blob: c762d93c045b8387ad2f6f6d0f87082412bb13c8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.ContentValues;
import android.content.Entity;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.provider.Calendar.Attendees;
import android.provider.Calendar.Events;
import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.TimeZone;
* Tests of EAS Calendar Utilities
* You can run this entire test case with:
* runtest -c email
* Please see RFC2445 for RRULE definition
public class CalendarUtilitiesTests extends AndroidTestCase {
// Some prebuilt time zones, Base64 encoded (as they arrive from EAS)
// More time zones to be added over time
// Not all time zones are appropriate for testing. For example, ISRAEL_STANDARD_TIME cannot be
// used because DST is determined from year to year in a non-standard way (related to the lunar
// calendar); therefore, the test would only work during the year in which it was created
private static final String INDIA_STANDARD_TIME =
private static final String PACIFIC_STANDARD_TIME =
private static final String ORGANIZER = "";
private static final String ATTENDEE = "";
public void testGetSet() {
byte[] bytes = new byte[] {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
// First, check that getWord/Long are properly little endian
assertEquals(0x0100, CalendarUtilities.getWord(bytes, 0));
assertEquals(0x03020100, CalendarUtilities.getLong(bytes, 0));
assertEquals(0x07060504, CalendarUtilities.getLong(bytes, 4));
// Set some words and longs
CalendarUtilities.setWord(bytes, 0, 0xDEAD);
CalendarUtilities.setLong(bytes, 2, 0xBEEFBEEF);
CalendarUtilities.setWord(bytes, 6, 0xCEDE);
// Retrieve them
assertEquals(0xDEAD, CalendarUtilities.getWord(bytes, 0));
assertEquals(0xBEEFBEEF, CalendarUtilities.getLong(bytes, 2));
assertEquals(0xCEDE, CalendarUtilities.getWord(bytes, 6));
public void testParseTimeZoneEndToEnd() {
TimeZone tz = CalendarUtilities.tziStringToTimeZone(PACIFIC_STANDARD_TIME);
assertEquals("Pacific Standard Time", tz.getDisplayName());
tz = CalendarUtilities.tziStringToTimeZone(INDIA_STANDARD_TIME);
assertEquals("India Standard Time", tz.getDisplayName());
public void testGenerateEasDayOfWeek() {
String byDay = "TU,WE,SA";
// TU = 4, WE = 8; SA = 64;
assertEquals("76", CalendarUtilities.generateEasDayOfWeek(byDay));
// MO = 2, TU = 4; WE = 8; TH = 16; FR = 32
byDay = "MO,TU,WE,TH,FR";
assertEquals("62", CalendarUtilities.generateEasDayOfWeek(byDay));
// SU = 1
byDay = "SU";
assertEquals("1", CalendarUtilities.generateEasDayOfWeek(byDay));
public void testTokenFromRrule() {
assertEquals("DAILY", CalendarUtilities.tokenFromRrule(rrule, "FREQ="));
assertEquals("1", CalendarUtilities.tokenFromRrule(rrule, "INTERVAL="));
assertEquals("17", CalendarUtilities.tokenFromRrule(rrule, "BYMONTHDAY="));
assertEquals("WE,TH,SA", CalendarUtilities.tokenFromRrule(rrule, "BYDAY="));
assertNull(CalendarUtilities.tokenFromRrule(rrule, "UNTIL="));
public void testRecurrenceUntilToEasUntil() {
// Test full formatCC
// Test date only format
public void testParseEmailDateTimeToMillis(String date) {
// Format for email date strings is 2010-02-23T16:00:00.000Z
String dateString = "2010-02-23T15:16:17.000Z";
long dateTime = Utility.parseEmailDateTimeToMillis(dateString);
GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
assertEquals(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR), 2010);
assertEquals(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH), 1); // 0 based
assertEquals(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), 23);
assertEquals(cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), 16);
assertEquals(cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE), 16);
assertEquals(cal.get(Calendar.SECOND), 17);
public void testParseDateTimeToMillis(String date) {
// Format for calendar date strings is 20100223T160000000Z
String dateString = "20100223T151617000Z";
long dateTime = Utility.parseDateTimeToMillis(dateString);
GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
