blob: 2b6d19bf5010bf3d6497683631f7ba7c45343e9a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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* questions.
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompileUnit;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.Compiler;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.Namespace;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.types.Type;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ScriptFunction;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.Source;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.UserAccessorProperty;
import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.linker.LinkerCallSite;
* IR representation for function (or script.)
public final class FunctionNode extends LexicalContextNode implements Flags<FunctionNode> {
/** Type used for all FunctionNodes */
public static final Type FUNCTION_TYPE = Type.typeFor(ScriptFunction.class);
/** Function kinds */
public enum Kind {
/** a normal function - nothing special */
/** a script function */
/** a getter, @see {@link UserAccessorProperty} */
/** a setter, @see {@link UserAccessorProperty} */
/** Compilation states available */
public enum CompilationState {
/** compiler is ready */
/** method has been parsed */
/** method has been parsed */
/** constant folding pass */
/** method has been lowered */
/** method hass been attributed */
/** method has been split */
/** method has had its types finalized */
/** method has been emitted to bytecode */
/** Source of entity. */
private final Source source;
/** External function identifier. */
private final IdentNode ident;
/** Parsed version of functionNode */
private final FunctionNode snapshot;
/** The body of the function node */
private final Block body;
/** Internal function name. */
private final String name;
/** Compilation unit. */
private final CompileUnit compileUnit;
/** Function kind. */
private final Kind kind;
/** List of parameters. */
private final List<IdentNode> parameters;
/** First token of function. **/
private final long firstToken;
/** Last token of function. **/
private final long lastToken;
/** Declared symbols in this function node */
private final Set<Symbol> declaredSymbols;
/** Method's namespace. */
private final Namespace namespace;
/** Current compilation state */
private final EnumSet<CompilationState> compilationState;
private final Compiler.Hints hints;
/** Function flags. */
private final int flags;
/** Is anonymous function flag. */
public static final int IS_ANONYMOUS = 1 << 0;
/** Is the function created in a function declaration (as opposed to a function expression) */
public static final int IS_DECLARED = 1 << 1;
/** is this a strict mode function? */
public static final int IS_STRICT = 1 << 2;
/** Does the function use the "arguments" identifier ? */
public static final int USES_ARGUMENTS = 1 << 3;
/** Has this node been split because it was too large? */
public static final int IS_SPLIT = 1 << 4;
/** Does the function call eval? If it does, then all variables in this function might be get/set by it and it can
* introduce new variables into this function's scope too.*/
public static final int HAS_EVAL = 1 << 5;
/** Does a nested function contain eval? If it does, then all variables in this function might be get/set by it. */
public static final int HAS_NESTED_EVAL = 1 << 6;
* Flag this function as one that defines the identifier "arguments" as a function parameter or nested function
* name. This precludes it from needing to have an Arguments object defined as "arguments" local variable. Note that
* defining a local variable named "arguments" still requires construction of the Arguments object (see
* ECMAScript 5.1 Chapter 10.5).
* @see #needsArguments()
public static final int DEFINES_ARGUMENTS = 1 << 8;
/** Does this function or any of its descendants use variables from an ancestor function's scope (incl. globals)? */
public static final int USES_ANCESTOR_SCOPE = 1 << 9;
/** Is this function lazily compiled? */
public static final int IS_LAZY = 1 << 10;
/** Does this function have lazy, yet uncompiled children */
public static final int HAS_LAZY_CHILDREN = 1 << 11;
/** Does this function have lazy, yet uncompiled children */
public static final int IS_PROGRAM = 1 << 12;
/** Does this function have nested declarations? */
public static final int HAS_FUNCTION_DECLARATIONS = 1 << 13;
/** Can this function be specialized? */
public static final int CAN_SPECIALIZE = 1 << 14;
/** Does this function or any nested functions contain an eval? */
private static final int HAS_DEEP_EVAL = HAS_EVAL | HAS_NESTED_EVAL;
/** Does this function need to store all its variables in scope? */
/** Does this function potentially need "arguments"? Note that this is not a full test, as further negative check of REDEFINES_ARGS is needed. */
/** Does this function need the parent scope? It needs it if either it or its descendants use variables from it, or have a deep eval.
