blob: d4428f19a45b4a899c3feb22ca69a0f15e7b4b9b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import android.content.AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter;
import android.content.ContentProviderClient;
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.SyncResult;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.IBinder;
* Service for communicating with Exchange servers. There are three main parts of this class:
* TODO: Flesh out these comments.
* 1) An {@link AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter} to handle actually performing syncs.
* 2) Bookkeeping for running Ping requests, which handles push notifications.
* 3) An {@link IEmailService} Stub to handle RPC from the UI.
public class EmailSyncAdapterService extends AbstractSyncAdapterService {
private static final String TAG = "EAS EmailSyncAdaptSvc";
* Bookkeeping for handling synchronization between pings and syncs.
* "Ping" refers to a hanging POST or GET that is used to receive push notifications. Ping is
* the term for the Exchange command, but this code should be generic enough to be easily
* extended to IMAP.
* "Sync" refers to an actual sync command to either fetch mail state, account state, or send
* mail (send is implemented as "sync the outbox").
* TODO: Outbox sync probably need not stop a ping in progress.
* Basic rules of how these interact (note that all rules are per account):
* - Only one ping or sync may run at a time.
* - Due to how {@link AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter} works, sync requests will not occur while
* a sync is in progress.
* - On the other hand, ping requests may come in while handling a ping.
* - "Ping request" is shorthand for "a request to change our ping parameters", which includes
* a request to stop receiving push notifications.
* - If neither a ping nor a sync is running, then a request for either will run it.
* - If a sync is running, new ping requests block until the sync completes.
* - If a ping is running, a new sync request stops the ping and creates a pending ping
* (which blocks until the sync completes).
* - If a ping is running, a new ping request stops the ping and either starts a new one or
* does nothing, as appopriate (since a ping request can be to stop pushing).
* - As an optimization, while a ping request is waiting to run, subsequent ping requests are
* ignored (the pending ping will pick up the latest ping parameters at the time it runs).
public class SyncHandlerSynchronizer {
* Map of account id -> ping handler.
* For a given account id, there are three possible states:
* 1) If no ping or sync is currently running, there is no entry in the map for the account.
* 2) If a ping is running, there is an entry with the appropriate ping handler.
* 3) If there is a sync running, there is an entry with null as the value.
* We cannot have more than one ping or sync running at a time.
private final HashMap<Long, EasPingSyncHandler> mPingHandlers =
new HashMap<Long, EasPingSyncHandler>();
* Set of all accounts that are in the middle of processing a ping modification. This is
* used to ignore duplicate modification requests.
private final HashSet<Long> mPendingPings = new HashSet<Long>();
* Wait until neither a sync nor a ping is running on this account, and then return.
* If there's a ping running, actively stop it. (For syncs, we have to just wait.)
* @param accountId The account we want to wait for.
private synchronized void waitUntilNoActivity(final long accountId) {
while (mPingHandlers.containsKey(accountId)) {
final EasPingSyncHandler pingHandler = mPingHandlers.get(accountId);
if (pingHandler != null) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO: When would this happen, and how should I handle it?
* Use this to see if we're currently syncing, as opposed to pinging or doing nothing.
* @param accountId The account to check.
* @return Whether that account is currently running a sync.
private synchronized boolean isRunningSync(final long accountId) {
return (mPingHandlers.containsKey(accountId) && mPingHandlers.get(accountId) == null);
private void stopServiceIfNoPings() {
for (final EasPingSyncHandler pingHandler : mPingHandlers.values()) {
if (pingHandler != null) {
* Called prior to starting a sync to update our state.
* @param accountId The account on which we are running a sync.
public synchronized void startSync(final long accountId) {
mPingHandlers.put(accountId, null);
* Called prior to starting, stopping, or changing a ping for reasons other than a sync
* request (e.g. new account added, settings change, or app startup). This is currently
* implemented as shutting down any running ping and starting a new one if needed. It might
* be better to signal any running ping to reload itself, but this is simpler for now.
* @param accountId The account whose ping is being modified.
public synchronized void modifyPing(final long accountId) {
// If a sync is currently running, we'd have to wait for it complete, but it'll call
// modifyPing at that point anyway. Therefore we can ignore this request.
if (isRunningSync(accountId)) {
// Similarly, if multiple ping requests happen while a ping is running, we can ignore
// all but one of them -- by the time the first one is done waiting, it'll pick up the
// latest account settings anyway.
if (mPendingPings.contains(accountId)) {
try {
// TODO: If a ping is running, it'd be better to just tell it to reload its state
// rather than kill and restart it.
final Context context = EmailSyncAdapterService.this;
// No ping or sync running. Figure out whether a ping is needed, and if so with
// what params.
final Account account = Account.restoreAccountWithId(context, accountId);
if (account == null || account.mSyncInterval != Account.CHECK_INTERVAL_PUSH) {
// A ping that was running is no longer running, or something happened to the
// account.
