merge in nyc-release history after reset to master
diff --git a/ b/
index 847480f..0ef51cc 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -115,24 +115,5 @@
    cause is incompatibility between the LLVM unwinder used by libc++abi for
    ARM32 and libgcc. This is not a regression from r10e.
-What's Next?
-A significant proportion of the changes that went into this release were
-organizational changes to the build and to the package layout. The reason for
-this is that we will soon be integrating the NDK into the Android SDK manager as
-several distinct components. The motivations for this change are:
- * No wasted bandwidth or disk space on unneeded pieces. Do you really need 14
-   compilers? With the modular NDK you can download just the one Clang, or a
-   single set of GCCs.
- * Easier updating. Just launch the SDK manager and install the updates rather
-   than downloading an entire new NDK.
- * Quicker updates. In the future we’ll be able to release just a portion of the
-   NDK on a quicker schedule. No more waiting for the next big release for a
-   handful of bug fixes or a compiler update.
-The integration with the SDK manager should happen Soon™.
 [Android Developer website]:
diff --git a/build/lib/ b/build/lib/
index b54062d..4e88cad 100644
--- a/build/lib/
+++ b/build/lib/
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
     basename = os.path.basename(directory)
-            ['zip', '-x', '*.pyc', '-x', '*.pyo', '-x', '*.pyd', '-x', '*.swp',
+            ['zip', '-x', '*.pyc', '-x', '*.pyo', '-x', '*.swp',
              '-x', '*.git*', '-9qr', path, basename])
diff --git a/build/tools/ b/build/tools/
index 4f699c6..f0af5c2 100644
--- a/build/tools/
+++ b/build/tools/
@@ -725,7 +725,7 @@
     mkdir -p `dirname $ARCHIVE`
     TARFLAGS="--exclude='*.py[cod]' --exclude='*.swp' --exclude=.git --exclude=.gitignore -cf"
-    ZIPFLAGS="-x *.git* -x *.pyc -x *.pyo -x *.pyd -9qr"
+    ZIPFLAGS="-x *.git* -x *.pyc -x *.pyo -9qr"
     # Ensure symlinks are stored as is in zip files. for toolchains
     # this can save up to 7 MB in the size of the final archive
     #ZIPFLAGS="$ZIPFLAGS --symlinks"
diff --git a/build/tools/ b/build/tools/
deleted file mode 100755
index e0d4071..0000000
--- a/build/tools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,493 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Android Open Source Project
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# This script is used to package complete Android NDK release packages.
-# You will need prebuilt toolchain binary tarballs or a previous
-# NDK release package to do that.
-. `dirname $0`/
-# the list of platforms / API levels we want to package in
-# this release. This can be overriden with the --platforms
-# option, see below.
-# the default release name (use today's date)
-RELEASE=`date +%Y%m%d`
-register_var_option "--release=<name>" RELEASE "Specify release name"
-# the directory containing all prebuilts
-register_var_option "--prebuilt-dir=<path>" PREBUILT_DIR "Specify prebuilt directory"
-# a prebuilt NDK archive (.zip file). empty means don't use any
-register_var_option "--prebuilt-ndk=<file>" PREBUILT_NDK "Specify prebuilt ndk package"
-# the list of supported host development systems
-register_var_option "--systems=<list>" SYSTEMS "Specify host systems"
-# ARCH to build for
-register_var_option "--arch=<arch>" ARCHS "Specify target architecture(s)"
-# set to 'yes' if we should use 'git ls-files' to list the files to
-# be copied into the archive.
-register_var_option "--no-git" NO_GIT "Don't use git to list input files, take all of them."
-# set of toolchain prebuilts we need to package
-register_var_option "--toolchains=<list>" OPTION_TOOLCHAINS "Specify list of toolchains."
-# set of platforms to package (all by default)
-register_var_option "--platforms=<list>" PLATFORMS "Specify API levels"
-# the package prefix
-register_var_option "--prefix=<name>" PREFIX "Specify package prefix"
-# default location for generated packages
-register_var_option "--out-dir=<path>" OPTION_OUT_DIR "Specify output package directory" "$OUT_DIR"
-# Find the location of the platforms root directory
-DEVELOPMENT_ROOT=`dirname $ANDROID_NDK_ROOT`/development/ndk
-register_var_option "--development-root=<path>" DEVELOPMENT_ROOT "Specify platforms directory"
-GCC_VERSION_LIST="default" # it's arch defined by default so use default keyword
-register_var_option "--gcc-version-list=<vers>" GCC_VERSION_LIST "List of GCC release versions"
-register_var_option "--gdb-version=<versions>" GDB_VERSION "GDB release version"
-"Package a new set of release packages for the Android NDK.
