blob: 4eb8f43d6b283a49ccd2105b005cbadd73c9d763 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.GestureDetector;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.ScaleGestureDetector;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
public class ImageViewer extends GLView {
public static final int SIZE_UNKNOWN = -1;
private static final String TAG = "ImageViewer";
// TILE_SIZE must be 2^N - 2. We put one pixel border in each side of the
// texture to avoid seams between tiles.
private static final int TILE_SIZE = 254;
private static final int TILE_BORDER = 1;
private static final int UPLOAD_LIMIT = 1;
private static final int ENTRY_CURRENT = Model.INDEX_CURRENT;
private static final int ENTRY_PREVIOUS = Model.INDEX_PREVIOUS;
private static final int ENTRY_NEXT = Model.INDEX_NEXT;
private static final int IMAGE_GAP = 64;
private static final int SWITCH_THRESHOLD = 96;
// the previous/current/next image entries
private final ScreenNailEntry mScreenNails[] = new ScreenNailEntry[3];
private Bitmap mScaledBitmaps[];
private BitmapTexture mBackupTexture;
private int mLevelCount; // cache the value of mScaledBitmaps.length
// The mLevel variable indicates which level of bitmap we should use.
// Level 0 means the original full-sized bitmap, and a larger value means
// a smaller scaled bitmap (The width and height of each scaled bitmap is
// half size of the previous one). If the value is in [0, mLevelCount), we
// use the bitmap in mScaledBitmaps[mLevel] for display, otherwise the value
// is mLevelCount, and that means we use mBackupTexture for display.
private int mLevel = 0;
// The offsets of the (left, top) of the upper-left tile to the (left, top)
// of the view.
private int mOffsetX;
private int mOffsetY;
private int mUploadQuota;
private boolean mRenderComplete;
private final RectF mSourceRect = new RectF();
private final RectF mTargetRect = new RectF();
private final ScaleGestureDetector mScaleDetector;
private final GestureDetector mGestureDetector;
private final DownUpDetector mDownUpDetector;
private final HashMap<Long, Tile> mActiveTiles = new HashMap<Long, Tile>();
private Iterator<Tile> mUploadIter;
private Tile mRecycledHead = null;
// The width and height of the full-sized bitmap
private int mImageWidth;
private int mImageHeight;
private int mCenterX;
private int mCenterY;
private float mScale;
// Temp variables to avoid memory allocation
private final Rect mTileRange = new Rect();
private final Rect mActiveRange[] = {new Rect(), new Rect()};
private final Uploader mUploader = new Uploader();
private final AnimationController mAnimationController;
private Model mModel;
private int mSwitchIndex;
/*private*/ boolean mInTransition = false;
public ImageViewer(GalleryContext context) {
mGestureDetector = new GestureDetector(context.getAndroidContext(),
new MyGestureListener(), null, true /* ignoreMultitouch */);
mScaleDetector = new ScaleGestureDetector(
context.getAndroidContext(), new MyScaleListener());
mDownUpDetector = new DownUpDetector(new MyDownUpListener());
mAnimationController = new AnimationController(this);
for (int i = 0, n = mScreenNails.length; i < n; ++i) {
mScreenNails[i] = new ScreenNailEntry();
public void setModel(Model model) {
mModel = model;
public void notifyMipmapsInvalidated() {
mScaledBitmaps = mModel.getMipmaps();
if (mScaledBitmaps != null) {
mLevelCount = mScaledBitmaps.length;
layoutTiles(mCenterX, mCenterY, mScale);
} else {
mLevelCount = 0;
public void notifyScreenNailInvalidated(int which) {
ScreenNailEntry entry = mScreenNails[which];
ImageData data = mModel.getImageData(which);
if (data == null) {
entry.set(0, 0, null);
} else {
entry.set(data.fullWidth, data.fullHeight, data.screenNail);
if (which == ENTRY_CURRENT) resetCurrentImagePosition();