assertEquals(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR), 2010);
assertEquals(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH), 1); // 0 based
assertEquals(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), 23);
assertEquals(cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), 16);
assertEquals(cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE), 16);
assertEquals(cal.get(Calendar.SECOND), 17);
private Entity setupTestEventEntity(String organizer, String attendee, String title) {
// Create an Entity for an Event
ContentValues entityValues = new ContentValues();
Entity entity = new Entity(entityValues);
// Set up values for the Event
String location = "Meeting Location";
// Fill in times, location, title, and organizer
entityValues.put(Events.EVENT_LOCATION, location);
entityValues.put(Events.TITLE, title);
entityValues.put(Events.ORGANIZER, organizer);
entityValues.put(Events._SYNC_DATA, "31415926535");
// Add the attendee
ContentValues attendeeValues = new ContentValues();
attendeeValues.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_EMAIL, attendee);
entity.addSubValue(Attendees.CONTENT_URI, attendeeValues);
// Add the organizer
ContentValues organizerValues = new ContentValues();
organizerValues.put(Attendees.ATTENDEE_EMAIL, organizer);
entity.addSubValue(Attendees.CONTENT_URI, organizerValues);
return entity;
private Entity setupTestExceptionEntity(String organizer, String attendee, String title) {
Entity entity = setupTestEventEntity(organizer, attendee, title);
ContentValues entityValues = entity.getEntityValues();
entityValues.put(Events.ORIGINAL_EVENT, 69);
// April 12, 2010 is a Monday
entityValues.put(Events.RRULE, "FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=MO");
// The exception will be on April 26th
return entity;
public void testCreateMessageForEntity_Reply() {
// Set up the "event"
String title = "Discuss Unit Tests";
Entity entity = setupTestEventEntity(ORGANIZER, ATTENDEE, title);
// Create a dummy account for the attendee
Account account = new Account();
account.mEmailAddress = ATTENDEE;
// The uid is required, but can be anything
String uid = "31415926535";
// Create the outgoing message
Message msg = CalendarUtilities.createMessageForEntity(mContext, entity,
Message.FLAG_OUTGOING_MEETING_ACCEPT, uid, account);
// First, we should have a message
// Now check some of the fields of the message
assertEquals(Address.pack(new Address[] {new Address(ORGANIZER)}), msg.mTo);
String accept = getContext().getResources().getString(R.string.meeting_accepted, title);
assertEquals(accept, msg.mSubject);
// And make sure we have an attachment
assertEquals(1, msg.mAttachments.size());
Attachment att = msg.mAttachments.get(0);
// And that the attachment has the correct elements
assertEquals("invite.ics", att.mFileName);
att.mFlags & Attachment.FLAG_SUPPRESS_DISPOSITION);
assertEquals("text/calendar; method=REPLY", att.mMimeType);
assertEquals(att.mSize, att.mContentBytes.length);
//TODO Check the contents of the attachment using an iCalendar parser
public void testCreateMessageForEntity_Invite() throws IOException {
// Set up the "event"
String title = "Discuss Unit Tests";
Entity entity = setupTestEventEntity(ORGANIZER, ATTENDEE, title);
// Create a dummy account for the attendee
Account account = new Account();
account.mEmailAddress = ORGANIZER;
// The uid is required, but can be anything
String uid = "31415926535";
// Create the outgoing message
Message msg = CalendarUtilities.createMessageForEntity(mContext, entity,
Message.FLAG_OUTGOING_MEETING_INVITE, uid, account);
// First, we should have a message
// Now check some of the fields of the message
assertEquals(Address.pack(new Address[] {new Address(ATTENDEE)}), msg.mTo);
String accept = getContext().getResources().getString(R.string.meeting_invitation, title);
assertEquals(accept, msg.mSubject);
// And make sure we have an attachment
assertEquals(1, msg.mAttachments.size());
Attachment att = msg.mAttachments.get(0);