} else {
// Note: unlike startSync, we CANNOT allow the caller to do the actual work.
// If we return before the ping starts, there's a race condition where another
// ping or sync might start first. It only works for startSync because sync is
// higher priority than ping (i.e. a ping can't start while a sync is pending)
// and only one ping can run at a time.
EasPingSyncHandler pingHandler = new EasPingSyncHandler(context, account, this);
mPingHandlers.put(accountId, pingHandler);
// Whenever we have a running ping, make sure this service stays running.
final EmailSyncAdapterService service = EmailSyncAdapterService.this;
service.startService(new Intent(service, EmailSyncAdapterService.class));
} finally {
* All operations must call this when they complete to update the synchronization
* bookkeeping.
* @param accountId The account whose ping or sync just completed.
* @param wasSync Whether the operation that's completing was a sync.
* @param notify Whether to notify all threads waiting on this object. This should be true
* for all sync operations, and for any pings that were interrupted. Pings that complete
* naturally possibly don't need to wake up anyone else.
* TODO: is this optimization worth any possible problem? For example, the syncs started
* by a ping may need to be signaled here.
public synchronized void signalDone(final long accountId, final boolean wasSync,
final boolean notify) {
// If this was a sync, we may have killed a ping that now needs to be restarted.
// modifyPing will do the appropriate checks.
// We do this here rather than at the caller because at this point, we are guaranteed
// that there is no entry for this account in mPingHandlers, and therefore we cannot
// block.
if (wasSync) {
} else {
// A ping stopped, so check if we should stop the service.
// Similarly, it's ok to notify after we restart the ping, because we know the ping
// can't possibly be waiting.
if (notify) {
private final SyncHandlerSynchronizer mSyncHandlerMap = new SyncHandlerSynchronizer();
* The binder for IEmailService.
private final IEmailService.Stub mBinder = new IEmailService.Stub() {
public Bundle validate(final HostAuth hostAuth) {
LogUtils.d(TAG, "IEmailService.validate");
return new EasAccountValidator(EmailSyncAdapterService.this, hostAuth).validate();
public Bundle autoDiscover(final String userName, final String password) {
LogUtils.d(TAG, "IEmailService.autoDiscover");
HostAuth hostAuth = new HostAuth();
hostAuth.mLogin = userName;
hostAuth.mPassword = password;
hostAuth.mFlags = HostAuth.FLAG_AUTHENTICATE | HostAuth.FLAG_SSL;
hostAuth.mPort = 443;
return null;
//return new EasSyncService().tryAutodiscover(ExchangeService.this, hostAuth);
public void updateFolderList(final long accountId) {
LogUtils.d(TAG, "IEmailService.updateFolderList");
final String emailAddress = Utility.getFirstRowString(EmailSyncAdapterService.this,
Account.CONTENT_URI, new String[] {AccountColumns.EMAIL_ADDRESS},
Account.ID_SELECTION, new String[] {Long.toString(accountId)}, null, 0);
if (emailAddress != null) {
ContentResolver.requestSync(new android.accounts.Account(
EmailContent.AUTHORITY, new Bundle());
public void setCallback(final IEmailServiceCallback cb) {
// TODO: Determine if this is ever called in practice.
public void setLogging(final int flags) {
// TODO: fix this?
// Protocol logging
// Sync logging
public void loadAttachment(final long attachmentId, final boolean background) {
LogUtils.d(TAG, "IEmailService.loadAttachment");
// TODO: Implement.
Attachment att = Attachment.restoreAttachmentWithId(ExchangeService.this, attachmentId);
log("loadAttachment " + attachmentId + ": " + att.mFileName);
sendMessageRequest(new PartRequest(att, null, null));
public void sendMeetingResponse(final long messageId, final int response) {
LogUtils.d(TAG, "IEmailService.sendMeetingResponse");
// TODO: Implement.
//sendMessageRequest(new MeetingResponseRequest(messageId, response));
* Delete PIM (calendar, contacts) data for the specified account
* @param accountId the account whose data should be deleted
public void deleteAccountPIMData(final long accountId) {
LogUtils.d(TAG, "IEmailService.deleteAccountPIMData");
// TODO: Implement
SyncManager exchangeService = INSTANCE;
if (exchangeService == null) return;
// Stop any running syncs
// Delete the data
ExchangeService.deleteAccountPIMData(ExchangeService.this, accountId);
long accountMailboxId = Mailbox.findMailboxOfType(exchangeService, accountId,
if (accountMailboxId != Mailbox.NO_MAILBOX) {
// Make sure the account mailbox is held due to security
synchronized(sSyncLock) {
mSyncErrorMap.put(accountMailboxId, SyncError(
AbstractSyncService.EXIT_SECURITY_FAILURE, false));
// Make sure the reconciler runs
public int searchMessages(final long accountId, final SearchParams searchParams,
final long destMailboxId) {
LogUtils.d(TAG, "IEmailService.searchMessages");
return Search.searchMessages(EmailSyncAdapterService.this, accountId, searchParams,
public void sendMail(final long accountId) {}
public int getCapabilities(final Account acct) {
String easVersion = acct.mProtocolVersion;
Double easVersionDouble = 2.5D;
if (easVersion != null) {
try {
easVersionDouble = Double.parseDouble(easVersion);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// Stick with 2.5
if (easVersionDouble >= 12.0D) {
return AccountCapabilities.SYNCABLE_FOLDERS |
AccountCapabilities.SERVER_SEARCH |
AccountCapabilities.FOLDER_SERVER_SEARCH |
AccountCapabilities.SANITIZED_HTML |
AccountCapabilities.SMART_REPLY |
AccountCapabilities.SERVER_SEARCH |
} else {
return AccountCapabilities.SYNCABLE_FOLDERS |
AccountCapabilities.SANITIZED_HTML |
AccountCapabilities.SMART_REPLY |
public void serviceUpdated(final String emailAddress) {
// Not required for EAS
// All IEmailService messages below are UNCALLED in Email.
