blob: 863f85d4e6ccd2fc079536ed43ea6c4c6fb16e74 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dalvik.system;
import android.compat.annotation.ChangeId;
import android.compat.annotation.EnabledAfter;
import android.compat.annotation.UnsupportedAppUsage;
import dalvik.annotation.compat.VersionCodes;
import java.lang.ref.FinalizerReference;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import dalvik.annotation.optimization.FastNative;
* Provides an interface to VM-global, Dalvik-specific features.
* An application cannot create its own Runtime instance, and must obtain
* one from the getRuntime method.
* @hide
public final class VMRuntime {
* Holds the VMRuntime singleton.
private static final VMRuntime THE_ONE = new VMRuntime();
// Note: Instruction set names are used to construct the names of some
// system properties. To be sure that the properties stay valid the
// instruction set name should not exceed 7 characters. See installd
// and the package manager for the actual propeties.
private static final Map<String, String> ABI_TO_INSTRUCTION_SET_MAP
= new HashMap<String, String>(16);
static {
ABI_TO_INSTRUCTION_SET_MAP.put("armeabi", "arm");
ABI_TO_INSTRUCTION_SET_MAP.put("armeabi-v7a", "arm");
ABI_TO_INSTRUCTION_SET_MAP.put("mips", "mips");
ABI_TO_INSTRUCTION_SET_MAP.put("mips64", "mips64");
ABI_TO_INSTRUCTION_SET_MAP.put("x86", "x86");
ABI_TO_INSTRUCTION_SET_MAP.put("x86_64", "x86_64");
ABI_TO_INSTRUCTION_SET_MAP.put("arm64-v8a", "arm64");
ABI_TO_INSTRUCTION_SET_MAP.put("arm64-v8a-hwasan", "arm64");
* Remove meta-reflection workaround for hidden api usage for apps targeting R+. This allowed
* apps to obtain references to blacklisted fields and methods through an extra layer of
* reflection.
@EnabledAfter(targetSdkVersion = VersionCodes.Q)
private static final long
PREVENT_META_REFLECTION_BLACKLIST_ACCESS = 142365358; // This is a bug id.
* Interface for logging hidden API usage events.
public interface HiddenApiUsageLogger {
// The following ACCESS_METHOD_ constants must match the values in
// art/runtime/hidden_api.h
* Internal test value that does not correspond to an actual access by the
* application. Never logged, added for completeness.
public static final int ACCESS_METHOD_NONE = 0;
* Used when a method has been accessed via reflection.
public static final int ACCESS_METHOD_REFLECTION = 1;
* Used when a method has been accessed via JNI.
public static final int ACCESS_METHOD_JNI = 2;
* Used when a method is accessed at link time. Never logged, added only
* for completeness.
public static final int ACCESS_METHOD_LINKING = 3;
* Logs hidden API access
* @param sampledValue value that was sampled, to be compared against the
* sampling rate
* @param appPackageName package name of the app attempting the access
* @param signature signature of the method being called, i.e
* class_name->member_name:type_signature (e.g.
* {@code>mDoReportFullyDrawn:Z}) for fields and
* class_name->method_name_and_signature for methods (e.g
* {@code>finish(I)V})
* @param accessType how the accessed was done
* @param accessDenied whether the access was allowed or not
public void hiddenApiUsed(int sampledValue, String appPackageName,
String signature, int accessType, boolean accessDenied);
static HiddenApiUsageLogger hiddenApiUsageLogger;
* Sets the hidden API usage logger {@link #hiddenApiUsageLogger}.
* It should only be called if {@link #setHiddenApiAccessLogSamplingRate(int)}
* is called with a value > 0
public static void setHiddenApiUsageLogger(HiddenApiUsageLogger hiddenApiUsageLogger) {
VMRuntime.hiddenApiUsageLogger = hiddenApiUsageLogger;
* Records an attempted hidden API access to
* {@link HiddenApiUsageLogger#hiddenApiUsed(int, String, String, int, boolean}
* if a logger is registered via {@link #setHiddenApiUsageLogger}.
private static void hiddenApiUsed(int sampledValue, String appPackageName, String signature,
int accessType, boolean accessDenied) {
if (VMRuntime.hiddenApiUsageLogger != null) {
VMRuntime.hiddenApiUsageLogger.hiddenApiUsed(sampledValue, appPackageName,
signature, accessType, accessDenied);
* Magic version number for a current development build, which has not
* yet turned into an official release. This number must be larger than
* any released version in {@code android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES}.
