blob: 87f431552a4ab75474ab0eb16ba40ab3c5d042e7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Currency;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set;
import libcore.libcore.util.SerializationTester;
public class CurrencyTest extends junit.framework.TestCase {
// Regression test to ensure that Currency.getSymbol(Locale) returns the
// currency code if ICU doesn't have a localization of the symbol. The
// harmony Currency tests don't test this, and their DecimalFormat tests
// only test it as a side-effect, and in a way that only detected my
// specific mistake of returning null (returning "stinky" would have
// passed).
public void test_getSymbol_fallback() throws Exception {
// This assumes that AED never becomes a currency important enough to
// Canada that Canadians give it a localized (to Canada) symbol.
assertEquals("AED", Currency.getInstance("AED").getSymbol(Locale.CANADA));
public void test_getSymbol_locale() {
Currency currency = Currency.getInstance("DEM");
assertEquals("DEM", currency.getSymbol(Locale.FRANCE));
assertEquals("DM", currency.getSymbol(Locale.GERMANY));
assertEquals("DEM", currency.getSymbol(Locale.US));
* Checks that the no-argument version of {@link Currency#getSymbol()} uses the
* default DISPLAY locale as opposed to the default locale or the default FORMAT
* locale.
public void test_getSymbol_noLocaleArgument() {
Currency currency = Currency.getInstance("DEM");
Locales locales = Locales.getAndSetDefaultForTest(Locale.US, Locale.GERMANY, Locale.FRANCE);
try {
// getAndSetDefaultForTest(uncategorizedLocale, displayLocale, formatLocale)
assertEquals("DM", currency.getSymbol());
} finally {
// Regression test to ensure that Currency.getInstance(String) throws if
// given an invalid ISO currency code.
public void test_getInstance_illegal_currency_code() throws Exception {
try {
fail("expected IllegalArgumentException for invalid ISO currency code");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
public void testGetAvailableCurrencies() throws Exception {
Set<Currency> all = Currency.getAvailableCurrencies();
// Confirm that a few well-known stable currencies are present.
assertTrue(all.toString(), all.contains(Currency.getInstance("CHF")));
assertTrue(all.toString(), all.contains(Currency.getInstance("EUR")));
assertTrue(all.toString(), all.contains(Currency.getInstance("GBP")));
assertTrue(all.toString(), all.contains(Currency.getInstance("JPY")));
assertTrue(all.toString(), all.contains(Currency.getInstance("USD")));
public void test_getDisplayName_locale_chf() throws Exception {
Currency currency = Currency.getInstance("CHF");
assertEquals("Swiss Franc", currency.getDisplayName(Locale.US));
assertEquals("Schweizer Franken", currency.getDisplayName(new Locale("de", "CH")));
assertEquals("franc suisse", currency.getDisplayName(new Locale("fr", "CH")));
assertEquals("franco svizzero", currency.getDisplayName(new Locale("it", "CH")));
public void test_getDisplayName_locale_dem() throws Exception {
Currency currency = Currency.getInstance("DEM");
assertEquals("Deutsche Mark", currency.getDisplayName(Locale.GERMANY));
assertEquals("German Mark", currency.getDisplayName(Locale.US));
assertEquals("mark allemand", currency.getDisplayName(Locale.FRANCE));
public void test_getDisplayName_null() {
Currency currency = Currency.getInstance("CHF");
try {
} catch (NullPointerException expected) {
* Checks that the no-argument version of {@link Currency#getDisplayName()} uses
* the default DISPLAY locale, as opposed to the default locale or the default
* FORMAT locale.
public void test_getDisplayName_noLocaleArgument() {
Currency currency = Currency.getInstance("DEM");
// getAndSetDefaultForTest(uncategorizedLocale, displayLocale, formatLocale)
Locales locales = Locales.getAndSetDefaultForTest(Locale.US, Locale.GERMANY, Locale.FRANCE);
try {
assertEquals("Deutsche Mark", currency.getDisplayName());
} finally {
public void test_getDefaultFractionDigits() throws Exception {
assertEquals(2, Currency.getInstance("USD").getDefaultFractionDigits());
assertEquals(0, Currency.getInstance("JPY").getDefaultFractionDigits());
assertEquals(-1, Currency.getInstance("XXX").getDefaultFractionDigits());
public void test_getSymbol_38622() throws Exception {
// The CLDR data had the Portuguese symbol for "EUR" in pt, not in pt_PT.
// We weren't falling back from pt_PT to pt, so we didn't find it and would
// default to U+00A4 CURRENCY SIGN (¤) rather than €.
Locale pt_BR = new Locale("pt", "BR");
Locale pt_PT = new Locale("pt", "PT");
assertEquals("R$", Currency.getInstance(pt_BR).getSymbol(pt_BR));
assertEquals("R$", Currency.getInstance(pt_BR).getSymbol(pt_PT));
assertEquals("€", Currency.getInstance(pt_PT).getSymbol(pt_BR));
assertEquals("€", Currency.getInstance(pt_PT).getSymbol(pt_PT));
public void test_nullLocales() {
Currency currency = Currency.getInstance(Locale.getDefault());
try {
} catch (NullPointerException expected) {}
public void testSerialization() throws Exception {
Currency usd = Currency.getInstance("USD");
String actual = SerializationTester.serializeHex(usd);
String expected = "ACED0005737200126A6176612E7574696C2E43757272656E6379FDCD934A5911A91F02" +
"00014C000C63757272656E6379436F64657400124C6A6176612F6C616E672F537472696E673B7870" +
assertEquals(expected, actual);
Currency deserializedUsd = (Currency) SerializationTester.deserializeHex(expected);
assertSame("Currency objects should be singletons", usd, deserializedUsd);
public void test_getNumericCode() throws Exception {
assertEquals(840, Currency.getInstance("USD").getNumericCode());
assertEquals(826, Currency.getInstance("GBP").getNumericCode());
assertEquals(999, Currency.getInstance("XXX").getNumericCode());
assertEquals(0, Currency.getInstance("XFU").getNumericCode());
* It tests the current behavior, but the current behavior may not be expected.
public void test_getInstanceWithLocaleVariant() {
Locale[] invalidLocales = new Locale[] {
// Locale without country code
new Locale("en"),
// Invalid country code
new Locale("en", "XA"),
new Locale("en", "AA"),
// Locale with 3 special variants. It's invalid due to historic reason.
new Locale("de", "DE", "PREEURO"),
new Locale("pt", "PT", "PREEURO"),
new Locale("de", "DE", "EURO"),
new Locale("pt", "PT", "EURO"),
new Locale("zh", "HK", "HK"),
new Locale("en", "US", "HK"),
for (Locale invalidLocale : invalidLocales) {
try {
fail("Currency.getInstance doesn't fail with locale:"
+ invalidLocale.toLanguageTag());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e){
// expected
public void test_localeExtension() {
// Language=en, Country=US, Currency=Euro
Locale locale = Locale.forLanguageTag("en-US-u-cu-eur");
// This is expected because Currency.getInstance only considers country code, not extension.
assertEquals("USD", getCurrency(locale).getCurrencyCode());
private static Currency getCurrency(Locale l) {
try {
return Currency.getInstance(l);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// The locale could have no country or does not have currency for other reasons.
return null;