blob: ff74a121cf0194aa79af3705bd53258410a295df [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.AsyncQueryHandler;
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.provider.Calendar.Attendees;
import android.provider.Calendar.Calendars;
import android.provider.Calendar.Instances;
import android.text.format.DateUtils;
import android.text.format.Time;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.BaseAdapter;
import android.widget.TextView;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
Bugs Bugs Bugs:
- At rotation and launch time, the initial position is not set properly. This code is calling
listview.setSelection() in 2 rapid secessions but it dropped or didn't process the first one.
- Scroll using trackball isn't repositioning properly after a new adapter is added.
- Track ball clicks at the header/footer doesn't work.
- Potential ping pong effect if the prefetch window is big and data is limited
- Add index in calendar provider
ToDo ToDo ToDo:
Get design of header and footer from designer
Make scrolling smoother.
Test for correctness
Loading speed
Check for leaks and excessive allocations
public class AgendaWindowAdapter extends BaseAdapter {
static final boolean BASICLOG = false;
static final boolean DEBUGLOG = false;
private static String TAG = "AgendaWindowAdapter";
private static final String AGENDA_SORT_ORDER = "startDay ASC, begin ASC, title ASC";
public static final int INDEX_TITLE = 1;
public static final int INDEX_EVENT_LOCATION = 2;
public static final int INDEX_ALL_DAY = 3;
public static final int INDEX_HAS_ALARM = 4;
public static final int INDEX_COLOR = 5;
public static final int INDEX_RRULE = 6;
public static final int INDEX_BEGIN = 7;
public static final int INDEX_END = 8;
public static final int INDEX_EVENT_ID = 9;
public static final int INDEX_START_DAY = 10;
public static final int INDEX_END_DAY = 11;
public static final int INDEX_SELF_ATTENDEE_STATUS = 12;
private static final String[] PROJECTION = new String[] {
Instances._ID, // 0
Instances.TITLE, // 1
Instances.EVENT_LOCATION, // 2
Instances.ALL_DAY, // 3
Instances.HAS_ALARM, // 4
Instances.COLOR, // 5
Instances.RRULE, // 6
Instances.BEGIN, // 7
Instances.END, // 8
Instances.EVENT_ID, // 9
Instances.START_DAY, // 10 Julian start day
Instances.END_DAY, // 11 Julian end day
// Listview may have a bug where the index/position is not consistent when there's a header.
// TODO Need to look into this.
private static final int OFF_BY_ONE_BUG = 1;
private static final int MAX_NUM_OF_ADAPTERS = 5;
private static final int IDEAL_NUM_OF_EVENTS = 50;
private static final int MIN_QUERY_DURATION = 7; // days
private static final int MAX_QUERY_DURATION = 60; // days
private static final int PREFETCH_BOUNDARY = 1;
// Times to auto-expand/retry query after getting no data
private static final int RETRIES_ON_NO_DATA = 0;
private Context mContext;
private QueryHandler mQueryHandler;
private AgendaListView mAgendaListView;
private int mRowCount; // The sum of the rows in all the adapters
private int mEmptyCursorCount;
private DayAdapterInfo mLastUsedInfo; // Cached value of the last used adapter.
private LinkedList<DayAdapterInfo> mAdapterInfos = new LinkedList<DayAdapterInfo>();
private ConcurrentLinkedQueue<QuerySpec> mQueryQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<QuerySpec>();
private TextView mHeaderView;
private TextView mFooterView;
private boolean mDoneSettingUpHeaderFooter = false;
* When the user scrolled to the top, a query will be made for older events
* and this will be incremented. Don't make more requests if
* mOlderRequests > mOlderRequestsProcessed.
private int mOlderRequests;
// Number of "older" query that has been processed.
private int mOlderRequestsProcessed;
* When the user scrolled to the bottom, a query will be made for newer
* events and this will be incremented. Don't make more requests if
* mNewerRequests > mNewerRequestsProcessed.
private int mNewerRequests;
// Number of "newer" query that has been processed.
private int mNewerRequestsProcessed;
private boolean mShuttingDown;
private boolean mHideDeclined;
// Types of Query
private static final int QUERY_TYPE_OLDER = 0; // Query for older events
private static final int QUERY_TYPE_NEWER = 1; // Query for newer events
private static final int QUERY_TYPE_CLEAN = 2; // Delete everything and query around a date
// Placeholder if we need some code for updating the tz later.