* We also pessimistically need a parent scope if we have lazy children that have not yet been compiled */
/** What is the return type of this function? */
private Type returnType = Type.UNKNOWN;
* Constructor
* @param source the source
* @param lineNumber line number
* @param token token
* @param finish finish
* @param firstToken first token of the funtion node (including the function declaration)
* @param namespace the namespace
* @param ident the identifier
* @param name the name of the function
* @param parameters parameter list
* @param kind kind of function as in {@link FunctionNode.Kind}
* @param flags initial flags
public FunctionNode(
final Source source,
final int lineNumber,
final long token,
final int finish,
final long firstToken,
final Namespace namespace,
final IdentNode ident,
final String name,
final List<IdentNode> parameters,
final FunctionNode.Kind kind,
final int flags) {
super(lineNumber, token, finish);
this.source = source;
this.ident = ident; = name;
this.kind = kind;
this.parameters = parameters;
this.firstToken = firstToken;
this.lastToken = token;
this.namespace = namespace;
this.compilationState = EnumSet.of(CompilationState.INITIALIZED);
this.declaredSymbols = new HashSet<>();
this.flags = flags;
this.compileUnit = null;
this.body = null;
this.snapshot = null;
this.hints = null;
private FunctionNode(
final FunctionNode functionNode,
final long lastToken,
final int flags,
final Type returnType,
final CompileUnit compileUnit,
final EnumSet<CompilationState> compilationState,
final Block body,
final List<IdentNode> parameters,
final FunctionNode snapshot,
final Compiler.Hints hints) {
this.flags = flags;
this.returnType = returnType;
this.compileUnit = compileUnit;
this.lastToken = lastToken;
this.compilationState = compilationState;
this.body = body;
this.parameters = parameters;
this.snapshot = snapshot;
this.hints = hints;
// the fields below never change - they are final and assigned in constructor
this.source = functionNode.source; =;
this.ident = functionNode.ident;
this.namespace = functionNode.namespace;
this.declaredSymbols = functionNode.declaredSymbols;
this.kind = functionNode.kind;
this.firstToken = functionNode.firstToken;
public Node accept(final LexicalContext lc, final NodeVisitor visitor) {
if (visitor.enterFunctionNode(this)) {
return visitor.leaveFunctionNode(setBody(lc, (Block)body.accept(visitor)));
return this;
* Get the source for this function
* @return the source
public Source getSource() {
return source;
* Get the version of this function node's code as it looked upon construction
* i.e typically parsed and nothing else
* @return initial version of function node
public FunctionNode getSnapshot() {
return snapshot;
* Throw away the snapshot, if any, to save memory. Used when heuristic
* determines that a method is not worth specializing
* @param lc lexical context
* @return new function node if a snapshot was present, now with snapsnot null
public FunctionNode clearSnapshot(final LexicalContext lc) {
if (this.snapshot == null) {
return this;
return Node.replaceInLexicalContext(lc, this, new FunctionNode(this, lastToken, flags, returnType, compileUnit, compilationState, body, parameters, null, hints));
* Take a snapshot of this function node at a given point in time
* and store it in the function node
* @param lc lexical context
* @return function node
public FunctionNode snapshot(final LexicalContext lc) {
if (this.snapshot == this) {
return this;
if (isProgram() || parameters.isEmpty()) {
return this; //never specialize anything that won't be recompiled
return Node.replaceInLexicalContext(lc, this, new FunctionNode(this, lastToken, flags, returnType, compileUnit, compilationState, body, parameters, this, hints));
* Can this function node be regenerated with more specific type args?
* @return true if specialization is possible
public boolean canSpecialize() {
return getFlag(CAN_SPECIALIZE);
* Get the compilation state of this function
* @return the compilation state
public EnumSet<CompilationState> getState() {
return compilationState;
* Check whether this FunctionNode has reached a give CompilationState.
* @param state the state to check for
* @return true of the node is in the given state
public boolean hasState(final EnumSet<CompilationState> state) {
return compilationState.equals(state);
* Check whether the state of this FunctionNode contains a given compilation
* state.
* A node can be in many states at once, e.g. both lowered and initialized.
