blob: c3d3f6bd80f281f2a34858fdf36cbbf802ce4fec [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.SyncResult;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.format.DateUtils;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.entity.ByteArrayEntity;
* Base class for all Exchange operations that use a POST to talk to the server.
* The core of this class is {@link #performOperation}, which provides the skeleton of making
* a request, handling common errors, and setting fields on the {@link SyncResult} if there is one.
* This class abstracts the connection handling from its subclasses and callers.
* A subclass must implement the abstract functions below that create the request and parse the
* response. There are also a set of functions that a subclass may override if it's substantially
* different from the "normal" operation (e.g. most requests use the same request URI, but auto
* discover deviates since it's not account-specific), but the default implementation should suffice
* for most. The subclass must also define a public function which calls {@link #performOperation},
* possibly doing nothing other than that. (I chose to force subclasses to do this, rather than
* provide that function in the base class, in order to force subclasses to consider, for example,
* whether it needs a {@link SyncResult} parameter, and what the proper name for the "doWork"
* function ought to be for the subclass.)
public abstract class EasOperation {
public static final String LOG_TAG = Eas.LOG_TAG;
/** The maximum number of server redirects we allow before returning failure. */
private static final int MAX_REDIRECTS = 3;
/** Message MIME type for EAS version 14 and later. */
private static final String EAS_14_MIME_TYPE = "application/";
protected final Context mContext;
private final EasServerConnection mConnection;
protected EasOperation(final Context context, final Account account, final HostAuth hostAuth) {
mContext = context;
mConnection = new EasServerConnection(context, account, hostAuth);
protected EasOperation(final Context context, final Account account) {
this(context, account, HostAuth.restoreHostAuthWithId(context, account.mHostAuthKeyRecv));
* The below constants are the result codes (returned from {@link #performOperation} for errors
* that occur in the base class, i.e. those that happen either during making the request or due
* to the common error handling. These values are all negative, leaving non-negative values for
* {@link #handleResponse}. If {@link #performOperation} returns a negative value, then it's
* most likely due to an error in the base class. Subclasses should generally not return
* negative values from {@link #handleResponse}, except for possibly
/** Error code for the operation being cancelled via {@link #abort}. */
public static final int RESULT_ABORT = -1;
/** Error code for the operation being cancelled via {@link #restart}. */
public static final int RESULT_RESTART = -2;
/** Error code for when the Exchange servers redirect you too many times in a row. */
public static final int RESULT_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS = -3;
/** Error code for when the request failed due to a network problem. */
public static final int RESULT_REQUEST_FAILURE = -4;
/** Error code for all other errors. */
public static final int RESULT_OTHER_FAILURE = -5;
* Request that this operation terminate. Intended for use by the sync service to interrupt
* running operations, primarily Ping.
public final void abort() {
* Request that this operation restart. Intended for use by the sync service to interrupt
* running operations, primarily Ping.
public final void restart() {
* The skeleton of performing an operation. This function handles all the common code and
* error handling, calling into virtual functions that are implemented or overridden by the
* subclass to do the operation-specific logic.
* @param syncResult If this operation is a sync, the {@link SyncResult} object that should
* be written to for this sync; otherwise null.
* @return A result code for the outcome of this operation, one of the RESULT_* values above.
protected final int performOperation(final SyncResult syncResult) {
// We handle server redirects by looping, but we need to protect against too much looping.
int redirectCount = 0;
do {
// Perform the POST and handle exceptions.
final EasResponse response;
try {
final HttpPost post = mConnection.makePost(getRequestUri(), getRequestEntity(),
getRequestContentType(), addPolicyKeyHeaderToRequest());
response = mConnection.executePost(post, getTimeout());
} catch (final IOException e) {
// If we were stopped, return the appropriate result code.
switch (mConnection.getStoppedReason()) {
case EasServerConnection.STOPPED_REASON_ABORT:
case EasServerConnection.STOPPED_REASON_RESTART:
// If we're here, then we had a IOException that's not from a stop request.
LogUtils.e(LOG_TAG, e, "Exception while sending request");
if (syncResult != null) {
} catch (final IllegalStateException e) {
// Subclasses use ISE to signal a hard error when building the request.
// TODO: If executePost can throw an ISE, we may want to tidy this up a bit.
LogUtils.e(LOG_TAG, e, "Exception while sending request");
if (syncResult != null) {
syncResult.databaseError = true;
// The POST completed, so process the response.
try {
// First off, the success case.
if (response.isSuccess()) {
try {
return handleResponse(response, syncResult);
} catch (final IOException e) {
LogUtils.e(LOG_TAG, e, "Exception while handling response");
if (syncResult != null) {
// Now handle the error types we know how to deal with.
if (response.isForbidden() && handleForbidden()) {
// Some operations distinguish forbidden from provisioning errors, in which
// case there's nothing futher to do here.
