blob: fca757d1c5d5549167b8720faec9d11694f51e80 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.os.AsyncTask;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.preference.PreferenceManager;
import android.util.Log;
import com.hp.creals.CR;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.TimeZone;
* This implements the calculator evaluation logic. The underlying expression is constructed and
* edited with append(), delete(), and clear(). An evaluation an then be started with a call to
* evaluateAndShowResult() or requireResult(). This starts an asynchronous computation, which
* requests display of the initial result, when available. When initial evaluation is complete,
* it calls the calculator onEvaluate() method. This occurs in a separate event, possibly quite a
* bit later. Once a result has been computed, and before the underlying expression is modified,
* the getString() method may be used to produce Strings that represent approximations to various
* precisions.
* Actual expressions being evaluated are represented as {@link CalculatorExpr}s.
* The Evaluator owns the expression being edited and all associated state needed for evaluating
* it. It provides functionality for saving and restoring this state. However the current
* CalculatorExpr is exposed to the client, and may be directly accessed after cancelling any
* in-progress computations by invoking the cancelAll() method.
* When evaluation is requested, we invoke the eval() method on the CalculatorExpr from a
* background AsyncTask. A subsequent getString() callback returns immediately, though it may
* return a result containing placeholder ' ' characters. If we had to return palceholder
* characters, we start a background task, which invokes the onReevaluate() callback when it
* completes. In either case, the background task computes the appropriate result digits by
* evaluating the constructive real (CR) returned by CalculatorExpr.eval() to the required
* precision.
* We cache the best decimal approximation we have already computed. We compute generously to
* allow for some scrolling without recomputation and to minimize the chance of digits flipping
* from "0000" to "9999". The best known result approximation is maintained as a string by
* mResultString (and in a different format by the CR representation of the result). When we are
* in danger of not having digits to display in response to further scrolling, we also initiate a
* background computation to higher precision, as if we had generated placeholder characters.
* The code is designed to ensure that the error in the displayed result (excluding any
* placeholder characters) is always strictly less than 1 in the last displayed digit. Typically
* we actually display a prefix of a result that has this property and additionally is computed to
* a significantly higher precision. Thus we almost always round correctly towards zero. (Fully
* correct rounding towards zero is not computable, at least given our representation.)
* Initial expression evaluation may time out. This may happen in the case of domain errors such
* as division by zero, or for large computations. We do not currently time out reevaluations to
* higher precision, since the original evaluation precluded a domain error that could result in
* non-termination. (We may discover that a presumed zero result is actually slightly negative
* when re-evaluated; but that results in an exception, which we can handle.) The user can abort
* either kind of computation.
* We ensure that only one evaluation of either kind (AsyncEvaluator or AsyncReevaluator) is
* running at a time.
class Evaluator {
// When naming variables and fields, "Offset" denotes a character offset in a string
// representing a decimal number, where the offset is relative to the decimal point. 1 =
// tenths position, -1 = units position. Integer.MAX_VALUE is sometimes used for the offset
// of the last digit in an a nonterminating decimal expansion. We use the suffix "Index" to
// denote a zero-based absolute index into such a string.
private static final String KEY_PREF_DEGREE_MODE = "degree_mode";
// The minimum number of extra digits we always try to compute to improve the chance of
// producing a correctly-rounded-towards-zero result. The extra digits can be displayed to
// avoid generating placeholder digits, but should only be displayed briefly while computing.
private static final int EXTRA_DIGITS = 20;
// We adjust EXTRA_DIGITS by adding the length of the previous result divided by
// EXTRA_DIVISOR. This helps hide recompute latency when long results are requested;
// We start the recomputation substantially before the need is likely to be visible.
private static final int EXTRA_DIVISOR = 5;
// In addition to insisting on extra digits (see above), we minimize reevaluation
// frequency by precomputing an extra PRECOMPUTE_DIGITS
// + <current_precision_offset>/PRECOMPUTE_DIVISOR digits, whenever we are forced to
// reevaluate. The last term is dropped if prec < 0.
private static final int PRECOMPUTE_DIGITS = 30;
private static final int PRECOMPUTE_DIVISOR = 5;
// Initial evaluation precision. Enough to guarantee that we can compute the short
// representation, and that we rarely have to evaluate nonzero results to MAX_MSD_PREC_OFFSET.