private Runnable mUpdateTZ = null;
private static class QuerySpec {
long queryStartMillis;
Time goToTime;
int start;
int end;
int queryType;
public QuerySpec(int queryType) {
this.queryType = queryType;
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + end;
result = prime * result + (int) (queryStartMillis ^ (queryStartMillis >>> 32));
result = prime * result + queryType;
result = prime * result + start;
if (goToTime != null) {
long goToTimeMillis = goToTime.toMillis(false);
result = prime * result + (int) (goToTimeMillis ^ (goToTimeMillis >>> 32));
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) return true;
if (obj == null) return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false;
QuerySpec other = (QuerySpec) obj;
if (end != other.end || queryStartMillis != other.queryStartMillis
|| queryType != other.queryType || start != other.start) {
return false;
if (goToTime != null) {
if (goToTime.toMillis(false) != other.goToTime.toMillis(false)) {
return false;
} else {
if (other.goToTime != null) {
return false;
return true;
static class EventInfo {
long begin;
long end;
long id;
static class DayAdapterInfo {
Cursor cursor;
AgendaByDayAdapter dayAdapter;
int start; // start day of the cursor's coverage
int end; // end day of the cursor's coverage
int offset; // offset in position in the list view
int size; // dayAdapter.getCount()
public DayAdapterInfo(Context context) {
dayAdapter = new AgendaByDayAdapter(context);
public String toString() {
Time time = new Time();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(" End:").append(time.toString());
sb.append(" Offset:").append(offset);
sb.append(" Size:").append(size);
return sb.toString();
public AgendaWindowAdapter(AgendaActivity agendaActivity,
AgendaListView agendaListView) {
mContext = agendaActivity;
mAgendaListView = agendaListView;
mQueryHandler = new QueryHandler(agendaActivity.getContentResolver());
LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) agendaActivity
mHeaderView = (TextView)inflater.inflate(R.layout.agenda_header_footer, null);
mFooterView = (TextView)inflater.inflate(R.layout.agenda_header_footer, null);
// Method in Adapter
public int getViewTypeCount() {
return AgendaByDayAdapter.TYPE_LAST;
// Method in BaseAdapter
public boolean areAllItemsEnabled() {
return false;
// Method in Adapter
public int getItemViewType(int position) {
DayAdapterInfo info = getAdapterInfoByPosition(position);
if (info != null) {
return info.dayAdapter.getItemViewType(position - info.offset);
} else {
return -1;
// Method in BaseAdapter
public boolean isEnabled(int position) {
DayAdapterInfo info = getAdapterInfoByPosition(position);
if (info != null) {
return info.dayAdapter.isEnabled(position - info.offset);
} else {
return false;
// Abstract Method in BaseAdapter
public int getCount() {
return mRowCount;
// Abstract Method in BaseAdapter
public Object getItem(int position) {
DayAdapterInfo info = getAdapterInfoByPosition(position);
if (info != null) {
return info.dayAdapter.getItem(position - info.offset);
} else {
return null;
// Method in BaseAdapter
public boolean hasStableIds() {
return true;
// Abstract Method in BaseAdapter
public long getItemId(int position) {
DayAdapterInfo info = getAdapterInfoByPosition(position);
if (info != null) {
return ((position - info.offset) << 20) + info.start ;
} else {
return -1;
// Abstract Method in BaseAdapter
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
if (position >= (mRowCount - PREFETCH_BOUNDARY)
&& mNewerRequests <= mNewerRequestsProcessed) {
if (DEBUGLOG) Log.e(TAG, "queryForNewerEvents: ");
queueQuery(new QuerySpec(QUERY_TYPE_NEWER));
if (position < PREFETCH_BOUNDARY
&& mOlderRequests <= mOlderRequestsProcessed) {
if (DEBUGLOG) Log.e(TAG, "queryForOlderEvents: ");
queueQuery(new QuerySpec(QUERY_TYPE_OLDER));