// And that the attachment has the correct elements
assertEquals("invite.ics", att.mFileName);
att.mFlags & Attachment.FLAG_SUPPRESS_DISPOSITION);
assertEquals("text/calendar; method=REQUEST", att.mMimeType);
assertEquals(att.mSize, att.mContentBytes.length);
// We'll check the contents of the ics file here
BlockHash vcalendar = parseIcsContent(att.mContentBytes);
// We should have a VCALENDAR with a REQUEST method
assertEquals("REQUEST", vcalendar.get("METHOD"));
// We should have one block under VCALENDAR
assertEquals(1, vcalendar.blocks.size());
BlockHash vevent = vcalendar.blocks.get(0);
// It's a VEVENT with the following fields
assertEquals("Meeting Location", vevent.get("LOCATION"));
assertEquals("0", vevent.get("SEQUENCE"));
assertEquals("Discuss Unit Tests", vevent.get("SUMMARY"));
assertEquals(uid, vevent.get("UID"));
assertEquals("MAILTO:" + ATTENDEE,
public void testCreateMessageForEntity_Exception_Cancel() throws IOException {
// Set up the "exception"...
String title = "Discuss Unit Tests";
Entity entity = setupTestExceptionEntity(ORGANIZER, ATTENDEE, title);
ContentValues entityValues = entity.getEntityValues();
// Mark the Exception as dirty
entityValues.put(Events._SYNC_DIRTY, 1);
// And mark it canceled
entityValues.put(Events.STATUS, Events.STATUS_CANCELED);
// Give it an RRULE so that time zone will be included
entityValues.put(Events.RRULE, "FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=MO");
// Create a dummy account for the attendee
Account account = new Account();
account.mEmailAddress = ORGANIZER;
// The uid is required, but can be anything
String uid = "31415926535";
// Create the outgoing message
Message msg = CalendarUtilities.createMessageForEntity(mContext, entity,
Message.FLAG_OUTGOING_MEETING_INVITE, uid, account);
// First, we should have a message
// Now check some of the fields of the message
assertEquals(Address.pack(new Address[] {new Address(ATTENDEE)}), msg.mTo);
String accept = getContext().getResources().getString(R.string.meeting_invitation, title);
assertEquals(accept, msg.mSubject);
// And make sure we have an attachment
assertEquals(1, msg.mAttachments.size());
Attachment att = msg.mAttachments.get(0);
// And that the attachment has the correct elements
assertEquals("invite.ics", att.mFileName);
att.mFlags & Attachment.FLAG_SUPPRESS_DISPOSITION);
assertEquals("text/calendar; method=REQUEST", att.mMimeType);
// We'll check the contents of the ics file here
BlockHash vcalendar = parseIcsContent(att.mContentBytes);
// We should have a VCALENDAR with a REQUEST method
assertEquals("REQUEST", vcalendar.get("METHOD"));
// This is the time zone that should be used
TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getDefault();
// We should have two blocks under VCALENDAR (VTIMEZONE and VEVENT)
assertEquals(2, vcalendar.blocks.size());
BlockHash vtimezone = vcalendar.blocks.get(0);
// It should be a VTIMEZONE for timeZone
assertEquals(timeZone.getID(), vtimezone.get("TZID"));
BlockHash vevent = vcalendar.blocks.get(1);
// It's a VEVENT with the following fields
assertEquals("Meeting Location", vevent.get("LOCATION"));
assertEquals("0", vevent.get("SEQUENCE"));
assertEquals("Discuss Unit Tests", vevent.get("SUMMARY"));
assertEquals(uid, vevent.get("UID"));
assertEquals("MAILTO:" + ATTENDEE,
long originalTime = entityValues.getAsLong(Events.ORIGINAL_INSTANCE_TIME);
assertNotSame(0, originalTime);
// For an exception, RECURRENCE-ID is critical
assertEquals(CalendarUtilities.millisToEasDateTime(originalTime, timeZone),
vevent.get("RECURRENCE-ID" + ";TZID=" + timeZone.getID()));
public void testUtcOffsetString() {
assertEquals(CalendarUtilities.utcOffsetString(540), "+0900");
assertEquals(CalendarUtilities.utcOffsetString(-480), "-0800");
assertEquals(CalendarUtilities.utcOffsetString(0), "+0000");
public void testFindTransitionDate() {
// We'll find some transitions and make sure that we're properly in or out of daylight time
// on either side of the transition.
