blob: 13558a5c0bed1f7405f19eb79560369961f78ac1 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="app_label">LensPicker</string>
<string name="unknown_provider_name">Unknown Provider</string>
<!-- The package name and activity for a default application that will be launched if the
LensPicker cannot determine an aplication to launch. -->
<string name="default_application_package" translatable="false"></string>
<string name="default_application_activity" translatable="false"></string>
<!-- Title of intent resolver dialog when selecting an application to run. -->
<string name="whichApplication">Complete action using</string>
<!-- Title of intent resolver dialog when selecting an application to run
and a previously used application is known. -->
<string name="whichApplicationNamed">Complete action using %1$s</string>
<!-- Generic label for a link to a intent resolver. -->
<string name="whichApplicationLabel">Complete action</string>
<!-- Title of intent resolver dialog when selecting a viewer application to run. -->
<string name="whichViewApplication">Open with</string>
<!-- Title of intent resolver dialog when selecting a viewer application to run
and a previously used application is known. -->
<string name="whichViewApplicationNamed">Open with %1$s</string>
<!-- Label for a link to a intent resolver dialog to view something -->
<string name="whichViewApplicationLabel">Open</string>
<!-- Title of intent resolver dialog when selecting an editor application to run. -->
<string name="whichEditApplication">Edit with</string>
<!-- Title of intent resolver dialog when selecting an editor application to run
and a previously used application is known. -->
<string name="whichEditApplicationNamed">Edit with %1$s</string>
<!-- Label for a link to a intent resolver dialog when selecting an editor application -->
<string name="whichEditApplicationLabel">Edit</string>
<!-- Title of intent resolver dialog when selecting a sharing application to run. -->
<string name="whichSendApplication">Share with</string>
<!-- Title of intent resolver dialog when selecting a sharing application to run
and a previously used application is known. -->
<string name="whichSendApplicationNamed">Share with %1$s</string>
<!-- Label for a link to a intent resolver dialog to sharing something -->
<string name="whichSendApplicationLabel">Share</string>
<!-- Title of intent resolver dialog when selecting an application to run to
send content to a specific recipient. Often used for email. -->
<string name="whichSendToApplication">Send using</string>
<!-- Title of intent resolver dialog when selecting an application to run to
send content to a specific recipient and a previously used application is known.
Often used for email. -->
<string name="whichSendToApplicationNamed">Send using %1$s</string>
<!-- Label for a link to a intent resolver dialog to send content to a specific recipient. -->
<string name="whichSendToApplicationLabel">Send</string>
<!-- Title of intent resolver dialog when selecting a HOME application to run. -->
<string name="whichHomeApplication">Select a Home app</string>
<!-- Title of intent resolver dialog when selecting a HOME application to run
and a previously used application is known. -->
<string name="whichHomeApplicationNamed">Use %1$s as Home</string>
<!-- Label for a link to a intent resolver dialog when selecting a HOME -->
<string name="whichHomeApplicationLabel">Capture image</string>
<!-- Option to always use the selected application resolution in the future. See the
"Complete action using" dialog title-->
<!-- Title of intent resolver dialog when capturing an image. -->
<string name="whichImageCaptureApplication">Capture image with</string>
<!-- Title of intent resolver dialog when capturing an image
and a previously used application is known. -->
<string name="whichImageCaptureApplicationNamed">Capture image with %1$s</string>
<!-- Label for a link to a intent resolver dialog when capturing an image -->
<string name="whichImageCaptureApplicationLabel">Capture image</string>
<!-- Option to always use the selected application resolution in the future. See the "Complete action using" dialog title-->
<string name="alwaysUse">Always</string>