layoutScreenNails(mCenterX, mCenterY, mScale);
if (entry.mVisible) invalidate();
private void resetCurrentImagePosition() {
ScreenNailEntry entry = mScreenNails[ENTRY_CURRENT];
mBackupTexture = entry.mTexture;
mImageWidth = entry.mWidth;
mImageHeight = entry.mHeight;
mAnimationController.onNewImage(mImageWidth, mImageHeight);
protected boolean onTouch(MotionEvent event) {
return true;
private static int ceilLog2(float value) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
if ((1 << i) >= value) break;
return i;
protected void onLayout(boolean changeSize, int l, int t, int r, int b) {
if (changeSize) {
mAnimationController.updateViewSize(getWidth(), getHeight());
private static int gapToSide(int imageWidth, int viewWidth, float scale) {
return Math.max(0, Math.round(viewWidth - imageWidth * scale) / 2);
* Here is how we layout the screen nails
* previous current next
* ___________ ________________ __________
* | _______ | | __________ | | ______ |
* | | | | | | right->| | | | | |
* | | | |<--->| |<--left | | | | | |
* | |_______| | | | |__________| | | |______| |
* |___________| | |________________| |__________|
* | <--> gapToSide()
* |
private void layoutScreenNails(int centerX, int centerY, float scale) {
int width = getWidth();
int height = getHeight();
int left = Math.round(width / 2 - centerX * scale);
int right = Math.round(left + mImageWidth * scale);
int gap = IMAGE_GAP + gapToSide(mImageWidth, width, scale);;
// layout the previous image
ScreenNailEntry entry = mScreenNails[ENTRY_PREVIOUS];
entry.mVisible = left > gap && entry.mBitmap != null;
if (entry.mBitmap != null) {
float s = Math.min(1, Math.min((float) width / entry.mWidth,
(float) height / entry.mHeight));
entry.mDrawWidth = Math.round(entry.mWidth * s);
entry.mDrawHeight = Math.round(entry.mHeight * s);
entry.mX = left - gap - gapToSide(
entry.mWidth, width, s) - entry.mDrawWidth;
entry.mY = (height - entry.mDrawHeight) / 2;
entry.mVisible = (entry.mX + entry.mDrawWidth) > 0;
} else {
entry.mVisible = false;
// layout the next image
entry = mScreenNails[ENTRY_NEXT];
if (entry.mBitmap != null) {
float s = Utils.clamp(Math.min((float) width / entry.mWidth,
(float) height / entry.mHeight), 0, 2);
entry.mDrawWidth = Math.round(entry.mWidth * s);
entry.mDrawHeight = Math.round(entry.mHeight * s);
entry.mX = right + gap + gapToSide(entry.mWidth, width, s);
entry.mY = (height - entry.mDrawHeight) / 2;
entry.mVisible = entry.mX < width;
} else {
entry.mVisible = false;
// Layout the current screen nail
entry = mScreenNails[ENTRY_CURRENT];
entry.mVisible = mLevel == mLevelCount && entry.mBitmap != null;
if (entry.mVisible) {
entry.mX = (int) (width / 2 - centerX * scale);
entry.mY = (int) (height / 2 - centerY * scale);
entry.mDrawWidth = Math.round(mImageWidth * scale);
entry.mDrawHeight = Math.round(mImageHeight * scale);
// Prepare the tiles we want to use for display.
// 1. Decide the tile level we want to use for display.
// 2. Decide the tile levels we want to keep as texture (in addition to
// the one we use for display).
// 3. Recycle unused tiles.
// 4. Activate the tiles we want.
private void layoutTiles(int centerX, int centerY, float scale) {
// The width and height of this view.
int width = getWidth();
int height = getHeight();
// The tile levels we want to keep as texture is in the range
// [fromLevel, endLevel).
int fromLevel;
int endLevel;
// We want to use a texture smaller than the display size to avoid
// displaying artifacts.
mLevel = Utils.clamp(ceilLog2(1f / scale), 0, mLevelCount);
ScreenNailEntry entry = mScreenNails[ENTRY_CURRENT];
// We want to keep one more tile level as texture in addition to what
// we use for display. So it can be faster when the scale moves to the
// next level. We choose a level closer to the current scale.