-You will need to have generated one or more prebuilt binary tarballs
-with the script. These files should be named like
-<toolname>-<system>.tar.bz2, where <toolname> is an arbitrary tool name, and
-<system> is one of: $SYSTEMS
-Use the --prebuilt-dir=<path> option to build release packages from the
-binary tarballs stored in <path>.
-Alternatively, you can use --prebuilt-ndk=<file> where <file> is the path
-to a previous NDK release package. It will be used to extract the toolchain
-binaries and copy them to your new release. Only use this for experimental
-package releases.
-The generated release packages will be stored in a temporary directory that
-will be printed at the end of the generation process.
-extract_parameters "$@"
-# Ensure that SYSTEMS is space-separated
-SYSTEMS=$(commas_to_spaces $SYSTEMS)
-ARCHS=$(commas_to_spaces $ARCHS)
-# Compute ABIS from ARCHS
-for ARCH in $ARCHS; do
-    DEFAULT_ABIS=$(get_default_abis_for_arch $ARCH)
-    if [ -z "$ABIS" ]; then
-    else
-    fi
-# If --arch is used to list x86 as a target architecture, Add x86-4.8 to
-# the list of default toolchains to package. That is, unless you also
-# explicitely use --toolchains=<list>
-# Ensure that TOOLCHAINS is space-separated after this.
-    TOOLCHAINS=$(commas_to_spaces $OPTION_TOOLCHAINS)
-    for ARCH in $ARCHS; do
-       case $ARCH in
-           arm|arm64|x86|x86_64|mips|mips64) TOOLCHAINS=$TOOLCHAINS" "$(get_toolchain_name_list_for_arch $ARCH) ;;
-           *) echo "ERROR: Unknown arch to package: $ARCH"; exit 1 ;;
-       esac
-    done
-    TOOLCHAINS=$(commas_to_spaces $TOOLCHAINS)
-if [ "$GCC_VERSION_LIST" != "default" ]; then
-   for VERSION in $(commas_to_spaces $GCC_VERSION_LIST); do
-      for TOOLCHAIN in $TOOLCHAINS; do
-         if [ $TOOLCHAIN != ${TOOLCHAIN%%$VERSION} ]; then
-         fi
-      done
-   done
-# Check the prebuilt path
-if [ -n "$PREBUILT_NDK" -a -n "$PREBUILT_DIR" ] ; then
-    echo "ERROR: You cannot use both --prebuilt-ndk and --prebuilt-dir at the same time."
-    exit 1
-if [ -z "$PREBUILT_DIR" -a -z "$PREBUILT_NDK" ] ; then
-    echo "ERROR: You must use one of --prebuilt-dir or --prebuilt-ndk. See --help for details."
-    exit 1
-# Check the option directory.
-if [ -n "$OPTION_OUT_DIR" ] ; then
-    mkdir -p $OUT_DIR
-    if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
-        echo "ERROR: Could not create output directory: $OUT_DIR"
-        exit 1
-    fi
-    rm -rf $OUT_DIR && mkdir -p $OUT_DIR
-# Handle the prebuilt binaries now
-if [ -n "$PREBUILT_DIR" ] ; then
-    if [ ! -d "$PREBUILT_DIR" ] ; then
-        echo "ERROR: the --prebuilt-dir argument is not a directory: $PREBUILT_DIR"
-        exit 1
-    fi
-    if [ -z "$SYSTEMS" ] ; then
-        echo "ERROR: Your systems list is empty, use --systems=LIST to specify a different one."
-        exit 1
-    fi
-    if [ ! -f "$PREBUILT_NDK" ] ; then
-        echo "ERROR: the --prebuilt-ndk argument is not a file: $PREBUILT_NDK"
-        exit 1
-    fi
-    # Check that the name ends with the proper host tag
-    echo "$PREBUILT_NDK" | grep -q "$HOST_NDK_SUFFIX"
-    fail_panic "The name of the prebuilt NDK must end in $HOST_NDK_SUFFIX"
-echo "Architectures: $ARCHS"
-echo "CPU ABIs: $ABIS"
-echo "GCC Toolchains: $TOOLCHAINS"
-echo "Host systems: $SYSTEMS"
-# The list of git files to copy into the archives
-if [ "$NO_GIT" != "yes" ] ; then
-    echo "Collecting sources from git (use --no-git to copy all files instead)."