// It also helps if this is at least EXTRA_DIGITS + display width, so that we don't
// immediately need a second evaluation.
private static final int INIT_PREC = 50;
// The largest number of digits to the right of the decimal point to which we will evaluate to
// compute proper scientific notation for values close to zero. Chosen to ensure that we
// always to better than IEEE double precision at identifying nonzeros.
private static final int MAX_MSD_PREC_OFFSET = 320;
// If we can replace an exponent by this many leading zeroes, we do so. Also used in
// estimating exponent size for truncating short representation.
private static final int EXP_COST = 3;
private final Calculator mCalculator;
private final CalculatorResult mResult;
// The current caluclator expression.
private CalculatorExpr mExpr;
// Last saved expression. Either null or contains a single CalculatorExpr.PreEval node.
private CalculatorExpr mSaved;
// A hopefully unique name associated with mSaved.
private String mSavedName;
// The expression may have changed since the last evaluation in ways that would affect its
// value.
private boolean mChangedValue;
private SharedPreferences mSharedPrefs;
private boolean mDegreeMode; // Currently in degree (not radian) mode.
private final Handler mTimeoutHandler; // Used to schedule evaluation timeouts.
// The following are valid only if an evaluation completed successfully.
private CR mVal; // Value of mExpr as constructive real.
private BoundedRational mRatVal; // Value of mExpr as rational or null.
// We cache the best known decimal result in mResultString. Whenever that is
// non-null, it is computed to exactly mResultStringOffset, which is always > 0.
// The cache is filled in by the UI thread.
// Valid only if mResultString is non-null and !mChangedValue.
private String mResultString;
private int mResultStringOffset = 0;
// Number of digits to which (possibly incomplete) evaluation has been requested.
// Only accessed by UI thread.
private int mResultStringOffsetReq; // Number of digits that have been
public static final int INVALID_MSD = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// Position of most significant digit in current cached result, if determined. This is just
// the index in mResultString holding the msd.
private int mMsdIndex = INVALID_MSD;
// Currently running expression evaluator, if any.
private AsyncEvaluator mEvaluator;
// The one and only un-cancelled and currently running reevaluator. Touched only by UI thread.
private AsyncReevaluator mCurrentReevaluator;
Evaluator(Calculator calculator,
CalculatorResult resultDisplay) {
mCalculator = calculator;
mResult = resultDisplay;
mExpr = new CalculatorExpr();
mSaved = new CalculatorExpr();
mSavedName = "none";
mTimeoutHandler = new Handler();
mSharedPrefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(calculator);
mDegreeMode = mSharedPrefs.getBoolean(KEY_PREF_DEGREE_MODE, false);
* Result of initial asynchronous result computation.
* Represents either an error or a result computed to an initial evaluation precision.
private static class InitialResult {
public final int errorResourceId; // Error string or INVALID_RES_ID.
public final CR val; // Constructive real value.
public final BoundedRational ratVal; // Rational value or null.
public final String newResultString; // Null iff it can't be computed.
public final int newResultStringOffset;
public final int initDisplayOffset;
InitialResult(CR v, BoundedRational rv, String s, int p, int idp) {
errorResourceId = Calculator.INVALID_RES_ID;
val = v;
ratVal = rv;
newResultString = s;
newResultStringOffset = p;
initDisplayOffset = idp;
InitialResult(int errorId) {
errorResourceId = errorId;
val = CR.valueOf(0);
ratVal = BoundedRational.ZERO;
newResultString = "BAD";
newResultStringOffset = 0;
initDisplayOffset = 0;
boolean isError() {
return errorResourceId != Calculator.INVALID_RES_ID;
private void displayCancelledMessage() {
new AlertDialog.Builder(mCalculator)
new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface d, int which) { }
// Maximum timeout for background computations. Exceeding a few tens of seconds
// increases the risk of running out of memory and impacting the rest of the system.
private final long MAX_TIMEOUT = 15000;
// Timeout for requested evaluations, in milliseconds. This is currently not saved and
// restored with the state; we reset the timeout when the calculator is restarted. We'll call
// that a feature; others might argue it's a bug.
private long mTimeout = 2000;
// Timeout for unrequested, speculative evaluations, in milliseconds.
private final long QUICK_TIMEOUT = 1000;
private int mMaxResultBits = 120000; // Don't try to display a larger result.
private final int MAX_MAX_RESULT_BITS = 350000; // Long timeout version.
private final int QUICK_MAX_RESULT_BITS = 50000; // Instant result version.
private void displayTimeoutMessage() {
final AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(mCalculator)
.setNegativeButton(R.string.dismiss, null /* listener */);
if (mTimeout != MAX_TIMEOUT) {
new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface d, int which) {
mTimeout = MAX_TIMEOUT;
// Compute initial cache contents and result when we're good and ready.
