blob: 0687071496a94886dff5e49dd272aba8bed57a93 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.hardware.camera2.CameraCaptureSession;
import android.hardware.camera2.CaptureRequest;
import android.hardware.camera2.CaptureResult;
import android.hardware.camera2.CaptureResult.Key;
import android.hardware.camera2.TotalCaptureResult;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.util.Pair;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
* Implements {@link} and
* {@link android.hardware.camera2.CameraCaptureSession.CaptureListener} to
* store the results of capture requests (both {@link Image}s and
* {@link TotalCaptureResult}s in a ring-buffer from which they may be saved.
* <br>
* This also manages the lifecycle of {@link Image}s within the application as
* they are passed in from the lower-level camera2 API.
public class ImageCaptureManager extends CameraCaptureSession.CaptureCallback implements
ImageReader.OnImageAvailableListener {
* Callback to listen for changes to the ability to capture an existing
* image from the internal ring-buffer.
public interface CaptureReadyListener {
* Called whenever the ability to capture an existing image from the
* ring-buffer changes. Calls to {@link #tryCaptureExistingImage} are
* more likely to succeed or fail depending on the value passed in to
* this function.
* @param capturePossible true if capture is more-likely to be possible,
* false if capture is less-likely to be possible.
public void onReadyStateChange(boolean capturePossible);
* Callback for listening to changes to individual metadata values.
public static interface MetadataChangeListener {
* This will be called whenever a metadata value changes.
* Implementations should not take too much time to execute since this
* will be called faster than the camera's frame rate.
* @param key the {@link CaptureResult} key this listener listens for.
* @param second the previous value, or null if no such value existed.
* The type will be that associated with the
* {@link android.hardware.camera2.CaptureResult.Key} this
* listener is bound to.
* @param newValue the new value. The type will be that associated with
* the {@link android.hardware.camera2.CaptureResult.Key}
* this listener is bound to.
* @param result the CaptureResult containing the new value
public void onImageMetadataChange(Key<?> key, Object second, Object newValue,
CaptureResult result);
* Callback for saving an image.
public interface ImageCaptureListener {
* Called with the {@link Image} and associated
* {@link TotalCaptureResult}. A typical implementation would save this
* to disk.
* <p>
* Note: Implementations must be thread-safe and must not close the
* image.
* </p>
public void onImageCaptured(Image image, TotalCaptureResult captureResult);
* Callback for placing constraints on which images to capture. See
* {@link #tryCaptureExistingImage} and {@link #captureNextImage}.
public static interface CapturedImageConstraint {
* Implementations should return true if the provided
* TotalCaptureResults satisfies constraints necessary for the intended
* image capture. For example, a constraint may return false if
* {@captureResult} indicates that the lens was moving during image
* capture.
* @param captureResult The metadata associated with the image.
* @return true if this image satisfies the constraint and can be
* captured, false otherwise.
boolean satisfiesConstraint(TotalCaptureResult captureResult);
* Holds an {@link Image} and {@link TotalCaptureResult} pair which may be
* added asynchronously.
private class CapturedImage {
* The Image and TotalCaptureResult may be received at different times
* (via the onImageAvailableListener and onCaptureProgressed callbacks,
* respectively).
private Image mImage = null;
private TotalCaptureResult mMetadata = null;
* Resets the object, closing and removing any existing image and
* metadata.
public void reset() {
if (mImage != null) {
int numOpenImages = mNumOpenImages.decrementAndGet();
Log.v(TAG, "Closed an image. Number of open images = " + numOpenImages);
mImage = null;
mMetadata = null;
* @return true if both the image and metadata are present, false
* otherwise.
public boolean isComplete() {
return mImage != null && mMetadata != null;
* Adds the image. Note that this can only be called once before a
* {@link #reset()} is necessary.
* @param image the {@Link Image} to add.
public void addImage(Image image) {
if (mImage != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Unable to add an Image when one already exists.");
mImage = image;
* Retrieves the {@link Image} if it has been added, returns null if it
* is not available yet.
public Image tryGetImage() {
return mImage;
* Adds the metadata. Note that this can only be called once before a
* {@link #reset()} is necessary.