View v;
DayAdapterInfo info = getAdapterInfoByPosition(position);
if (info != null) {
v = info.dayAdapter.getView(position - info.offset, convertView,
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "BUG: getAdapterInfoByPosition returned null!!! " + position);
TextView tv = new TextView(mContext);
tv.setText("Bug! " + position);
v = tv;
Log.e(TAG, "getView " + position + " = " + getViewTitle(v));
return v;
private int findDayPositionNearestTime(Time time) {
if (DEBUGLOG) Log.e(TAG, "findDayPositionNearestTime " + time);
DayAdapterInfo info = getAdapterInfoByTime(time);
if (info != null) {
return info.offset + info.dayAdapter.findDayPositionNearestTime(time);
} else {
return -1;
private DayAdapterInfo getAdapterInfoByPosition(int position) {
synchronized (mAdapterInfos) {
if (mLastUsedInfo != null && mLastUsedInfo.offset <= position
&& position < (mLastUsedInfo.offset + mLastUsedInfo.size)) {
return mLastUsedInfo;
for (DayAdapterInfo info : mAdapterInfos) {
if (info.offset <= position
&& position < (info.offset + info.size)) {
mLastUsedInfo = info;
return info;
return null;
private DayAdapterInfo getAdapterInfoByTime(Time time) {
if (DEBUGLOG) Log.e(TAG, "getAdapterInfoByTime " + time.toString());
Time tmpTime = new Time(time);
long timeInMillis = tmpTime.normalize(true);
int day = Time.getJulianDay(timeInMillis, tmpTime.gmtoff);
synchronized (mAdapterInfos) {
for (DayAdapterInfo info : mAdapterInfos) {
if (info.start <= day && day < info.end) {
return info;
return null;
public EventInfo getEventByPosition(int position) {
if (DEBUGLOG) Log.e(TAG, "getEventByPosition " + position);
EventInfo event = new EventInfo();
position -= OFF_BY_ONE_BUG;
DayAdapterInfo info = getAdapterInfoByPosition(position);
if (info == null) {
return null;
position = info.dayAdapter.getCursorPosition(position - info.offset);
if (position == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
return null;
boolean isDayHeader = false;
if (position < 0) {
position = -position;
isDayHeader = true;
if (position < info.cursor.getCount()) {
event.begin = info.cursor.getLong(AgendaWindowAdapter.INDEX_BEGIN);
boolean allDay = info.cursor.getInt(AgendaWindowAdapter.INDEX_ALL_DAY) != 0;
if (allDay) { // UTC
Time time = new Time(Utils.getTimeZone(mContext, mUpdateTZ));
time.setJulianDay(Time.getJulianDay(event.begin, 0));
event.begin = time.toMillis(false /* use isDst */);
} else if (isDayHeader) { // Trim to midnight.
Time time = new Time(Utils.getTimeZone(mContext, mUpdateTZ));
time.hour = 0;
time.minute = 0;
time.second = 0;
event.begin = time.toMillis(false /* use isDst */);
if (!isDayHeader) {
event.end = info.cursor.getLong(AgendaWindowAdapter.INDEX_END); = info.cursor.getLong(AgendaWindowAdapter.INDEX_EVENT_ID);
return event;
return null;
public void refresh(Time goToTime, boolean forced) {
Log.e(TAG, "refresh " + goToTime.toString() + (forced ? " forced" : " not forced"));
int startDay = Time.getJulianDay(goToTime.toMillis(false), goToTime.gmtoff);
if (!forced && isInRange(startDay, startDay)) {
// No need to requery
mAgendaListView.setSelection(findDayPositionNearestTime(goToTime) + OFF_BY_ONE_BUG);
// Query for a total of MIN_QUERY_DURATION days
int endDay = startDay + MIN_QUERY_DURATION;
queueQuery(startDay, endDay, goToTime, QUERY_TYPE_CLEAN);
public void close() {
mShuttingDown = true;
if (mQueryHandler != null) {
private DayAdapterInfo pruneAdapterInfo(int queryType) {
synchronized (mAdapterInfos) {
DayAdapterInfo recycleMe = null;
if (!mAdapterInfos.isEmpty()) {
if (mAdapterInfos.size() >= MAX_NUM_OF_ADAPTERS) {
if (queryType == QUERY_TYPE_NEWER) {
recycleMe = mAdapterInfos.removeFirst();
} else if (queryType == QUERY_TYPE_OLDER) {
recycleMe = mAdapterInfos.removeLast();
// Keep the size only if the oldest items are removed.
