blob: 92c4a4fb6fdf64d2b1e9da46af79acee77d9b1a2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import fnmatch
import imp
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
from pathlib import Path
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
from typing import (
import xml.etree.ElementTree
from ndk.abis import Abi
import ndk.ansi
import ndk.ext.os
import ndk.ext.shutil
import ndk.ext.subprocess
import ndk.hosts
import ndk.ndkbuild
import ndk.paths
from ndk.test.config import LibcxxTestConfig, TestConfig
from ndk.test.filters import TestFilter
from ndk.test.spec import BuildConfiguration
from ndk.test.result import Failure, Skipped, Success, TestResult
from ndk.toolchains import LinkerOption
def logger() -> logging.Logger:
"""Return the logger for this module."""
return logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _get_jobs_args() -> List[str]:
cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
return [f'-j{cpus}', f'-l{cpus}']
def _prep_build_dir(src_dir: str, out_dir: str) -> None:
if os.path.exists(out_dir):
shutil.copytree(src_dir, out_dir)
class Test:
def __init__(self, name: str, test_dir: str, config: BuildConfiguration,
ndk_path: str) -> None: = name
self.test_dir = test_dir
self.config = config
self.ndk_path = ndk_path
def get_test_config(self) -> TestConfig:
return TestConfig.from_test_dir(self.test_dir)
def run(self, obj_dir: str, dist_dir: str,
test_filters: TestFilter) -> Tuple[TestResult, List['Test']]:
raise NotImplementedError
def is_negative_test(self) -> bool:
raise NotImplementedError
def check_broken(self) -> Union[Tuple[None, None], Tuple[str, str]]:
return self.get_test_config().build_broken(self)
def check_unsupported(self) -> Optional[str]:
return self.get_test_config().build_unsupported(self)
def get_build_dir(self, out_dir: str) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f'{} [{self.config}]'
class BuildTest(Test):
def __init__(self, name: str, test_dir: str, config: BuildConfiguration,
ndk_path: str) -> None:
super().__init__(name, test_dir, config, ndk_path)
if self.api is None:
raise ValueError
def abi(self) -> Abi:
return self.config.abi
def api(self) -> Optional[int]:
return self.config.api
def platform(self) -> Optional[int]:
return self.api
def ndk_build_flags(self) -> List[str]:
flags = self.config.get_extra_ndk_build_flags()
if flags is None:
flags = []
return flags + self.get_extra_ndk_build_flags()
def cmake_flags(self) -> List[str]:
flags = self.config.get_extra_cmake_flags()
if flags is None:
flags = []
return flags + self.get_extra_cmake_flags()
def run(self, obj_dir: str, dist_dir: str,
_test_filters: TestFilter) -> Tuple[TestResult, List[Test]]:
raise NotImplementedError
def check_broken(self) -> Union[Tuple[None, None], Tuple[str, str]]:
return self.get_test_config().build_broken(self)
def check_unsupported(self) -> Optional[str]:
return self.get_test_config().build_unsupported(self)
def is_negative_test(self) -> bool:
return self.get_test_config().is_negative_test()
def get_extra_cmake_flags(self) -> List[str]:
return self.get_test_config().extra_cmake_flags()
def get_extra_ndk_build_flags(self) -> List[str]:
return self.get_test_config().extra_ndk_build_flags()
class PythonBuildTest(BuildTest):
"""A test that is implemented by
A test has a file in its root directory. This module
contains a run_test function which returns a tuple of `(boolean_success,
string_failure_message)` and takes the following kwargs (all of which
default to None):
abi: ABI to test as a string.
platform: Platform to build against as a string.
ndk_build_flags: Additional build flags that should be passed to ndk-build
if invoked as a list of strings.
