blob: 55ac14dbc41f2b7ff525aefc5c8489afcf9e7c3e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.content.BroadcastReceiver
import android.content.Context
import android.content.Intent
import android.content.IntentFilter
import android.content.SharedPreferences
import android.content.SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener
import android.text.format.DateUtils.MINUTE_IN_MILLIS
import androidx.annotation.StringRes
* All [Timer] data is accessed via this model.
internal class TimerModel(
private val mContext: Context,
private val mPrefs: SharedPreferences,
/** The model from which settings are fetched. */
private val mSettingsModel: SettingsModel,
/** The model from which ringtone data are fetched. */
private val mRingtoneModel: RingtoneModel,
/** The model from which notification data are fetched. */
private val mNotificationModel: NotificationModel
) {
/** The alarm manager system service that calls back when timers expire. */
private val mAlarmManager = mContext.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE) as AlarmManager
/** Used to create and destroy system notifications related to timers. */
private val mNotificationManager = NotificationManagerCompat.from(mContext)
/** Update timer notification when locale changes. */
private val mLocaleChangedReceiver: BroadcastReceiver = LocaleChangedReceiver()
* Retain a hard reference to the shared preference observer to prevent it from being garbage
* collected. See [SharedPreferences.registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener] for detail.
private val mPreferenceListener: OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener = PreferenceListener()
/** The listeners to notify when a timer is added, updated or removed. */
private val mTimerListeners: MutableList<TimerListener> = mutableListOf()
/** Delegate that builds platform-specific timer notifications. */
private val mNotificationBuilder = TimerNotificationBuilder()
* The ids of expired timers for which the ringer is ringing. Not all expired timers have their
* ids in this collection. If a timer was already expired when the app was started its id will
* be absent from this collection.
private val mRingingIds: MutableSet<Int> = mutableSetOf()
/** The uri of the ringtone to play for timers. */
private var mTimerRingtoneUri: Uri? = null
/** The title of the ringtone to play for timers. */
private var mTimerRingtoneTitle: String? = null
/** A mutable copy of the timers. */
private var mTimers: MutableList<Timer>? = null
/** A mutable copy of the expired timers. */
private var mExpiredTimers: MutableList<Timer>? = null
/** A mutable copy of the missed timers. */
private var mMissedTimers: MutableList<Timer>? = null
* The service that keeps this application in the foreground while a heads-up timer
* notification is displayed. Marking the service as foreground prevents the operating system
* from killing this application while expired timers are actively firing.
private var mService: Service? = null
init {
// Clear caches affected by preferences when preferences change.
// Update timer notification when locale changes.
val localeBroadcastFilter = IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_LOCALE_CHANGED)
mContext.registerReceiver(mLocaleChangedReceiver, localeBroadcastFilter)
* @param timerListener to be notified when timers are added, updated and removed
fun addTimerListener(timerListener: TimerListener) {
* @param timerListener to no longer be notified when timers are added, updated and removed
fun removeTimerListener(timerListener: TimerListener) {
* @return all defined timers in their creation order
val timers: List<Timer>
get() = mutableTimers
* @return all expired timers in their expiration order
val expiredTimers: List<Timer>
get() = mutableExpiredTimers
* @return all missed timers in their expiration order
private val missedTimers: List<Timer>
get() = mutableMissedTimers
* @param timerId identifies the timer to return
* @return the timer with the given `timerId`
fun getTimer(timerId: Int): Timer? {
for (timer in mutableTimers) {
if ( == timerId) {
return timer
return null
* @return the timer that last expired and is still expired now; `null` if no timers are
* expired
val mostRecentExpiredTimer: Timer?
get() {
val timers = mutableExpiredTimers
return if (timers.isEmpty()) null else timers[timers.size - 1]
* @param length the length of the timer in milliseconds
* @param label describes the purpose of the timer
* @param deleteAfterUse `true` indicates the timer should be deleted when it is reset
* @return the newly added timer
fun addTimer(length: Long, label: String?, deleteAfterUse: Boolean): Timer {
// Create the timer instance.
var timer =
Timer(-1, Timer.State.RESET, length, length, Timer.UNUSED, Timer.UNUSED, length,
label, deleteAfterUse)
// Add the timer to permanent storage.
timer = TimerDAO.addTimer(mPrefs, timer)
// Add the timer to the cache.
mutableTimers.add(0, timer)
// Update the timer notification.