// We leave the expression display up, with scrolling
// disabled, until this computation completes.
// Can result in an error display if something goes wrong.
// By default we set a timeout to catch runaway computations.
class AsyncEvaluator extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, InitialResult> {
private boolean mDm; // degrees
private boolean mRequired; // Result was requested by user.
private boolean mQuiet; // Suppress cancellation message.
private Runnable mTimeoutRunnable = null;
AsyncEvaluator(boolean dm, boolean required) {
mDm = dm;
mRequired = required;
mQuiet = !required;
private void handleTimeOut() {
boolean running = (getStatus() != AsyncTask.Status.FINISHED);
if (running && cancel(true)) {
mEvaluator = null;
// Replace mExpr with clone to avoid races if task
// still runs for a while.
mExpr = (CalculatorExpr)mExpr.clone();
if (mRequired) {
private void suppressCancelMessage() {
mQuiet = true;
protected void onPreExecute() {
long timeout = mRequired ? mTimeout : QUICK_TIMEOUT;
mTimeoutRunnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
mTimeoutHandler.postDelayed(mTimeoutRunnable, timeout);
* Is a computed result too big for decimal conversion?
private boolean isTooBig(CalculatorExpr.EvalResult res) {
int maxBits = mRequired ? mMaxResultBits : QUICK_MAX_RESULT_BITS;
if (res.ratVal != null) {
return res.ratVal.wholeNumberBits() > maxBits;
} else {
return res.val.get_appr(maxBits).bitLength() > 2;
protected InitialResult doInBackground(Void... nothing) {
try {
CalculatorExpr.EvalResult res = mExpr.eval(mDm);
if (isTooBig(res)) {
// Avoid starting a long uninterruptible decimal conversion.
return new InitialResult(R.string.timeout);
int precOffset = INIT_PREC;
String initResult = res.val.toString(precOffset);
int msd = getMsdIndexOf(initResult);
if (BoundedRational.asBigInteger(res.ratVal) == null
&& msd == INVALID_MSD) {
initResult = res.val.toString(precOffset);
msd = getMsdIndexOf(initResult);
final int lsdOffset = getLsdOffset(res.ratVal, initResult,
final int initDisplayOffset = getPreferredPrec(initResult, msd, lsdOffset);
final int newPrecOffset = initDisplayOffset + EXTRA_DIGITS;
if (newPrecOffset > precOffset) {
precOffset = newPrecOffset;
initResult = res.val.toString(precOffset);
return new InitialResult(res.val, res.ratVal,
initResult, precOffset, initDisplayOffset);
} catch (CalculatorExpr.SyntaxException e) {
return new InitialResult(R.string.error_syntax);
} catch (BoundedRational.ZeroDivisionException e) {
return new InitialResult(R.string.error_zero_divide);
} catch(ArithmeticException e) {
return new InitialResult(R.string.error_nan);
} catch(CR.PrecisionOverflowException e) {
// Extremely unlikely unless we're actually dividing by zero or the like.
return new InitialResult(R.string.error_overflow);
} catch(CR.AbortedException e) {
return new InitialResult(R.string.error_aborted);
protected void onPostExecute(InitialResult result) {
mEvaluator = null;
if (result.isError()) {
if (result.errorResourceId == R.string.timeout) {
if (mRequired) {
} else {
mVal = result.val;
mRatVal = result.ratVal;
// TODO: If the new result ends in lots of zeroes, and we have a rational result which
// is greater than (in absolute value) the result string, we should subtract 1 ulp
// from the result string. That will prevent a later change from zeroes to nines. We
// know that the correct, rounded-toward-zero result has nines.
mResultString = result.newResultString;
mResultStringOffset = result.newResultStringOffset;
final int dotIndex = mResultString.indexOf('.');
String truncatedWholePart = mResultString.substring(0, dotIndex);
// Recheck display precision; it may change, since display dimensions may have been
// unknow the first time. In that case the initial evaluation precision should have
// been conservative.
// TODO: Could optimize by remembering display size and checking for change.
int initPrecOffset = result.initDisplayOffset;
final int msdIndex = getMsdIndexOf(mResultString);
final int leastDigOffset = getLsdOffset(mRatVal, mResultString, dotIndex);
final int newInitPrecOffset = getPreferredPrec(mResultString, msdIndex, leastDigOffset);
if (newInitPrecOffset < initPrecOffset) {
initPrecOffset = newInitPrecOffset;
} else {
// They should be equal. But nothing horrible should happen if they're not. e.g.
