blob: 91651252da19c7733ba03415df393e15b55abb10 [file] [log] [blame]
Object.setIndexedPropertiesToExternalArrayData=sets ByteBuffer to hold indexed data (nashorn extension)
Object.getPrototypeOf=returns the prototype of the specified object
Object.setPrototypeOf=sets the prototype of the given object (ES6)
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor=returns a property descriptor for an own property (not inherited property)
Object.getOwnPropertyNames=returns an array of all properties (enumerable or not) found directly on the given object
Object.getOwnPropertySymbols=returns an array of all symbol properties found directly on the given object (ES6)
Object.create=creates a new object with the specified prototype object and properties
Object.defineProperty=adds an own property and/or update the attributes of an existing own property of an object
Object.defineProperties=defines new or modifies existing properties directly on the given object
Object.seal=prevents new properties from being added to the given object and marks existing properties as non-configurable
Object.freeze=prevents new properties from being added to the given object and prevents existing properties from being removed or re-configured
Object.preventExtensions=prevents new properties from ever being added to the given object
Object.isSealed=tells if an object is sealed or not
Object.isFrozen=tells if an object is frozen or not
Object.isExtensible=tells if an object is extensible or not
Object.keys=returns an array of the given object's own enumerable properties
Object=creates a new script object or converts given value as a script object
Object.prototype.toString=returns a string representation of this object
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty=tells whether this object has the specified property or not
Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf=tests for this object in another object's prototype chain
Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable=tells whether the given property is enumerable or not
Object.bindProperties=binds the source object's properties to the target object (nashorn extension)
Array.isArray=tells whether the argument is an array
Array.prototype.toString=returns a string representation of this array
Array.prototype.assertNumeric=asserts that the array is numeric, throws a type error if this is not the case
Array.prototype.toLocaleString=returns a locale-specific string representation of this array
Array=creates a new array
Array.prototype.concat=concatenates arrays
Array.prototype.join=returns a string representation of the array, with a separator placed between elements
Array.prototype.pop=returns the element from the end of the array, or undefined
Array.prototype.push=appends an element to the end of the array
Array.prototype.reverse=reverses the array
Array.prototype.shift=removes the first element from the array and returns that element
Array.prototype.slice=returns a shallow copy of a slice of the array
Array.prototype.sort=sorts the array
Array.prototype.splice=changes the content of the array by removing and/or adding elements
Array.prototype.unshift=adds one or more elements to the beginning of the array
Array.prototype.indexOf=retrieves the first index of an element in the array, or -1 if the element is not found
Array.prototype.lastIndexOf=retrieves the last index of an element in the array, or -1 if the element is not found
Array.prototype.every=applies a predicate to all elements of the array, returns true if the predicate evaluates to true for all
Array.prototype.some=tests whether a predicate evaluates to true for some element in the array
Array.prototype.forEach=applies a function to all elements in the array a function to all elements in the array, returns the array of results
Array.prototype.filter=returns an array with those elements from this array that match a filter function
Array.prototype.reduce=applies a left-fold to the array and returns the result
Array.prototype.reduceRight=applies a right-fold to the array and returns the result
Function=creates a new function with the given parameters and function body
Function.prototype.toString=returns a string representation of this function
Function.prototype.apply=invokes the function with the given this-reference and arguments array the function with the given this-reference and arguments
Function.prototype.bind=returns a new function with bound this-reference and arguments