// Heads-Up notification is unaffected by this change
// Notify listeners of the change.
for (timerListener in mTimerListeners) {
return timer
* @param service used to start foreground notifications related to expired timers
* @param timer the timer to be expired
fun expireTimer(service: Service, timer: Timer) {
if (mService == null) {
// If this is the first expired timer, retain the service that will be used to start
// the heads-up notification in the foreground.
mService = service
} else if (mService != service) {
// If this is not the first expired timer, the service should match the one given when
// the first timer expired."Expected TimerServices to be identical")
* @param timer an updated timer to store
fun updateTimer(timer: Timer) {
val before = doUpdateTimer(timer)
// Update the notification after updating the timer data.
// If the timer started or stopped being expired, update the heads-up notification.
if (before.state != timer.state) {
if (before.isExpired || timer.isExpired) {
* @param timer an existing timer to be removed
fun removeTimer(timer: Timer) {
// Update the timer notifications after removing the timer data.
if (timer.isExpired) {
} else {
* If the given `timer` is expired and marked for deletion after use then this method
* removes the timer. The timer is otherwise transitioned to the reset state and continues
* to exist.
* @param timer the timer to be reset
* @param allowDelete `true` if the timer is allowed to be deleted instead of reset
* (e.g. one use timers)
* @param eventLabelId the label of the timer event to send; 0 if no event should be sent
* @return the reset `timer` or `null` if the timer was deleted
fun resetTimer(timer: Timer, allowDelete: Boolean, @StringRes eventLabelId: Int): Timer? {
val result = doResetOrDeleteTimer(timer, allowDelete, eventLabelId)
// Update the notification after updating the timer data.
when {
timer.isMissed -> updateMissedNotification()
timer.isExpired -> updateHeadsUpNotification()
else -> updateNotification()
return result
* Update timers after system reboot.
fun updateTimersAfterReboot() {
for (timer in timers) {
// Update the notifications once after all timers are updated.
* Update timers after time set.
fun updateTimersAfterTimeSet() {
for (timer in timers) {
// Update the notifications once after all timers are updated.
* Reset all expired timers. Exactly one parameter should be filled, with preference given to
* eventLabelId.
* @param eventLabelId the label of the timer event to send; 0 if no event should be sent
fun resetOrDeleteExpiredTimers(@StringRes eventLabelId: Int) {
for (timer in timers) {
if (timer.isExpired) {
doResetOrDeleteTimer(timer, true /* allowDelete */, eventLabelId)
// Update the notifications once after all timers are updated.
* Reset all missed timers.
* @param eventLabelId the label of the timer event to send; 0 if no event should be sent
fun resetMissedTimers(@StringRes eventLabelId: Int) {
for (timer in timers) {
if (timer.isMissed) {
doResetOrDeleteTimer(timer, true /* allowDelete */, eventLabelId)
// Update the notifications once after all timers are updated.
* Reset all unexpired timers.
* @param eventLabelId the label of the timer event to send; 0 if no event should be sent
fun resetUnexpiredTimers(@StringRes eventLabelId: Int) {
for (timer in timers) {
if (timer.isRunning || timer.isPaused) {
doResetOrDeleteTimer(timer, true /* allowDelete */, eventLabelId)
// Update the notification once after all timers are updated.
// Heads-Up notification is unaffected by this change
* @return the uri of the default ringtone to play for all timers when no user selection exists
val defaultTimerRingtoneUri: Uri
get() = mSettingsModel.defaultTimerRingtoneUri
* @return `true` iff the ringtone to play for all timers is the silent ringtone
val isTimerRingtoneSilent: Boolean
get() = Uri.EMPTY.equals(timerRingtoneUri)
var timerRingtoneUri: Uri
* @return the uri of the ringtone to play for all timers
get() {
if (mTimerRingtoneUri == null) {
mTimerRingtoneUri = mSettingsModel.timerRingtoneUri
return mTimerRingtoneUri!!
* @param uri the uri of the ringtone to play for all timers
set(uri) {
mSettingsModel.timerRingtoneUri = uri
* @return the title of the ringtone that is played for all timers
val timerRingtoneTitle: String
get() {
if (mTimerRingtoneTitle == null) {
mTimerRingtoneTitle = if (isTimerRingtoneSilent) {
// Special case: no ringtone has a title of "Silent".
} else {
val defaultUri: Uri = defaultTimerRingtoneUri
val uri: Uri = timerRingtoneUri
if (defaultUri.equals(uri)) {
// Special case: default ringtone has a title of "Timer Expired".
} else {
return mTimerRingtoneTitle!!