* @hide
public static final int SDK_VERSION_CUR_DEVELOPMENT = 10000;
private static Consumer<String> nonSdkApiUsageConsumer = null;
private int targetSdkVersion = SDK_VERSION_CUR_DEVELOPMENT;
// notifyNativeAllocationsInternal (below) should be called every notifyNativeInterval
// allocations. Initialized on demand to allow completely static class initialization.
private int notifyNativeInterval;
// Allocations since last call to native layer. See notifyNativeAllocation().
private final AtomicInteger allocationCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
private long[] disabledCompatChanges = new long[0];
* Prevents this class from being instantiated.
private VMRuntime() {
* Returns the object that represents the VM instance's Dalvik-specific
* runtime environment.
* @return the runtime object
public static VMRuntime getRuntime() {
return THE_ONE;
* Returns a copy of the VM's command-line property settings.
* These are in the form "name=value" rather than "-Dname=value".
public native String[] properties();
* Returns the VM's boot class path.
public native String bootClassPath();
* Returns the VM's class path.
public native String classPath();
* Returns the VM's version.
public native String vmVersion();
* Returns the name of the shared library providing the VM implementation.
public native String vmLibrary();
* Returns the VM's instruction set.
public native String vmInstructionSet();
* Returns whether the VM is running in 64-bit mode.
public native boolean is64Bit();
* Returns whether the VM is running with JNI checking enabled.
public native boolean isCheckJniEnabled();
* Gets the current ideal heap utilization, represented as a number
* between zero and one. After a GC happens, the Dalvik heap may
* be resized so that (size of live objects) / (size of heap) is
* equal to this number.
* @return the current ideal heap utilization
public native float getTargetHeapUtilization();
* Retrieves the finalizer timeout in milliseconds.
* Finalizers that fail to terminate in this amount of time cause the
* runtime to abort.
public native long getFinalizerTimeoutMs();
* Sets the current ideal heap utilization, represented as a number
* between zero and one. After a GC happens, the Dalvik heap may
* be resized so that (size of live objects) / (size of heap) is
* equal to this number.
* <p>This is only a hint to the garbage collector and may be ignored.
* @param newTarget the new suggested ideal heap utilization.
* This value may be adjusted internally.
* @return the previous ideal heap utilization
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if newTarget is &lt;= 0.0 or &gt;= 1.0
public float setTargetHeapUtilization(float newTarget) {
if (newTarget <= 0.0f || newTarget >= 1.0f) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(newTarget + " out of range (0,1)");
/* The native code assumes a value >= 0.1. Clamp it to that. */
if (newTarget < 0.1f) {
newTarget = 0.1f;
/* Synchronize to make sure that only one thread gets a given "old" value if both
* update at the same time. Allows for reliable save-and-restore semantics.
synchronized (this) {
float oldTarget = getTargetHeapUtilization();
return oldTarget;
* Sets the target SDK version. Should only be called before the
* app starts to run, because it may change the VM's behavior in
* dangerous ways. Defaults to {@link #SDK_VERSION_CUR_DEVELOPMENT}.
@UnsupportedAppUsage(maxTargetSdk=0, publicAlternatives="Use the {@code targetSdkVersion}"
+" attribute in the {@code uses-sdk} manifest tag instead.")
public synchronized void setTargetSdkVersion(int targetSdkVersion) {
this.targetSdkVersion = targetSdkVersion;
* Sets the disabled compat changes. Should only be called before the
* app starts to run, because it may change the VM's behavior in
* dangerous ways. Defaults to empty.
public synchronized void setDisabledCompatChanges(long[] disabledCompatChanges) {
this.disabledCompatChanges = disabledCompatChanges;
* Gets the target SDK version. See {@link #setTargetSdkVersion} for
* special values.
public synchronized int getTargetSdkVersion() {
return targetSdkVersion;
private native void setTargetSdkVersionNative(int targetSdkVersion);
private native void setDisabledCompatChangesNative(long[] disabledCompatChanges);
* This method exists for binary compatibility. It was part of a
* heap sizing API which was removed in Android 3.0 (Honeycomb).
public long getMinimumHeapSize() {
return 0;
* This method exists for binary compatibility. It was part of a
* heap sizing API which was removed in Android 3.0 (Honeycomb).
public long setMinimumHeapSize(long size) {
return 0;
* This method exists for binary compatibility. It used to
* perform a garbage collection that cleared SoftReferences.
public void gcSoftReferences() {}
* This method exists for binary compatibility. It is equivalent
* to {@link System#runFinalization}.
public void runFinalizationSync() {
* Implements setTargetHeapUtilization().
* @param newTarget the new suggested ideal heap utilization.