LogUtils.e(LOG_TAG, "Forbidden response");
} else if (response.isProvisionError()) {
LogUtils.e(LOG_TAG, "Provisioning error");
} else if (response.isAuthError()) {
LogUtils.e(LOG_TAG, "Authentication error");
} else {
LogUtils.e(LOG_TAG, "Generic error");
// If it's not a redirect, we're done.
if (!response.isRedirectError()) {
if (syncResult != null) {
if (response.isAuthError()) {
} else {
// TODO: Is there a more appropriate stat?
// For redirects, update our connection and try again.
} finally {
} while (redirectCount < MAX_REDIRECTS);
// Non-redirects return out of the while loop, so the only way to reach here is if we
// looped too many times.
LogUtils.e(LOG_TAG, "Too many redirects");
if (syncResult != null) {
syncResult.tooManyRetries = true;
* Handling for provisioning (i.e. policy enforcement) errors. Should be the same for all
* operations.
* TODO: Implement.
private final void handleProvisionError() {
* Handling for authentication errors. Should be the same for all operations.
* TODO: Implement.
private final void handleAuthError() {
* The following functions MUST be overridden by subclasses; these are things that are unique
* to each operation.
* Get the name of the operation, used as the "Cmd=XXX" query param in the request URI. Note
* that if you override {@link #getRequestUri}, then this function may be unused, but it's
* abstract in order to make it impossible to omit for the subclasses that do need it.
* @return The name of the command for this operation as defined by the EAS protocol.
protected abstract String getCommand();
* Build the {@link HttpEntity} which us used to construct the POST. Typically this function
* will build the Exchange request using a {@link Serializer} and then call {@link #makeEntity}.
* @return The {@link HttpEntity} to pass to {@link EasServerConnection#makePost}.
* @throws IOException
protected abstract HttpEntity getRequestEntity() throws IOException;
* Parse the response from the Exchange perform whatever actions are dictated by that.
* @param response The {@link EasResponse} to our request.
* @param syncResult The {@link SyncResult} object for this operation, or null if we're not
* handling a sync.
* @return A result code that is returned to the caller of {@link #performOperation}.
* @throws IOException
protected abstract int handleResponse(final EasResponse response, final SyncResult syncResult)
throws IOException;
* The following functions may be overriden by a subclass, but most operations will not need
* to do so.
* Get the URI for the Exchange server and this operation. Most (signed in) operations need
* not override this; the notable operation that needs to override it is auto-discover.
* @return
protected String getRequestUri() {
return mConnection.makeUriString(getCommand());
* @return Whether to set the X-MS-PolicyKey header. Only Ping does not want this header.
protected boolean addPolicyKeyHeaderToRequest() {
return true;
* @return The content type of this request.
protected String getRequestContentType() {
return EAS_14_MIME_TYPE;
* @return The timeout to use for the POST.
protected long getTimeout() {
return 30 * DateUtils.SECOND_IN_MILLIS;
* If 403 responses should be handled in a special way, this function should be overridden to
* do that.
* @return Whether we handle 403 responses; if false, then treat 403 as a provisioning error.
protected boolean handleForbidden() {
return false;
* Convenience method to make an {@link HttpEntity} from {@link Serializer}.
protected final HttpEntity makeEntity(final Serializer s) {
return new ByteArrayEntity(s.toByteArray());
protected final double getProtocolVersion() {
return mConnection.getProtocolVersion();
* Convenience method for adding a Message to an account's outbox
* @param account The {@link Account} from which to send the message.
* @param msg the message to send
protected void sendMessage(final Account account, final EmailContent.Message msg) {
long mailboxId = Mailbox.findMailboxOfType(mContext, account.mId, Mailbox.TYPE_OUTBOX);
// TODO: Improve system mailbox handling.
if (mailboxId == Mailbox.NO_MAILBOX) {
LogUtils.d(LOG_TAG, "No outbox for account %d, creating it", account.mId);
final Mailbox outbox =
Mailbox.newSystemMailbox(mContext, account.mId, Mailbox.TYPE_OUTBOX);;
mailboxId = outbox.mId;
msg.mMailboxKey = mailboxId;
msg.mAccountKey = account.mId;;
requestSyncForMailbox(new android.accounts.Account(account.mEmailAddress,
* Issue a {@link android.content.ContentResolver#requestSync} for a specific mailbox.
* @param amAccount The {@link android.accounts.Account} for the account we're pinging.
* @param authority The authority for the mailbox that needs to sync.
* @param mailboxId The id of the mailbox that needs to sync.
protected static void requestSyncForMailbox(final android.accounts.Account amAccount,
final String authority, final long mailboxId) {
final Bundle extras = new Bundle(1);
extras.putLong(Mailbox.SYNC_EXTRA_MAILBOX_ID, mailboxId);
ContentResolver.requestSync(amAccount, authority, extras);