if (mLevel != mLevelCount) {
Rect range = mTileRange;
getRange(range, centerX, centerY, mLevel, scale);
mOffsetX = Math.round(width / 2f + (range.left - centerX) * scale);
mOffsetY = Math.round(height / 2f + ( - centerY) * scale);
fromLevel = scale * (1 << mLevel) > 1.5f ? mLevel - 1 : mLevel;
} else {
// If mLevel == mLevelCount, we will use the backup texture for
// display, so keep two smallest levels of tiles.
fromLevel = mLevel - 2;
fromLevel = Math.max(fromLevel, 0);
endLevel = Math.min(fromLevel + 2, mLevelCount);
Rect range[] = mActiveRange;
for (int i = fromLevel; i < endLevel; ++i) {
getRange(range[i - fromLevel], centerX, centerY, i);
// Recycle unused tiles: if the level of the active tile is outside the
// range [fromLevel, endLevel) or not in the visible range.
Iterator<Map.Entry<Long, Tile>>
iter = mActiveTiles.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Tile tile =;
int level = tile.mTileLevel;
if (level < fromLevel || level >= endLevel
|| !range[level - fromLevel].contains(tile.mX, tile.mY)) {
for (int i = fromLevel; i < endLevel; ++i) {
int size = TILE_SIZE << i;
Rect r = range[i - fromLevel];
for (int y =, bottom = r.bottom; y < bottom; y += size) {
for (int x = r.left, right = r.right; x < right; x += size) {
activateTile(x, y, i);
mUploadIter = mActiveTiles.values().iterator();
private void invalidateAllTiles() {
Iterator<Map.Entry<Long, Tile>> iter = mActiveTiles.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Tile tile =;
private void getRange(Rect out, int cX, int cY, int level) {
getRange(out, cX, cY, level, 1f / (1 << (level + 1)));
// If the bitmap is scaled by the given factor "scale", return the
// rectangle containing visible range. The left-top coordinate returned is
// aligned to the tile boundary.
// (cX, cY) is the point on the original bitmap which will be put in the
// center of the ImageViewer.
private void getRange(Rect out, int cX, int cY, int level, float scale) {
int width = getWidth();
int height = getHeight();
int left = (int) Math.floor(cX - width / (2f * scale));
int top = (int) Math.floor(cY - height / (2f * scale));
int right = (int) Math.ceil(left + width / scale);
int bottom = (int) Math.ceil(top + height / scale);
// align the rectangle to tile boundary
int size = TILE_SIZE << level;
left = Math.max(0, size * (left / size));
top = Math.max(0, size * (top / size));
right = Math.min(mImageWidth, right);
bottom = Math.min(mImageHeight, bottom);
out.set(left, top, right, bottom);
public void setPosition(int centerX, int centerY, float scale) {
mCenterX = centerX;
mCenterY = centerY;
mScale = scale;
layoutTiles(centerX, centerY, scale);
layoutScreenNails(centerX, centerY, scale);
private static class AnimationController {
private long mAnimationStartTime = NO_ANIMATION;
private static final long NO_ANIMATION = -1;
private static final long LAST_ANIMATION = -2;
// Animation time in milliseconds.
private static final float ANIM_TIME_SCROLL = 0;
private static final float ANIM_TIME_SCALE = 50;
private static final float ANIM_TIME_SNAPBACK = 600;
private static final float ANIM_TIME_SWITCHIMAGE = 400;
private int mAnimationKind;
private final static int ANIM_KIND_SCROLL = 0;
private final static int ANIM_KIND_SCALE = 1;
private final static int ANIM_KIND_SNAPBACK = 2;
private final static int ANIM_KIND_SWITCHIMAGE = 800;
private ImageViewer mViewer;
private int mImageW, mImageH;
private int mViewW, mViewH;
// The X, Y are the coordinate on bitmap which shows on the center of
// the view. We always keep the mCurrent{X,Y,SCALE} sync with the actual
// values used currently.
private int mCurrentX, mFromX, mToX;
private int mCurrentY, mFromY, mToY;
private float mCurrentScale, mFromScale, mToScale;
// The offsets from the center of the view to the user's focus point,
// converted to the bitmap domain.
private float mPrevOffsetX;
private float mPrevOffsetY;
private boolean mInScale;
// The limits for position and scale.
