Support cell broadcast configuration for FR-Alert

Bug: 179188049
Bug: 198735144
Test: manual
Change-Id: I916c8e0765a2106daef374d6afa9c906ce496ef6
diff --git a/res/values-mcc208/config.xml b/res/values-mcc208/config.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f304285
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/values-mcc208/config.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
+     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+     You may obtain a copy of the License at
+     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+     limitations under the License.
+    <!-- Append date-time to the alert title -->
+    <string name="date_time_format" translatable="false">dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm a</string>
+    <!-- 4370, 4383 FR/EU level 1 alert -->
+    <string-array name="cmas_presidential_alerts_channels_range_strings" translatable="false">
+        <item>0x1112:rat=gsm, emergency=true, always_on=true, override_dnd=true</item>
+        <!-- additional language -->
+        <item>0x111F:rat=gsm, emergency=true, always_on=true, override_dnd=true</item>
+    </string-array>
+    <!-- 4371, 4384 FR/EU level 2 alert -->
+    <string-array name="cmas_alert_extreme_channels_range_strings" translatable="false">
+        <item>0x1113:rat=gsm, emergency=true, override_dnd=true</item>
+        <!-- additional language -->
+        <item>0x1120:rat=gsm, emergency=true, override_dnd=true</item>
+    </string-array>
+    <!-- 4375, 4388 FR/EU level 3 alert -->
+    <string-array name="cmas_alerts_severe_range_strings" translatable="false">
+        <item>0x1117:rat=gsm, emergency=true</item>
+        <!-- additional language -->
+        <item>0x1124:rat=gsm, emergency=true</item>
+    </string-array>
+    <!-- 4396, 4397 FR/EU level 4 alert -->
+    <string-array name="public_safety_messages_channels_range_strings" translatable="false">
+        <item>0x112C:rat=gsm, emergency=true</item>
+        <!-- additional language -->
+        <item>0x112D:rat=gsm, emergency=true</item>
+    </string-array>
+    <!-- 4379, 4392 FR/EU Amber alert -->
+    <string-array name="cmas_amber_alerts_channels_range_strings" translatable="false">
+        <item>0x111B:rat=gsm, emergency=true</item>
+        <!-- additional language -->
+        <item>0x1128:rat=gsm, emergency=true</item>
+    </string-array>
+    <!-- 4380, 4393 FR/EU Monthly Test-->
+    <string-array name="required_monthly_test_range_strings" translatable="false">
+        <item>0x111C:rat=gsm, emergency=true</item>
+        <!-- additional language -->
+        <item>0x1129:rat=gsm, emergency=true</item>
+    </string-array>
+    <bool name="test_exercise_alerts_enabled_default">true</bool>
+    <!-- 4381, 4394 FR/EU Exercise -->
+    <string-array name="exercise_alert_range_strings" translatable="false">
+        <item>0x111D:rat=gsm, emergency=true</item>
+        <!-- additional language -->
+        <item>0x112A:rat=gsm, emergency=true</item>
+    </string-array>
+    <!-- Whether to display exercise test settings when testing mode is off. -->
+    <bool name="show_exercise_settings">true</bool>
+    <!-- To display a separate exercise test settings. -->
+    <bool name="show_separate_exercise_settings">true</bool>
+    <string-array name="operator_defined_alert_range_strings" translatable="false" />
+    <string-array name="etws_alerts_range_strings" translatable="false" />
+    <string-array name="etws_test_alerts_range_strings" translatable="false" />