recycleMe.size = 0;
if (recycleMe != null) {
if (recycleMe.cursor != null) {
return recycleMe;
if (mRowCount == 0 || queryType == QUERY_TYPE_CLEAN) {
mRowCount = 0;
int deletedRows = 0;
DayAdapterInfo info;
do {
info = mAdapterInfos.poll();
if (info != null) {
deletedRows += info.size;
recycleMe = info;
} while (info != null);
if (recycleMe != null) {
recycleMe.cursor = null;
recycleMe.size = deletedRows;
return recycleMe;
private String buildQuerySelection() {
// Respect the preference to show/hide declined events
if (mHideDeclined) {
return Calendars.SELECTED + "=1 AND "
+ Instances.SELF_ATTENDEE_STATUS + "!="
} else {
return Calendars.SELECTED + "=1";
private Uri buildQueryUri(int start, int end) {
StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder();
Uri uri = Uri.withAppendedPath(Instances.CONTENT_BY_DAY_URI, path.toString());
return uri;
private boolean isInRange(int start, int end) {
synchronized (mAdapterInfos) {
if (mAdapterInfos.isEmpty()) {
return false;
return mAdapterInfos.getFirst().start <= start && end <= mAdapterInfos.getLast().end;
private int calculateQueryDuration(int start, int end) {
int queryDuration = MAX_QUERY_DURATION;
if (mRowCount != 0) {
queryDuration = IDEAL_NUM_OF_EVENTS * (end - start + 1) / mRowCount;
if (queryDuration > MAX_QUERY_DURATION) {
queryDuration = MAX_QUERY_DURATION;
} else if (queryDuration < MIN_QUERY_DURATION) {
queryDuration = MIN_QUERY_DURATION;
return queryDuration;
private boolean queueQuery(int start, int end, Time goToTime, int queryType) {
QuerySpec queryData = new QuerySpec(queryType);
queryData.goToTime = goToTime;
queryData.start = start;
queryData.end = end;
return queueQuery(queryData);
private boolean queueQuery(QuerySpec queryData) {
Boolean queuedQuery;
synchronized (mQueryQueue) {
queuedQuery = false;
Boolean doQueryNow = mQueryQueue.isEmpty();
queuedQuery = true;
if (doQueryNow) {
return queuedQuery;
private void doQuery(QuerySpec queryData) {
if (!mAdapterInfos.isEmpty()) {
int start = mAdapterInfos.getFirst().start;
int end = mAdapterInfos.getLast().end;
int queryDuration = calculateQueryDuration(start, end);
switch(queryData.queryType) {
queryData.end = start - 1;
queryData.start = queryData.end - queryDuration;
queryData.start = end + 1;
queryData.end = queryData.start + queryDuration;
Time time = new Time(Utils.getTimeZone(mContext, mUpdateTZ));
Time time2 = new Time(Utils.getTimeZone(mContext, mUpdateTZ));
Log.v(TAG, "startQuery: " + time.toString() + " to "
+ time2.toString() + " then go to " + queryData.goToTime);
if (BASICLOG) queryData.queryStartMillis = System.nanoTime();
mQueryHandler.startQuery(0, queryData, buildQueryUri(
queryData.start, queryData.end), PROJECTION,
buildQuerySelection(), null, AGENDA_SORT_ORDER);
private String formatDateString(int julianDay) {
Time time = new Time(Utils.getTimeZone(mContext, mUpdateTZ));
long millis = time.toMillis(false);
return Utils.formatDateRange(mContext, millis, millis,
| DateUtils.FORMAT_ABBREV_MONTH).toString();
private void updateHeaderFooter(final int start, final int end) {
private class QueryHandler extends AsyncQueryHandler {
public QueryHandler(ContentResolver cr) {
protected void onQueryComplete(int token, Object cookie, Cursor cursor) {
QuerySpec data = (QuerySpec)cookie;
long queryEndMillis = System.nanoTime();
Log.e(TAG, "Query time(ms): "
+ (queryEndMillis - data.queryStartMillis) / 1000000
+ " Count: " + cursor.getCount());
if (mShuttingDown) {
// Notify Listview of changes and update position
int cursorSize = cursor.getCount();
if (cursorSize > 0 || mAdapterInfos.isEmpty() || data.queryType == QUERY_TYPE_CLEAN) {
final int listPositionOffset = processNewCursor(data, cursor);
if (data.goToTime == null) { // Typical Scrolling type query
if (listPositionOffset != 0) {
} else { // refresh() called. Go to the designated position
final Time goToTime = data.goToTime;
int newPosition = findDayPositionNearestTime(goToTime);
if (newPosition >= 0) {
mAgendaListView.setSelection(newPosition + OFF_BY_ONE_BUG);
Log.e(TAG, "Setting listview to " +
"findDayPositionNearestTime: " + (newPosition + OFF_BY_ONE_BUG));
} else {
// Update header and footer