-    GIT_FILES=`cd $NDK_ROOT_DIR && git ls-files`
-    echo "Collecting all sources files under tree."
-    # Get all files under the NDK root
-    GIT_FILES=`cd $NDK_ROOT_DIR && find .`
-    GIT_FILES=`echo $GIT_FILES | sed -e "s!\./!!g"`
-# temporary directory used for packaging
-# ensure that the generated files are ug+rx
-umask 0022
-# Translate name to 64-bit's counterpart
-# $1: prebuilt name
-name64 ()
-    local NAME=$1
-    case $NAME in
-        *windows)
-            NAME=${NAME}-x86_64
-            ;;
-        *linux-x86|*darwin-x86)
-            NAME=${NAME}_64
-            ;;
-    esac
-    echo $NAME
-# Unpack a prebuilt into specified destination directory
-# $1: prebuilt name, relative to $PREBUILT_DIR
-# $2: destination directory
-unpack_prebuilt ()
-    local PREBUILT=$1
-    local DDIR="$2"
-    PREBUILT=${PREBUILT}.tar.bz2
-    echo "Unpacking $PREBUILT"
-    if [ -f "$PREBUILT_DIR/$PREBUILT" ] ; then
-        unpack_archive "$PREBUILT_DIR/$PREBUILT" "$DDIR"
-        fail_panic "Could not unpack prebuilt $PREBUILT. Aborting."
-    else
-        fail_panic "Could not find $PREBUILT in $PREBUILT_DIR"
-    fi
-# Copy a prebuilt directory from the previous
-# $1: Source directory relative to
-copy_prebuilt ()
-    local SUBDIR="$1"
-    if [ -d "$1" ] ; then
-        echo "Copying: $SUBDIR"
-        copy_directory "$SUBDIR" "$DSTDIR/$2"
-    else
-        echo "Ignored: $SUBDIR"
-    fi
-rm -rf $TMPDIR && mkdir -p $TMPDIR
-# Unpack the previous NDK package if any
-if [ -n "$PREBUILT_NDK" ] ; then
-    echo "Unpacking prebuilt toolchains from $PREBUILT_NDK"
-    UNZIP_DIR=$TMPDIR/prev-ndk
-    rm -rf $UNZIP_DIR && mkdir -p $UNZIP_DIR
-    fail_panic "Could not create temporary directory: $UNZIP_DIR"
-    unpack_archive "$PREBUILT_NDK" "$UNZIP_DIR"
-    fail_panic "Could not unzip NDK package $PREBUILT_NDK"
-# first create the reference ndk directory from the git reference
-echo "Creating reference from source files"
-REFERENCE=$TMPDIR/reference && rm -rf $REFERENCE/* &&
-copy_file_list "$NDK_ROOT_DIR" "$REFERENCE" $GIT_FILES &&
-rm -f $REFERENCE/
-fail_panic "Could not create reference. Aborting."
-# Copy platform and sample files
-if [ "$PREBUILT_DIR" ]; then
-    echo "Unpacking platform files" &&
-    unpack_archive "$PREBUILT_DIR/platforms.tar.bz2" "$REFERENCE"
-    fail_panic "Could not unpack platform files"
-elif [ "$PREBUILT_NDK" ]; then
-    exit 1
-    # copy platform and sample files
-    echo "Copying platform and sample files"
-    FLAGS="--src-dir=$DEVELOPMENT_ROOT --dst-dir=$REFERENCE"
-    FLAGS="$FLAGS --platform=$(spaces_to_commas $PLATFORMS)"
-    FLAGS="$FLAGS --arch=$(spaces_to_commas $ARCHS)"
-    $NDK_ROOT_DIR/build/tools/ $FLAGS
-    fail_panic "Could not copy platform files. Aborting."
-cp -r $NDK_ROOT_DIR/samples $REFERENCE
-# Remove the source for host tools to make the final package smaller
-rm -rf $REFERENCE/sources/host-tools
-# Remove leftovers, just in case...
-rm -rf $REFERENCE/tests/build/*/{obj,libs} &&
-rm -rf $REFERENCE/tests/device/*/{obj,libs}
-# copy sources files
-if [ -d $DEVELOPMENT_ROOT/sources ] ; then
-    echo "Copying NDK sources files"
-    copy_file_list "$DEVELOPMENT_ROOT" "$REFERENCE" "sources"
-    fail_panic "Could not copy sources. Aborting."
