blob: 1c1e499b5a931c5c333166c44269c3562b0f4ca5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.database.ContentObserver;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.provider.Settings;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
* Maintains the list of all suggestion sources.
public class SuggestionSources implements SourceLookup {
// set to true to enable the more verbose debug logging for this file
private static final boolean DBG = false;
private static final String TAG = "SuggestionSources";
// Name of the preferences file used to store suggestion source preferences
public static final String PREFERENCES_NAME = "SuggestionSources";
// The key for the preference that holds the selected web search source
public static final String WEB_SEARCH_SOURCE_PREF = "web_search_source";
// An override value for web search providers to provide more results than others.
private static final int WEB_RESULTS_OVERRIDE_LIMIT = 20;
private Context mContext;
private SearchManager mSearchManager;
private SharedPreferences mPreferences;
private HashSet<String> mTrustedPackages;
private boolean mLoaded;
// All available suggestion sources.
private SourceList mSuggestionSources;
// The web search source to use. This is the source selected in the preferences,
// or the default source if no source has been selected.
private SuggestionSource mSelectedWebSearchSource;
// All enabled suggestion sources. This does not include the web search source.
private ArrayList<SuggestionSource> mEnabledSuggestionSources;
// Updates the inclusion of the web search provider.
private ShowWebSuggestionsSettingChangeObserver mShowWebSuggestionsSettingChangeObserver;
* @param context Used for looking up source information etc.
public SuggestionSources(Context context) {
mContext = context;
mSearchManager = (SearchManager) context.getSystemService(Context.SEARCH_SERVICE);
mPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences(PREFERENCES_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
mLoaded = false;
* Gets all suggestion sources. This does not include any web search sources.
* @return A list of suggestion sources, including sources that are not enabled.
* Callers must not modify the returned list.
public synchronized Collection<SuggestionSource> getSuggestionSources() {
if (!mLoaded) {
Log.w(TAG, "getSuggestionSources() called, but sources not loaded.");
return Collections.<SuggestionSource>emptyList();
return mSuggestionSources.values();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public synchronized SuggestionSource getSourceByComponentName(ComponentName componentName) {
SuggestionSource source = mSuggestionSources.get(componentName);
// If the source was not found, back off to check the web source in case it's that.
if (source == null) {
if (mSelectedWebSearchSource != null &&
mSelectedWebSearchSource.getComponentName().equals(componentName)) {
source = mSelectedWebSearchSource;
return source;
* Gets all enabled suggestion sources.
* @return All enabled suggestion sources (does not include the web search source).
* Callers must not modify the returned list.
public synchronized List<SuggestionSource> getEnabledSuggestionSources() {
if (!mLoaded) {
Log.w(TAG, "getEnabledSuggestionSources() called, but sources not loaded.");
return Collections.<SuggestionSource>emptyList();
return mEnabledSuggestionSources;
* Checks whether a suggestion source is enabled by default. For now, only trusted sources are.
public boolean isSourceDefaultEnabled(SuggestionSource source) {
return isTrustedSource(source);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public synchronized SuggestionSource getSelectedWebSearchSource() {
if (!mLoaded) {
Log.w(TAG, "getSelectedWebSearchSource() called, but sources not loaded.");
return null;
return mSelectedWebSearchSource;
* Gets the preference key of the preference for whether the given source
* is enabled. The preference is stored in the {@link #PREFERENCES_NAME}
* preferences file.
public String getSourceEnabledPreference(SuggestionSource source) {
return "enable_source_" + source.getComponentName().flattenToString();
// Broadcast receiver for package change notifications
private BroadcastReceiver mBroadcastReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
String action = intent.getAction();
if (SearchManager.INTENT_ACTION_SEARCHABLES_CHANGED.equals(action)
|| SearchManager.INTENT_ACTION_SEARCH_SETTINGS_CHANGED.equals(action)) {
// TODO: Instead of rebuilding the whole list on every change,
// just add, remove or update the application that has changed.
// Adding and updating seem tricky, since I can't see an easy way to list the
// launchable activities in a given package.
* After calling, clients must call {@link #close()} when done with this object.
public synchronized void load() {
if (mLoaded) {
Log.w(TAG, "Already loaded, ignoring call to load().");
// Listen for searchables changes.
// Listen for search preference changes.
mShowWebSuggestionsSettingChangeObserver = new ShowWebSuggestionsSettingChangeObserver();
// update list of sources
mLoaded = true;
* Releases all resources used by this object. It is possible to call
* {@link #load()} again after calling this method.
public synchronized void close() {
if (!mLoaded) {
Log.w(TAG, "Not loaded, ignoring call to close().");
mSuggestionSources = null;
mSelectedWebSearchSource = null;
mEnabledSuggestionSources = null;
mLoaded = false;
private void loadTrustedPackages() {
mTrustedPackages = new HashSet<String>();
// Get the list of trusted packages from a resource, which allows vendor overlays.