// because CalculatorResult.MAX_WIDTH was too small.
mCalculator.onEvaluate(initPrecOffset, msdIndex, leastDigOffset, truncatedWholePart);
protected void onCancelled(InitialResult result) {
// Invoker resets mEvaluator.
if (mRequired && !mQuiet) {
} // Otherwise, if mRequired, timeout processing displayed message.
// Just drop the evaluation; Leave expression displayed.
* Check whether a new higher precision result flips previously computed trailing 9s
* to zeroes. If so, flip them back. Return the adjusted result.
* Assumes newPrecOffset >= oldPrecOffset > 0.
* Since our results are accurate to < 1 ulp, this can only happen if the true result
* is less than the new result with trailing zeroes, and thus appending 9s to the
* old result must also be correct. Such flips are impossible if the newly computed
* digits consist of anything other than zeroes.
* It is unclear that there are real cases in which this is necessary,
* but we have failed to prove there aren't such cases.
static String unflipZeroes(String oldDigs, int oldPrecOffset, String newDigs,
int newPrecOffset) {
final int oldLen = oldDigs.length();
if (oldDigs.charAt(oldLen - 1) != '9') {
return newDigs;
final int newLen = newDigs.length();
final int precDiff = newPrecOffset - oldPrecOffset;
final int oldLastInNew = newLen - 1 - precDiff;
if (newDigs.charAt(oldLastInNew) != '0') {
return newDigs;
// Earlier digits could not have changed without a 0 to 9 or 9 to 0 flip at end.
// The former is OK.
if (!newDigs.substring(newLen - precDiff).equals(repeat('0', precDiff))) {
throw new AssertionError("New approximation invalidates old one!");
return oldDigs + repeat('9', precDiff);
* Result of asynchronous reevaluation.
private static class ReevalResult {
public final String newResultString;
public final int newResultStringOffset;
ReevalResult(String s, int p) {
newResultString = s;
newResultStringOffset = p;
* Compute new mResultString contents to prec digits to the right of the decimal point.
* Ensure that onReevaluate() is called after doing so. If the evaluation fails for reasons
* other than a timeout, ensure that onError() is called.
private class AsyncReevaluator extends AsyncTask<Integer, Void, ReevalResult> {
protected ReevalResult doInBackground(Integer... prec) {
try {
final int precOffset = prec[0].intValue();
return new ReevalResult(mVal.toString(precOffset), precOffset);
} catch(ArithmeticException e) {
return null;
} catch(CR.PrecisionOverflowException e) {
return null;
} catch(CR.AbortedException e) {
// Should only happen if the task was cancelled, in which case we don't look at
// the result.
return null;
protected void onPostExecute(ReevalResult result) {
if (result == null) {
// This should only be possible in the extremely rare case of encountering a
// domain error while reevaluating or in case of a precision overflow. We don't
// know of a way to get the latter with a plausible amount of user input.
} else {
if (result.newResultStringOffset < mResultStringOffset) {
throw new AssertionError("Unexpected onPostExecute timing");
mResultString = unflipZeroes(mResultString, mResultStringOffset,
result.newResultString, result.newResultStringOffset);
mResultStringOffset = result.newResultStringOffset;
mCurrentReevaluator = null;
// On cancellation we do nothing; invoker should have left no trace of us.
* If necessary, start an evaluation to precOffset.
* Ensure that the display is redrawn when it completes.
private void ensureCachePrec(int precOffset) {
if (mResultString != null && mResultStringOffset >= precOffset
|| mResultStringOffsetReq >= precOffset) return;
if (mCurrentReevaluator != null) {
// Ensure we only have one evaluation running at a time.
mCurrentReevaluator = null;
mCurrentReevaluator = new AsyncReevaluator();
mResultStringOffsetReq = precOffset + PRECOMPUTE_DIGITS;
if (mResultString != null) {
mResultStringOffsetReq += mResultStringOffsetReq / PRECOMPUTE_DIVISOR;
* Return the rightmost nonzero digit position, if any.
* @param ratVal Rational value of result or null.
* @param cache Current cached decimal string representation of result.
* @param decIndex Index of decimal point in cache.
* @result Position of rightmost nonzero digit relative to decimal point.
* Integer.MIN_VALUE if ratVal is zero. Integer.MAX_VALUE if there is no lsd,
* or we cannot determine it.
int getLsdOffset(BoundedRational ratVal, String cache, int decIndex) {
if (ratVal != null && ratVal.signum() == 0) return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int result = BoundedRational.digitsRequired(ratVal);
if (result == 0) {
int i;
for (i = -1; decIndex + i > 0 && cache.charAt(decIndex + i) == '0'; --i) { }
result = i;
return result;
// TODO: We may want to consistently specify the position of the current result
// window using the left-most visible digit index instead of the offset for the rightmost one.