* @param metadata the {@Link TotalCaptureResult} to add.
public void addMetadata(TotalCaptureResult metadata) {
if (mMetadata != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Unable to add a TotalCaptureResult when one already exists.");
mMetadata = metadata;
* Retrieves the {@link TotalCaptureResult} if it has been added,
* returns null if it is not available yet.
public TotalCaptureResult tryGetMetadata() {
return mMetadata;
private static final Tag TAG = new Tag("ZSLImageListener");
* If true, the number of open images will be printed to LogCat every time
* an image is opened or closed.
private static final boolean DEBUG_PRINT_OPEN_IMAGE_COUNT = false;
* The maximum duration for an onImageAvailable() callback before debugging
* output is printed. This is a little under 1/30th of a second to enable
* detecting jank in the preview stream caused by {@link #onImageAvailable}
* taking too long to return.
private static final long DEBUG_MAX_IMAGE_CALLBACK_DUR = 25;
* If spacing between onCaptureCompleted() callbacks is lower than this
* value, camera operations at the Java level have stalled, and are now
* catching up. In milliseconds.
private static final long DEBUG_INTERFRAME_STALL_WARNING = 5;
* Last called to onCaptureCompleted() in SystemClock.uptimeMillis().
private long mDebugLastOnCaptureCompletedMillis = 0;
* Number of frames in a row exceeding DEBUG_INTERFRAME_STALL_WARNING.
private long mDebugStalledFrameCount = 0;
* Stores the ring-buffer of captured images.<br>
* Note that this takes care of thread-safe reference counting of images to
* ensure that they are never leaked by the app.
private final ConcurrentSharedRingBuffer<CapturedImage> mCapturedImageBuffer;
/** Track the number of open images for debugging purposes. */
private final AtomicInteger mNumOpenImages = new AtomicInteger(0);
* The handler used to invoke light-weight listeners:
* {@link CaptureReadyListener} and {@link MetadataChangeListener}.
private final Handler mListenerHandler;
* The executor used to invoke {@link ImageCaptureListener}. Note that this
* is different from mListenerHandler because a typical ImageCaptureListener
* will compress the image to jpeg, and we may wish to execute these tasks
* on multiple threads.
private final Executor mImageCaptureListenerExecutor;
* The set of constraints which must be satisfied for a newly acquired image
* to be captured and sent to {@link #mPendingImageCaptureCallback}. null if
* there is no pending capture request.
private List<ImageCaptureManager.CapturedImageConstraint> mPendingImageCaptureConstraints;
* The callback to be invoked upon successfully capturing a newly-acquired
* image which satisfies {@link #mPendingImageCaptureConstraints}. null if
* there is no pending capture request.
private ImageCaptureManager.ImageCaptureListener mPendingImageCaptureCallback;
* Map from CaptureResult key to the frame number of the capture result
* containing the most recent value for this key and the most recent value
* of the key.
private final Map<Key<?>, Pair<Long, Object>>
mMetadata = new ConcurrentHashMap<CaptureResult.Key<?>, Pair<Long, Object>>();
* The set of callbacks to be invoked when an entry in {@link #mMetadata} is
* changed.
private final Map<Key<?>, Set<MetadataChangeListener>>
mMetadataChangeListeners = new ConcurrentHashMap<Key<?>, Set<MetadataChangeListener>>();
* @param maxImages the maximum number of images provided by the
* {@link ImageReader}. This must be greater than 2.
* @param listenerHandler the handler on which to invoke listeners. Note
* that this should probably be on a different thread than the
* one used for camera operations, such as capture requests and
* OnImageAvailable listeners, to avoid stalling the preview.
* @param imageCaptureListenerExecutor the executor on which to invoke image
* capture listeners, {@link ImageCaptureListener}.
ImageCaptureManager(int maxImages, Handler listenerHandler,
Executor imageCaptureListenerExecutor) {
// Ensure that there are always 2 images available for the framework to
// continue processing frames.
// TODO Could we make this tighter?
mCapturedImageBuffer = new ConcurrentSharedRingBuffer<ImageCaptureManager.CapturedImage>(
maxImages - 2);
mListenerHandler = listenerHandler;
mImageCaptureListenerExecutor = imageCaptureListenerExecutor;
* See {@link CaptureReadyListener}.
public void setCaptureReadyListener(final CaptureReadyListener listener) {
new PinStateListener() {
public void onPinStateChange(boolean pinsAvailable) {
* Adds a metadata stream listener associated with the given key.
* @param key the key of the metadata to track.
