blob: dfab42eaf87769a5edc799685f6a122fdddf41fd [file] [log] [blame]
#!/bin/bash -
# Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
set -o nounset # Treat unset variables as an error
set -e
DIR=$(dirname $0)
openssl req -config ${DIR}/default.cnf -new -nodes -batch > cert-rsa-req.pem
openssl req -in cert-rsa-req.pem -pubkey -noout | openssl rsa -pubin -pubout -outform der > cert-rsa-pubkey.der
openssl x509 -extfile ${DIR}/default.cnf -days 3650 -extensions usr_cert -req -signkey privkey.pem -outform d < cert-rsa-req.pem > cert-rsa.der
rm -f cert-rsa-req.pem
openssl asn1parse -in cert-rsa.der -inform d -out cert-rsa-tbs.der -noout -strparse 4
SIG_OFFSET=$(openssl asn1parse -in cert-rsa.der -inform d | tail -1 | cut -f1 -d:)
openssl asn1parse -in cert-rsa.der -inform d -strparse ${SIG_OFFSET} -noout -out cert-rsa-sig.der
# extract startdate and enddate
openssl x509 -in cert-rsa.der -inform d -noout -startdate -enddate > cert-rsa-dates.txt
# extract serial
openssl x509 -in cert-rsa.der -inform d -noout -serial > cert-rsa-serial.txt
openssl req -config ${DIR}/default.cnf -new -nodes -batch | openssl x509 -extfile ${DIR}/default.cnf -extensions keyUsage_extraLong_cert -req -signkey privkey.pem -outform d > cert-keyUsage-extraLong.der
openssl req -config ${DIR}/default.cnf -new -nodes -batch | openssl x509 -extfile ${DIR}/default.cnf -extensions extendedKeyUsage_cert -req -signkey privkey.pem -outform d > cert-extendedKeyUsage.der
openssl req -config ${DIR}/default.cnf -new -nodes -batch | openssl x509 -extfile ${DIR}/default.cnf -extensions ca_cert -req -signkey privkey.pem -outform d > cert-ca.der
openssl req -config ${DIR}/default.cnf -new -nodes -batch | openssl x509 -extfile ${DIR}/default.cnf -extensions userWithPathLen_cert -req -signkey privkey.pem -outform d > cert-userWithPathLen.der
openssl req -config ${DIR}/default.cnf -new -nodes -batch | openssl x509 -extfile ${DIR}/default.cnf -extensions caWithPathLen_cert -req -signkey privkey.pem -outform d > cert-caWithPathLen.der
openssl req -config ${DIR}/default.cnf -new -nodes -batch | openssl x509 -extfile ${DIR}/default.cnf -extensions alt_other_cert -req -signkey privkey.pem -outform d > cert-alt-other.der
openssl req -config ${DIR}/default.cnf -new -nodes -batch | openssl x509 -extfile ${DIR}/default.cnf -extensions alt_email_cert -req -signkey privkey.pem -outform d > cert-alt-email.der
openssl req -config ${DIR}/default.cnf -new -nodes -batch | openssl x509 -extfile ${DIR}/default.cnf -extensions alt_dns_cert -req -signkey privkey.pem -outform d > cert-alt-dns.der
openssl req -config ${DIR}/default.cnf -new -nodes -batch | openssl x509 -extfile ${DIR}/default.cnf -extensions alt_dirname_cert -req -signkey privkey.pem -outform d > cert-alt-dirname.der
openssl req -config ${DIR}/default.cnf -new -nodes -batch | openssl x509 -extfile ${DIR}/default.cnf -extensions alt_uri_cert -req -signkey privkey.pem -outform d > cert-alt-uri.der
openssl req -config ${DIR}/default.cnf -new -nodes -batch | openssl x509 -extfile ${DIR}/default.cnf -extensions alt_rid_cert -req -signkey privkey.pem -outform d > cert-alt-rid.der
