void onMoreVisible() {
if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "onMoreVisible");
private ArrayList<SuggestionData> getShortcuts(String query) {
if (mShortcutRepo == null) return new ArrayList<SuggestionData>();
return filterOnlyEnabled(mShortcutRepo.getShortcutsForQuery(query));
void reportStats(SessionStats stats) {
if (mShortcutRepo != null) mShortcutRepo.reportStats(stats);
synchronized void close() {
Log.d(TAG, "close()");
if (mListener != null) mListener.closeSession();
* Filter the list of shortcuts to only include those come from enabled sources.
* @param shortcutsForQuery The shortcuts.
* @return A list including only shortcuts from sources that are enabled.
private ArrayList<SuggestionData> filterOnlyEnabled(
ArrayList<SuggestionData> shortcutsForQuery) {
final int numShortcuts = shortcutsForQuery.size();
if (numShortcuts == 0) return shortcutsForQuery;
final ArrayList<SuggestionData> result = new ArrayList<SuggestionData>(
for (int i = 0; i < numShortcuts; i++) {
final SuggestionData shortcut = shortcutsForQuery.get(i);
if (mAllowShortcutsFrom.contains(shortcut.getSource())) {
return result;
* @param sources The sources
* @param queryCacheResults The cached results for the current query
* @return A list of sources not including any of the cached results.
private ArrayList<SuggestionSource> removeCached(
ArrayList<SuggestionSource> sources, QueryCacheResults queryCacheResults) {
final int numSources = sources.size();
final ArrayList<SuggestionSource> unCached = new ArrayList<SuggestionSource>(numSources);
for (int i = 0; i < numSources; i++) {
final SuggestionSource source = sources.get(i);
if (queryCacheResults.getResult(source.getComponentName()) == null) {
return unCached;
* Filter the sources to query based on properties of each source related to the query.
* @param query The query.
* @param enabledSources The full list of sources.
* @return A list of sources that should be queried.
private ArrayList<SuggestionSource> filterSourcesForQuery(
String query, ArrayList<SuggestionSource> enabledSources) {
final int queryLength = query.length();
final int cutoff = Math.max(1, queryLength);
final ArrayList<SuggestionSource> sourcesToQuery = new ArrayList<SuggestionSource>();
if (queryLength == 0) return sourcesToQuery;
if (DBG && SPEW) Log.d(TAG, "filtering enabled sources to those we want to query...");
for (SuggestionSource enabledSource : enabledSources) {
// query too short
if (enabledSource.getQueryThreshold() > cutoff) {
if (DBG && SPEW) {
Log.d(TAG, "skipping " + enabledSource.getLabel() + " (query thresh)");
final ComponentName sourceName = enabledSource.getComponentName();
// source returned zero results for a prefix of query
if (!enabledSource.queryAfterZeroResults()
&& mSessionCache.hasReportedZeroResultsForPrefix(
query, sourceName)) {
if (DBG && SPEW) {
Log.d(TAG, "skipping " + enabledSource.getLabel()
+ " (zero results for prefix)");
if (DBG && SPEW) Log.d(TAG, "adding " + enabledSource.getLabel());
return sourcesToQuery;
long getNow() {
return System.currentTimeMillis();
* Caches results and information to avoid doing unnecessary work within the session. Helps
* the session to make the following optimizations:
* - don't query same source more than once for a given query (subject to memory constraints)
* - don't validate the same shortcut more than once
* - don't query a source again if it returned zero results before for a prefix of a given query
* To avoid hogging memory the list of suggestions returned from sources are referenced from
* soft references.
static class SessionCache {
static final QueryCacheResults EMPTY = new QueryCacheResults();
static private final String NO_ICON = "NO_ICON";
private final HashMap<String, HashSet<ComponentName>> mZeroResultSources
= new HashMap<String, HashSet<ComponentName>>();
private final HashMap<String, SoftReference<QueryCacheResults>> mResultsCache;
private final HashMap<String, String> mRefreshedShortcuts = new HashMap<String, String>();
SessionCache(boolean cacheQueryResults) {
mResultsCache = cacheQueryResults ?
new HashMap<String, SoftReference<QueryCacheResults>>() :
* @param query The query
* @param source Identifies the source
* @return Whether the given source has returned zero results for any prefixes of the
* given query.
synchronized boolean hasReportedZeroResultsForPrefix(
String query, ComponentName source) {
final int queryLength = query.length();
for (int i = 1; i < queryLength; i++) {
final String subQuery = query.substring(0, queryLength - i);
final HashSet<ComponentName> zeros = mZeroResultSources.get(subQuery);
if (zeros != null && zeros.contains(source)) {
return true;
return false;
* Reports that a source has refreshed a shortcut
synchronized void reportRefreshedShortcut(
ComponentName source, String shortcutId, SuggestionData shortcut) {
final String icon2 = (shortcut == null || !shortcut.isSpinnerWhileRefreshing()) ?
