blob: dd3fd911133c8341fc6b48671b85b60f91f45fec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string.h>
#include "crazy_linker_util.h" // for String
namespace crazy {
// A simple class to model a list of search paths, and perform
// file system probing with it.
class SearchPathList {
SearchPathList() : list_(), env_list_(), full_path_() {}
// Reset the list, i.e. make it empty.
void Reset();
// Reset the list from an environment variable value.
void ResetFromEnv(const char* var_name);
// Add one or more paths to the list.
// |path_list| contains a list of paths separated by columns.
// |path_list_end| points after the list's last character.
void AddPaths(const char* path_list, const char* path_list_end);
// Convenience function that takes a 0-terminated string.
void AddPaths(const char* path_list) {
AddPaths(path_list, path_list + ::strlen(path_list));
// Try to find a file named |file_name| by probing the file system
// with every item in the list as a suffix. On success, returns the
// full path string, or NULL on failure.
const char* FindFile(const char* file_name);
String list_;
String env_list_;
String full_path_;
} // namespace crazy