* To check for an exact state, use {FunctionNode{@link #hasState(EnumSet)}
* @param state state to check for
* @return true if state is present in the total compilation state of this FunctionNode
public boolean hasState(final CompilationState state) {
return compilationState.contains(state);
* Add a state to the total CompilationState of this node, e.g. if
* FunctionNode has been lowered, the compiler will add
* {@code CompilationState#LOWERED} to the state vector
* @param lc lexical context
* @param state {@link CompilationState} to add
* @return function node or a new one if state was changed
public FunctionNode setState(final LexicalContext lc, final CompilationState state) {
if (this.compilationState.equals(state)) {
return this;
final EnumSet<CompilationState> newState = EnumSet.copyOf(this.compilationState);
return Node.replaceInLexicalContext(lc, this, new FunctionNode(this, lastToken, flags, returnType, compileUnit, newState, body, parameters, snapshot, hints));
* Get any compiler hints that may associated with the function
* @return compiler hints
public Compiler.Hints getHints() {
return this.hints == null ? Compiler.Hints.EMPTY : hints;
* Set compiler hints for this function
* @param lc lexical context
* @param hints compiler hints
* @return new function if hints changed
public FunctionNode setHints(final LexicalContext lc, final Compiler.Hints hints) {
if (this.hints == hints) {
return this;
return Node.replaceInLexicalContext(lc, this, new FunctionNode(this, lastToken, flags, returnType, compileUnit, compilationState, body, parameters, snapshot, hints));
* Create a unique name in the namespace of this FunctionNode
* @param base prefix for name
* @return base if no collision exists, otherwise a name prefix with base
public String uniqueName(final String base) {
return namespace.uniqueName(base);
public void toString(final StringBuilder sb) {
sb.append(' ');
if (ident != null) {
sb.append(' ');
boolean first = true;
for (final IdentNode parameter : parameters) {
if (!first) {
sb.append(", ");
} else {
first = false;
public boolean getFlag(final int flag) {
return (flags & flag) != 0;
public FunctionNode setFlags(final LexicalContext lc, int flags) {
if (this.flags == flags) {
return this;
return Node.replaceInLexicalContext(lc, this, new FunctionNode(this, lastToken, flags, returnType, compileUnit, compilationState, body, parameters, snapshot, hints));
public FunctionNode clearFlag(final LexicalContext lc, final int flag) {
return setFlags(lc, flags & ~flag);
public FunctionNode setFlag(final LexicalContext lc, final int flag) {
return setFlags(lc, flags | flag);
* Returns true if the function is the top-level program.
* @return True if this function node represents the top-level program.
public boolean isProgram() {
return getFlag(IS_PROGRAM);
* Should this function node be lazily code generated, i.e. first at link time
* @return true if lazy
public boolean isLazy() {
return getFlag(IS_LAZY);
* Check if the {@code eval} keyword is used in this function
* @return true if {@code eval} is used
public boolean hasEval() {
return getFlag(HAS_EVAL);
* Get the first token for this function
* @return the first token
public long getFirstToken() {
return firstToken;
* Check whether this function has nested function declarations
* @return true if nested function declarations exist
public boolean hasDeclaredFunctions() {
* Check if this function's generated Java method needs a {@code callee} parameter. Functions that need access to
* their parent scope, functions that reference themselves, and non-strict functions that need an Arguments object
* (since it exposes {@code arguments.callee} property) will need to have a callee parameter.
* @return true if the function's generated Java method needs a {@code callee} parameter.
public boolean needsCallee() {
return needsParentScope() || needsSelfSymbol() || (needsArguments() && !isStrict());
* Get the identifier for this function
* @return the identifier as an IdentityNode
public IdentNode getIdent() {
return ident;
* Return a set of symbols declared in this function node. This
* is only relevant after Attr, otherwise it will be an empty
* set as no symbols have been introduced
* @return set of declared symbols in function
public Set<Symbol> getDeclaredSymbols() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(declaredSymbols);
* Add a declared symbol to this function node
* @param symbol symbol that is declared
public void addDeclaredSymbol(final Symbol symbol) {
* Get the function body
* @return the function body
public Block getBody() {
return body;
* Reset the function body
* @param lc lexical context
* @param body new body
* @return new function node if body changed, same if not
public FunctionNode setBody(final LexicalContext lc, final Block body) {
if(this.body == body) {
return this;
return Node.replaceInLexicalContext(lc, this, new FunctionNode(this, lastToken, flags, returnType, compileUnit, compilationState, body, parameters, snapshot, hints));
* Does this function's method needs to be variable arity (gather all script-declared parameters in a final
* {@code Object[]} parameter. Functions that need to have the "arguments" object as well as functions that simply
* declare too many arguments for JVM to handle with fixed arity will need to be variable arity.
* @return true if the Java method in the generated code that implements this function needs to be variable arity.
* @see #needsArguments()
* @see LinkerCallSite#ARGLIMIT
public boolean isVarArg() {
return needsArguments() || parameters.size() > LinkerCallSite.ARGLIMIT;
* Returns true if this function needs to have an Arguments object defined as a local variable named "arguments".
* Functions that use "arguments" as identifier and don't define it as a name of a parameter or a nested function
* (see ECMAScript 5.1 Chapter 10.5), as well as any function that uses eval or with, or has a nested function that
* does the same, will have an "arguments" object. Also, if this function is a script, it will not have an
* "arguments" object, because it does not have local variables; rather the Global object will have an explicit
* "arguments" property that provides command-line arguments for the script.
* @return true if this function needs an arguments object.
public boolean needsArguments() {
// uses "arguments" or calls eval, but it does not redefine "arguments", and finally, it's not a script, since
// for top-level script, "arguments" is picked up from Context by Global.init() instead.
return getFlag(MAYBE_NEEDS_ARGUMENTS) && !getFlag(DEFINES_ARGUMENTS) && !isProgram();
* Returns true if this function needs access to its parent scope. Functions referencing variables outside their
* scope (including global variables), as well as functions that call eval or have a with block, or have nested
* functions that call eval or have a with block, will need a parent scope. Top-level script functions also need a
* parent scope since they might be used from within eval, and eval will need an externally passed scope.
