blob: 788b36f2aa5f1e3d49f3b9ea39a3354fb80f2bb8 [file] [log] [blame]
import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.Base64;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
public class BluetoothMapUtilsTest extends AndroidTestCase {
private static final String TAG = "BluetoothMapUtilsTest";
private static final boolean D = true;
private static final boolean V = true;
private static final String encText1 = "=?UTF-8?b?w6bDuMOlw4bDmMOF?="; //æøåÆØÅ base64
private static final String encText2 = "=?UTF-8?B?w6bDuMOlw4bDmMOF?="; //æøåÆØÅ base64
private static final String encText3 = "=?UTF-8?q?=C3=A6=C3=B8=C3=A5=C3=86=C3=98=C3=85?="; //æøåÆØÅ QP
private static final String encText4 = "=?UTF-8?Q?=C3=A6=C3=B8=C3=A5=C3=86=C3=98=C3=85?="; //æøåÆØÅ QP
private static final String encText5 = "=?UTF-8?B?=C3=A6=C3=B8=C3=A5=C3=86=C3=98=C3=85?="; //QP in base64 string - should not compute
private static final String encText6 = "=?UTF-8?Q?w6bDuMOlw4bDmMOF?="; //æøåÆØÅ base64 in QP stirng - should not compute
private static final String encText7 = "this is a split =?UTF-8?Q?=C3=A6=C3=B8=C3=A5 ###123?= with more =?UTF-8?Q?=C3=A6=C3=B8=C3=A5 ###123?= inside"; // mix of QP and normal
private static final String encText8 = "this is a split =?UTF-8?B?w6bDuMOlICMjIzEyMw==?= with more =?UTF-8?Q?=C3=A6=C3=B8=C3=A5 ###123?= inside"; // mix of normal, QP and Base64
private static final String encText9 = "=?UTF-8?Q??=";
private static final String encText10 = "=?UTF-8?Q??=";
private static final String encText11 = "=?UTF-8?Q??=";
private static final String decText1 = "æøåÆØÅ";
private static final String decText2 = "æøåÆØÅ";
private static final String decText3 = "æøåÆØÅ";
private static final String decText4 = "æøåÆØÅ";
private static final String decText5 = encText5;
private static final String decText6 = "w6bDuMOlw4bDmMOF";
private static final String decText7 = "this is a split æøå ###123 with more æøå ###123 inside";
private static final String decText8 = "this is a split æøå ###123 with more æøå ###123 inside";
public BluetoothMapUtilsTest() {
public void testEncoder(){
Log.i(TAG,"##############################enc7:" +
public void testXBtUid() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
SignedLongLong expected = new SignedLongLong(0x12345678L, 0x90abcdefL);
/* this will cause an exception, since the value is too big... */
SignedLongLong value;
value = SignedLongLong.fromString("90abcdef0000000012345678");
assertTrue("expected: " + expected + " value = " + value,
0 == value.compareTo(expected));
assertEquals("expected: " + expected + " value = " + value,
expected.toHexString(), value.toHexString());
Log.i(TAG,"Succesfully compared : " + value);
SignedLongLong expected = new SignedLongLong(0x12345678L, 0xfedcba9890abcdefL);
/* this will cause an exception, since the value is too big... */
SignedLongLong value;
value = SignedLongLong.fromString("fedcba9890abcdef0000000012345678");
assertTrue("expected: " + expected + " value = " + value,
0 == value.compareTo(expected));
assertEquals("expected: " + expected + " value = " + value,
expected.toHexString(), value.toHexString());
Log.i(TAG,"Succesfully compared : " + value);
SignedLongLong expected = new SignedLongLong(0x12345678L, 0);
SignedLongLong value = SignedLongLong.fromString("000012345678");
assertTrue("expected: " + expected + " value = " + value,
0 == value.compareTo(expected));
assertEquals("expected: " + expected + " value = " + value,
expected.toHexString(), value.toHexString());
Log.i(TAG,"Succesfully compared : " + value);
SignedLongLong expected = new SignedLongLong(0x12345678L, 0);
SignedLongLong value = SignedLongLong.fromString("12345678");
assertTrue("expected: " + expected + " value = " + value,
0 == value.compareTo(expected));
assertEquals("expected: " + expected + " value = " + value,
expected.toHexString(), value.toHexString());
Log.i(TAG,"Succesfully compared : " + value);
SignedLongLong expected = new SignedLongLong(0x123456789abcdef1L, 0x9L);
SignedLongLong value = SignedLongLong.fromString("0009123456789abcdef1");
assertTrue("expected: " + expected + " value = " + value,
0 == value.compareTo(expected));
assertEquals("expected: " + expected + " value = " + value,
expected.toHexString(), value.toHexString());
Log.i(TAG,"Succesfully compared : " + value);
long expected = 0x123456789abcdefL;
long value = BluetoothMapUtils.getLongFromString(" 1234 5678 9abc-def");
assertTrue("expected: " + expected + " value = " + value, value == expected);