// It seems likely that would simplify the logic.
* Retrieve the preferred precision "offset" for the currently displayed result.
* May be called from non-UI thread.
* @param cache Current approximation as string.
* @param msd Position of most significant digit in result. Index in cache.
* Can be INVALID_MSD if we haven't found it yet.
* @param lastDigitOffset Position of least significant digit (1 = tenths digit)
* or Integer.MAX_VALUE.
private int getPreferredPrec(String cache, int msd, int lastDigitOffset) {
final int lineLength = mResult.getMaxChars();
final int wholeSize = cache.indexOf('.');
final int negative = cache.charAt(0) == '-' ? 1 : 0;
// Don't display decimal point if result is an integer.
if (lastDigitOffset == 0) {
lastDigitOffset = -1;
if (lastDigitOffset != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
if (wholeSize <= lineLength && lastDigitOffset <= 0) {
// Exact integer. Prefer to display as integer, without decimal point.
return -1;
if (lastDigitOffset >= 0
&& wholeSize + lastDigitOffset + 1 /* decimal pt. */ <= lineLength) {
// Display full exact number wo scientific notation.
return lastDigitOffset;
if (msd > wholeSize && msd <= wholeSize + EXP_COST + 1) {
// Display number without scientific notation. Treat leading zero as msd.
msd = wholeSize - 1;
if (msd > wholeSize + MAX_MSD_PREC_OFFSET) {
// Display a probable but uncertain 0 as "0.000000000",
// without exponent. That's a judgment call, but less likely
// to confuse naive users. A more informative and confusing
// option would be to use a large negative exponent.
return lineLength - 2;
// Return position corresponding to having msd at left, effectively
// presuming scientific notation that preserves the left part of the
// result.
return msd - wholeSize + lineLength - negative - 1;
private static final int SHORT_TARGET_LENGTH = 8;
private static final String SHORT_UNCERTAIN_ZERO = "0.00000" + KeyMaps.ELLIPSIS;
* Get a short representation of the value represented by the string cache.
* We try to match the CalculatorResult code when the result is finite
* and small enough to suit our needs.
* The result is not internationalized.
* @param cache String approximation of value. Assumed to be long enough
* that if it doesn't contain enough significant digits, we can
* reasonably abbreviate as SHORT_UNCERTAIN_ZERO.
* @param msdIndex Index of most significant digit in cache, or INVALID_MSD.
* @param lsdOffset Position of least significant digit in finite representation,
* relative to decimal point, or MAX_VALUE.
private String getShortString(String cache, int msdIndex, int lsdOffset) {
// This somewhat mirrors the display formatting code, but
// - The constants are different, since we don't want to use the whole display.
// - This is an easier problem, since we don't support scrolling and the length
// is a bit flexible.
// TODO: Think about refactoring this to remove partial redundancy with CalculatorResult.
final int dotIndex = cache.indexOf('.');
final int negative = cache.charAt(0) == '-' ? 1 : 0;
final String negativeSign = negative == 1 ? "-" : "";
// Ensure we don't have to worry about running off the end of cache.
if (msdIndex >= cache.length() - SHORT_TARGET_LENGTH) {
msdIndex = INVALID_MSD;
if (msdIndex == INVALID_MSD) {
if (lsdOffset < INIT_PREC) {
return "0";
} else {
// Avoid scientific notation for small numbers of zeros.
// Instead stretch significant digits to include decimal point.
if (lsdOffset < -1 && dotIndex - msdIndex + negative <= SHORT_TARGET_LENGTH
&& lsdOffset >= -CalculatorResult.MAX_TRAILING_ZEROES - 1) {
// Whole number that fits in allotted space.
// CalculatorResult would not use scientific notation either.
lsdOffset = -1;
if (msdIndex > dotIndex) {
if (msdIndex <= dotIndex + EXP_COST + 1) {
// Preferred display format inthis cases is with leading zeroes, even if
// it doesn't fit entirely. Replicate that here.
msdIndex = dotIndex - 1;
} else if (lsdOffset <= SHORT_TARGET_LENGTH - negative - 2
&& lsdOffset <= CalculatorResult.MAX_LEADING_ZEROES + 1) {
// Fraction that fits entirely in allotted space.