def __init__(self, name: str, test_dir: str, config: BuildConfiguration,
ndk_path: str) -> None:
api = config.api
if api is None:
api = ndk.abis.min_api_for_abi(config.abi)
config = ndk.test.spec.BuildConfiguration(config.abi, api,
super().__init__(name, test_dir, config, ndk_path)
if self.abi not in ndk.abis.ALL_ABIS:
raise ValueError('{} is not a valid ABI'.format(self.abi))
assert self.api is not None
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(f'{self.api} is not a valid API number')
# Not a ValueError for this one because it should be impossible. This
# is actually a computed result from the config we're passed.
assert self.ndk_build_flags is not None
def get_build_dir(self, out_dir: str) -> str:
return os.path.join(out_dir, str(self.config), '',
def run(self, obj_dir: str, _dist_dir: str,
_test_filters: TestFilter) -> Tuple[TestResult, List[Test]]:
build_dir = self.get_build_dir(obj_dir)
logger().info('Building test: %s',
_prep_build_dir(self.test_dir, build_dir)
module = imp.load_source('test', '')
assert self.platform is not None
success, failure_message = module.run_test( # type: ignore
self.ndk_path, self.abi, self.platform, self.config.linker, self.ndk_build_flags)
if success:
return Success(self), []
return Failure(self, failure_message), []
class ShellBuildTest(BuildTest):
def __init__(self, name: str, test_dir: str, config: BuildConfiguration,
ndk_path: str) -> None:
api = config.api
if api is None:
api = ndk.abis.min_api_for_abi(config.abi)
config = ndk.test.spec.BuildConfiguration(config.abi, api,
super().__init__(name, test_dir, config, ndk_path)
def get_build_dir(self, out_dir: str) -> str:
return os.path.join(out_dir, str(self.config), '',
def run(self, obj_dir: str, _dist_dir: str,
_test_filters: TestFilter) -> Tuple[TestResult, List[Test]]:
build_dir = self.get_build_dir(obj_dir)
logger().info('Building test: %s',
if == 'nt':
reason = ' tests are not supported on Windows'
return Skipped(self, reason), []
assert self.api is not None
result = _run_build_sh_test(self, build_dir, self.test_dir,
self.ndk_path, self.ndk_build_flags,
self.abi, self.api, self.config.linker)
return result, []
def _run_build_sh_test(test: ShellBuildTest, build_dir: str, test_dir: str,
ndk_path: str, ndk_build_flags: List[str], abi: Abi,
platform: int, linker: LinkerOption) -> TestResult:
_prep_build_dir(test_dir, build_dir)
build_cmd = ['bash', ''] + _get_jobs_args() + ndk_build_flags
test_env = dict(os.environ)
test_env['NDK'] = ndk_path
if abi is not None:
test_env['APP_ABI'] = abi
test_env['APP_PLATFORM'] = f'android-{platform}'
test_env['APP_LD'] = linker.value
rc, out = ndk.ext.subprocess.call_output(
build_cmd, env=test_env, encoding='utf-8')
if rc == 0:
return Success(test)
return Failure(test, out)
def _platform_from_application_mk(test_dir: str) -> Optional[int]:
"""Determine target API level from a test's
test_dir: Directory of the test to read.
Integer portion of APP_PLATFORM if found, else None.
ValueError: Found an unexpected value for APP_PLATFORM.
application_mk = os.path.join(test_dir, 'jni/')
if not os.path.exists(application_mk):
return None
with open(application_mk) as application_mk_file:
for line in application_mk_file:
if line.startswith('APP_PLATFORM'):
_, platform_str = line.split(':=')
return None
platform_str = platform_str.strip()
if not platform_str.startswith('android-'):
raise ValueError(platform_str)
_, api_level_str = platform_str.split('-')
return int(api_level_str)
def _get_or_infer_app_platform(platform_from_user: Optional[int],
test_dir: str, abi: Abi) -> int:
"""Determines the platform level to use for a test using ndk-build.
Choose the platform level from, in order of preference:
1. Value given as argument.
2. APP_PLATFORM from jni/
3. Default value for the target ABI.
platform_from_user: A user provided platform level or None.
test_dir: The directory containing the ndk-build project.
abi: The ABI being targeted.