String[] trustedPackages = mContext.getResources().getStringArray(
if (trustedPackages == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "Could not load list of trusted search providers, trusting none");
for (String trustedPackage : trustedPackages) {
* Loads the list of suggestion sources. This method is package private so that
* it can be called efficiently from inner classes.
/* package */ synchronized void updateSources() {
mSuggestionSources = new SourceList();
mEnabledSuggestionSources = findEnabledSuggestionSources();
mSelectedWebSearchSource = findWebSearchSource();
private void addExternalSources() {
ArrayList<SuggestionSource> trusted = new ArrayList<SuggestionSource>();
ArrayList<SuggestionSource> untrusted = new ArrayList<SuggestionSource>();
for (SearchableInfo searchable : mSearchManager.getSearchablesInGlobalSearch()) {
SuggestionSource source = new SearchableSuggestionSource(mContext, searchable);
if (isTrustedSource(source)) {
} else {
for (SuggestionSource s : trusted) {
for (SuggestionSource s : untrusted) {
private void addSuggestionSource(SuggestionSource source) {
if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "Adding source: " + source);
SuggestionSource old = mSuggestionSources.put(source);
if (old != null) {
Log.w(TAG, "Replaced source " + old + " for " + source.getComponentName());
* Computes the list of enabled suggestion sources.
private ArrayList<SuggestionSource> findEnabledSuggestionSources() {
ArrayList<SuggestionSource> enabledSources = new ArrayList<SuggestionSource>();
for (SuggestionSource source : mSuggestionSources.values()) {
if (isSourceEnabled(source)) {
if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "Adding enabled source " + source);
return enabledSources;
private boolean isSourceEnabled(SuggestionSource source) {
boolean defaultEnabled = isSourceDefaultEnabled(source);
if (mPreferences == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "Search preferences " + PREFERENCES_NAME + " not found.");
return true;
String sourceEnabledPref = getSourceEnabledPreference(source);
return mPreferences.getBoolean(sourceEnabledPref, defaultEnabled);
public boolean isTrustedSource(SuggestionSource source) {
if (source == null) return false;
final String packageName = source.getComponentName().getPackageName();
return mTrustedPackages != null && mTrustedPackages.contains(packageName);
* Finds the selected web search source.
private SuggestionSource findWebSearchSource() {
SuggestionSource webSearchSource = null;
if (Settings.System.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(),
1 /* default on until user actually changes it */) == 1) {
SearchableInfo webSearchable = mSearchManager.getDefaultSearchableForWebSearch();
if (webSearchable != null) {
if (DBG) Log.d(TAG, "Adding web source " + webSearchable.getSearchActivity());
// Construct a SearchableSuggestionSource around the web search source. Allow
// the web search source to provide a larger number of results with
webSearchSource = SearchableSuggestionSource.create(
mContext, webSearchable.getSearchActivity(), WEB_RESULTS_OVERRIDE_LIMIT);
return webSearchSource;
* This works like a map from ComponentName to SuggestionSource,
* but supports a zero-allocation method for listing all the sources.
private static class SourceList {
private HashMap<ComponentName,SuggestionSource> mSourcesByComponent;
private ArrayList<SuggestionSource> mSources;
public SourceList() {
mSourcesByComponent = new HashMap<ComponentName,SuggestionSource>();
mSources = new ArrayList<SuggestionSource>();
public SuggestionSource get(ComponentName componentName) {
return mSourcesByComponent.get(componentName);
* Adds a source. Replaces any previous source with the same component name.
* @return The previous source that was replaced, if any.
public SuggestionSource put(SuggestionSource source) {
if (source == null) {
return null;
SuggestionSource old = mSourcesByComponent.put(source.getComponentName(), source);
if (old != null) {
// linear search is ok here, since addSource() is only called when the
// list of sources is updated, which is infrequent. Also, collisions would only
// happen if there are two sources with the same component name, which should
// only happen as long as we have hard-coded sources.
return old;
* Gets the suggestion sources.
public ArrayList<SuggestionSource> values() {
return mSources;
* Checks whether the list is empty.
public boolean isEmpty() {
return mSources.isEmpty();
* ContentObserver which updates the list of enabled sources to include or exclude
* the web search provider depending on the state of the
* {@link Settings.System#SHOW_WEB_SUGGESTIONS} setting.
private class ShowWebSuggestionsSettingChangeObserver extends ContentObserver {
public ShowWebSuggestionsSettingChangeObserver() {
super(new Handler());
public void onChange(boolean selfChange) {