AI 143164: am: CL 142860 Add a special case for copying translations from other applications.
  If you absolutely must add a string after string freeze, and that
  same string has already been translated for another application
  in a similar context, you can copy the translation by specifying
  it by numeric message ID.
  Fix the incorrect IDs I had told people for a couple of strings,
  add the script that will make a flat-file version of translations
  so you can find out the IDs yourself, and reimport the translations
  for the couple of applications that wanted to copy translations.
  Original author: enf
  Merged from: //branches/cupcake/...

Automated import of CL 143164
diff --git a/res/values/strings.xml b/res/values/strings.xml
index 390501b..509fb6d 100644
--- a/res/values/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -158,8 +158,8 @@
     <!-- Toast that appears in the context of forwarding a message with attachment(s) -->
     <string name="message_compose_attachments_skipped_toast">Some attachments cannot be forwarded because they have not downloaded.</string>
     <!-- Toast that appears when an attachment is too big to send.  Note, translation temporarily
-         borrowed from camera app (msgid="6989632611223725558") -->
-    <string name="message_compose_attachment_size" msgid="6989632611223725558">File too large to attach.</string>
+         borrowed from camera app (msgid="8944461117941172986") -->
+    <string name="message_compose_attachment_size" msgid="8944461117941172986">File too large to attach.</string>
     <!-- Label for To field in read message view -->
     <string name="message_view_to_label">To:</string>
     <!-- Label for CC field in read message view -->
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
     <!-- String that is displayed when the attachment could not be displayed.  TODO: Make local
          version and remove use of "borrowed" string. -->
     <string name="message_view_display_attachment_toast" 
-            msgid="6849630429576038532">This attachment cannot be displayed.</string>
+            msgid="2079093904785941494">This attachment cannot be displayed.</string>
     <!-- Title of screen when setting up new email account -->
     <string name="account_setup_basics_title">Set up email</string>