// CalculatorResult would not use scientific notation either.
msdIndex = dotIndex -1;
int exponent = dotIndex - msdIndex;
if (exponent > 0) {
// Adjust for the fact that the decimal point itself takes space.
if (lsdOffset != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
final int lsdIndex = dotIndex + lsdOffset;
final int totalDigits = lsdIndex - msdIndex + negative + 1;
if (totalDigits <= SHORT_TARGET_LENGTH && dotIndex > msdIndex && lsdOffset >= -1) {
// Fits, no exponent needed.
return negativeSign + cache.substring(msdIndex, lsdIndex + 1);
if (totalDigits <= SHORT_TARGET_LENGTH - 3) {
return negativeSign + cache.charAt(msdIndex) + "."
+ cache.substring(msdIndex + 1, lsdIndex + 1) + "E" + exponent;
// We need to abbreviate.
if (dotIndex > msdIndex && dotIndex < msdIndex + SHORT_TARGET_LENGTH - negative - 1) {
return negativeSign + cache.substring(msdIndex,
msdIndex + SHORT_TARGET_LENGTH - negative - 1) + KeyMaps.ELLIPSIS;
// Need abbreviation + exponent
return negativeSign + cache.charAt(msdIndex) + "."
+ cache.substring(msdIndex + 1, msdIndex + SHORT_TARGET_LENGTH - negative - 4)
+ KeyMaps.ELLIPSIS + "E" + exponent;
* Return the most significant digit index in the given numeric string.
* Return INVALID_MSD if there are not enough digits to prove the numeric value is
* different from zero. As usual, we assume an error of strictly less than 1 ulp.
public static int getMsdIndexOf(String s) {
final int len = s.length();
int nonzeroIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
if (c != '-' && c != '.' && c != '0') {
nonzeroIndex = i;
if (nonzeroIndex >= 0 && (nonzeroIndex < len - 1 || s.charAt(nonzeroIndex) != '1')) {
return nonzeroIndex;
} else {
* Return most significant digit index in the currently computed result.
* Returns an index in the result character array. Return INVALID_MSD if the current result
* is too close to zero to determine the result.
* Result is almost consistent through reevaluations: It may increase by one, once.
private int getMsdIndex() {
if (mMsdIndex != INVALID_MSD) {
// 0.100000... can change to 0.0999999... We may have to correct once by one digit.
if (mResultString.charAt(mMsdIndex) == '0') {
return mMsdIndex;
if (mRatVal != null && mRatVal.signum() == 0) {
return INVALID_MSD; // None exists
int result = INVALID_MSD;
if (mResultString != null) {
result = getMsdIndexOf(mResultString);
return result;
* Return a string with n copies of c.
private static String repeat(char c, int n) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
return result.toString();
// Refuse to scroll past the point at which this many digits from the whole number
// part of the result are still displayed. Avoids sily displays like 1E1.
private static final int MIN_DISPLAYED_DIGS = 5;
* Return result to precOffset[0] digits to the right of the decimal point.
* PrecOffset[0] is updated if the original value is out of range. No exponent or other
* indication of precision is added. The result is returned immediately, based on the current
* cache contents, but it may contain question marks for unknown digits. It may also use
* uncertain digits within EXTRA_DIGITS. If either of those occurred, schedule a reevaluation
* and redisplay operation. Uncertain digits never appear to the left of the decimal point.
* PrecOffset[0] may be negative to only retrieve digits to the left of the decimal point.
* (precOffset[0] = 0 means we include the decimal point, but nothing to the right.
* precOffset[0] = -1 means we drop the decimal point and start at the ones position. Should
* not be invoked before the onEvaluate() callback is received. This essentially just returns
* a substring of the full result; a leading minus sign or leading digits can be dropped.
* Result uses US conventions; is NOT internationalized. Use getRational() to determine
* whether the result is exact, or whether we dropped trailing digits.
* @param precOffset Zeroth element indicates desired and actual precision
* @param maxPrecOffset Maximum adjusted precOffset[0]
* @param maxDigs Maximum length of result
* @param truncated Zeroth element is set if leading nonzero digits were dropped
* @param negative Zeroth element is set of the result is negative.
public String getString(int[] precOffset, int maxPrecOffset, int maxDigs, boolean[] truncated,
boolean[] negative) {
int currentPrecOffset = precOffset[0];
// Make sure we eventually get a complete answer
if (mResultString == null) {
ensureCachePrec(currentPrecOffset + EXTRA_DIGITS);
// Nothing else to do now; seems to happen on rare occasion with weird user input
// timing; Will repair itself in a jiffy.
return " ";
} else {
ensureCachePrec(currentPrecOffset + EXTRA_DIGITS + mResultString.length()
// Compute an appropriate substring of mResultString. Pad if necessary.