(shortcut.getIcon2() == null) ? NO_ICON : shortcut.getIcon2();
mRefreshedShortcuts.put(makeShortcutKey(source, shortcutId), icon2);
* @param source Identifies the source
* @param shortcutId The id of the shortcut
* @return Whether the shortcut id has been validated already
synchronized boolean hasShortcutBeenRefreshed(
ComponentName source, String shortcutId) {
return mRefreshedShortcuts.containsKey(makeShortcutKey(source, shortcutId));
* @return The icon2 that was reported by the refreshed source, or null if there was no
* icon2 in the refreshed shortcut. Also returns null if the shortcut was never
* refreshed, or if the shortcut is not
* {@link SuggestionData#isSpinnerWhileRefreshing()}.
synchronized String getRefreshedShortcutIcon2(ComponentName source, String shortcutId) {
final String icon2 = mRefreshedShortcuts.get(makeShortcutKey(source, shortcutId));
return (icon2 == null || icon2 == NO_ICON) ? null : icon2;
private static String makeShortcutKey(ComponentName name, String shortcutId) {
final String nameStr = name.toShortString();
return new StringBuilder(nameStr.length() + shortcutId.length() + 1)
* @param query The query
* @return The results for any sources that have reported results.
synchronized QueryCacheResults getSourceResults(String query) {
final QueryCacheResults queryCacheResults = getCachedResult(query);
return queryCacheResults == null ? EMPTY : queryCacheResults;
* Reports that a source has provided results for a particular query.
synchronized void reportSourceResult(String query, SuggestionResult sourceResult) {
// caching of query results
if (mResultsCache != null) {
QueryCacheResults queryCacheResults = getCachedResult(query);
if (queryCacheResults == null) {
queryCacheResults = new QueryCacheResults();
query, new SoftReference<QueryCacheResults>(queryCacheResults));
// book keeping about sources that have returned zero results
if (!sourceResult.getSource().queryAfterZeroResults()
&& sourceResult.getSuggestions().isEmpty()) {
HashSet<ComponentName> zeros = mZeroResultSources.get(query);
if (zeros == null) {
zeros = new HashSet<ComponentName>();
mZeroResultSources.put(query, zeros);
private QueryCacheResults getCachedResult(String query) {
if (mResultsCache == null) return null;
final SoftReference<QueryCacheResults> ref = mResultsCache.get(query);
if (ref == null) return null;
if (ref.get() == null) {
if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "soft ref to results for '" + query + "' GC'd");
return ref.get();
* Holds the results reported back by the sources for a particular query.
* Preserves order of when they were reported back, provides efficient lookup for a given
* source
static class QueryCacheResults {
private final LinkedHashMap<ComponentName, SuggestionResult> mSourceResults
= new LinkedHashMap<ComponentName, SuggestionResult>();
public void addResult(SuggestionResult result) {
mSourceResults.put(result.getSource().getComponentName(), result);
public Collection<SuggestionResult> getResults() {
return mSourceResults.values();
public SuggestionResult getResult(ComponentName source) {
return mSourceResults.get(source);
* Asynchronously queries sources to get their results for a query and to validate shorcuts.
* Results are passed through to a wrapped {@link SuggestionBacker} after passing along stats
* to the session cache.
static class AsyncMux extends SuggestionBacker {
private final PerTagExecutor mQueryExecutor;
private final Executor mRefreshExecutor;
private final DelayedExecutor mDelayedExecutor;
private final SessionCache mSessionCache;
private final String mQuery;
private final ArrayList<SuggestionData> mShortcutsToValidate;
private final ArrayList<SuggestionSource> mSourcesToQuery;
private final HashSet<ComponentName> mPromotedSources;
private final SourceSuggestionBacker mBackerToReportTo;
private final ShortcutRepository mRepo;
private QueryMultiplexer mPromotedSourcesQueryMux;
private QueryMultiplexer mAdditionalSourcesQueryMux;
private ShortcutRefresher mShortcutRefresher;
private volatile boolean mCanceled = false;
* @param queryExecutor required by the query multiplexers.