// Use CST for testing (any other will do as well, as long as it has DST)
TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("US/Central");
// Get a calendar at January 1st of the current year
GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(tz);
calendar.set(CalendarUtilities.sCurrentYear, Calendar.JANUARY, 1);
// Get start and end times at start and end of year
long startTime = calendar.getTimeInMillis();
long endTime = startTime + (365*CalendarUtilities.DAYS);
// Find the first transition
GregorianCalendar transitionCalendar =
CalendarUtilities.findTransitionDate(tz, startTime, endTime, false);
long transitionTime = transitionCalendar.getTimeInMillis();
// Before should be in standard time; after in daylight time
Date beforeDate = new Date(transitionTime - CalendarUtilities.HOURS);
Date afterDate = new Date(transitionTime + CalendarUtilities.HOURS);
// Find the next one...
transitionCalendar = CalendarUtilities.findTransitionDate(tz, transitionTime +
CalendarUtilities.DAYS, endTime, true);
transitionTime = transitionCalendar.getTimeInMillis();
// This time, Before should be in daylight time; after in standard time
beforeDate = new Date(transitionTime - CalendarUtilities.HOURS);
afterDate = new Date(transitionTime + CalendarUtilities.HOURS);
// Captain Renault: What in heaven's name brought you to Casablanca?
// Rick: My health. I came to Casablanca for the waters.
// Also, they have no daylight savings time
tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Africa/Casablanca");
// Get a calendar at January 1st of the current year
calendar = new GregorianCalendar(tz);
calendar.set(CalendarUtilities.sCurrentYear, Calendar.JANUARY, 1);
// Get start and end times at start and end of year
startTime = calendar.getTimeInMillis();
endTime = startTime + (365*CalendarUtilities.DAYS);
// Find the first transition
transitionCalendar = CalendarUtilities.findTransitionDate(tz, startTime, endTime, false);
// There had better not be one
public void testRruleFromRecurrence() {
// Every Monday for 2 weeks
String rrule = CalendarUtilities.rruleFromRecurrence(
1 /*Weekly*/, 2 /*Occurrences*/, 1 /*Interval*/, 2 /*Monday*/, 0, 0, 0, null);
assertEquals("FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=1;COUNT=2;BYDAY=MO", rrule);
// Every Tuesday and Friday
rrule = CalendarUtilities.rruleFromRecurrence(
1 /*Weekly*/, 0 /*Occurrences*/, 0 /*Interval*/, 36 /*Tue&Fri*/, 0, 0, 0, null);
assertEquals("FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=TU,FR", rrule);
// The last Saturday of the month
rrule = CalendarUtilities.rruleFromRecurrence(
3 /*Monthly/DayofWeek*/, 0, 0, 64 /*Sat*/, 0, 5 /*Last*/, 0, null);
assertEquals("FREQ=MONTHLY;BYDAY=-1SA", rrule);
// The third Wednesday and Thursday of the month
rrule = CalendarUtilities.rruleFromRecurrence(
3 /*Monthly/DayofWeek*/, 0, 0, 24 /*Wed&Thu*/, 0, 3 /*3rd*/, 0, null);
assertEquals("FREQ=MONTHLY;BYDAY=3WE,3TH", rrule);
// The 14th of the every month
rrule = CalendarUtilities.rruleFromRecurrence(
2 /*Monthly/Date*/, 0, 0, 0, 14 /*14th*/, 0, 0, null);
assertEquals("FREQ=MONTHLY;BYMONTHDAY=14", rrule);
// Every 31st of October
rrule = CalendarUtilities.rruleFromRecurrence(
5 /*Yearly/Date*/, 0, 0, 0, 31 /*31st*/, 0, 10 /*October*/, null);
assertEquals("FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTHDAY=31;BYMONTH=10", rrule);
// The first Tuesday of June
rrule = CalendarUtilities.rruleFromRecurrence(
6 /*Yearly/Month/DayOfWeek*/, 0, 0, 4 /*Tue*/, 0, 1 /*1st*/, 6 /*June*/, null);
assertEquals("FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=1TU;BYMONTH=6", rrule);
* For debugging purposes, to help keep track of parsing errors.