final int len = mResultString.length();
final boolean myNegative = mResultString.charAt(0) == '-';
negative[0] = myNegative;
// Don't scroll left past leftmost digits in mResultString unless that still leaves an
// integer.
int integralDigits = len - mResultStringOffset;
// includes 1 for dec. pt
if (myNegative) {
int minPrecOffset = Math.min(MIN_DISPLAYED_DIGS - integralDigits, -1);
currentPrecOffset = Math.min(Math.max(currentPrecOffset, minPrecOffset),
precOffset[0] = currentPrecOffset;
int extraDigs = mResultStringOffset - currentPrecOffset; // trailing digits to drop
int deficit = 0; // The number of digits we're short
if (extraDigs < 0) {
extraDigs = 0;
deficit = Math.min(currentPrecOffset - mResultStringOffset, maxDigs);
int endIndex = len - extraDigs;
if (endIndex < 1) {
return " ";
int startIndex = Math.max(endIndex + deficit - maxDigs, 0);
truncated[0] = (startIndex > getMsdIndex());
String result = mResultString.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
if (deficit > 0) {
result += repeat(' ', deficit);
// Blank character is replaced during translation.
// Since we always compute past the decimal point, this never fills in the spot
// where the decimal point should go, and we can otherwise treat placeholders
// as though they were digits.
return result;
* Return rational representation of current result, if any.
* Return null if the result is irrational, or we couldn't track the rational value,
* e.g. because the denominator got too big.
public BoundedRational getRational() {
return mRatVal;
private void clearCache() {
mResultString = null;
mResultStringOffset = mResultStringOffsetReq = 0;
mMsdIndex = INVALID_MSD;
public void clear() {
* Start asynchronous result evaluation of formula.
* Will result in display on completion.
* @param required result was explicitly requested by user.
private void evaluateResult(boolean required) {
mEvaluator = new AsyncEvaluator(mDegreeMode, required);
mChangedValue = false;
* Start optional evaluation of result and display when ready.
* Can quietly time out without a user-visible display.
public void evaluateAndShowResult() {
if (!mChangedValue) {
// Already done or in progress.
// In very odd cases, there can be significant latency to evaluate.
// Don't show obsolete result.
* Start required evaluation of result and display when ready.
* Will eventually call back mCalculator to display result or error, or display
* a timeout message. Uses longer timeouts than optional evaluation.
public void requireResult() {
if (mResultString == null || mChangedValue) {
// Restart evaluator in requested mode, i.e. with longer timeout.
} else {
// Notify immediately, reusing existing result.
final int dotIndex = mResultString.indexOf('.');
final String truncatedWholePart = mResultString.substring(0, dotIndex);
final int leastDigOffset = getLsdOffset(mRatVal, mResultString, dotIndex);
final int msdIndex = getMsdIndex();
final int preferredPrecOffset = getPreferredPrec(mResultString, msdIndex,
mCalculator.onEvaluate(preferredPrecOffset, msdIndex, leastDigOffset,
* Cancel all current background tasks.
* @param quiet suppress cancellation message
* @return true if we cancelled an initial evaluation
public boolean cancelAll(boolean quiet) {
if (mCurrentReevaluator != null) {
mResultStringOffsetReq = mResultStringOffset;
// Backgound computation touches only constructive reals.
// OK not to wait.
mCurrentReevaluator = null;
if (mEvaluator != null) {
if (quiet) {
// There seems to be no good way to wait for cancellation
// to complete, and the evaluation continues to look at
// mExpr, which we will again modify.
// Give ourselves a new copy to work on instead.
mExpr = (CalculatorExpr)mExpr.clone();
// Approximation of constructive reals should be thread-safe,
// so we can let that continue until it notices the cancellation.
mEvaluator = null;
mChangedValue = true; // Didn't do the expected evaluation.
return true;
return false;
* Restore the evaluator state, including the expression and any saved value.
public void restoreInstanceState(DataInput in) {
mChangedValue = true;
try {
mDegreeMode = in.readBoolean();
mExpr = new CalculatorExpr(in);
mSavedName = in.readUTF();
mSaved = new CalculatorExpr(in);
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.v("Calculator", "Exception while restoring:\n" + e);
* Save the evaluator state, including the expression and any saved value.
public void saveInstanceState(DataOutput out) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.v("Calculator", "Exception while saving state:\n" + e);
* Append a button press to the current expression.
* @param id Button identifier for the character or operator to be added.