* This value may be adjusted internally.
private native void nativeSetTargetHeapUtilization(float newTarget);
* This method exists for binary compatibility. It was part of
* the external allocation API which was removed in Android 3.0 (Honeycomb).
public boolean trackExternalAllocation(long size) {
return true;
* This method exists for binary compatibility. It was part of
* the external allocation API which was removed in Android 3.0 (Honeycomb).
public void trackExternalFree(long size) {}
* This method exists for binary compatibility. It was part of
* the external allocation API which was removed in Android 3.0 (Honeycomb).
public long getExternalBytesAllocated() {
return 0;
* Tells the VM to enable the JIT compiler. If the VM does not have a JIT
* implementation, calling this method should have no effect.
public native void startJitCompilation();
* Tells the VM to disable the JIT compiler. If the VM does not have a JIT
* implementation, calling this method should have no effect.
public native void disableJitCompilation();
* Sets the list of exemptions from hidden API access enforcement.
* @param signaturePrefixes
* A list of signature prefixes. Each item in the list is a prefix match on the type
* signature of a blacklisted API. All matching APIs are treated as if they were on
* the whitelist: access permitted, and no logging..
public native void setHiddenApiExemptions(String[] signaturePrefixes);
* Sets the log sampling rate of hidden API accesses written to the event log.
* @param rate Proportion of hidden API accesses that will be logged; an integer between
* 0 and 0x10000 inclusive.
public native void setHiddenApiAccessLogSamplingRate(int rate);
* Returns an array allocated in an area of the Java heap where it will never be moved.
* This is used to implement native allocations on the Java heap, such as DirectByteBuffers
* and Bitmaps.
public native Object newNonMovableArray(Class<?> componentType, int length);
* Returns an array of at least minLength, but potentially larger. The increased size comes from
* avoiding any padding after the array. The amount of padding varies depending on the
* componentType and the memory allocator implementation.
public native Object newUnpaddedArray(Class<?> componentType, int minLength);
* Returns the address of array[0]. This differs from using JNI in that JNI might lie and
* give you the address of a copy of the array when in forcecopy mode.
public native long addressOf(Object array);
* Removes any growth limits, allowing the application to allocate
* up to the maximum heap size.
public native void clearGrowthLimit();
* Make the current growth limit the new non growth limit capacity by releasing pages which
* are after the growth limit but before the non growth limit capacity.
public native void clampGrowthLimit();
* Returns true if native debugging is on.
public native boolean isNativeDebuggable();
* Returns true if Java debugging is enabled.
public native boolean isJavaDebuggable();
* Registers a native allocation so that the heap knows about it and performs GC as required.
* If the number of native allocated bytes exceeds the native allocation watermark, the
* function requests a concurrent GC. If the native bytes allocated exceeds a second higher
* watermark, it is determined that the application is registering native allocations at an
* unusually high rate and a GC is performed inside of the function to prevent memory usage
* from excessively increasing. Memory allocated via system malloc() should not be included
* in this count. The argument must be the same as that later passed to registerNativeFree(),
* but may otherwise be approximate.
public native void registerNativeAllocation(long bytes);
* Backward compatibility version of registerNativeAllocation. We used to pass an int instead
* of a long. The RenderScript support library looks it up via reflection.
* @deprecated Use long argument instead.
public void registerNativeAllocation(int bytes) {
registerNativeAllocation((long) bytes);
* Registers a native free by reducing the number of native bytes accounted for.
public native void registerNativeFree(long bytes);
* Backward compatibility version of registerNativeFree.
* @deprecated Use long argument instead.
public void registerNativeFree(int bytes) {
registerNativeFree((long) bytes);
* Return the number of native objects that are reported by a single call to
* notifyNativeAllocation().
private static native int getNotifyNativeInterval();
* Report a native malloc()-only allocation to the GC.
public void notifyNativeAllocation() {
// Minimize JNI calls by notifying once every notifyNativeInterval allocations.
// The native code cannot do anything without calling mallinfo(), which is too
// expensive to perform on every allocation. To avoid the JNI overhead on every
// allocation, we do the sampling here, rather than in native code.
// Initialize notifyNativeInterval carefully. Multiple initializations may race.
int myNotifyNativeInterval = notifyNativeInterval;
if (myNotifyNativeInterval == 0) {
// This can race. By Java rules, that's OK.
myNotifyNativeInterval = notifyNativeInterval = getNotifyNativeInterval();
// myNotifyNativeInterval is correct here. If another thread won the initial race,
// notifyNativeInterval may not be.
if (allocationCount.addAndGet(1) % myNotifyNativeInterval == 0) {
* Report to the GC that roughly notifyNativeInterval native malloc()-based
* allocations have occurred since the last call to notifyNativeAllocationsInternal().