openssl req -config ${DIR}/default.cnf -new -nodes -batch | openssl x509 -extfile ${DIR}/default.cnf -extensions alt_none_cert -req -signkey privkey.pem -outform d > cert-alt-none.der
openssl req -config ${DIR}/default.cnf -new -nodes -batch | openssl x509 -extfile ${DIR}/default.cnf -extensions ipv6_cert -req -signkey privkey.pem -outform d > cert-ipv6.der
openssl req -config ${DIR}/default.cnf -new -nodes -batch | openssl x509 -extfile ${DIR}/default.cnf -extensions unsupported_cert -req -signkey privkey.pem -outform d > cert-unsupported.der
openssl dsaparam -out dsaparam.pem 1024
openssl req -config ${DIR}/default.cnf -newkey dsa:dsaparam.pem -keyout dsapriv.pem -nodes -batch | openssl x509 -extfile ${DIR}/default.cnf -extensions keyUsage_cert -req -signkey dsapriv.pem -outform d > cert-dsa.der
rm -f dsaparam.pem
openssl ecparam -name sect283k1 -out ecparam.pem
openssl req -config ${DIR}/default.cnf -newkey ec:ecparam.pem -keyout ecpriv.pem -nodes -batch | openssl x509 -extfile ${DIR}/default.cnf -extensions keyUsage_critical_cert -req -signkey ecpriv.pem -outform d > cert-ec.der
rm -f ecparam.pem
# Create temporary CA for CRL generation
rm -rf /tmp/ca
mkdir -p /tmp/ca
touch /tmp/ca/index.txt
touch /tmp/ca/index.txt.attr
echo "01" > /tmp/ca/serial
openssl req -new -nodes -batch -x509 -extensions v3_ca -keyout cakey.pem -out cacert.pem -days 3650 -config default.cnf
openssl x509 -inform d -in cert-rsa.der -out cert-rsa.pem
openssl ca -revoke cert-rsa.pem -keyfile cakey.pem -cert cacert.pem -config default.cnf
openssl ca -gencrl -crlhours 70 -keyfile cakey.pem -cert cacert.pem -out crl-rsa.pem -config default.cnf
openssl crl -in crl-rsa.pem -outform d -out crl-rsa.der
openssl asn1parse -in crl-rsa.der -inform d -out crl-rsa-tbs.der -noout -strparse 4
SIG_OFFSET=$(openssl asn1parse -in crl-rsa.der -inform d | tail -1 | cut -f1 -d:)
openssl asn1parse -in crl-rsa.der -inform d -strparse ${SIG_OFFSET} -noout -out crl-rsa-sig.der
openssl x509 -inform d -in cert-dsa.der -out cert-dsa.pem
openssl ca -revoke cert-dsa.pem -keyfile cakey.pem -cert cacert.pem -crl_reason cessationOfOperation -extensions unsupported_cert -config default.cnf
openssl ca -gencrl -crldays 30 -keyfile cakey.pem -cert cacert.pem -out crl-rsa-dsa.pem -config default.cnf
openssl crl -in crl-rsa-dsa.pem -outform d -out crl-rsa-dsa.der
# Unsupported extensions
openssl ca -gencrl -crlexts unsupported_cert -keyfile cakey.pem -cert cacert.pem -out crl-unsupported.pem -config default.cnf
openssl crl -in crl-unsupported.pem -outform d -out crl-unsupported.der
openssl crl -inform d -in crl-rsa.der -noout -lastupdate -nextupdate > crl-rsa-dates.txt
openssl crl -inform d -in crl-rsa-dsa.der -noout -lastupdate -nextupdate > crl-rsa-dsa-dates.txt
rm -f cert-rsa.pem cert-dsa.pem cacert.pem cakey.pem crl-rsa.pem crl-rsa-dsa.pem crl-unsupported.pem
rm -rf /tmp/ca
rm -f privkey.pem
rm -f dsapriv.pem
rm -f ecpriv.pem
rm -f certs.pem
cat cert-rsa.der cert-dsa.der > certs.der
openssl x509 -inform d -in cert-rsa.der > certs.pem
openssl x509 -inform d -in cert-dsa.der >> certs.pem
openssl crl2pkcs7 -certfile certs.pem -nocrl > certs-pk7.pem
openssl crl2pkcs7 -certfile certs.pem -nocrl -outform d > certs-pk7.der