* @param refreshExecutor required by the refresh multiplexers.
* @param delayedExecutor required by the query multiplexers.
* @param sessionCache results are repoted to the cache as they come in
* @param query the query the tasks pertain to
* @param shortcutsToValidate the shortcuts that need to be validated
* @param sourcesToQuery the sources that need to be queried
* @param promotedSources those sources that are promoted
* @param backerToReportTo the backer the results should be passed to
* @param repo The shortcut repository needed to create the shortcut refresher.
PerTagExecutor queryExecutor,
Executor refreshExecutor,
DelayedExecutor delayedExecutor,
SessionCache sessionCache,
String query,
ArrayList<SuggestionData> shortcutsToValidate,
ArrayList<SuggestionSource> sourcesToQuery,
HashSet<ComponentName> promotedSources,
SourceSuggestionBacker backerToReportTo,
ShortcutRepository repo) {
mQueryExecutor = queryExecutor;
mRefreshExecutor = refreshExecutor;
mDelayedExecutor = delayedExecutor;
mSessionCache = sessionCache;
mQuery = query;
mShortcutsToValidate = shortcutsToValidate;
mSourcesToQuery = sourcesToQuery;
mPromotedSources = promotedSources;
mBackerToReportTo = backerToReportTo;
mRepo = repo;
public String getQuery() {
return mQuery;
public void snapshotSuggestions(ArrayList<SuggestionData> dest, boolean expandAdditional) {
mBackerToReportTo.snapshotSuggestions(dest, expandAdditional);
public boolean isResultsPending() {
return mBackerToReportTo.isResultsPending();
public boolean isShowingMore() {
return mBackerToReportTo.isShowingMore();
public int getMoreResultPosition() {
return mBackerToReportTo.getMoreResultPosition();
public boolean reportSourceStarted(ComponentName source) {
return mBackerToReportTo.reportSourceStarted(source);
public boolean hasSourceStarted(ComponentName source) {
return mBackerToReportTo.hasSourceStarted(source);
protected boolean addSourceResults(SuggestionResult suggestionResult) {
if (suggestionResult.getResultCode() == SuggestionResult.RESULT_OK) {
mSessionCache.reportSourceResult(mQuery, suggestionResult);
return mBackerToReportTo.addSourceResults(suggestionResult);
protected boolean refreshShortcut(
ComponentName source, String shortcutId, SuggestionData shortcut) {
mSessionCache.reportRefreshedShortcut(source, shortcutId, shortcut);
return mBackerToReportTo.refreshShortcut(source, shortcutId, shortcut);
void sendOffShortcutRefreshers(SourceLookup sourceLookup) {
if (mCanceled) return;
if (mShortcutRefresher != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Already refreshed once");
mShortcutRefresher = new ShortcutRefresher(
mRefreshExecutor, sourceLookup, mShortcutsToValidate,
if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "sending shortcut refresher tasks for " +
mShortcutsToValidate.size() + " shortcuts.");
void sendOffPromotedSourceQueries() {
if (mCanceled) return;
if (mPromotedSourcesQueryMux != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Already queried once");
ArrayList<SuggestionSource> promotedSources =
new ArrayList<SuggestionSource>(mPromotedSources.size());
for (SuggestionSource source : mSourcesToQuery) {
if (mPromotedSources.contains(source.getComponentName())) {
mPromotedSourcesQueryMux = new QueryMultiplexer(
this, mQueryExecutor, mDelayedExecutor);
if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "sending '" + mQuery + "' off to " + promotedSources.size() +
" promoted sources");
void sendOffAdditionalSourcesQueries() {
if (mCanceled) return;
if (mAdditionalSourcesQueryMux != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Already queried once");
final int numAdditional = mSourcesToQuery.size() - mPromotedSources.size();
if (numAdditional <= 0) {
ArrayList<SuggestionSource> additional = new ArrayList<SuggestionSource>(numAdditional);
for (SuggestionSource source : mSourcesToQuery) {
if (!mPromotedSources.contains(source.getComponentName())) {
mAdditionalSourcesQueryMux = new QueryMultiplexer(
this, mQueryExecutor, mDelayedExecutor);
if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "sending queries off to " + additional.size() + " promoted " +
void cancel() {
mCanceled = true;
if (mShortcutRefresher != null) {
if (mPromotedSourcesQueryMux != null) {
if (mAdditionalSourcesQueryMux != null) {