blob: 0b9788983a809cb5c6fbb1acd59c72c8f414b9d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Definitions for building the Java library and associated tests.
// Common definitions for host and target.
// libcore is divided into modules.
// The structure of each module is:
// src/
// main/ # To be shipped on every device.
// java/ # Java source for library code.
// native/ # C++ source for library code.
// resources/ # Support files.
// test/ # Built only on demand, for testing.
// java/ # Java source for tests.
// native/ # C++ source for tests (rare).
// resources/ # Support files.
// All subdirectories are optional
// The Java files and their associated resources.
common_core_src_files = [
core_resource_dirs = [
test_resource_dirs = [
test_src_files = [
// ANDROIDMK TRANSLATION ERROR: unsupported conditional
// ifeq ($(EMMA_INSTRUMENT),true)
// ANDROIDMK TRANSLATION ERROR: unsupported conditional
// ifneq ($(EMMA_INSTRUMENT_STATIC),true)
/*common_core_src_files += call all-java-files-under, ../external/emma/core ../external/emma/pregenerated
core_resource_dirs += [
// ANDROIDMK TRANSLATION ERROR: endif from unsupported contitional
// endif
// ANDROIDMK TRANSLATION ERROR: endif from unsupported contitional
// endif*/
libart_core_src_files = common_core_src_files + ["libart/src/main/**/*.java"]
local_javac_flags = [
"-Xmaxwarns 9999999",
//local_javac_flags+=-Xlint:all -Xlint:-serial,-deprecation,-unchecked
// ICU4J related rules.
// We compile icu4j along with core-libart because we're implementing parts of core-libart
// in terms of icu4j.
icu4j_root = "../external/icu/icu4j"
icu4j_src_files = [
icu4j_root + "/main/classes/**/*.java",
icu4j_exclude_src_files = [
// Filter out bits of ICU4J we don't use yet : the SPIs (which we have limited support for),
// the charset encoders and the transliterators.
icu4j_root + "/main/classes/localespi/**/*.java",
icu4j_root + "/main/classes/charset/**/*.java",
icu4j_root + "/main/classes/translit/**/*.java",
// Not all src dirs contain resources, some instead contain other random files
// that should not be included as resources. The ones that should be included
// can be identifed by the fact that they contain particular subdir trees.
icu4j_resource_dirs = [
icu4j_root + "/main/classes/*/src",
icu4j_exclude_resource_dirs = [
icu4j_root + "/main/classes/localespi/src",
icu4j_root + "/main/classes/charset/src",
icu4j_root + "/main/classes/translit/src",
// Definitions to make the core library.
java_library {
srcs: libart_core_src_files + icu4j_src_files,
exclude_srcs: icu4j_exclude_src_files,
java_resource_dirs: core_resource_dirs + icu4j_resource_dirs,
exclude_java_resource_dirs: icu4j_exclude_resource_dirs,
no_standard_libraries: true,
javacflags: local_javac_flags,
dxflags: ["--core-library"],
name: "core-libart",
host_supported: true,
jarjar_rules: "jarjar-rules.txt",
//required: ["tzdata"],
//required: ["tzdata-host"],
// ANDROIDMK TRANSLATION ERROR: unsupported conditional
// ifeq ($(LIBCORE_SKIP_TESTS),)
// Make the core-tests library.
// TODO: needs okhttp, bouncycastle, sqlite-jdbc, mockwebserver, nist-pkix-tests
//java_library_static {
// srcs: test_src_files,
// java_resource_dirs: test_resource_dirs,
// no_standard_libraries: true,
// java_libs: [
// "core-libart",
// "okhttp",
// "core-junit",
// "bouncycastle",
// ],
// java_static_libs: [
// "core-tests-support",
// "sqlite-jdbc",
// "mockwebserver",
// "nist-pkix-tests",
// ],
// javacflags: local_javac_flags,
// name: "core-tests",
// ANDROIDMK TRANSLATION ERROR: endif from unsupported contitional
// endif
// ANDROIDMK TRANSLATION ERROR: unsupported conditional
// ifeq ($(LIBCORE_SKIP_TESTS),)
// Make the core-tests-support library.
