blob: be3f245fa9f65e8496b44685c135e1acd5f6241a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// A crazy linker test to test crazy_context_set_java_vm().
#include <jni.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <crazy_linker.h>
#include "test_util.h"
static const char kJniLibName[] = "";
static void* kJavaVM = (void*)0xdeadcafe;
int main() {
crazy_context_t* context = crazy_context_create();
crazy_library_t* library;
// Expect to find the library in the same directory than this executable.
crazy_context_add_search_path_for_address(context, (void*)&main);
crazy_context_set_java_vm(context, kJavaVM, JNI_VERSION_1_2);
// Load, this should invoke its JNI_OnLoad() function
// automatically.
setenv(VARNAME, "INIT", 1);
if (!crazy_library_open(&library, kJniLibName, context))
Panic("Could not open library: %s\n", crazy_context_get_error(context));
const char* env = getenv(VARNAME);
if (strcmp(env, "LOADED"))
Panic("JNI_OnLoad() hook was not called! %s is %s\n", VARNAME, env);
env = getenv(VARNAME);
if (strcmp(env, "UNLOADED"))
Panic("JNI_OnUnload() hook was not called! %s is %s\n", VARNAME, env);
// Now, change the minimum JNI version to JNI_VERSION_1_6, which should
// prevent loading the library properly, since it only supports 1.2.
crazy_context_set_java_vm(context, kJavaVM, JNI_VERSION_1_6);
setenv(VARNAME, "INIT", 1);
if (crazy_library_open(&library, kJniLibName, context))
Panic("Could load the library with JNI_VERSION_1_6 > JNI_VERSION_1_2.");
// Disable the feature, this shall load the library, but not call the
// JNI_OnLoad() hook.
crazy_context_set_java_vm(context, NULL, 0);
setenv(VARNAME, "INIT", 1);
if (!crazy_library_open(&library, kJniLibName, context))
Panic("Could not load the library without a JavaVM handle !?\n");
env = getenv(VARNAME);
if (strcmp(env, "INIT"))
Panic("JNI_OnLoad() was called, %s is %s (expected INIT)\n", VARNAME, env);
env = getenv(VARNAME);
if (strcmp(env, "INIT"))
"JNI_OnUnload() was called, %s is %s (expected INIT)\n", VARNAME, env);
return 0;