* Hints that we should check whether a GC is required.
public native void notifyNativeAllocationsInternal();
* Wait for objects to be finalized.
* If finalization takes longer than timeout, then the function returns before all objects are
* finalized.
* @param timeout
* timeout in nanoseconds of the maximum time to wait until all pending finalizers
* are run. If timeout is 0, then there is no timeout. Note that the timeout does
* not stop the finalization process, it merely stops the wait.
* @see #Runtime.runFinalization()
* @see #wait(long,int)
public static void runFinalization(long timeout) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Interrupt the current thread without actually throwing the InterruptionException
// for the caller.
public native void requestConcurrentGC();
public native void concurrentGC();
public native void requestHeapTrim();
public native void trimHeap();
public native void startHeapTaskProcessor();
public native void stopHeapTaskProcessor();
public native void runHeapTasks();
* Let the heap know of the new process state. This can change allocation and garbage collection
* behavior regarding trimming and compaction.
public native void updateProcessState(int state);
* Let the runtime know that the application startup is completed. This may affect behavior
* related to profiling and startup caches.
public native void notifyStartupCompleted();
* Fill in dex caches with classes, fields, and methods that are
* already loaded. Typically used after Zygote preloading.
public native void preloadDexCaches();
* Register application info.
* @param profileFile the path of the file where the profile information should be stored.
* @param codePaths the code paths that should be profiled.
public static native void registerAppInfo(String profileFile, String[] codePaths);
* Returns the runtime instruction set corresponding to a given ABI. Multiple
* compatible ABIs might map to the same instruction set. For example
* {@code armeabi-v7a} and {@code armeabi} might map to the instruction set {@code arm}.
* This influences the compilation of the applications classes.
public static String getInstructionSet(String abi) {
final String instructionSet = ABI_TO_INSTRUCTION_SET_MAP.get(abi);
if (instructionSet == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported ABI: " + abi);
return instructionSet;
public static boolean is64BitInstructionSet(String instructionSet) {
return "arm64".equals(instructionSet) ||
"x86_64".equals(instructionSet) ||
public static boolean is64BitAbi(String abi) {
return is64BitInstructionSet(getInstructionSet(abi));
* Return false if the boot class path for the given instruction
* set mapped from disk storage, versus being interpretted from
* dirty pages in memory.
public static native boolean isBootClassPathOnDisk(String instructionSet);
* Returns whether the runtime is using a boot image.
* <p>While isBootClassPathOnDisk checks for the existence of an image file on disk,
* this method queries the runtime whether it is <em>using</em> an image.
public static native boolean hasBootImageSpaces();
* Used to notify the runtime that boot completed.
public static native void bootCompleted();
* Used to notify the runtime to reset Jit counters. This is done for the boot image
* profiling configuration to avoid samples during class preloading. This helps avoid
* the regression from disabling class profiling.
public static native void resetJitCounters();
* Returns the instruction set of the current runtime.
public static native String getCurrentInstructionSet();
* Return true if the dalvik cache was pruned when booting. This may have happened for
* various reasons, e.g., after an OTA. The return value is for the current instruction
* set.
public static native boolean didPruneDalvikCache();
* Register the current execution thread to the runtime as sensitive thread.
* Should be called just once. Subsequent calls are ignored.
public static native void registerSensitiveThread();
* Sets up the priority of the system daemon thread (caller).
public static native void setSystemDaemonThreadPriority();
* Sets a callback that the runtime can call whenever a usage of a non SDK API is detected.
public static void setNonSdkApiUsageConsumer(Consumer<String> consumer) {
nonSdkApiUsageConsumer = consumer;
* Sets whether or not the runtime should dedupe detection and warnings for hidden API usage.
* If deduping is enabled, only the first usage of each API will be detected. The default
* behaviour is to dedupe.
public static native void setDedupeHiddenApiWarnings(boolean dedupe);
* Sets the package name of the app running in this process.
public static native void setProcessPackageName(String packageName);
* Sets the full path to data directory of the app running in this process.
public static native void setProcessDataDirectory(String dataDir);
* Returns whether {@code encodedClassLoaderContext} is a valid encoded class loader context.
* A class loader context is an internal opaque format used by the runtime to encode the
* class loader hierarchy (including each ClassLoader's classpath) used to load a dex file.
* @return True if encodedClassLoaderContext is a non-null valid encoded class loader context.
* Throws NullPointerException if encodedClassLoaderContext is null.
public static native boolean isValidClassLoaderContext(String encodedClassLoaderContext);