The platform version the test should build against.
if platform_from_user is not None:
return platform_from_user
minimum_version = ndk.abis.min_api_for_abi(abi)
platform_from_application_mk = _platform_from_application_mk(test_dir)
if platform_from_application_mk is not None:
if platform_from_application_mk >= minimum_version:
return platform_from_application_mk
return minimum_version
class NdkBuildTest(BuildTest):
def __init__(self, name: str, test_dir: str, config: BuildConfiguration,
ndk_path: str, dist: bool) -> None:
api = _get_or_infer_app_platform(config.api, test_dir, config.abi)
config = ndk.test.spec.BuildConfiguration(config.abi, api,
super().__init__(name, test_dir, config, ndk_path)
self.dist = dist
def get_dist_dir(self, obj_dir: str, dist_dir: str) -> str:
if self.dist:
return self.get_build_dir(dist_dir)
return os.path.join(self.get_build_dir(obj_dir), 'dist')
def get_build_dir(self, out_dir: str) -> str:
return os.path.join(out_dir, str(self.config), 'ndk-build',
def run(self, obj_dir: str, dist_dir: str,
_test_filters: TestFilter) -> Tuple[TestResult, List[Test]]:
logger().info('Building test: %s',
obj_dir = self.get_build_dir(obj_dir)
dist_dir = self.get_dist_dir(obj_dir, dist_dir)
assert self.api is not None
result = _run_ndk_build_test(self, obj_dir, dist_dir, self.test_dir,
self.ndk_path, self.ndk_build_flags,
self.abi, self.api, self.config.linker)
return result, []
def _run_ndk_build_test(test: NdkBuildTest, obj_dir: str, dist_dir: str,
test_dir: str, ndk_path: str,
ndk_build_flags: List[str], abi: Abi,
platform: int, linker: LinkerOption) -> TestResult:
_prep_build_dir(test_dir, obj_dir)
args = [
] + _get_jobs_args()
rc, out =, args + ndk_build_flags)
if rc == 0:
return Success(test)
return Failure(test, out)
class CMakeBuildTest(BuildTest):
def __init__(self, name: str, test_dir: str, config: BuildConfiguration,
ndk_path: str, dist: bool) -> None:
api = _get_or_infer_app_platform(config.api, test_dir, config.abi)
config = ndk.test.spec.BuildConfiguration(config.abi, api,
super().__init__(name, test_dir, config, ndk_path)
self.dist = dist
def get_dist_dir(self, obj_dir: str, dist_dir: str) -> str:
if self.dist:
return self.get_build_dir(dist_dir)
return os.path.join(self.get_build_dir(obj_dir), 'dist')
def get_build_dir(self, out_dir: str) -> str:
return os.path.join(out_dir, str(self.config), 'cmake',
def run(self, obj_dir: str, dist_dir: str,
_test_filters: TestFilter) -> Tuple[TestResult, List[Test]]:
obj_dir = self.get_build_dir(obj_dir)
dist_dir = self.get_dist_dir(obj_dir, dist_dir)
logger().info('Building test: %s',
assert self.api is not None
result = _run_cmake_build_test(self, obj_dir, dist_dir, self.test_dir,
self.ndk_path, self.cmake_flags,
self.abi, self.api, self.config.linker)
return result, []
def _run_cmake_build_test(test: CMakeBuildTest, obj_dir: str, dist_dir: str,
test_dir: str, ndk_path: str, cmake_flags: List[str],
abi: str, platform: int,
linker: LinkerOption) -> TestResult:
_prep_build_dir(test_dir, obj_dir)
# Add prebuilts to PATH.
prebuilts_host_tag = ndk.hosts.get_default_host().value + '-x86'
prebuilts_bin = ndk.paths.android_path(
'prebuilts', 'cmake', prebuilts_host_tag, 'bin')
env_path = prebuilts_bin + os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']
# Fail if we don't have a working cmake executable, either from the
# prebuilts, or from the SDK, or if a new enough version is installed.
cmake_bin = shutil.which('cmake', path=env_path)
if cmake_bin is None:
return Failure(test, 'cmake executable not found')
out = subprocess.check_output([cmake_bin, '--version']).decode('utf-8')
version_pattern = r'cmake version (\d+)\.(\d+)\.'