* @return false if we rejected the insertion due to obvious syntax issues, and the expression
* is unchanged; true otherwise
public boolean append(int id) {
if (id == {
add10pow(); // Handled as macro expansion.
return true;
} else {
mChangedValue = mChangedValue || !KeyMaps.isBinary(id);
return mExpr.add(id);
public void delete() {
mChangedValue = true;
void setDegreeMode(boolean degreeMode) {
mChangedValue = true;
mDegreeMode = degreeMode;
.putBoolean(KEY_PREF_DEGREE_MODE, degreeMode)
boolean getDegreeMode() {
return mDegreeMode;
* @return the {@link CalculatorExpr} representation of the current result.
private CalculatorExpr getResultExpr() {
final int dotIndex = mResultString.indexOf('.');
final int leastDigOffset = getLsdOffset(mRatVal, mResultString, dotIndex);
return mExpr.abbreviate(mVal, mRatVal, mDegreeMode,
getShortString(mResultString, getMsdIndexOf(mResultString), leastDigOffset));
* Abbreviate the current expression to a pre-evaluated expression node.
* This should not be called unless the expression was previously evaluated and produced a
* non-error result. Pre-evaluated expressions can never represent an expression for which
* evaluation to a constructive real diverges. Subsequent re-evaluation will also not
* diverge, though it may generate errors of various kinds. E.g. sqrt(-10^-1000) .
public void collapse() {
final CalculatorExpr abbrvExpr = getResultExpr();
mChangedValue = true;
* Abbreviate current expression, and put result in mSaved.
* mExpr is left alone. Return false if result is unavailable.
public boolean collapseToSaved() {
if (mResultString == null) {
return false;
final CalculatorExpr abbrvExpr = getResultExpr();
return true;
private Uri uriForSaved() {
return new Uri.Builder().scheme("tag")
* Collapse the current expression to mSaved and return a URI describing it.
* describing this particular result, so that we can refer to it
* later.
public Uri capture() {
if (!collapseToSaved()) return null;
// Generate a new (entirely private) URI for this result.
// Attempt to conform to RFC4151, though it's unclear it matters.
final TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getDefault();
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
final String isoDate = df.format(new Date());
mSavedName = "," + isoDate + ":"
+ (new Random().nextInt() & 0x3fffffff);
return uriForSaved();
public boolean isLastSaved(Uri uri) {
return uri.equals(uriForSaved());
public void appendSaved() {
mChangedValue = true;
* Add the power of 10 operator to the expression.
* This is treated essentially as a macro expansion.
private void add10pow() {
CalculatorExpr ten = new CalculatorExpr();
mChangedValue = true; // For consistency. Reevaluation is probably not useful.
* Retrieve the main expression being edited.
* It is the callee's reponsibility to call cancelAll to cancel ongoing concurrent
* computations before modifying the result. The resulting expression should only
* be modified by the caller if either the expression value doesn't change, or in
* combination with another add() or delete() call that makes the value change apparent
* to us.
* TODO: Perhaps add functionality so we can keep this private?
public CalculatorExpr getExpr() {
return mExpr;
* Maximum number of characters in a scientific notation exponent.
private static final int MAX_EXP_CHARS = 8;
* Return the index of the character after the exponent starting at s[offset].
* Return offset if there is no exponent at that position.
* Exponents have syntax E[-]digit* . "E2" and "E-2" are valid. "E+2" and "e2" are not.
* We allow any Unicode digits, and either of the commonly used minus characters.
public static int exponentEnd(String s, int offset) {
int i = offset;
int len = s.length();
if (i >= len - 1 || s.charAt(i) != 'E') {
return offset;
if (KeyMaps.keyForChar(s.charAt(i)) == {
if (i == len || !Character.isDigit(s.charAt(i))) {
return offset;
while (i < len && Character.isDigit(s.charAt(i))) {
if (i > offset + MAX_EXP_CHARS) {
return offset;
return i;
* Add the exponent represented by s[begin..end) to the constant at the end of current
* expression.
* The end of the current expression must be a constant. Exponents have the same syntax as
* for exponentEnd().
public void addExponent(String s, int begin, int end) {
int sign = 1;
int exp = 0;
int i = begin + 1;
// We do the decimal conversion ourselves to exactly match exponentEnd() conventions
// and handle various kinds of digits on input. Also avoids allocation.
if (KeyMaps.keyForChar(s.charAt(i)) == {
sign = -1;
for (; i < end; ++i) {
exp = 10 * exp + Character.digit(s.charAt(i), 10);
mExpr.addExponent(sign * exp);
mChangedValue = true;