private float mScaleMin, mScaleMax = 4f;
AnimationController(ImageViewer viewer) {
mViewer = viewer;
public void onNewImage(int width, int height) {
mImageW = width;
mImageH = height;
mScaleMin = Math.min(1f, Math.min(
(float) mViewW / mImageW, (float) mViewH / mImageH));
mCurrentScale = mScaleMin;
mCurrentX = mImageW / 2;
mCurrentY = mImageH / 2;
mViewer.setPosition(mCurrentX, mCurrentY, mCurrentScale);
public void updateViewSize(int viewW, int viewH) {
mViewW = viewW;
mViewH = viewH;
if (mImageW == 0 || mImageH == 0) return;
mScaleMin = Math.min((float) viewW / mImageW, (float) viewH / mImageH);
mScaleMin = Math.min(1f, mScaleMin);
mCurrentScale = Utils.clamp(mCurrentScale, mScaleMin, mScaleMax);
mCurrentX = mImageW / 2;
mCurrentY = mImageH / 2;
mViewer.setPosition(mCurrentX, mCurrentY, mCurrentScale);
public void scrollBy(float dx, float dy) {
startAnimation(getTargetX() + Math.round(dx / mCurrentScale),
getTargetY() + Math.round(dy / mCurrentScale),
public void beginScale(float focusX, float focusY) {
mInScale = true;
mPrevOffsetX = (focusX - mViewW / 2f) / mCurrentScale;
mPrevOffsetY = (focusY - mViewH / 2f) / mCurrentScale;
public void scaleBy(float s, float focusX, float focusY) {
// The focus point should keep this position on the ImageView.
// So, mCurrentX + mPrevOffsetX = mCurrentX' + offsetX.
// mCurrentY + mPrevOffsetY = mCurrentY' + offsetY.
float offsetX = (focusX - mViewW / 2f) / mCurrentScale;
float offsetY = (focusY - mViewH / 2f) / mCurrentScale;
startAnimation(getTargetX() - Math.round(offsetX - mPrevOffsetX),
getTargetY() - Math.round(offsetY - mPrevOffsetY),
getTargetScale() * s,
mPrevOffsetX = offsetX;
mPrevOffsetY = offsetY;
public void endScale() {
mInScale = false;
public void up() {
public void startSwitchTransition(int targetX) {
mCurrentY, mCurrentScale, ANIM_KIND_SWITCHIMAGE);
private void startAnimation(int centerX, int centerY, float scale, int kind) {
if (centerX == mCurrentX && centerY == mCurrentY
&& scale == mCurrentScale) {
mFromX = mCurrentX;
mFromY = mCurrentY;
mFromScale = mCurrentScale;
mToX = centerX;
mToY = centerY;
mToScale = Utils.clamp(scale, 0.6f * mScaleMin, 1.4f * mScaleMax);
// If the scaled dimension is smaller than the view,
// force it to be in the center.
if (Math.floor(mImageH * mToScale) <= mViewH) {
mToY = mImageH / 2;
mAnimationStartTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
mAnimationKind = kind;
// Returns true if redraw is needed.
public boolean advanceAnimation() {
if (mAnimationStartTime == NO_ANIMATION) {
return false;
} else if (mAnimationStartTime == LAST_ANIMATION) {
mAnimationStartTime = NO_ANIMATION;
if (mViewer.mInTransition) {
return false;
} else {
return startSnapbackIfNeeded();
float animationTime;
if (mAnimationKind == ANIM_KIND_SCROLL) {
animationTime = ANIM_TIME_SCROLL;
} else if (mAnimationKind == ANIM_KIND_SCALE) {
animationTime = ANIM_TIME_SCALE;
} else if (mAnimationKind == ANIM_KIND_SWITCHIMAGE) {
} else /* if (mAnimationKind == ANIM_KIND_SNAPBACK) */ {
animationTime = ANIM_TIME_SNAPBACK;
float progress;
if (animationTime == 0) {
progress = 1;
} else {
long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
progress = (now - mAnimationStartTime) / animationTime;
if (progress >= 1) {
progress = 1;
mCurrentX = mToX;
mCurrentY = mToY;
mCurrentScale = mToScale;
mAnimationStartTime = LAST_ANIMATION;
} else {
float f = 1 - progress;
if (mAnimationKind == ANIM_KIND_SCROLL) {
f = 1 - f; // linear
} else if (mAnimationKind == ANIM_KIND_SCALE) {
f = 1 - f * f; // quadratic
} else /* if mAnimationKind is
f = 1 - f * f * f * f * f; // x^5
mCurrentX = Math.round(mFromX + f * (mToX - mFromX));
mCurrentY = Math.round(mFromY + f * (mToY - mFromY));
mCurrentScale = mFromScale + f * (mToScale - mFromScale);
mViewer.setPosition(mCurrentX, mCurrentY, mCurrentScale);
return true;
// Returns true if redraw is needed.