// TODO: Remove.
public int getApiLevel() {
return Api.LEVEL;
public void startSync(long mailboxId, boolean userRequest, int deltaMessageCount) {}
public void stopSync(long mailboxId) {}
public void loadMore(long messageId) {}
public boolean createFolder(long accountId, String name) {
return false;
public boolean deleteFolder(long accountId, String name) {
return false;
public boolean renameFolder(long accountId, String oldName, String newName) {
return false;
public void hostChanged(long accountId) {}
public EmailSyncAdapterService() {
public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
if (intent.getAction().equals(Eas.EXCHANGE_SERVICE_INTENT_ACTION)) {
return mBinder;
return super.onBind(intent);
protected AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter newSyncAdapter() {
return new SyncAdapterImpl(this);
// TODO: Handle cancelSync() appropriately.
private class SyncAdapterImpl extends AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter {
public SyncAdapterImpl(Context context) {
super(context, true /* autoInitialize */);
public void onPerformSync(android.accounts.Account acct, Bundle extras,
String authority, ContentProviderClient provider, SyncResult syncResult) {
// TODO: Perform any connectivity checks, bail early if we don't have proper network
// for this sync operation.
final Context context = getContext();
LogUtils.i(TAG, "performSync");
final ContentResolver cr = context.getContentResolver();
// Get the EmailContent Account
final Account account;
final Cursor accountCursor = cr.query(Account.CONTENT_URI, Account.CONTENT_PROJECTION,
AccountColumns.EMAIL_ADDRESS + "=?", new String[] {}, null);
try {
if (!accountCursor.moveToFirst()) {
// Could not load account.
// TODO: improve error handling.
account = new Account();
} finally {
// TODO: If this account is on security hold (i.e. not enforcing policy), do not permit
// sync to occur.
// Do the bookkeeping for starting a sync, including stopping a ping if necessary.
// TODO: Should we refresh the account here? It may have changed while waiting for any
// pings to stop. It may not matter since the things that may have been twiddled might
// not affect syncing.
final long mailboxId = extras.getLong(Mailbox.SYNC_EXTRA_MAILBOX_ID,
if (mailboxId == Mailbox.NO_MAILBOX) {
// If no mailbox is specified, this is an account sync.
final EasAccountSyncHandler accountSyncHandler =
new EasAccountSyncHandler(context, account);
// Account sync also does an inbox sync.
final Mailbox inbox = Mailbox.restoreMailboxOfType(context, account.mId,
final EasSyncHandler inboxSyncHandler = EasSyncHandler.getEasSyncHandler(
context, cr, acct, account, inbox, extras, syncResult);
if (inboxSyncHandler == null) {
// TODO: Inbox does not exist for this account, add proper error handling.
} else {
// TODO: Do an outbox sync as well?
} else {
// Sync the mailbox that was explicitly requested.
final Mailbox mailbox = Mailbox.restoreMailboxWithId(context, mailboxId);
if (mailbox.mType == Mailbox.TYPE_OUTBOX) {
final EasOutboxSyncHandler outboxSyncHandler =
new EasOutboxSyncHandler(context, account, mailbox);
} else {
final EasSyncHandler syncHandler = EasSyncHandler.getEasSyncHandler(context, cr,
acct, account, mailbox, extras, syncResult);
if (syncHandler != null) {
} else {
// We can't sync this mailbox, so just send the expected UI callbacks.
EmailServiceStatus.syncMailboxStatus(cr, extras, mailboxId,
EmailServiceStatus.IN_PROGRESS, 0);
EmailServiceStatus.syncMailboxStatus(cr, extras, mailboxId,
EmailServiceStatus.SUCCESS, 0);
// Signal any waiting ping that it's good to go now.
mSyncHandlerMap.signalDone(account.mId, true, true);
// TODO: It may make sense to have common error handling here. Two possible mechanisms:
// 1) performSync return value can signal some useful info.
// 2) syncResult can contain useful info.