blob: 611b3f1af25438ed84d9ca60d665a67cabb44b93 [file] [log] [blame]
import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
public class PhoneFavoritesTileAdapterTest extends AndroidTestCase {
private PhoneFavoritesTileAdapter mAdapter;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
mAdapter = new PhoneFavoritesTileAdapter(getContext(), null, null, 3, 1);
* TODO: Add tests
* Test cases (various combinations of):
* No pinned contacts
* One pinned contact
* Multiple pinned contacts with differing pinned positions
* Multiple pinned contacts with conflicting pinned positions
* Pinned contacts with pinned positions at the start, middle, end, and outside the list
public void testArrangeContactsByPinnedPosition() {
* TODO: Add tests
* This method assumes that contacts have already been reordered by
* arrangeContactsByPinnedPosition, so we can test it with a less expansive set of test data.
* Test cases:
* Pin a single contact at the start, middle and end of a completely unpinned list
* Pin a single contact at the start, middle and end of a list with various numbers of
* pinned contacts
* Pin a single contact at the start, middle and end of a list where all contacts are pinned
* such that contacts are forced to the left as necessary.
public void testGetReflowedPinnedPositions() {