-# Unpack prebuilt C++ runtimes headers and libraries
-if [ -z "$PREBUILT_NDK" ]; then
-    # Unpack gdbserver
-    for ARCH in $ARCHS; do
-        unpack_prebuilt gdbserver-$ARCH "$REFERENCE"
-    done
-    # Unpack C++ runtimes
-        unpack_prebuilt gnustl-$VERSION "$REFERENCE"
-    done
-    unpack_prebuilt stlport "$REFERENCE"
-    unpack_prebuilt libcxx "$REFERENCE"
-# create a release file named 'RELEASE.TXT' containing the release
-# name. This is used by the build script to detect whether you're
-# invoking the NDK from a release package or from the development
-# tree.
-if [ "$TRY64" = "yes" ]; then
-    echo "$RELEASE (64-bit)" > $REFERENCE/RELEASE.TXT
-# Remove un-needed files
-rm -f $REFERENCE/
-# now, for each system, create a package
-for SYSTEM in $SYSTEMS; do
-    if [ "$TRY64" = "yes" ]; then
-        SYSTEM=`name64 $SYSTEM`
-    fi
-    echo "Preparing package for system $SYSTEM."
-    rm -rf "$DSTDIR" &&
-    mkdir -p "$DSTDIR" &&
-    copy_directory "$REFERENCE" "$DSTDIR"
-    fail_panic "Could not copy reference. Aborting."
-    if [ "$PREBUILT_NDK" ]; then
-        cd $UNZIP_DIR/android-ndk-* && cp -rP toolchains/$SYSTEM/* \
-            $DSTDIR/toolchains/$SYSTEM
-        fail_panic "Could not copy toolchain files from $PREBUILT_NDK"
-        if [ -d "$DSTDIR/$GABIXX_SUBDIR" ]; then
-            for GABIXX_ABI in $GABIXX_ABIS; do
-                copy_prebuilt "$GABIXX_SUBDIR/libs/$GABIXX_ABI" "$GABIXX_SUBDIR/libs"
-            done
-        else
-            echo "WARNING: Could not find GAbi++ source tree!"
-        fi
-        if [ -d "$DSTDIR/$STLPORT_SUBDIR" ] ; then
-            for STL_ABI in $STLPORT_ABIS; do
-                copy_prebuilt "$STLPORT_SUBDIR/libs/$STL_ABI" "$STLPORT_SUBDIR/libs"
-            done
-        else
-            echo "WARNING: Could not find STLport source tree!"
-        fi
-        if [ -d "$DSTDIR/$LIBCXX_SUBDIR" ]; then
-            for STL_ABI in $LIBCXX_ABIS; do
-                copy_prebuilt "$LIBCXX_SUBDIR/libs/$STL_ABI" "$LIBCXX_SUBDIR/libs"
-            done
-        else
-            echo "WARNING: Could not find Libc++ source tree!"
-        fi
-            copy_prebuilt "$GNUSTL_SUBDIR/$VERSION/include" "$GNUSTL_SUBDIR/$VERSION/"
-            for STL_ABI in $PREBUILT_ABIS; do
-                copy_prebuilt "$GNUSTL_SUBDIR/$VERSION/libs/$STL_ABI" "$GNUSTL_SUBDIR/$VERSION/libs"
-            done
-        done
-    else
-        for ARCH in $ARCHS; do
-            unpack_prebuilt gcc-$ARCH-$SYSTEM "$DSTDIR"
-            unpack_prebuilt binutils-$ARCH-$SYSTEM "$DSTDIR"
-            unpack_prebuilt gcclibs-$ARCH "$DSTDIR"
-        done
-        # Unpack clang/llvm
-        unpack_prebuilt llvm-$SYSTEM "$DSTDIR"
-        rm -rf $DSTDIR/toolchains/$SYSTEM/*l
-        # Unpack renderscript tools; http://b/22377128.
-        echo "WARNING: no renderscript-$SYSTEM tools! http://b/22377128"
-        #unpack_prebuilt renderscript-$SYSTEM "$DSTDIR"
-        # Unpack prebuilt ndk-stack and other host tools
-        unpack_prebuilt host-tools-$SYSTEM "$DSTDIR"
-    fi
-    # Unpack renderscript headers/libs; http://b/22377128.