* @return true if the function needs parent scope.
public boolean needsParentScope() {
return getFlag(NEEDS_PARENT_SCOPE) || isProgram();
* Return the kind of this function
* @see FunctionNode.Kind
* @return the kind
public Kind getKind() {
return kind;
* Return the last token for this function's code
* @return last token
public long getLastToken() {
return lastToken;
* Set the last token for this function's code
* @param lc lexical context
* @param lastToken the last token
* @return function node or a new one if state was changed
public FunctionNode setLastToken(final LexicalContext lc, final long lastToken) {
if (this.lastToken == lastToken) {
return this;
return Node.replaceInLexicalContext(lc, this, new FunctionNode(this, lastToken, flags, returnType, compileUnit, compilationState, body, parameters, snapshot, hints));
* Get the name of this function
* @return the name
public String getName() {
return name;
* Check if this function should have all its variables in its own scope. Scripts, split sub-functions, and
* functions having with and/or eval blocks are such.
* @return true if all variables should be in scope
public boolean allVarsInScope() {
return isProgram() || getFlag(HAS_ALL_VARS_IN_SCOPE);
* Checks if this function is a sub-function generated by splitting a larger one
* @return true if this function is split from a larger one
public boolean isSplit() {
return getFlag(IS_SPLIT);
* Checks if this function has yet-to-be-generated child functions
* @return true if there are lazy child functions
public boolean hasLazyChildren() {
return getFlag(HAS_LAZY_CHILDREN);
* Get the parameters to this function
* @return a list of IdentNodes which represent the function parameters, in order
public List<IdentNode> getParameters() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(parameters);
* Reset the compile unit used to compile this function
* @see Compiler
* @param lc lexical context
* @param parameters the compile unit
* @return function node or a new one if state was changed
public FunctionNode setParameters(final LexicalContext lc, final List<IdentNode> parameters) {
if (this.parameters == parameters) {
return this;
return Node.replaceInLexicalContext(lc, this, new FunctionNode(this, lastToken, flags, returnType, compileUnit, compilationState, body, parameters, snapshot, hints));
* Check if this function is created as a function declaration (as opposed to function expression)
* @return true if function is declared.
public boolean isDeclared() {
return getFlag(IS_DECLARED);
* Check if this function is anonymous
* @return true if function is anonymous
public boolean isAnonymous() {
return getFlag(IS_ANONYMOUS);
* Does this function need a self symbol - this is needed only for self
* referring functions
* @return true if function needs a symbol for self
public boolean needsSelfSymbol() {
return body.getFlag(Block.NEEDS_SELF_SYMBOL);
public Type getType() {
* Get the return type for this function. Return types can be specialized
* if the compiler knows them, but parameters cannot, as they need to go through
* appropriate object conversion
* @return the return type
public Type getReturnType() {
return returnType;
* Set the function return type
* @param lc lexical context
* @param returnType new return type
* @return function node or a new one if state was changed
public FunctionNode setReturnType(final LexicalContext lc, final Type returnType) {
//we never bother with object types narrower than objects, that will lead to byte code verification errors
//as for instance even if we know we are returning a string from a method, the code generator will always
//treat it as an object, at least for now
if (this.returnType == returnType) {
return this;
return Node.replaceInLexicalContext(
new FunctionNode(
Type.widest(this.returnType, returnType.isObject() ?
* Check if the function is generated in strict mode
* @return true if strict mode enabled for function
public boolean isStrict() {
return getFlag(IS_STRICT);
* Get the compile unit used to compile this function
* @see Compiler
* @return the compile unit
public CompileUnit getCompileUnit() {
return compileUnit;
* Reset the compile unit used to compile this function
* @see Compiler
* @param lc lexical context
* @param compileUnit the compile unit
* @return function node or a new one if state was changed
public FunctionNode setCompileUnit(final LexicalContext lc, final CompileUnit compileUnit) {
if (this.compileUnit == compileUnit) {
return this;
return Node.replaceInLexicalContext(lc, this, new FunctionNode(this, lastToken, flags, returnType, compileUnit, compilationState, body, parameters, snapshot, hints));
* Create a temporary variable to the current frame.
* @param block that needs the temporary
* @param type Strong type of symbol.
* @param node Primary node to use symbol.
* @return Symbol used.
* Get the symbol for a compiler constant, or null if not available (yet)
* @param cc compiler constant
* @return symbol for compiler constant, or null if not defined yet (for example in Lower)
public Symbol compilerConstant(final CompilerConstants cc) {
return body.getExistingSymbol(cc.symbolName());