java_library_static {
srcs: ["support/src/test/java/**/*.java"],
java_resource_dirs: test_resource_dirs,
no_standard_libraries: true,
java_libs: [
javacflags: local_javac_flags,
name: "core-tests-support",
// ANDROIDMK TRANSLATION ERROR: endif from unsupported contitional
// endif
// ANDROIDMK TRANSLATION ERROR: unsupported conditional
// ifeq ($(LIBCORE_SKIP_TESTS),)
// Make the jsr166-tests library.
java_library_static {
srcs: ["jsr166-tests/src/test/java/**/*.java"],
java_resource_dirs: test_resource_dirs,
no_standard_libraries: true,
java_libs: [
javacflags: local_javac_flags,
name: "jsr166-tests",
// ANDROIDMK TRANSLATION ERROR: endif from unsupported contitional
// endif
// Build for the host.
java_library_host {
srcs: ["dex/src/main/java/**/*.java"],
tags: ["optional"],
name: "dex-host",
target: {
darwin: {
disabled: true,
// Local droiddoc for faster libcore testing
// Run with:
// mm -j32 libcore-docs
// Main output:
// ../out/target/common/docs/libcore/reference/packages.html
// All text for proofreading (or running tools over):
// ../out/target/common/docs/libcore-proofread.txt
// TODO list of missing javadoc, etc:
// ../out/target/common/docs/libcore-docs-todo.html
// Rerun:
// rm -rf ../out/target/common/docs/libcore-timestamp && mm -j32 libcore-docs
// for shared defintion of libcore_to_document
// ANDROIDMK TRANSLATION ERROR: unsupported include
// include $(LOCAL_PATH)/
// rerun doc generation without recompiling the java
// LOCAL_DROIDDOC_OPTIONS:=-offlinemode -title "libcore" -proofread $(OUT_DOCS)/$(LOCAL_MODULE)-proofread.txt -todo ../$(LOCAL_MODULE)-docs-todo.html -hdf android.whichdoc offline
// LOCAL_DROIDDOC_CUSTOM_TEMPLATE_DIR:=build/tools/droiddoc/templates-sdk
// ANDROIDMK TRANSLATION ERROR: unsupported include
// include $(BUILD_DROIDDOC)
// Definitions for building the native code needed for the core library.
cc_library_shared {
name: "libjavacore",
host_supported: true,
cflags: [
cppflags: [
srcs: [
static_libs: [
shared_libs: [
target: {
android: {
shared_libs: [
host: {
host_ldlibs: [
static_libs: [
darwin: {
disabled: true,
local_include_dirs: ["include"],
stl: "libc++",
// Test JNI library.
// ANDROIDMK TRANSLATION ERROR: unsupported conditional
// ifeq ($(LIBCORE_SKIP_TESTS),)
cc_library_shared {
name: "libjavacoretests",
host_supported: true,
cflags: [
cppflags: [
srcs: ["luni/src/test/native/dalvik_system_JniTest.cpp"],
local_include_dirs: ["include"],
shared_libs: ["libcrypto"],
target: {
host: {
host_ldlibs: [
darwin: {
disabled: true,
stl: "libc++",
// ANDROIDMK TRANSLATION ERROR: endif from unsupported contitional
// endif
// Set of gtest unit tests.
cc_test {
srcs: ["luni/src/test/native/libcore_io_Memory_test.cpp"],
local_include_dirs: ["include"],
tags: ["debug"],
name: "libjavacore-unit-tests",
stl: "libc++",
// Set of benchmarks for libjavacore functions.
cc_benchmark {
srcs: ["luni/src/benchmark/native/libcore_io_Memory_bench.cpp"],
local_include_dirs: ["include"],
tags: ["debug"],
name: "libjavacore-benchmarks",
stl: "libc++",
compile_multilib: "both",
multilib: {
lib32: {
suffix: "32",
lib64: {
suffix: "64",
subdirs = ["benchmarks"]