m = re.match(version_pattern, out)
if m is None:
raise RuntimeError('Unable to determine CMake version.')
version = [int(v) for v in m.groups()]
if version < [3, 6]:
return Failure(test, 'cmake 3.6 or above required')
# Also require a working ninja executable.
ninja_bin = shutil.which('ninja', path=env_path)
if ninja_bin is None:
return Failure(test, 'ninja executable not found')
rc, _ = ndk.ext.subprocess.call_output([ninja_bin, '--version'])
if rc != 0:
return Failure(test, 'ninja --version failed')
toolchain_file = os.path.join(ndk_path, 'build', 'cmake',
abi_obj_dir = os.path.join(obj_dir, abi)
abi_lib_dir = os.path.join(dist_dir, abi)
args = [
if platform is not None:
rc, out = ndk.ext.subprocess.call_output(
[cmake_bin] + cmake_flags + args, encoding='utf-8')
if rc != 0:
return Failure(test, out)
rc, out = ndk.ext.subprocess.call_output(
[cmake_bin, '--build', abi_obj_dir, '--'] + _get_jobs_args(),
if rc != 0:
return Failure(test, out)
return Success(test)
def get_xunit_reports(xunit_file: Path, test_base_dir: str,
config: BuildConfiguration, ndk_path: str) -> List[Test]:
tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(str(xunit_file))
root = tree.getroot()
cases = root.findall('.//testcase')
reports: List[Test] = []
for test_case in cases:
mangled_test_dir = test_case.get('classname')
# The classname is the path from the root of the libc++ test directory
# to the directory containing the test (prefixed with 'libc++.')...
mangled_path = '/'.join([mangled_test_dir, test_case.get('name')])
# ... that has had '.' in its path replaced with '_' because xunit.
test_matches = find_original_libcxx_test(mangled_path)
if not test_matches:
raise RuntimeError('Found no matches for test ' + mangled_path)
if len(test_matches) > 1:
raise RuntimeError('Found multiple matches for test {}: {}'.format(
mangled_path, test_matches))
assert len(test_matches) == 1
# We found a unique path matching the xunit class/test name.
name = test_matches[0]
test_dir = os.path.dirname(name)[len('libc++.'):]
failure_nodes = test_case.findall('failure')
if not failure_nodes:
name, test_base_dir, test_dir, config, ndk_path))
if len(failure_nodes) != 1:
msg = ('Could not parse XUnit output: test case does not have a '
'unique failure node: {}'.format(name))
raise RuntimeError(msg)
failure_node = failure_nodes[0]
failure_text = failure_node.text
assert failure_text is not None
name, test_base_dir, test_dir, failure_text, config, ndk_path))
return reports
def get_lit_cmd() -> Optional[List[str]]:
# The build server doesn't install lit to a virtualenv, so use it from the
# source location if possible.
lit_path = ndk.paths.android_path('external/llvm/utils/lit/')
if os.path.exists(lit_path):
return ['python', lit_path]
elif shutil.which('lit'):
return ['lit']
return None
def find_original_libcxx_test(name: str) -> List[str]:
"""Finds the original libc++ test file given the xunit test name.