private boolean startSnapbackIfNeeded() {
if (mAnimationStartTime != NO_ANIMATION) return false;
if (mInScale) return false;
if (mAnimationKind == ANIM_KIND_SCROLL && mViewer.isDown()) {
return false;
boolean needAnimation = false;
int x = mCurrentX;
int y = mCurrentY;
float scale = mCurrentScale;
if (mCurrentScale < mScaleMin || mCurrentScale > mScaleMax) {
needAnimation = true;
scale = Utils.clamp(mCurrentScale, mScaleMin, mScaleMax);
// The number of pixels when the edge is aliged.
int left = (int) Math.ceil(mViewW / (2 * scale));
int right = mImageW - left;
int top = (int) Math.ceil(mViewH / (2 * scale));
int bottom = mImageH - top;
if (mImageW * scale > mViewW) {
if (mCurrentX < left) {
needAnimation = true;
x = left;
} else if (mCurrentX > right) {
needAnimation = true;
x = right;
} else {
if (mCurrentX > left) {
needAnimation = true;
x = left;
} else if (mCurrentX < right) {
needAnimation = true;
x = right;
if (mImageH * scale > mViewH) {
if (mCurrentY < top) {
needAnimation = true;
y = top;
} else if (mCurrentY > bottom) {
needAnimation = true;
y = bottom;
} else {
if (mCurrentY > top) {
needAnimation = true;
y = top;
} else if (mCurrentY < bottom) {
needAnimation = true;
y = bottom;
if (needAnimation) {
startAnimation(x, y, scale, ANIM_KIND_SNAPBACK);
return needAnimation;
private float getTargetScale() {
if (mAnimationStartTime == NO_ANIMATION
|| mAnimationKind == ANIM_KIND_SNAPBACK) return mCurrentScale;
return mToScale;
private int getTargetX() {
if (mAnimationStartTime == NO_ANIMATION
|| mAnimationKind == ANIM_KIND_SNAPBACK) return mCurrentX;
return mToX;
private int getTargetY() {
if (mAnimationStartTime == NO_ANIMATION
|| mAnimationKind == ANIM_KIND_SNAPBACK) return mCurrentY;
return mToY;
public void close() {
mUploadIter = null;
for (Tile texture : mActiveTiles.values()) {
for (ScreenNailEntry nail : mScreenNails) {
if (nail.mTexture != null) nail.mTexture.recycle();
if (nail.mBitmap != null) nail.mBitmap.recycle();
protected void render(GLCanvas canvas) {
if (mScreenNails[ENTRY_CURRENT].mBitmap == null) return;
// TODO: remove this line
mUploadQuota = UPLOAD_LIMIT;
mRenderComplete = true;
int level = mLevel;
if (level != mLevelCount) {
int size = (TILE_SIZE << level);
float length = size * mScale;
Rect r = mTileRange;
for (int ty =, i = 0; ty < r.bottom; ty += size, i++) {
float y = mOffsetY + i * length;
for (int tx = r.left, j = 0; tx < r.right; tx += size, j++) {
float x = mOffsetX + j * length;
Tile tile = getTile(tx, ty, level);
tile.drawTile(canvas, x, y, length);
for (ScreenNailEntry entry : mScreenNails) {
if (entry.mVisible) entry.draw(canvas);
if (mAnimationController.advanceAnimation()) {
mRenderComplete = false;
if (mRenderComplete) {
if (mUploadIter != null
&& mUploadIter.hasNext() && !mUploader.mActive) {
mUploader.mActive = true;
} else {
private Tile obtainTile(int x, int y, int level) {
Tile tile;
if (mRecycledHead != null) {
tile = mRecycledHead;
mRecycledHead = tile.mNextFree;
tile.update(x, y, level);
} else {
tile = new Tile(x, y, level);
return tile;
private void recycleTile(Tile tile) {
tile.mNextFree = mRecycledHead;
mRecycledHead = tile;
private void freeRecycledTile() {
Tile tile = mRecycledHead;
while (tile != null) {
tile = tile.mNextFree;
mRecycledHead = null;
private void activateTile(int x, int y, int level) {
Long key = makeTileKey(x, y, level);
Tile tile = mActiveTiles.get(key);
if (tile != null) return;
tile = obtainTile(x, y, level);
mActiveTiles.put(key, tile);
private Tile getTile(int x, int y, int level) {
return mActiveTiles.get(makeTileKey(x, y, level));
public static Long makeTileKey(int x, int y, int level) {
long result = x;
result = (result << 16) | y;
result = (result << 16) | level;
return Long.valueOf(result);
// TODO: avoid drawing the unused part of the textures.