* @param listener the listener to be invoked when the value associated with
* key changes.
public <T> void addMetadataChangeListener(Key<T> key, MetadataChangeListener listener) {
if (!mMetadataChangeListeners.containsKey(key)) {
// Listeners may be added to this set from a different thread than
// that which must iterate over this set to invoke the listeners.
// Therefore, we need a thread save hash set.
Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<
ImageCaptureManager.MetadataChangeListener, Boolean>()));
* Removes the metadata stream listener associated with the given key.
* @param key the key associated with the metadata to track.
* @param listener the listener to be invoked when the value associated with
* key changes.
* @return true if the listener was removed, false if no such listener had
* been added.
public <T> boolean removeMetadataChangeListener(Key<T> key, MetadataChangeListener listener) {
if (!mMetadataChangeListeners.containsKey(key)) {
return false;
} else {
return mMetadataChangeListeners.get(key).remove(listener);
public void onCaptureProgressed(CameraCaptureSession session, CaptureRequest request,
final CaptureResult partialResult) {
long frameNumber = partialResult.getFrameNumber();
// Update mMetadata for whichever keys are present, if this frame is
// supplying newer values.
for (final Key<?> key : partialResult.getKeys()) {
Pair<Long, Object> oldEntry = mMetadata.get(key);
final Object oldValue = (oldEntry != null) ? oldEntry.second : null;
boolean newerValueAlreadyExists = oldEntry != null
&& frameNumber < oldEntry.first;
if (newerValueAlreadyExists) {
final Object newValue = partialResult.get(key);
mMetadata.put(key, new Pair<Long, Object>(frameNumber, newValue));
// If the value has changed, call the appropriate listeners, if
// any exist.
if (oldValue == newValue || !mMetadataChangeListeners.containsKey(key)) {
for (final MetadataChangeListener listener :
mMetadataChangeListeners.get(key)) {
Log.v(TAG, "Dispatching to metadata change listener for key: "
+ key.toString()); Runnable() {
public void run() {
listener.onImageMetadataChange(key, oldValue, newValue,
public void onCaptureCompleted(CameraCaptureSession session, CaptureRequest request,
final TotalCaptureResult result) {
final long timestamp = result.get(TotalCaptureResult.SENSOR_TIMESTAMP);
// Detect camera thread stall.
long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
if (now - mDebugLastOnCaptureCompletedMillis < DEBUG_INTERFRAME_STALL_WARNING) {
Log.e(TAG, "Camera thread has stalled for " + ++mDebugStalledFrameCount +
" frames at # " + result.getFrameNumber() + ".");
} else {
mDebugStalledFrameCount = 0;
mDebugLastOnCaptureCompletedMillis = now;
// Find the CapturedImage in the ring-buffer and attach the
// TotalCaptureResult to it.
// See documentation for swapLeast() for details.
boolean swapSuccess = mCapturedImageBuffer.swapLeast(timestamp,
new SwapTask<CapturedImage>() {
public CapturedImage create() {
CapturedImage image = new CapturedImage();
return image;
public CapturedImage swap(CapturedImage oldElement) {
return oldElement;
public void update(CapturedImage existingElement) {
if (!swapSuccess) {
// Do nothing on failure to swap in.
Log.v(TAG, "Unable to add new image metadata to ring-buffer.");
public void onImageAvailable(ImageReader reader) {
long startTime = SystemClock.currentThreadTimeMillis();
final Image img = reader.acquireLatestImage();
if (img != null) {
int numOpenImages = mNumOpenImages.incrementAndGet();
Log.v(TAG, "Acquired an image. Number of open images = " + numOpenImages);
// Try to place the newly-acquired image into the ring buffer.
boolean swapSuccess = mCapturedImageBuffer.swapLeast(
img.getTimestamp(), new SwapTask<CapturedImage>() {
public CapturedImage create() {
CapturedImage image = new CapturedImage();
return image;
public CapturedImage swap(CapturedImage oldElement) {
return oldElement;
public void update(CapturedImage existingElement) {
if (!swapSuccess) {
// If we were unable to save the image to the ring buffer, we
// must close it now.
// We should only get here if the ring buffer is closed.
numOpenImages = mNumOpenImages.decrementAndGet();
Log.v(TAG, "Closed an image. Number of open images = " + numOpenImages);
long endTime = SystemClock.currentThreadTimeMillis();
long totTime = endTime - startTime;
// If it takes too long to swap elements, we will start skipping
// preview frames, resulting in visible jank.