LIT mangles test names to replace all periods with underscores because
xunit. This returns all tests that could possibly match the xunit test
name = ndk.paths.to_posix_path(name)
# LIT special cases tests in the root of the test directory (such as
# test/nothing_to_do.pass.cpp) as "libc++.libc++/$TEST_FILE.pass.cpp" for
# some reason. Strip it off so we can find the tests.
if name.startswith('libc++.libc++/'):
name = 'libc++.' + name[len('libc++.libc++/'):]
test_prefix = 'libc++.'
if not name.startswith(test_prefix):
raise ValueError('libc++ test name must begin with "libc++."')
name = name[len(test_prefix):]
test_pattern = name.replace('_', '?')
matches = []
# On Windows, a multiprocessing worker process does not inherit ALL_TESTS,
# so we must scan libc++ tests in each worker.
# ndk.test.scanner is not explicitly imported, which messes with mypy, but
# works. We can't add the import because then there's a cyclic dependency
# between this module and ndk.test.scanner. We'll need to refactor to fix
# that.
ndk.test.scanner.LibcxxTestScanner.find_all_libcxx_tests() # type: ignore
all_libcxx_tests = ndk.test.scanner.LibcxxTestScanner.ALL_TESTS # type: ignore
for match in fnmatch.filter(all_libcxx_tests, test_pattern):
matches.append(test_prefix + match)
return matches
class LibcxxTest(Test):
def __init__(self, name: str, test_dir: str, config: BuildConfiguration,
ndk_path: str) -> None:
if config.api is None:
config.api = ndk.abis.min_api_for_abi(config.abi)
super().__init__(name, test_dir, config, ndk_path)
def abi(self) -> Abi:
return self.config.abi
def api(self) -> Optional[int]:
return self.config.api
def get_build_dir(self, out_dir: str) -> str:
return os.path.join(out_dir, str(self.config), 'libcxx',
def run_lit(self, lit: List[str], ndk_path: Path, libcxx_src: Path,
libcxx_install: Path, build_dir: str,
filters: List[str]) -> None:
device_dir = '/data/local/tmp/libcxx'
arch = ndk.abis.abi_to_arch(self.abi)
host_tag = ndk.hosts.get_host_tag(self.ndk_path)
triple = ndk.abis.arch_to_triple(arch)
toolchain = ndk.abis.arch_to_toolchain(arch)
replacements = [
('abi', self.abi),
('api', self.api),
('arch', arch),
('host_tag', host_tag),
('libcxx_install', libcxx_install),
('libcxx_src', libcxx_src),
('linker', self.config.linker.value),
('ndk_path', ndk_path),
('toolchain', toolchain),
('triple', f'{triple}{self.api}'),
('build_dir', build_dir),
lit_cfg_args = []
for key, value in replacements:
xunit_output = os.path.join(build_dir, 'xunit.xml')
lit_args = lit + [
'--param=device_dir=' + device_dir,
'--xunit-xml-output=' + xunit_output,
] + lit_cfg_args
default_test_path = os.path.join(libcxx_src, 'test')
test_paths = list(filters)
if not test_paths:
for test_path in test_paths:
# Ignore the exit code. We do most XFAIL processing outside the test
# runner so expected failures in the test runner will still cause a
# non-zero exit status. This "test" only fails if we encounter a Python
# exception. Exceptions raised from our code are already caught by the
# test runner. If that happens in LIT, the xunit output will not be
# valid and we'll fail get_xunit_reports and raise an exception anyway.
with open(os.devnull, 'w') as dev_null:
stdout: Optional[TextIO] = dev_null
stderr: Optional[TextIO] = dev_null
if logger().isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):
stdout = None
stderr = None, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
def run(self, obj_dir: str, dist_dir: str,
test_filters: TestFilter) -> Tuple[TestResult, List[Test]]:
lit = get_lit_cmd()
if lit is None:
return Failure(self, 'Could not find lit'), []
libcxx_src = ndk.paths.ANDROID_DIR / 'external/libcxx'
if not libcxx_src.exists():
return Failure(self,
f'Expected libc++ directory at {libcxx_src}'), []
build_dir = self.get_build_dir(dist_dir)
if not os.path.exists(build_dir):
xunit_output = Path(build_dir) / 'xunit.xml'
libcxx_test_path = libcxx_src / 'test'
ndk_path = Path(self.ndk_path)
libcxx_install = (ndk_path / 'sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++' / 'libs' /
libcxx_so_path = libcxx_install / ''
shutil.copy2(str(libcxx_so_path), build_dir)
# The libc++ test runner's filters are path based. Assemble the path to
# the test based on the late_filters (early filters for a libc++ test
# would be simply "libc++", so that's not interesting at this stage).
filters = []
for late_filter in test_filters.late_filters:
filter_pattern = late_filter.pattern
if not filter_pattern.startswith('libc++.'):
_, _, path = filter_pattern.partition('.')