static boolean drawTile(
Tile tile, GLCanvas canvas, RectF source, RectF target) {
while (true) {
if (tile.isContentValid(canvas)) {
// offset source rectangle for the texture border.
source.offset(TILE_BORDER, TILE_BORDER);
canvas.drawTexture(tile, source, target);
return true;
// Parent can be divided to four quads and tile is one of the four.
Tile parent = tile.getParentTile();
if (parent == null) return false;
if (tile.mX == parent.mX) {
source.left /= 2f;
source.right /= 2f;
} else {
source.left = (TILE_SIZE + source.left) / 2f;
source.right = (TILE_SIZE + source.right) / 2f;
if (tile.mY == parent.mY) { /= 2f;
source.bottom /= 2f;
} else { = (TILE_SIZE + / 2f;
source.bottom = (TILE_SIZE + source.bottom) / 2f;
tile = parent;
private class Uploader implements GLRoot.OnGLIdleListener {
protected boolean mActive;
public boolean onGLIdle(GLRoot root, GLCanvas canvas) {
int quota = UPLOAD_LIMIT;
if (mUploadIter == null) return false;
Iterator<Tile> iter = mUploadIter;
while (iter.hasNext() && quota > 0) {
Tile tile =;
if (!tile.isContentValid(canvas)) {
Log.v(TAG, String.format(
"update tile in background: %s %s %s",
tile.mX / TILE_SIZE, tile.mY / TILE_SIZE,
mActive = iter.hasNext();
return mActive;
private class Tile extends UploadedTexture {
int mX;
int mY;
int mTileLevel;
Tile mNextFree;
public Tile(int x, int y, int level) {
mX = x;
mY = y;
mTileLevel = level;
protected void onFreeBitmap(Bitmap bitmap) {
protected Bitmap onGetBitmap() {
int level = mTileLevel;
Bitmap source = mScaledBitmaps[level];
Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(TILE_SIZE + 2 * TILE_BORDER,
source.hasAlpha() ? Config.ARGB_8888 : Config.RGB_565);
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
canvas.drawBitmap(source, -(mX >> level) + TILE_BORDER,
-(mY >> level) + TILE_BORDER, null);
return bitmap;
public void update(int x, int y, int level) {
mX = x;
mY = y;
mTileLevel = level;
public void drawTile(GLCanvas canvas, float x, float y, float length) {
RectF source = mSourceRect;
RectF target = mTargetRect;
target.set(x, y, x + length, y + length);
source.set(0, 0, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE);
drawTile(canvas, source, target);
public Tile getParentTile() {
if (mTileLevel + 1 == mLevelCount) return null;
int size = TILE_SIZE << (mTileLevel + 1);
int x = size * (mX / size);
int y = size * (mY / size);
return getTile(x, y, mTileLevel + 1);
public void drawTile(GLCanvas canvas, RectF source, RectF target) {
if (!isContentValid(canvas)) {
if (mUploadQuota > 0) {
} else {
mRenderComplete = false;
if (!ImageViewer.drawTile(this, canvas, source, target)) {
BitmapTexture backup = mBackupTexture;
int width = mImageWidth;
int height = mImageHeight;
float scaleX = (float) backup.getWidth() / width;
float scaleY = (float) backup.getHeight() / height;
int size = TILE_SIZE << mTileLevel;
source.set(mX * scaleX, mY * scaleY, (mX + size) * scaleX,
(mY + size) * scaleY);
canvas.drawTexture(backup, source, target);
private class MyGestureListener
extends GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener {
public boolean onScroll(
MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float dx, float dy) {
try {
if (mInTransition) return true;