if (!mDoneSettingUpHeaderFooter) {
OnClickListener headerFooterOnClickListener = new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
if (v == mHeaderView) {
queueQuery(new QuerySpec(QUERY_TYPE_OLDER));
} else {
queueQuery(new QuerySpec(QUERY_TYPE_NEWER));
mDoneSettingUpHeaderFooter = true;
synchronized (mQueryQueue) {
int totalAgendaRangeStart = -1;
int totalAgendaRangeEnd = -1;
if (cursorSize != 0) {
// Remove the query that just completed
QuerySpec x = mQueryQueue.poll();
if (BASICLOG && !x.equals(data)) {
Log.e(TAG, "onQueryComplete - cookie != head of queue");
mEmptyCursorCount = 0;
if (data.queryType == QUERY_TYPE_NEWER) {
} else if (data.queryType == QUERY_TYPE_OLDER) {
totalAgendaRangeStart = mAdapterInfos.getFirst().start;
totalAgendaRangeEnd = mAdapterInfos.getLast().end;
} else { // CursorSize == 0
QuerySpec querySpec = mQueryQueue.peek();
// Update Adapter Info with new start and end date range
if (!mAdapterInfos.isEmpty()) {
DayAdapterInfo first = mAdapterInfos.getFirst();
DayAdapterInfo last = mAdapterInfos.getLast();
if (first.start - 1 <= querySpec.end && querySpec.start < first.start) {
first.start = querySpec.start;
if (querySpec.start <= last.end + 1 && last.end < querySpec.end) {
last.end = querySpec.end;
totalAgendaRangeStart = first.start;
totalAgendaRangeEnd = last.end;
} else {
totalAgendaRangeStart = querySpec.start;
totalAgendaRangeEnd = querySpec.end;
// Update query specification with expanded search range
// and maybe rerun query
switch (querySpec.queryType) {
totalAgendaRangeStart = querySpec.start;
querySpec.start -= MAX_QUERY_DURATION;
totalAgendaRangeEnd = querySpec.end;
querySpec.end += MAX_QUERY_DURATION;
totalAgendaRangeStart = querySpec.start;
totalAgendaRangeEnd = querySpec.end;
querySpec.start -= MAX_QUERY_DURATION / 2;
querySpec.end += MAX_QUERY_DURATION / 2;
if (++mEmptyCursorCount > RETRIES_ON_NO_DATA) {
// Nothing in the cursor again. Dropping query
updateHeaderFooter(totalAgendaRangeStart, totalAgendaRangeEnd);
// Fire off the next query if any
Iterator<QuerySpec> it = mQueryQueue.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
QuerySpec queryData =;
if (!isInRange(queryData.start, queryData.end)) {
// Query accepted
if (DEBUGLOG) Log.e(TAG, "Query accepted. QueueSize:" + mQueryQueue.size());
} else {
// Query rejected
if (DEBUGLOG) Log.e(TAG, "Query rejected. QueueSize:" + mQueryQueue.size());
for (DayAdapterInfo info3 : mAdapterInfos) {
Log.e(TAG, "> " + info3.toString());
* Update the adapter info array with a the new cursor. Close out old
* cursors as needed.
* @return number of rows removed from the beginning
private int processNewCursor(QuerySpec data, Cursor cursor) {
synchronized (mAdapterInfos) {
// Remove adapter info's from adapterInfos as needed
DayAdapterInfo info = pruneAdapterInfo(data.queryType);
int listPositionOffset = 0;
if (info == null) {
info = new DayAdapterInfo(mContext);
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "processNewCursor listPositionOffsetA="
+ -info.size);
listPositionOffset = -info.size;
// Setup adapter info
info.start = data.start;
info.end = data.end;
info.cursor = cursor;
info.size = info.dayAdapter.getCount();
// Insert into adapterInfos
if (mAdapterInfos.isEmpty()
|| data.end <= mAdapterInfos.getFirst().start) {
listPositionOffset += info.size;
} else if (BASICLOG && data.start < mAdapterInfos.getLast().end) {
for (DayAdapterInfo info2 : mAdapterInfos) {
Log.e("========== BUG ==", info2.toString());
} else {
// Update offsets in adapterInfos
mRowCount = 0;
for (DayAdapterInfo info3 : mAdapterInfos) {
info3.offset = mRowCount;
mRowCount += info3.size;
mLastUsedInfo = null;
return listPositionOffset;
static String getViewTitle(View x) {
String title = "";
if (x != null) {
Object yy = x.getTag();
if (yy instanceof AgendaAdapter.ViewHolder) {
TextView tv = ((AgendaAdapter.ViewHolder) yy).title;
if (tv != null) {
title = (String) tv.getText();
} else if (yy != null) {
TextView dateView = ((AgendaByDayAdapter.ViewHolder) yy).dateView;
if (dateView != null) {
title = (String) dateView.getText();
return title;
public void setHideDeclinedEvents(boolean hideDeclined) {
mHideDeclined = hideDeclined;