Log.v(TAG, "onImageAvailable() took " + totTime + "ms");
* Closes the listener, eventually freeing all currently-held {@link Image}
* s.
public void close() {
try {
mCapturedImageBuffer.close(new Task<CapturedImage>() {
public void run(CapturedImage e) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
* Sets the pending image capture request, overriding any previous calls to
* {@link #captureNextImage} which have not yet been resolved. When the next
* available image which satisfies the given constraints can be captured,
* onImageCaptured will be invoked.
* @param onImageCaptured the callback which will be invoked with the
* captured image.
* @param constraints the set of constraints which must be satisfied in
* order for the image to be captured.
public void captureNextImage(final ImageCaptureListener onImageCaptured,
final List<CapturedImageConstraint> constraints) {
mPendingImageCaptureCallback = onImageCaptured;
mPendingImageCaptureConstraints = constraints;
* Tries to resolve any pending image capture requests.
* @param newImageTimestamp the timestamp of a newly-acquired image which
* should be captured if appropriate and possible.
private void tryExecutePendingCaptureRequest(long newImageTimestamp) {
if (mPendingImageCaptureCallback != null) {
final Pair<Long, CapturedImage> pinnedImage = mCapturedImageBuffer.tryPin(
if (pinnedImage != null) {
CapturedImage image = pinnedImage.second;
if (!image.isComplete()) {
// Check to see if the image satisfies all constraints.
TotalCaptureResult captureResult = image.tryGetMetadata();
if (mPendingImageCaptureConstraints != null) {
for (CapturedImageConstraint constraint : mPendingImageCaptureConstraints) {
if (!constraint.satisfiesConstraint(captureResult)) {
// If we get here, the image satisfies all the necessary
// constraints.
if (tryExecuteCaptureOrRelease(pinnedImage, mPendingImageCaptureCallback)) {
// If we successfully handed the image off to the callback,
// remove the pending
// capture request.
mPendingImageCaptureCallback = null;
mPendingImageCaptureConstraints = null;
* Tries to capture an existing image from the ring-buffer, if one exists
* that satisfies the given constraint and can be pinned.
* @return true if the image could be captured, false otherwise.
public boolean tryCaptureExistingImage(final ImageCaptureListener onImageCaptured,
final List<CapturedImageConstraint> constraints) {
// The selector to use in choosing the image to capture.
Selector<ImageCaptureManager.CapturedImage> selector;
if (constraints == null || constraints.isEmpty()) {
// If there are no constraints, use a trivial Selector.
selector = new Selector<ImageCaptureManager.CapturedImage>() {
public boolean select(CapturedImage image) {
return true;
} else {
// If there are constraints, create a Selector which will return
// true if all constraints
// are satisfied.
selector = new Selector<ImageCaptureManager.CapturedImage>() {
public boolean select(CapturedImage e) {
// If this image already has metadata associated with it,
// then use it.
// Otherwise, we can't block until it's available, so assume
// it doesn't
// satisfy the required constraints.
TotalCaptureResult captureResult = e.tryGetMetadata();
if (captureResult == null || e.tryGetImage() == null) {
return false;
for (CapturedImageConstraint constraint : constraints) {
if (!constraint.satisfiesConstraint(captureResult)) {
return false;
return true;
// Acquire a lock (pin) on the most recent (greatest-timestamp) image in
// the ring buffer which satisfies our constraints.
// Note that this must be released as soon as we are done with it.
final Pair<Long, CapturedImage> toCapture = mCapturedImageBuffer.tryPinGreatestSelected(
return tryExecuteCaptureOrRelease(toCapture, onImageCaptured);
* Tries to execute the image capture callback with the pinned CapturedImage
* provided.
* @param toCapture The pinned CapturedImage to pass to the callback, or
* release on failure.
* @param callback The callback to execute.
* @return true upon success, false upon failure and the release of the
* pinned image.
private boolean tryExecuteCaptureOrRelease(final Pair<Long, CapturedImage> toCapture,
final ImageCaptureListener callback) {
if (toCapture == null) {
return false;
} else {
try {
mImageCaptureListenerExecutor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
CapturedImage img = toCapture.second;
} finally {
} catch (RejectedExecutionException e) {
// We may get here if the thread pool has been closed.
return false;
return true;