-    echo "WARNING: no renderscript headers/libs! http://b/22377128"
-    #unpack_prebuilt renderscript "$DSTDIR"
-    # Unpack misc stuff
-    if [ -f "$PREBUILT_DIR/misc.tar.bz2" ]; then
-        unpack_prebuilt misc "$DSTDIR"
-    fi
-    # Remove duplicated files in case-insensitive file system
-    if [ "$SYSTEM" = "windows" -o "$SYSTEM" = "windows-x86_64" -o \
-         "$SYSTEM" = "darwin-x86" ]; then
-        rm -rf $DSTDIR/tests/build/c++-stl-source-extensions
-        find "$DSTDIR/platforms" | sort -f | uniq -di | xargs rm
-    fi
-    # Remove include-fixed/linux/a.out.h.   See
-    find "$DSTDIR/toolchains" -name a.out.h | grep include-fixed/ | xargs rm
-    # Remove redundant pretty-printers/libstdcxx
-    rm -rf $DSTDIR/prebuilt/share/pretty-printers/libstdcxx/gcc-l*
-    rm -rf $DSTDIR/prebuilt/share/pretty-printers/libstdcxx/gcc-4.9-*
-    # Remove python *.pyc and *.pyo files
-    find $DSTDIR/prebuilt/lib/python* -name "*.pyc" -exec rm -rf {} \;
-    find $DSTDIR/prebuilt/lib/python* -name "*.pyo" -exec rm -rf {} \;
-    # Remove .git*
-    find $DSTDIR -name ".git*" -exec rm -rf {} \;
-    # Create an archive for the final package. Extension depends on the
-    # host system.
-    if [ "$SYSTEM" = "windows" ]; then
-        ARCHIVE=$ARCHIVE-x86
-    fi
-    case "$SYSTEM" in
-        windows|windows-x86_64)
-            ARCHIVE="$"
-            ;;
-        *)
-            ARCHIVE="$ARCHIVE.tar.bz2"
-            ;;
-    esac
-    make_repo_prop $DSTDIR
-    echo "Creating $ARCHIVE"
-    # make all file universally readable, and all executable (including directory)
-    # universally executable, punt intended
-    find $DSTDIR -exec chmod a+r {} \;
-    find $DSTDIR -executable -exec chmod a+x {} \;
-    pack_archive "$OUT_DIR/$ARCHIVE" "$TMPDIR" "$RELEASE_PREFIX"
-    fail_panic "Could not create archive: $OUT_DIR/$ARCHIVE"
-echo "Cleaning up."
-rm -rf $TMPDIR/reference
-rm -rf $TMPDIR/prev-ndk
-echo "Done, please see packages in $OUT_DIR:"
-ls -lh $OUT_DIR | tee $OUT_DIR/artifacts.txt
diff --git a/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++abi/ b/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++abi/
index 5555ca7..5f9dead 100644
--- a/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++abi/
+++ b/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++abi/
@@ -53,18 +53,22 @@
 libcxxabi_cppflags := -std=c++11
 ifneq (,$(filter armeabi%,$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)))
+    use_llvm_unwinder := true
     libcxxabi_cppflags += -DLIBCXXABI_USE_LLVM_UNWINDER=1
+    use_llvm_unwinder := false
     libcxxabi_cppflags += -DLIBCXXABI_USE_LLVM_UNWINDER=0
 ifneq ($(LIBCXX_FORCE_REBUILD),true) # Using prebuilt
+ifeq ($(use_llvm_unwinder),true)
 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
 LOCAL_MODULE := libunwind
 LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDES := $(LOCAL_PATH)/libcxxabi/include
 include $(CLEAR_VARS)
 LOCAL_MODULE := libc++abi
@@ -95,7 +99,7 @@
 # on static libraries and topologically sort them to determine link order.
 # Though there is no link step, without this we may link libunwind before
 # libc++abi, which won't succeed.
-ifneq (,$(filter armeabi%,$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI)))
+ifeq ($(use_llvm_unwinder),true)
     LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES += libunwind
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index d694d00..1f5ef08 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -210,8 +210,8 @@
             help=('Run tests against the specified platform version. Defaults '
                   'to the contents of APP_PLATFORM in jni/'))
-            '--toolchain', default='4.9', choices=('4.9', 'clang'),
-            help='Toolchain for building tests. Defaults to gcc-4.9.')
+            '--toolchain', default='clang', choices=('4.9', 'clang'),
+            help='Toolchain for building tests. Defaults to clang.')
             '--show-commands', action='store_true',