if not os.path.isabs(path):
path = os.path.join(libcxx_test_path, path)
# If we have a filter like "libc++.std", we'll run everything in
# std, but all our XunitReport "tests" will be filtered out. Make
# sure we have something usable.
if path.endswith('*'):
# But the libc++ test runner won't like that, so strip it.
path = path[:-1]
elif not os.path.isfile(path):
raise RuntimeError(f'{path} does not exist')
self.run_lit(lit, ndk_path, libcxx_src, libcxx_install, build_dir,
for root, _, files in os.walk(libcxx_test_path):
for test_file in files:
if not test_file.endswith('.dat'):
test_relpath = os.path.relpath(root, libcxx_test_path)
dest_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, test_relpath)
if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
shutil.copy2(os.path.join(root, test_file), dest_dir)
# We create a bunch of fake tests that report the status of each
# individual test in the xunit report.
test_reports = get_xunit_reports(
xunit_output, self.test_dir, self.config, self.ndk_path)
return Success(self), test_reports
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
def check_broken(self) -> Union[Tuple[None, None], Tuple[str, str]]:
# Actual results are reported individually by pulling them out of the
# xunit output. This just reports the status of the overall test run,
# which should be passing.
return None, None
def check_unsupported(self) -> Optional[str]:
return None
def is_negative_test(self) -> bool:
return False
# pylint: enable=no-self-use
class XunitResult(Test):
"""Fake tests so we can show a result for each libc++ test.
We create these by parsing the xunit XML output from the libc++ test
runner. For each result, we create an XunitResult "test" that simply
returns a result for the xunit status.
We don't have an ExpectedFailure form of the XunitResult because that is
already handled for us by the libc++ test runner.
def __init__(self, name: str, test_base_dir: str, test_dir: str,
config: BuildConfiguration, ndk_path: str) -> None:
super().__init__(name, test_dir, config, ndk_path)
self.test_base_dir = test_base_dir
def case_name(self) -> str:
return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename([0]
def run(self, _out_dir: str, _dist_dir: str,
_test_filters: TestFilter) -> Tuple[TestResult, List[Test]]:
raise NotImplementedError
def get_test_config(self) -> TestConfig:
test_config_dir = os.path.join(self.test_base_dir, self.test_dir)
return LibcxxTestConfig.from_test_dir(test_config_dir)
def check_broken(self) -> Union[Tuple[None, None], Tuple[str, str]]:
config, bug = self.get_test_config().build_broken(self)
if config is not None:
return config, bug
return None, None
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
def check_unsupported(self) -> Optional[str]:
return None
def is_negative_test(self) -> bool:
return False
# pylint: enable=no-self-use
class XunitSuccess(XunitResult):
def get_build_dir(self, out_dir: str) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError
def run(self, _out_dir: str, _dist_dir: str,
_test_filters: TestFilter) -> Tuple[TestResult, List[Test]]:
return Success(self), []
class XunitFailure(XunitResult):
def __init__(self, name: str, test_base_dir: str, test_dir: str, text: str,
config: BuildConfiguration, ndk_path: str) -> None:
super().__init__(name, test_base_dir, test_dir, config, ndk_path)
self.text = text
def get_build_dir(self, out_dir: str) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError
def run(self, _out_dir: str, _dist_dir: str,
_test_filters: TestFilter) -> Tuple[TestResult, List[Test]]:
return Failure(self, self.text), []