* @return the duration, in milliseconds, of the crescendo to apply to timer ringtone playback;
* `0` implies no crescendo should be applied
val timerCrescendoDuration: Long
get() = mSettingsModel.timerCrescendoDuration
var timerVibrate: Boolean
* @return `true` if the device vibrates when timers expire
get() = mSettingsModel.timerVibrate
* @param enabled `true` if the device should vibrate when timers expire
set(enabled) {
mSettingsModel.timerVibrate = enabled
private val mutableTimers: MutableList<Timer>
get() {
if (mTimers == null) {
mTimers = TimerDAO.getTimers(mPrefs)
return mTimers!!
private val mutableExpiredTimers: List<Timer>
get() {
if (mExpiredTimers == null) {
mExpiredTimers = mutableListOf()
for (timer in mutableTimers) {
if (timer.isExpired) {
return mExpiredTimers!!
private val mutableMissedTimers: List<Timer>
get() {
if (mMissedTimers == null) {
mMissedTimers = mutableListOf()
for (timer in mutableTimers) {
if (timer.isMissed) {
return mMissedTimers!!
* This method updates timer data without updating notifications. This is useful in bulk-update
* scenarios so the notifications are only rebuilt once.
* @param timer an updated timer to store
* @return the state of the timer prior to the update
private fun doUpdateTimer(timer: Timer): Timer {
// Retrieve the cached form of the timer.
val timers = mutableTimers
val index = timers.indexOf(timer)
val before = timers[index]
// If no change occurred, ignore this update.
if (timer === before) {
return timer
// Update the timer in permanent storage.
TimerDAO.updateTimer(mPrefs, timer)
// Update the timer in the cache.
val oldTimer = timers.set(index, timer)
// Clear the cache of expired timers if the timer changed to/from expired.
if (before.isExpired || timer.isExpired) {
mExpiredTimers = null
// Clear the cache of missed timers if the timer changed to/from missed.
if (before.isMissed || timer.isMissed) {
mMissedTimers = null
// Update the timer expiration callback.
// Update the timer ringer.
updateRinger(before, timer)
// Notify listeners of the change.
for (timerListener in mTimerListeners) {
timerListener.timerUpdated(before, timer)
return oldTimer
* This method removes timer data without updating notifications. This is useful in bulk-remove
* scenarios so the notifications are only rebuilt once.
* @param timer an existing timer to be removed
private fun doRemoveTimer(timer: Timer) {
// Remove the timer from permanent storage.
var timerVar = timer
TimerDAO.removeTimer(mPrefs, timerVar)
// Remove the timer from the cache.
val timers: MutableList<Timer> = mutableTimers
val index = timers.indexOf(timerVar)
// If the timer cannot be located there is nothing to remove.
if (index == -1) {
timerVar = timers.removeAt(index)
// Clear the cache of expired timers if a new expired timer was added.
if (timerVar.isExpired) {
mExpiredTimers = null
// Clear the cache of missed timers if a new missed timer was added.
if (timerVar.isMissed) {
mMissedTimers = null
// Update the timer expiration callback.
// Update the timer ringer.
updateRinger(timerVar, null)
// Notify listeners of the change.
for (timerListener in mTimerListeners) {
* This method updates/removes timer data without updating notifications. This is useful in
* bulk-update scenarios so the notifications are only rebuilt once.
* If the given `timer` is expired and marked for deletion after use then this method
* removes the timer. The timer is otherwise transitioned to the reset state and continues
* to exist.
* @param timer the timer to be reset
* @param allowDelete `true` if the timer is allowed to be deleted instead of reset
* (e.g. one use timers)
* @param eventLabelId the label of the timer event to send; 0 if no event should be sent
* @return the reset `timer` or `null` if the timer was deleted
private fun doResetOrDeleteTimer(
timer: Timer,
allowDelete: Boolean,
@StringRes eventLabelId: Int
): Timer? {
if (allowDelete &&
(timer.isExpired || timer.isMissed) &&
timer.deleteAfterUse) {
if (eventLabelId != 0) {
Events.sendTimerEvent(R.string.action_delete, eventLabelId)
return null
} else if (!timer.isReset) {
val reset = timer.reset()
if (eventLabelId != 0) {
Events.sendTimerEvent(R.string.action_reset, eventLabelId)
return reset
return timer
* This method updates/removes timer data after a reboot without updating notifications.
