blob: e63f7a3769d1c22ffd8a64c83eb910a37ddb9bb1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2010, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
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# particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
# by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
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# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
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option.error.invalid.option="{0}" is not a recognized option. Use "{1}" or "{2}" to see a list of all supported options.
nashorn.options = Usage: jjs [option=value]* [filename.js]+ [-- options...]\n\
Valid options are:
# Localized meta descriptions
nashorn.options.param = param
nashorn.options.default = default
# Which option is "help".
# =
# Which option is "xhelp".
nashorn.options.xhelp.key = nashorn.option.xhelp
# Which option is "D".
nashorn.options.D.key = nashorn.option.D
## Grammar: at least short or long form. Arguments are optional, in that case they are given as
## params - a description of the parameters for command line usage
## name - the name of the option, e.g. "--long-name"
## short_name - the short name of the option, e.g. "-l"
## type - the type of the option, currently allowed: boolean, integer, string, log, timezone. defaults to boolean if left out
## is_undocumented - should this option never appear in the online help. defaults to no.
## desc - description of what the option does
## default - default value of the option. e.g. debug.lines is true by default. Not set means option not available by default
## dependency - does this arg imply another arg, e.g. scripting -> anon-functions
## confict - does this arg conflict with another arg e.g trace && instrument
## value_next_arg - is the opton's value passed as next argument in command line?
## At least short_name or name needs to be in place for an argument descriptor to be valid. = { \
name="-help", \
short_name="-h", \
desc="Print help for command line flags." \
nashorn.option.xhelp = { \
name="-xhelp", \
is_undocumented=true, \
desc="Print extended help for command line flags." \
nashorn.option.anon.functions = { \
name="--anon-functions", \
short_name="-af", \
is_undocumented=true, \
desc="Always allow functions as statements." \
nashorn.option.class.cache.size ={ \
name="--class-cache-size", \
short_name="--ccs", \
desc="Size of the Class cache size per global scope.", \
is_undocumented=true, \
type=Integer \
nashorn.option.classpath ={ \
name="-classpath", \
short_name="-cp", \
desc="-cp path. Specify where to find user class files.", \
value_next_arg=true, \
type=String \
nashorn.option.compile.only = { \
name="--compile-only", \
short_name="-co", \
is_undocumented=true, \
desc="Compile without running.", \
type=Boolean \
nashorn.option.d = { \
name="--dump-debug-dir", \
short_name="-d", \
is_undocumented=true, \
params="<path>", \
desc="specify a destination directory to dump class files.", \
type=String \
nashorn.option.doe = { \
name="-dump-on-error", \
short_name="-doe", \
desc="Dump a stack trace on errors."\
nashorn.option.empty.statements = { \
name="--empty-statements", \
is_undocumented=true, \
desc="Preserve empty statements in AST." \
nashorn.option.early.lvalue.error = { \
name="--early-lvalue-error", \
is_undocumented=true, \
desc="invalid lvalue expressions should be reported as early errors.", \
type=Boolean, \
default=true \
nashorn.option.fullversion = { \
name="-fullversion", \
short_name="-fv", \
desc="Print full version info of Nashorn." \
nashorn.option.log = { \
name="--log", \
is_undocumented=true, \
params="<module:level>,*", \
desc="Enable logging of a given level for a given number of sub systems. \
[for example: --log=fields:finest,codegen:info]", \
type=Log \
nashorn.option.debug.lines = { \
name="--debug-lines", \
is_undocumented=true, \
desc="Generate line number table in .class files.", \
default=true \
nashorn.option.debug.locals = { \
name="--debug-locals", \
is_undocumented=true, \
desc="Generate local variable table in .class files." \
nashorn.option.lazy.compilation = { \
name="--lazy-compilation", \
is_undocumented=true, \
desc="EXPERIMENTAL: Use lazy code generation strategies - do not compile the entire script at once." \
nashorn.option.loader.per.compile = { \
name="--loader-per-compile", \
is_undocumented=true, \
desc="Create a new class loader per compile.", \
default=true \
} = { \
name="--no-syntax-extensions", \
short_name="--nse", \
is_undocumented=true, \
desc="No non-standard syntax extensions", \
default=-anon-functions=false \
nashorn.option.package = { \
name="--package", \
is_undocumented=true, \
desc="Package to which generated .class files are added.", \
params="<package>", \
type=String, \
default="" \
nashorn.option.parse.only = { \
name="--parse-only", \
is_undocumented=true, \
desc="Parse without compiling." \
nashorn.option.profile.callsites = { \
name="--profile-callsites", \
short_name="-pcs", \
is_undocumented=true, \
desc="Dump callsite profile data." \
nashorn.option.print.ast = { \
name="--print-ast", \
is_undocumented=true, \
desc="Print abstract syntax tree." \
nashorn.option.print.lower.ast = { \
name="--print-lower-ast", \
is_undocumented=true, \
desc="Print lowered abstract syntax tree." \
nashorn.option.print.code = { \
name="--print-code", \
is_undocumented=true, \
desc="Print bytecode." \
} = { \
name="--print-no-newline", \
is_undocumented=true, \
desc="Print function will not print new line char." \
nashorn.option.print.parse = { \
name="--print-parse", \
is_undocumented=true, \
desc="Print the parse tree." \
nashorn.option.print.lower.parse = { \
name="--print-lower-parse", \
is_undocumented=true, \
desc="Print the parse tree after lowering." \
nashorn.option.print.symbols = { \
name="--print-symbols", \
is_undocumented=true, \
desc="Print the symbol table." \
nashorn.option.D = { \
name="-D", \
desc="-Dname=value. Set a system property. This option can be repeated.", \
type=String \
nashorn.option.strict = { \
name="-strict", \
desc="Run scripts in strict mode." \
nashorn.option.scripting = { \
name="-scripting", \
desc="Enable scripting features.", \
dependency="--anon-functions=true" \
nashorn.option.timezone = { \
name="-timezone", \
short_name="-t", \
params="<timezone>", \
desc="Set timezone for script execution.", \
type=TimeZone \
nashorn.option.stdout = { \
name="--stdout", \
is_undocumented=true, \
type=String, \
params="<output console>", \
desc="Redirect stdout to a filename or to another tty, e.g. stderr" \
nashorn.option.stderr = { \
name="--stderr", \
is_undocumented=true, \
type=String, \
params="<output console>", \
desc="Redirect stderr to a filename or to another tty, e.g. stdout" \
nashorn.option.trace.callsites = { \
name="--trace-callsites", \
short_name="-tcs", \
is_undocumented=true, \
type=keyvalues, \
params="[=[option,]*]", \
desc="Enable callsite trace mode. Options are: miss [trace callsite misses] \
enterexit [trace callsite enter/exit], objects [print object properties]" \
nashorn.option.verify.code = { \
name="--verify-code", \
is_undocumented=true, \
desc="Verify byte code before running." \
nashorn.option.version = { \
name="-version", \
short_name="-v", \
desc="Print version info of Nashorn." \