private class UnterminatedBlockException extends IOException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
UnterminatedBlockException(String name) {
* A lightweight representation of block object containing a hash of individual values and an
* array of inner blocks. The object is build by pulling elements from a BufferedReader.
* NOTE: Multiple values of a given field are not supported. We'd see this with ATTENDEEs, for
* example, and possibly RDATEs in VTIMEZONEs without an RRULE; these cases will be handled
* at a later time.
private class BlockHash {
String name;
HashMap<String, String> hash = new HashMap<String, String>();
ArrayList<BlockHash> blocks = new ArrayList<BlockHash>();
BlockHash (String _name, BufferedReader reader) throws IOException {
name = _name;
String lastField = null;
int lastLength = 0;
String lastValue = null;
while (true) {
// Get a line; we're done if it's null
String line = reader.readLine();
if (line == null) {
throw new UnterminatedBlockException(name);
int length = line.length();
if (length == 0) {
// We shouldn't ever see an empty line
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
// A line starting with tab after a 75 character line is a continuation
if (line.charAt(0) == '\t' && lastLength == SimpleIcsWriter.MAX_LINE_LENGTH) {
// Remember the line and length
lastValue = line.substring(1);
lastLength = line.length();
// Save the concatenation of old and new values
hash.put(lastField, hash.get(lastField) + lastValue);
// Find the field delimiter
int pos = line.indexOf(':');
// If not found, or at EOL, this is a bad ics
if (pos < 0 || pos >= length) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
// Remember the field, value, and length
lastField = line.substring(0, pos);
lastValue = line.substring(pos + 1);
if (lastField.equals("BEGIN")) {
blocks.add(new BlockHash(lastValue, reader));
} else if (lastField.equals("END")) {
if (!lastValue.equals(name)) {
throw new UnterminatedBlockException(name);
lastLength = line.length();
// Save it away and continue
hash.put(lastField, lastValue);
String get(String field) {
return hash.get(field);
private BlockHash parseIcsContent(byte[] bytes) throws IOException {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(TestUtils.fromUtf8(bytes)));
String line = reader.readLine();
if (!line.equals("BEGIN:VCALENDAR")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
return new BlockHash("VCALENDAR", reader);
public void testBuildMessageTextFromEntityValues() {
// Set up a test event
String title = "Event Title";
Entity entity = setupTestEventEntity(ORGANIZER, ATTENDEE, title);
ContentValues entityValues = entity.getEntityValues();
// Save this away; we'll use it a few times below
Resources resources = mContext.getResources();
Date date = new Date(entityValues.getAsLong(Events.DTSTART));
String dateTimeString = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(date);
// Get the text for this message
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
CalendarUtilities.buildMessageTextFromEntityValues(mContext, entityValues, sb);
String text = sb.toString();
// We'll just check the when and where
assertTrue(text.contains(resources.getString(R.string.meeting_when, dateTimeString)));
String location = entityValues.getAsString(Events.EVENT_LOCATION);