* @param timer the timer to be updated
private fun doUpdateAfterRebootTimer(timer: Timer) {
var updated = timer.updateAfterReboot()
if (updated.remainingTime < MISSED_THRESHOLD && updated.isRunning) {
updated = updated.miss()
private fun doUpdateAfterTimeSetTimer(timer: Timer) {
val updated = timer.updateAfterTimeSet()
* Updates the callback given to this application from the [AlarmManager] that signals the
* expiration of the next timer. If no timers are currently set to expire (i.e. no running
* timers exist) then this method clears the expiration callback from AlarmManager.
private fun updateAlarmManager() {
// Locate the next firing timer if one exists.
var nextExpiringTimer: Timer? = null
for (timer in mutableTimers) {
if (timer.isRunning) {
if (nextExpiringTimer == null) {
nextExpiringTimer = timer
} else if (timer.expirationTime < nextExpiringTimer.expirationTime) {
nextExpiringTimer = timer
// Build the intent that signals the timer expiration.
val intent: Intent = TimerService.createTimerExpiredIntent(mContext, nextExpiringTimer)
if (nextExpiringTimer == null) {
// Cancel the existing timer expiration callback.
val pi: PendingIntent? = PendingIntent.getService(mContext,
0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT or PendingIntent.FLAG_NO_CREATE)
if (pi != null) {
} else {
// Update the existing timer expiration callback.
val pi: PendingIntent = PendingIntent.getService(mContext,
0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT or PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT)
schedulePendingIntent(mAlarmManager, nextExpiringTimer.expirationTime, pi)
* Starts and stops the ringer for timers if the change to the timer demands it.
* @param before the state of the timer before the change; `null` indicates added
* @param after the state of the timer after the change; `null` indicates delete
private fun updateRinger(before: Timer?, after: Timer?) {
// Retrieve the states before and after the change.
val beforeState = before?.state
val afterState = after?.state
// If the timer state did not change, the ringer state is unchanged.
if (beforeState == afterState) {
// If the timer is the first to expire, start ringing.
if (afterState == Timer.State.EXPIRED && mRingingIds.add( &&
mRingingIds.size == 1) {
// If the expired timer was the last to reset, stop ringing.
if (beforeState == Timer.State.EXPIRED && mRingingIds.remove( &&
mRingingIds.isEmpty()) {
* Updates the notification controlling unexpired timers. This notification is only displayed
* when the application is not open.
fun updateNotification() {
// Notifications should be hidden if the app is open.
if (mNotificationModel.isApplicationInForeground) {
// Filter the timers to just include unexpired ones.
val unexpired: MutableList<Timer> = mutableListOf()
for (timer in mutableTimers) {
if (timer.isRunning || timer.isPaused) {
// If no unexpired timers exist, cancel the notification.
if (unexpired.isEmpty()) {
// Sort the unexpired timers to locate the next one scheduled to expire.
// Otherwise build and post a notification reflecting the latest unexpired timers.
val notification: Notification =, mNotificationModel, unexpired)
val notificationId = mNotificationModel.unexpiredTimerNotificationId
mNotificationBuilder.buildChannel(mContext, mNotificationManager)
mNotificationManager.notify(notificationId, notification)
* Updates the notification controlling missed timers. This notification is only displayed when
* the application is not open.
fun updateMissedNotification() {
// Notifications should be hidden if the app is open.
if (mNotificationModel.isApplicationInForeground) {
val missed = missedTimers
if (missed.isEmpty()) {
val notification: Notification = mNotificationBuilder.buildMissed(mContext,
mNotificationModel, missed)
val notificationId = mNotificationModel.missedTimerNotificationId
mNotificationManager.notify(notificationId, notification)
* Updates the heads-up notification controlling expired timers. This heads-up notification is
* displayed whether the application is open or not.
private fun updateHeadsUpNotification() {
// Nothing can be done with the heads-up notification without a valid service reference.
if (mService == null) {
val expired = expiredTimers
// If no expired timers exist, stop the service (which cancels the foreground notification).
if (expired.isEmpty()) {
mService = null
// Otherwise build and post a foreground notification reflecting the latest expired timers.
val notification: Notification = mNotificationBuilder.buildHeadsUp(mContext, expired)
val notificationId = mNotificationModel.expiredTimerNotificationId
mService!!.startForeground(notificationId, notification)
* Update the timer notification in response to a locale change.
private inner class LocaleChangedReceiver : BroadcastReceiver() {
override fun onReceive(context: Context?, intent: Intent?) {
mTimerRingtoneTitle = null
* This receiver is notified when shared preferences change. Cached information built on
* preferences must be cleared.
private inner class PreferenceListener : OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener {
override fun onSharedPreferenceChanged(prefs: SharedPreferences?, key: String?) {
when (key) {
SettingsActivity.KEY_TIMER_RINGTONE -> {
mTimerRingtoneUri = null
mTimerRingtoneTitle = null
companion object {
* Running timers less than this threshold are left running/expired; greater than this
* threshold are considered missed.
fun schedulePendingIntent(am: AlarmManager, triggerTime: Long, pi: PendingIntent?) {
if (Utils.isMOrLater()) {
// Ensure the timer fires even if the device is dozing.
am.setExactAndAllowWhileIdle(ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP, triggerTime, pi)
} else {
am.setExact(ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP, triggerTime, pi)