mAnimationController.scrollBy(dx, dy);
} finally {
return true;
private class MyScaleListener
extends ScaleGestureDetector.SimpleOnScaleGestureListener {
public boolean onScale(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
float scale = detector.getScaleFactor();
if (Float.isNaN(scale)
|| Float.isInfinite(scale) || mInTransition) return true;
detector.getFocusX(), detector.getFocusY());
return true;
public boolean onScaleBegin(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
if (mInTransition) return false;
detector.getFocusX(), detector.getFocusY());
return true;
public void onScaleEnd(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
private class MyDownUpListener implements DownUpDetector.DownUpListener {
public void onDown(MotionEvent e) {
public void onUp(MotionEvent e) {
if (mInTransition) return;
ScreenNailEntry next = mScreenNails[ENTRY_NEXT];
ScreenNailEntry prev = mScreenNails[ENTRY_PREVIOUS];
int width = getWidth();
int height = getHeight();
int threshold = SWITCH_THRESHOLD + gapToSide(mImageWidth, width, mScale);
int left = Math.round(width / 2 - mCenterX * mScale);
int right = Math.round(left + mImageWidth * mScale);
if (next.mBitmap != null && threshold < width - right) {
mInTransition = true;
mSwitchIndex = ENTRY_NEXT;
float targetX = next.mX + next.mDrawWidth / 2;
targetX = mImageWidth + (targetX - right) / mScale;
} else if (prev.mBitmap != null && threshold < left) {
mInTransition = true;
mSwitchIndex = ENTRY_PREVIOUS;
float targetX = prev.mX + prev.mDrawWidth / 2;
targetX = (targetX - left) / mScale;
} else {
private void onTransitionComplete() {
if (mModel == null) return;
mInTransition = false;
ScreenNailEntry screenNails[] = mScreenNails;
if (mSwitchIndex == ENTRY_NEXT) {;
} else if (mSwitchIndex == ENTRY_PREVIOUS) {
} else {
throw new AssertionError();
Utils.swap(screenNails, ENTRY_CURRENT, mSwitchIndex);
Utils.swap(screenNails, ENTRY_PREVIOUS, ENTRY_NEXT);
private boolean isDown() {
return mDownUpDetector.isDown();
public static interface Model {
public static final int INDEX_CURRENT = 1;
public static final int INDEX_PREVIOUS = 0;
public static final int INDEX_NEXT = 2;
public void next();
public void previous();
// Return null if the specified image is unavailable.
public ImageData getImageData(int which);
public Bitmap[] getMipmaps();
public static class ImageData {
public int fullWidth;
public int fullHeight;
public Bitmap screenNail;
public ImageData(int width, int height, Bitmap screenNail) {
fullWidth = width;
fullHeight = height;
this.screenNail = screenNail;
private static class ScreenNailEntry {
private int mWidth;
private int mHeight;
// if mBitmap is null then this entry is not valid
private Bitmap mBitmap;
private boolean mVisible;
private int mX;
private int mY;
private int mDrawWidth;
private int mDrawHeight;
private BitmapTexture mTexture;
public void set(int fullWidth, int fullHeight, Bitmap bitmap) {
mWidth = fullWidth;
mHeight = fullHeight;
if (mBitmap != bitmap) {
mBitmap = bitmap;
if (mTexture != null) mTexture.recycle();
if (bitmap != null) mTexture = new BitmapTexture(bitmap);
public void draw(GLCanvas canvas) {
mTexture.draw(canvas, mX, mY, mDrawWidth, mDrawHeight);