assertTrue(text.contains(resources.getString(R.string.meeting_where, location)));
// Make this event recurring
entity.getEntityValues().put(Events.RRULE, "FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=MO");
sb = new StringBuilder();
CalendarUtilities.buildMessageTextFromEntityValues(mContext, entityValues, sb);
text = sb.toString();
assertTrue(text.contains(resources.getString(R.string.meeting_recurring, dateTimeString)));
// TODO Planned unit tests; some of these exist in primitive form below
// testFindNextTransition
// testTimeZoneToVTimezone
// testRecurrenceFromRrule
// testTimeZoneToTziStringImpl
// testGetDSTCalendars
// testMillisToVCalendarTime
// testMillisToEasDateTime
// public void testTimeZoneToVTimezone() throws IOException {
// TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getDefault();
// SimpleIcsWriter writer = new SimpleIcsWriter();
// CalendarUtilities.timeZoneToVTimezone(tz, writer);
// tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Asia/Jerusalem");
// if (tz != null) {
// writer = new SimpleIcsWriter();
// CalendarUtilities.timeZoneToVTimezone(tz, writer);
// }
// String str = writer.toString();
// assertNotNull(str);
// int rule = 0;
// int nodst = 0;
// int norule = 0;
// ArrayList<String> norulelist = new ArrayList<String>();
// for (String tzs: TimeZone.getAvailableIDs()) {
// tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(tzs);
// writer = new SimpleIcsWriter();
// CalendarUtilities.timeZoneToVTimezone(tz, writer);
// String vc = writer.toString();
// boolean hasRule = vc.indexOf("RRULE") > 0;
// if (hasRule) {
// rule++;
// } else if (tz.useDaylightTime()) {
// norule++;
// norulelist.add(tz.getID());
// } else {
// nodst++;
// }
// System.err.println(tz.getID() + ": " + (hasRule ? "Found Rule" : tz.useDaylightTime() ? "No rule" : "No DST"));
// }
// System.err.println("Rule: " + rule + ", No DST: " + nodst + ", No rule: " + norule);
// for (String nr: norulelist) {
// System.err.println("No rule: " + nr);
// writer = new SimpleIcsWriter();
// CalendarUtilities.timeZoneToVTimezone(TimeZone.getTimeZone(nr), writer);
// System.err.println(writer.toString());
// }
// }
// public void testTimeZoneToTziStringImpl() {
// String x = CalendarUtilities.timeZoneToTziStringImpl(TimeZone.getDefault());
// for (String timeZoneId: TimeZone.getAvailableIDs()) {
// TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(timeZoneId);
// if (timeZone != null) {
// String tzs = CalendarUtilities.timeZoneToTziString(timeZone);
// TimeZone newTimeZone = CalendarUtilities.tziStringToTimeZone(tzs);
// System.err.println("In: " + timeZone.getDisplayName() + ", Out: " + newTimeZone.getDisplayName());
// }
// }
// }
// public void testParseTimeZone() {
// GregorianCalendar cal = getTestCalendar(parsedTimeZone, dstStart);
// cal.add(GregorianCalendar.MINUTE, -1);
// Date b = cal.getTime();
// cal.add(GregorianCalendar.MINUTE, 2);
// Date a = cal.getTime();
// if (parsedTimeZone.inDaylightTime(b) || !parsedTimeZone.inDaylightTime(a)) {
// }
// cal = getTestCalendar(parsedTimeZone, dstEnd);
// cal.add(GregorianCalendar.HOUR, -2);
// b = cal.getTime();
// cal.add(GregorianCalendar.HOUR, 2);
// a = cal.getTime();
// if (!parsedTimeZone.inDaylightTime(b)) userLog("ERROR IN TIME ZONE CONTROL");
// if (parsedTimeZone.inDaylightTime(a)) userLog("ERROR IN TIME ZONE CONTROL!");
// }