blob: f99da2975f8ad92dd49418ff8a00669ffea76549 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<!-- Attributes for the ClickThroughToolbar. -->
<declare-styleable name="ClickThroughToolbar">
<!-- Whether or not clicks on this toolbar will pass through to an underlying view. This
value is false by default. -->
<attr name="clickThrough" format="boolean"/>
<!-- Attributes for the ControlBar. -->
<declare-styleable name="ControlBar">
<!-- The number of horizontal slots. The minimum number is 3. -->
<attr name="columns" format="integer" />
<!-- Whether the overflow button enabled or not. -->
<attr name="enableOverflow" format="boolean" />
<!-- Attributes for grid items. -->
<declare-styleable name="GridItems">
<!-- The preferred TextAppearance for the primary text of grid items. -->
<attr name="textAppearanceGridItem" format="reference" />
<!-- The preferred TextAppearance for the secondary text of grid items. -->
<attr name="textAppearanceGridItemSecondary" format="reference" />
<!-- Attributes for tab layout. -->
<declare-styleable name="CarTabLayout">
<attr name="tabPaddingX" format="reference|dimension"/>
<attr name="tabFlexibleLayout" format="reference|boolean"/>
<attr name="tabItemLayout" format="reference"/>
<declare-styleable name="PagedRecyclerView">
<!-- Whether to include a gutter to the start, end or both sides of the list view items.
The gutter width will be the width of the scrollbar, and by default will be set to
both. -->
<attr name="gutter" format="enum">
<!-- No gutter on either side, the list view items will extend the full width of the
PagedRecyclerView. -->
<enum name="none" value="0" />
<!-- Include a gutter on the start side only (i.e. the side with the scrollbar). -->
<enum name="start" value="1" />
<!-- Include a gutter on the end side only (i.e. the opposite side to the
scrollbar). -->
<enum name="end" value="2" />
<!-- Include a gutter on both sides of the list view items. -->
<enum name="both" value="3" />
<!-- Position of the scrollbar. Default to left. -->
<attr name="scrollBarPosition" format="enum">
<!-- Position scrollbar on the left side of the screen -->
<enum name="start" value="0" />
<!-- Position scrollbar on the right side of the screen -->
<enum name="end" value="1" />
<!-- Whether to display the Scroll Bar or not. Defaults to true. If this is set to false,
the PagedRecyclerView will behave exactly like the RecyclerView. -->
<attr name="scrollBarEnabled" format="boolean" />
<!-- Whether to place the scrollbar z-index above the recycler view. Defaults to
true. -->
<attr name="scrollBarAboveRecyclerView" format="boolean" />
<!-- Width of the scrollbar container. -->
<attr name="scrollBarContainerWidth" format="dimension" />
<!-- Custom Scrollbar class path -->
<attr name="scrollBarCustomClass" format="string" />
<declare-styleable name="PagedRecyclerViewTheme">
<attr name="pagedRecyclerViewStyle" format="reference" />
<declare-styleable name="CrossfadeImageView">
<attr name="align_horizontal" format="enum">
<enum name="center" value="0"/>
<enum name="left" value="1"/>
<enum name="right" value="2"/>
<!-- Attributes for UX restrictions compliant Button. -->
<declare-styleable name="UxrButton">
<attr name="carUxRestrictions">
<!-- Values are copied from Note:
UX_RESTRICTIONS_BASELINE is not allowed here because it's useless and confusing. -->
<flag name="UX_RESTRICTIONS_NO_DIALPAD" value="1"/>
<flag name="UX_RESTRICTIONS_NO_FILTERING" value="2"/>
<flag name="UX_RESTRICTIONS_NO_KEYBOARD" value="8"/>
<flag name="UX_RESTRICTIONS_NO_VIDEO" value="16"/>
<flag name="UX_RESTRICTIONS_LIMIT_CONTENT" value="32"/>
<flag name="UX_RESTRICTIONS_NO_SETUP" value="64"/>
<flag name="UX_RESTRICTIONS_NO_TEXT_MESSAGE" value="128"/>
<flag name="UX_RESTRICTIONS_FULLY_RESTRICTED" value="511"/>
<attr name="state_ux_restricted" format="boolean" />
<declare-styleable name="BackgroundImageView">
<!-- Sets a scale to be applied on top of the scaling that was used to fit the image to the frame of the view. Defaults to 1.05 -->
<attr name="imageAdditionalScale" format="float"/>
<!-- Attribute for specifying a default style for all BackgroundImageViews -->
<attr name="backgroundImageViewStyle" format="reference"/>