blob: d8fe40b0f77347b7b77219619329ec61ce75cdf6 [file] [log] [blame]
NDK Development:
This document describes how one can modify the NDK and generate
new experimental release packages for it.
I. Getting the sources:
The sources live at, You can get them with the following:
mkdir myndk
cd myndk
git clone git:// .
If you intend to contribute patches, you might want to use the "repo" tool instead.
Follow the instructions at and download the full Android sources
to your tree.
II. Prebuilt binaries:
The source tree does not contain the prebuilt binaries for the cross-compiler and
other stuff that are necessary to generate machine code with the NDK.
The easiest way to get them is to use the following script:
It will download all source packages from the Internet, unpack, patch and build
them for you. In the end, the binaries will be located under the following:
Where $HOST_TAG corresponds to your system (e.g. windows, darwin-x86 or linux-x86) is really a wrapper script around many other scripts
under build/tools. Use --help to get proper usage and options for each one of
these tools. Things you can do with them include:
II.1: Download the toolchain sources and package them:
build/tools/ --package
This downloads the toolchain sources from and
packages them into a file like /tmp/android-ndk-toolchain-<date>.tar.bz2
This is useful is you want to modify to support different
prebuilts or toolchains. To use the package, to rebuilt binaries:
build/tools/ --toolchain-src=<package>
You can also directly unpack the sources into a target source directory with:
build/tools/ <src-dir>
II.2.: Build the cross-compiler only:
build/tools/ <src-dir> <ndk-dir> <toolchain-name>
src-dir = unpacked toolchain source directory
ndk-dir = target NDK install location (e.g. your 'myndk' top-level directory)
toolchain-name = toolchain name (arm-eabi-4.2.1 / arm-eabi-4.4.0 / x86-4.2.1)
II.3.: Build the gdbserver binary only:
build/tools/ <gdbserver-src-dir> <ndk-dir> <toolchain-name>
II.4.: Package all prebuilt binaries for easier redistribution / unpacking:
Build everything into a target directory:
build/tools/ --package
This will create a package named /tmp/android-ndk-prebuilt-<date>-<system>.tar.bz2
This package is to be unpacked directly in your NDK top-level directory, i.e.
cd myndk
tar xjf <package>